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Subject: Publicly Accessible Mailing Lists, Part 01/14 Archive-name: mail/mailing-lists/part01 Previous-maintainer: spaf@purdue.edu (Gene Spafford) Last-change: 30 June 1995 by arielle@taronga.com (Stephanie da Silva) [This is the first of fourteen articles on mailing lists.] Quick Summary of Changes ------------------------ Added since last list: acim acimwkbk AAccSys-L Aaudit-L ABooks-L AEthics-L AEthnog-L AFinAcc-L AGvNFP-L AIntAcc-L AIntSys-L AMgtAcc-L ANews-L Anime Officers Club AOilAcc-L AProfsn-L ASocial-L ATax-L ATeach-L ATechno-L ATwoYear-L auto-faq-users Discus-L DRCTalk EPISCOPAL CHURCH Fieros GAlist ghost-planet HEMOfact HUMOURNET IndyJoel IJtalk Interracial Individuals isig ISWorld jai-alai Kimagure Orange Rd Kimagure Orange Rd Trans MedMJ mercedes-lackey nebosnia nikon-list pacifica-l Quotations (Serial) SCANTRON Swiss Watch titanic ZZTop Deleted since last list: dirty-soles indigo-girls Linux-Activists Changed since last list: flags Horn karting LATE-SHOW-NEWS Maria McKee/Lone Justice Rod Stewart self-esteem-self-help Spouse Support stormcock Intro ----- This compilation is copyrighted 1994, 1995 by Stephanie da Silva. No part of it may be reproduced in any form, except through normal Usenet distribution channels, without explicit permission from the author. This is a list of mailing lists available primarily through the Internet and the UUCP network. A mailing list is different from a newsgroup because you do not receive anything unless you specifically request it. To be added to a mailing list, please mail a note to the contact for that list, listed below. If you are new to the net and would like to learn more about mailing lists, two useful newsgroups to read would be news.announce.newusers and news.newusers.questions. My role in this publication is solely in its maintenance and upkeep. I cannot help you subscribe to a mailing list, find lists not listed in this FAQ, nor can I help you find addresses for ones that are outdated. If you wish to bring an invalid contact address to my attention, it would help immensely if you sent me the full bounce header. Not all mailing lists are managed the same way -- specifically, not all lists are run on listservers. Don't send listserver commands unless the contact address starts with "majordomo," "listproc,' or "listserv" or the instructions instruct you to do so. When in doubt, send a message to the request address, which will be in the form <listname>-request@site.domain. To my knowledge the mailing lists are current, although I can't guarantee the accuracy of each listing. Keeping the entries up to date is the responsibility of the individual list owners. Please send corrections only on information taken from the latest version of the PAML. This document is posted on the 19th of each month and supersedes any previous versions. If the version you have is more than one month old, then it is obsolete. The latest version may be obtained from the ftp site. This list is archived and available by anonymous ftp at rtfm.mit.edu under the directory: /pub/usenet-by-group/news.answers/mail/mailing-lists For WWW users, the URL is: http://www.neosoft.com/internet/paml If you have a list that you want added to this posting, send a request to arielle@taronga.com. Please include the list name, contact (request) address and a brief description of your list in the format of the mailing lists already included. 12step Contact: listproc2@bgu.edu Purpose: To discuss/share experiences about 12 step programs such as Alcoholics Anonymous, Overeaters Anonymous, Alanon, ACA, etc. Questions will also be answered. Please include a phone number in case of trouble establishing an e-mail path. To subscribe, send a message to listproc2@bgu.edu and place in the message body subscribe ODAAT@bgu.edu <your address> Last change: Apr 95 2020world Contact: Majordomo@seatimes.com Purpose: 2020world will be a global group exploration of life in the year 2020. 2020world is a weekly column that is published in the Sunday Seattle Times Personal Technology section, and written by Kurt Dahl, VP of Information Technology at The Seattle Times. To subscribe, mail to: majordomo@seatimes.com with this message in the body of text: subscribe 2020world List owner: year2020@seatimes.com Last change: Mar 95 2150 Contact: listserv@wsyd.com Purpose: Discussion Group for Thea Alexander's "2150 A.D." on macro-philosophy. List manager: james@wsyd.com Last change: Mar 95 30something Contact: 30something-request@fuggles.acc.virginia.edu (Marc Rouleau) Purpose: Discussion of the TV show by the same name, including actors, episodes, plots, characters, etc. Last change: Mar 95 3d Contact: JHBercovitz@lbl.gov (John Bercovitz) Purpose: Discussion of 3-D (stereo) photography. General info, hints, experiences, equipment, techniques, and stereo "happenings." Anyone interested is welcome to join. Last change: Mar 95 4AD-L Contact: listserv@jhuvm.bitnet Purpose: This list is for discussion of music on the 4AD Records label, which includes Cocteau Twins, Throwing Muses, Breeders, Belly, Colourbox, and many others. The 4AD label is known for the acoustic, ethereal sound of its roster. Last change: Mar 95 90210 Contact: 90210-request@ferkel.ucsb.edu (Jim Lick) Purpose: Discussion of the Fox TV show "Beverly Hills, 90210." Last change: Mar 95 a-ha Contact: majordomo@ainet.com (Peter W. Losher) Purpose: Discussion of the Scandinavian rock group "a-ha" which burst onto the pop scene in 1985 with their worldwide top-10 hit "Take on Me". Their suceeding 4 records did not get very much publicty from their record label in the US, but they have had #1 singles in the U.K. This list will discuss the group, their albums & their record label. Last change: Mar 95 A.Word.A.Day Contact: agarg@ces.cwru.edu (Anu Garg) Purpose: Exploring Strange New Words. The music and magic of words--that's what A.Word.A.Day is all about. This is a mailing list from a wordserver which mails out an English vocabulary word and its definition (with occasional commentary) daily. To subscribe, send a message to: wsmith@wordsmith.org Make the subject line as: subscribe <your full name here> Leave the body of the message blank -- it is ignored. Last change: Mar 95 AA Men's Meeting Contact: majordomo@io.com Purpose: An online closed men's meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous. In keeping with the Third Tradition of AA, "The only requirement for AA membership is a desire to stop drinking. To subscribe, send email to majordomo@io.com and in the body of the message put subscribe AAMEN help end Last change: Jun 95 AAccSys-L Contact: AAccSys-L-owner@scu.edu.au (Roger Debreceny) Purpose: To discuss Accounting Information Systems. Archives are available at http://anet.scu.edu.au/anet/lists Last change: Jul 95 AAudit-L Contact: AAudit-L-owner (Roger Debreceny) Purpose: To discuss Auditing. Archives are available at http://anet.scu.edu.au/anet/lists Last change: Jul 95 ABC Contact: abc-list-request@cwi.nl (Steven Pemberton) Purpose: Discussion of the ABC Programming Language and its implementations. ABC is an imperative language originally designed as a replacement for BASIC: interactive, very easy to learn, but structured, high-level, and easy to use. Information on ABC is available in "The ABC Programmer's Handbook", Leo Geurts et.al, Prentice Hall 1990; "An Alternative Simple Language and Environment for PCs", Steven Pemberton, IEEE Software, Vol. 4, No. 1, January 1987, pp. 56-64.; by ftp from ftp.cwi.nl, file /pub/abc/abc.intro; and by WWW from http://www.cwi.nl/~steven/abc.html Last change: Mar 95 ABooks-L Contact: ABooks-L-owner@scu.edu.au (Roger Debreceny) Purpose: To announce new books in accounting. Archives are available at http://anet.scu.edu.au/anet/lists Last change: Jul 95 accordion Contact: accordion-request@cs.cmu.edu (Phoebe Sengers) Purpose: The accordion mailing list has been created as a means for individuals with an interest in accordions and accordion music to communicate over the internet. This will be an unmoderated mailing list accessible to everyone with a connected computer. All aspects of acquiring, playing, collecting, repairing, and discography of the accordion will be fair topics of conversation. Accordions of all types and designs, including concertinas and button accordions will be discussed. The general philosophy will be that we can all learn a great deal if we each share what we know with the other members of the e-mail list. Acid Jazz Contact: listserv@ucsd.edu Purpose: This is a manually operated mailing list, not a reflector, for the discussion of Acid Jazz: a relatively new form of dance music popular in European clubs and at raves around the world. Acid Jazz is often a combination of jazz with another style of dance music, which can be anything from Salsa to Hip Hop, Techno to House. Galliano, James Taylor Quartet (JTQ), Acid Jazz, Stone Cold Boners, New Jersey Kings, Stereo MCs, Instinct Records, Soul II Soul, Omar, Young Disciples, West Coast Jazz Massive, Brand New Heavies, Talkin' Loud Records, Exodus Quartet, Mo' Wax, Funk Inc., Rare Grooves, Mother Earth, Kyoto Jazz Massive, Massive Attack, MC Mello, Snowboy, Yo-yo Honey, Dorado Records, Straight No Chaser, Jamiroquai, Night Trains, UFO, Luv'N'Haight Records, Quiet Boys, Beat Goes Public, Urban Species, US3,... If any of these mean anything to you, sign up for the Acid Jazz mailing list. Last change: Mar 95 acim Contact J.Hale@latrobe.edu.au (James Hale) Purpose: General discussion of "A Course in Miracles" and anything related. Exchange of messages between list members with questions, problems, or miracles to share. To subscribe, send email to listserv@latrobe.edu.au and in the body of the messsage put subscribe acim Last change: Jul 95 acimwkbk Contact alwatson@sedona.net (Allen A. Watson) Purpose: Distribution of daily message (currently by Allen Watson) commenting on the daily Workbook lesson from "A Course in Miracles," and the exchange of messages between members concerning the lessons. To subscribe, send email to listserv@latrobe.edu.au and in the body of the message put subscribe acimwkbk Last change: Jul 95 act-up Contact: act-up-request@world.std.com (Lenard Diggins) Purpose: act-up was set up for the discussion of the work being done by the various act-up chapters worldwide, to announce events, to exchange ideas related to aids activism, and, more broadly, to discuss the politics of AIDS and health care. ACTION (Activism Online) Contact: listserv@eff.org Purpose: The ACTION (ACTIvism ONline) Internet mailing list exists to serve as a tightly focused, self-moderated forum and resource for online activists, both professional and volunteer. The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) hosts this conference, though it is open to all, and is not any one organization's organ or property. The list hosts both news announcements and relevant discussion. ACTION is not intended as a debate area or general chat forum, being geared toward networking among activists, planning and strategy, sharing of experience and information, and coordination of efforts. ACTION is an extended outgrowth of the original eff-activists@eff.org list. To subscribe, send mail to listserv@eff.org and in the body of the message put ADD action Last change: Mar 95 ACTIV-L Contact: listserv@mizzou1.missouri.edu Purpose: Discussion of peace, empowerment, justice and environmental issues. To subscribe, send the message SUB ACTIV-L subscribers_name to listserv@mizzou1.missouri.edu Last change: Mar 95 ada-belgium Contact: ada-belgium-request@cs.kuleuven.ac.be Contact: dirk@offis.be Purpose: This list is used for general Ada-related discussions between Ada-Belgium members. Only members can subscribe and post messages to all others on the list. Send an empty message with Subject: help to ada-belgium-request@cs.kuleuven.ac.be Last change: Mar 95 ada-belgium-info Contact: ada-belgium-info-request@cs.kuleuven.ac.be Contact: dirk@offis.be Purpose: This list is used for announcements of Ada-Belgium activities and topics of interest for Ada users in Belgium. Anyone can subscribe, but Ada-Belgium-info is a "read-only" list, i.e. subscribers are not allowed to post. Send an empty message with Subject: help to ada-belgium-info-request@cs.kuleuven.ac.be If you have some announcements that may be of interest for the Ada community in Belgium, feel free to forward it to ada-belgium-info-owner@cs.kuleuven.ac.be, and it will be posted to the mailing list if appropriate. Last change: Mar 95 ADA-Law Contact: wtm@bunker.shel.isc-br.com Purpose: Discussion of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and other disability-related legislation not only in the United States but other countries as well. To subscribe, send the message Subscribe ADA-Law your name to listserv@vm1.nodak.edu List owner: wtm@bunker.shel.isc-br.com Last change: Mar 95 ada-train Contact: listserv@wunet.wustl.edu (Richard Conn) Purpose: This list is for the discussion of topics concerning Ada programming and design as well as software engineering training and education. This is a general discussion list. To subscribe, send email to listserv@wunet.wustl.edu Leave the subject line blank, and place one line in the body of the message: subscribe ada-train Last change: Mar 95 add-parents Contact: add-parents-request@mv.mv.com Purpose: For providing support and information to parents of children with Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder. To subscribe, send mail to add-parents-request@mv.mv.com. Last change: Mar 95 adoptees adoptees-digest Contact: listserv@ucsd.edu Purpose: The adoptees mailing list is a forum for discussion among adult adoptees of any topic related to adoption. It is not intended to be a general discussion forum for adoption among non-adoptees. To subscribe, send email to adoptees-request@ucsd.edu with subscribe [address] adoptees in the body of the text. Last change: Mar 95 adoption Contact: listserv@listserv.law.cornell.edu Contact: adoption-request@listserv.law.cornell.edu Purpose: To discuss anything and everything connected with adoption. List owner: owner-adoption@listserv.law.cornell.edu Last change: Jun 95 Advertising Law Contact: majordomo@webcom.com Purpose: The list covers advertising law jurisprudence. One can subscribe to the list by sending email to: adlaw-request@webcom.com with the word subscribe in the body. Last change: May 95 AEthics-L Contact: AEthics-L-owner@scu.edu.au (Roger Debreceny) Purpose: To discuss Ethics in accounting. Archives are available at http://anet.scu.edu.au/anet/lists Last change: Jul 95 AEthnog-L Contact: AEthnog-L-owner@scu.edu.au (Roger Debreceny) Purpose: To discuss Accounting Ethnography. Archives are available at http://anet.scu.edu.au/anet/lists Last change: Jul 95 af Contact: af-request@crl.dec.com Purpose: Discussion of AudioFile, a client/server, network transparent, device independent audio system. Last change: Mar 95 AFinAcc-L Contact: AFinAcc-L-owner@scu.edu.au (Roger Debreceny) Purpose: To discuss Financial Accounting. Archives are available at http://anet.scu.edu.au/anet/lists Last change: Jul 95 AFRICA-N Contact: frabbani@epas.utoronto.ca (Faraz Rabbani) Purpose: A moderated mailing list dedicated to the exchange of news and information on Africa from many sources. To subscribe, email LISTSERV@utoronto.bitnet and send the following one-line message [the subject header is ignored]: SUBSCRIBE AFRICA-N YOUR NAME Last change: Mar 95 agenda-users Contact: agenda-users-request@newcastle.ac.uk Purpose: For users of the Microwriter Agenda handheld computer. Last change: Mar 95 AGMODELS-L Contact: jp@unl.edu (Jerome Pier) Purpose: A forum for the discussion of agricultural simulation models of all types. Plant growth, micro-metorlogical, soil hydrology, transport, economic, farm systems, and many other models may be discussed. Problems and advantages of computer simulation models for agriculture as well as the role played by models in the future of agriculture. The list is unmoderated. To subscribe, send email to listserv@unl.edu containing the one line message SUB AGMODELS-L your name Last change: Jun 95 AGvNFP-L Contact: AGvNFP-L-owner@scu.edu.au (Roger Debreceny) Purpose: To discuss Governmental and Not-for-Profit Accounting. Archives are available at http://anet.scu.edu.au/anet/lists Last change: Jul 95 ai-nat Contact: Majordomo@adfa.oz.au Purpose: Discussion relating to the application of artificial intelligence techniques to natural World problems, arising in such areas as natural resource management, defence, mining, etc. List maintainer: rim@csadfa.cs.adfa.oz.au Last change: Mar 95 aids Contact: aids-request@cs.ucla.edu (sci.med.aids moderation team) Purpose: A mailing list mirror of the newsgroup sci.med.aids. Covers medical, political and social issues of AIDS and HIV. Several newsletters, including the CDC Daily Summary and AIDS Treatment News, are carried. To subscribe, send mail to listserv@rutvm1.rutgers.edu Last change: Mar 95 Aikido-L Contact: LISTSERV@PSUVM.PSU.EDU (Gerry Santoro) Purpose: Discussion and information exchange regarding the Japanese martial art Aikido. Send subscription requests to LISTSERV@PSUVM.PSU.EDU as electronic mail with the following in the body of the mail // JOB SUBSCRIBE AIKIDO-L your-name-here // EOJ This is based on an IBM LISTSERV. Last change: Mar 95 AIntAcc-L Contact: AIntAcc-L-owner@scu.edu.au (Roger Debreceny) Purpose: To discuss International Accounting. Archives are available at http://anet.scu.edu.au/anet/lists Last change: Jul 95 AIntSys-L Contact: AIntSys-L-owner@scu.edu.au (Roger Debreceny) Purpose: To discuss Intelligent and Expert Systems in accounting. Archives are available at http://anet.scu.edu.au/anet/lists Last change: Jul 95 Ajax Amsterdam Contact: vdpoll@fwi.uva.nl Purpose: For fans or anyone else who's interested. Al-Anon/Alateen Contact: odat@ccnet.com Purpose: The Al-Anon Family Groups are a fellowship of relatives and friends of alcoholics who share their experience, strength and hope in order to solve their common problems. We believe alcoholism is a family disease and that changed attitudes can aid in recovery. More information about Al-Anon and Alateen (for younger members of Al-Anon) may be found on our WWW page; http://solar.rtd.utk.edu/~al-anon/ To subscribe, send an email message to listproc@solar.rtd.utk.edu Leave the Subject line blank, with the message subscribe Al-Anon <firstname> <lastname> List maintainer: odat@ccnet.com Last change: Mar 95 ALBANY-DEMOCRATS Contact: albany-democrats-request@webcom.com Purpose: A mailing list for Albany, NY (city and county) enrolled Democrats who wish to see the party remain in its position of leadership and who are interested in playing a role in that effort in upcoming elections. ALBANY-DEMOCRATS is not a debate or issues oriented list. Flames will not be tolerated! To subscribe, send email to albany-democrats-request@webcom.com and in the body of your message put subscribe albany-democrats <your email address> end Last change: May 95 alife Contact: alife-request@cognet.ucla.edu Purpose: The alife mailing list is for communications regarding artificial life, a formative interdisciplinary field involving computer science, the natural sciences, mathematics, medicine and others. The recent book _Artificial Life_, Christopher Langton, ed., Addison Wesley, 1989 introduces the scope of artificial life as a field of study. Alife was chartered in February 1990 at the Second Artificial Life Workshop, held in Santa Fe & organized by the Center for Nonlinear Studies at the Los Alamos National Laboratory and the Santa Fe Institute. The list is intended primarily for low-volume, high-content scientific correspondence and as a publically accessible forum for the interested members of the public. Membership as of July 1990 includes over 1,200 addresses on four continents. There is an FTP-accessible archives/repository of past traffic, software and papers. The list is maintained by the Artificial Life Research Group, Computer Science Department, Lindley Hall 101, Indiana University Bloomington, IN 47405. There are conditions on redistribution of the list in order to minimize any misunderstanding or exaggeration concerning this new area of study. allman Contact: allman-request@world.std.com (Eric Budke) Purpose: The discussion of the Allman Brothers Band and its derivatives. Some tape trading, tour info and whatever else happens to pop up that I can't think of right now. Last change: Mar 95 alpha-osf-managers Contact: alpha-osf-managers-request@ornl.gov Contact: majordomo@ornl.gov Purpose: Fast-turnaround troubleshooting tool for managers of DEC Alpha AXP systems running OSF/1. Last change: Mar 95 alt-keyboards Contact: listserv@gu.uwa.edu.au Purpose: To discuss non-qwerty keyboards, their usefulness, availability and problems. There is an associated ftp site at ftp.gu.uwa.edu.au:/pub/alt-keyboards which contains dvorak keyboard drivers for a variety of computers and operating systems. To subscribe to the list send email to listserv@gu.uwa.edu.au with a message body of subscribe alt-keyboards <your name> Last change: Mar 95 alt-music Contact: bgordon@pcsmtp.lcec.lockheed.com (Brett Gordon) Purpose: Discussion of the alternative music scene. Group will discuss searches for out-of-print recordings, the latest in news, upcoming concerts in your area, etc. Last change: Jun 95 alt-politics-datahighway Contact: listserv@eff.org Purpose: A mail to news gateway of the newsgroup alt.politics.datahighway. (Un)subscribe address and method: send message body of [un]subscribe list-name (no quotes, no name, no email address, no subject) to listserv@eff.org Contact address for person: eff@eff.org Contact address for basic EFF info (it's an infobot): info@eff.org. Alternate Tuning Contact: listproc@eartha.mills.edu Purpose: For exchanging ideas relevant to alternate tunings: just intonation; paratactical tunings; experimental musical instrument design; non-standard equal temperaments; MIDI tuning system exclusive specs; concert postings; gamelan tunings and other non-western tunings; historical tunings; the experimental tunings of Harry Partch, Lou Harrison, Martin Bartlett, James Tenney, and so on; software reports; recordings; books; research sources, etc. etc. etc. List owner: madole@mills.edu (David Madole) Last change: May 95 alternates Contact: alternates-request@ns1.rutgers.edu Purpose: Mail.alternates is a mail list for people who advocate, and/or practice an open sexual lifestyle. Its members are primarily bisexual men and women, and their SO's. Mail.alternates is intended as a forum, and support group for adult men and women who espouse their freedom of choice and imagination in human sexual relations, no matter what their orientaion. Those who are offended by frank, and uninhibited discussions relating to sexual issues should not subscribe. Last change: Mar 95 Alternative Energy Contact: LISTSERV@SJSUVM1.SJSU.EDU Purpose: The AE Alternative Energy Discussion Mailing List is intended to provide a forum to discuss the current state of the art and future direction of alternative energy sources that are renewable and sustainable. An alternative energy source is taken to include solar, wind, geothermal, tidal, electro-chemical, hydro-electric, or any renewable and sustainable energy source. To subscribe to the AE mailing list, send the command SUBSCRIBE AE firstname lastname to LISTSERV@SJSUVM1.SJSU.EDU After subscribing, you may enable the digest feature by sending SET AE DIGEST to LISTSERV@SJSUVM1.SJSU.EDU List owner: cvisser@ucrmath.ucr.edu (Clyde R. Visser, KD6GWN) Last change: Mar 95 Alternative Photo Processes Contact: listproc@vast.unsw.edu.au Contact: stevea@vast.unsw.edu.au (Steve Avery) Purpose: The discussion of photographic processes which are not based on silver chemistry, eg. platinum, cyanotype, gum bichromate, dye transfer, polaroid, etc. To join the list, email listproc@vast.unsw.edu.au with the message sub alt-photo-process Your Name Last change: Mar 95 AltInst Contact: Altinst-request@cco.caltech.edu (Robin Hanson) Purpose: You are invited to joint "AltInst", a new email list on Alternative Institutions. AltInst is solely for proposing and critiquing alternative institutions for various walks of life. Alternative ways to run conversations, countries, households, markets, offices, romances, schools, etc. are all fair game. AltInst is open to folks from any political persuasion, but general political flaming/discussion is forbidden. Skip the theory and just tell us your vision of how something could be different, and how that would work. Many of us are truly excited to hear about creative well-considered suggestions, no matter what the source, but quickly bored by both ideological is-to-is-not flaming, and partisan rah-rahs for anything "politically correct" in some camp. Last change: Mar 95 altmed-res Contact: mbm2y@virginia.edu (Martha Brown Menard) Purpose: Discussion of issues related to alternative or complementary medicine research. Pertinent topics include new findings, methodological issues, announcements of upcoming research conferences and seminars, and requests for information or collaboration regarding proposed studies. Because we wish to promote interdisciplinary communication in a broad and rapidly expanding field, we welcome contributions from academically trained researchers, and both conventional and complementary practitioners. It is not intended to be a resource for recommending particular therapies or practitioners for individuals. To subscribe, send mail to: majordomo@virginia.edu with the message subscribe altmed-res <address> in the body of the text. If your mailer adds an automatic signature, use the command "end" on the next line to prevent majordomo from reading your signature as a series of commands. Last change: Mar 95 Amazons International Contact: amazons-request@math.uio.no (Thomas Gramstad) Purpose: Amazons International is an electronic digest newsletter for and about Amazons (physically and psychologically strong assertive women who are not afraid to break free from traditional ideas about gender roles, femininity and the female physique) and their friends and lovers. Amazons International is dedicated to the image of the female hero in fiction and in fact, as it is expressed in art and literature, in the physiques and feats of female athletes, in sexual values and practices, and provides information, discussion and a supportive environment for these values and issues. Gender role traditionalists and others who are opposed to Amazon ideals should not subscribe. Last change: Mar 95 AMC List Contact: listserv@scan.si.edu Purpose: The AMC List is for the discussion of American Motors cars, including Ramblers, AMC-built Renaults and Jeeps, and all related AMC products. To subscribe, send email to LISTSERV@SCAN.SI.EDU and in the BODY of the message, include the following line SUBSCRIBE AMC-LIST {your full name} Last change: Apr 95 American Atheist Contact: postmaster@atheist.org (R. Murray-O'Hair) Purpose: To distribute American Atheists material, information and announcments. Moderated list open to all interested individuals. Last change: May 95 AMgtAcc-L Contact: AMgtAcc-L-owner@scu.edu.au (Roger Debreceny) Purpose: To discuss Management Accounting. Archives are available at http://anet.scu.edu.au/anet/lists Last change: Jul 95 Amiga CDROM Contact: cdrom-list-request@ben.com Purpose: For Amigans who use or are interested in CDROM drives and discs. Questions or comments about the list can be sent to me (ben@ben.com). Questions about CDROMs (installation, troubleshooting, etc) should be sent to the list and not me directly. I am archiving all posts to the list. AMOS Contact: amos-request@access.digex.net (Michael Cox) Purpose: To discuss programming in AMOS Creator, AMOS Pro, and Easy AMOS for the Amiga computer. All types of programming are welcome: Games, demos, applications, etc. To subscribe, just send email to the above address with your email address in the message. Last change: Mar 95 AMSAT-BB (AMSAT Bulletin Board) Contact: listserv@amsat.org Purpose: General discussion of amateur radio satellites. Last change: Mar 95 Analogue Heaven Contact: analogue-request@magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu (Todd Sines) Purpose: The Analogue Heaven mailing list, founded in late 1992, is an unmoderated mailing list catering to the needs of those interested in vintage analogue electronic music equipment. Frequent for-sale items, repair tips, equipment modifications, ASCII & GIF schematics, and general contemporary & historical discussion of new and old analogue synthesizers, sequencers, drum machines, and effects units are common topics of the mailing list. There is an FTP/Gopher site located at cs.uwp.edu with past discussions on various machines, a definitive guide to Roland synths, patch editors, modification schematics, GIFs/JPEGs of vintage synths, as well a few sound samples of some of the gear itself. Analysis-L Contact: maiser@fs4.in.umist.ac.uk Purpose: This list is for the discussion of all aspects of analytical science including techniques, methodologies and hardware. (This list is not just for the discussion of analytical chemistry but for the wider subject area of analytical science). To subscribe, mail to maiser@fs4.in.umist.ac.uk with this message in the body of text subscribe Analysis-L List owner: Andy.Packham@umist.ac.uk Last change: Mar 95 Analytic Philosophy Contact: analytic-request@lt.org Description: Analytic is a public and moderated mailing list for the discussion of analytic philosophical thought, its history, its literature, and other topics of related interest. The criteria applied for the moderation of the list are little more than a check for common courtesy and the rules of nettiquette. The intended audience is anyone who is well acquainted with at least a few of the basic philosophical writings in the analytic tradition. Profs and students alike are welcome, as are both professionals and amateurs. The intent is to provide a forum for informal dicussions and exchanges of resources. Archived: http://lt.org/analytic List moderator: rv@lt.org (Rodrigo Vanegas) Last change: Jun 95 Andean Music Contact: majordomo@lvande.us.net Purpose: Dedicated to the discussion of Andean/Latin Folk Music and culture, including technique, announcements, instruments, sources, discographies, and related "chit-chat". To subscribe, send email to majordomo@lvande.us.net and in the body of the message put subscribe andino FAQ and Archives: http://lvande.us.net/ http://www.innotts.co.uk/~lelandv/ ftp://lvande.us.net/andino/ List owner: owner-andino@lvande.us.net Last change: Jun 95 ANDERE-L Contact: listserv@ucsbvm.ucsb.edu Purpose: The official listserv of the Department of Religious Studies at the University of California, Santa Barbara, ANDERE-L serves as a forum for discussion of theories, methods, and approaches to the study of religion, including (but not limited to) history of religions, sociology of religion, and interdisciplinary methods. Subscription is not automatic. Membership is by application only, and generally limited to professors, graduate students, advanced undergraduates, and qualified independent scholars. Last change: Feb 95 Andrew Lloyd Webber Contact: majordomo@world.std.com Purpose: Discussion list for fans of the Composer/Producer. To suscribe, send email to majordomo@world.std.com In the body of the message, put subscribe alw end Last change: Feb 95 ANews-L Contact: AAccSys-L-owner@scu.edu.au (Roger Debreceny) Purpose: To provide a news channel for accounting related issues. Archives are available at http://anet.scu.edu.au/anet/lists To subscribe, send email to listproc@scu.edu.au and in the body of the message put subscribe listname your_first_name your_surname Last change: Jul 95 ani-difranco ani-difranco-digest Contact: ani-difranco-approval@world.std.com Purpose: Discussion of the folk/punk singer-songwriter Ani DiFranco, her music, independent label (Righteous Babe Records), and fans. To subscribe, send email to majordomo@world.std.com with subscribe ani-difranco or subscribe ani-difranco-digest in the *body* of the message. List maintainer: meagzone@world.std.com Last change: Apr 95 ani-l Contact: listserv@utkvm1.utk.edu Purpose: This is the cyberspace of Autism Network International, the self-advocacy network for autistic people. Subscription is open to autistics and others who agree to the terms and principles of the list. This list is for sharing among autistic people, "cousins," and friends, and for promoting autistic civil rights, self-determination, and access to adequate education and supports to facilitate living and functioning in the world. It is NOT a place for discussion of causes, preventions, or "cures" for autism. People interested in discussing these topics are invited to look elsewhere. To subscribe, send mail to listserv@utkvm1.utk.edu with subscribe ani-l in the body of the message. Last change: Mar 95 AniMaster-L Contact: listserv@netcom.com Purpose: To provide a forum for the discussion of 3D animation as done using tools produced by Hash Enterprises. The tools Playmation and Animation: Master (available for PC, Mac, Power Mac, SGI, Alpha, and MIPS processors) are the main focus of discussion. A couple of the guys who work at Hash are on the list and they answer the really tough questions. To subscribe send mail (with no subject) to listserv@netcom.com The message should consist of subscribe animaster-L Last change: Apr 95 Animators List Contact: animate-request@xmission.com Description: This mailing list discusses aspects of creating animation, ranging from hand-drawn films to computer animated pieces. Artistic, technical and consumer concerns are addressed. Participants share information about equipment, programs and techniques. For animators or people interested in becoming animators. This is not just for fans of animation. Web Site: http://www.xmission.com/~grue/animate Last change: Mar 95 Anime Club Officers List Contact: aco-request@gnu.ai.mit.edu Purpose: A gathering place for the officers of Japanese Animation clubs to discuss about various related anime and club topics. To subscribe, send email to aco-request@gnu.ai.mit.edu and in the body of the message put subscribe your@email.address Your Name What club you represent What's your position in this club What's the location of this club Your club's WWW page (if applicable) Last change: Jul 95 ANS (AMSAT News Service) Contact: listserv@amsat.org Purpose: Official bulletins of the AMSAT News Service, containing information of interest to radio amateurs interested in space communications. Also carries SpaceNews, a weekly newsletter. No discussion. Last change: Mar 95 AOilAcc-L Contact: AOilAcc-L-owner@scu.edu.au (Roger Debreceny) Purpose: To discuss Extractive Industries. Archives are available at http://anet.scu.edu.au/anet/lists Last change: Jul 95 AOSCNet Contact: rccons!aoscnet_hq@telerama.pgh.pa.us Purpose: All Ohio Scanner Club AOSCNet Scanner Radio Mailing List. To subscribe send a message to: rccons!aoscnet_hq@telerama.pgh.pa.us Please include your email address & AOSC Membership number. (These lists are closed to members & editors of the AOSC only.) Last change: Mar 95 APANET Contact: apanet-owner@queernet.org Subject: The Asian-Pacific-American mailing-list is a closed (for subscribers only), unmoderated (all messages are posted) list that pertains to any subject of concern to queer Asian-Pacific-Americans (QAPA's). It is also open to all parties interested in the same. The list was set up as a venue for the free exchange of ideas regardless of subscribers' sex, gender, orientation, race, ethnicity, age, weight, height, physical or mental impairment, religion, political affiliation, aesthetic persuasion or erotic predilection. It is intended as a forum for the discussion of social, political, moral, ethical, spiritual, sexual, medical and all other issues that the subscribers may care to raise. To subscribe, send email to majordomo@queernet.org with the message (not subject line): subscribe apanet To unsubscribe, send email to: majordomo@queernet.org with the message (not subject line): unsubscribe apanet Special note to AOL users: please subscribe using a screen name you plan to keep. If you change your screen name, apanet mail to you will start bouncing, and I'll have to drop you from the list. Last change: Mar 95 apc-open Contact: apc-open-request@uunet.uu.net (Fred Rump) Contact: fred@compu.com Purpose: To interchange information relevant to SCO Advanced Product Centers. Membership restricted to APC OPEN members or those specifically invited. Appalachian Trail Contact: listproc@inc.net Purpose: For the discussion of AT related topics, including general use of the AT, trail maintenance, Tips for AT hikers, AT/ATC/NPS politics, etc. This list is unmoderated, but abuse will lead to your immediate removal from the list. Relevant commercial announcements are welcome, as long as repeat postings are limited to a frequency of one every two weeks. To subscribe, send email to listproc@inc.net and in the body of the message put subscribe at-l To unsubscribe, send email to listproc@inc.net and in the body of the message put unsubscribe at-l List administrator: ryan@inc.net (Ryan Brooks) Last change: Jun 95 Apple Internet Mailing Lists Contact: listproc@abs.apple.com Purpose: For people who are using Apple computers on the Internet. There are four mailing lists available: Apple-Internet-Providers, Apple-Internet-Users, Apple-Internet-Authoring and Apple-Internet-Announce. For information on how to subscribe, please send mail to listproc@abs.apple.com and in the body of the message put info apple-internet-announce List owner: chuq@plaidworks.com Last change: Jun 95 appware-info Contact: appware-info-request@adeva.org Purpose: Novell Inc.'s AppWare(tm) is a layer of software that improves and accelerates the process of creating and deploying cross-platform network and standalone applications. Appware-info provides a forum for discussion of issues related to the software. AppWare, and the discussions on appware-info, encompass the AppWare Graphical Development Environment, AppWare Loadable Modules (ALMs), and the ALM Software Developer's Kit tools from Novell. To: appware-info-request@adeva.org From: you@whereever.whatever Subject: subscribe To remove yourself from the list, send a message with the word "unsubscribe" as the Subject: to the appware-info-request@adeva.org address. The message should look like: To: appware-info-request@adeva.org From: you@whereever.whatever Subject: unsubscribe The list is maintained on adeva.org. An anonymous ftp site for AppWare-related software and information is also maintained at ftp.adeva.org; look in the /pub/adeva directory. A WWW page can be found at http://www.adeva.org/ List coordinator: adeva@adeva.org Last change: May 95 AProfsn-L Contact: AProfsn-L-owner@scu.edu.au (Roger Debreceny) Purpose: To discuss Academic/Profession Interface. Archives are available at http://anet.scu.edu.au/anet/lists Last change: Jul 95 AR-News Contact: AR-News-Request@cygnus.com (Ian Lance Taylor) (Chip Roberson) Purpose: A public news wire for items relating to Animal Rights and Welfare. Appropriate postings to AR-News include: posting a news item, requesting information on some event, or responding to a request for information. Discussions on AR-News will NOT be allowed and we ask that any commentary either be taken to AR-Talk or to private E-mail. Currently, no resources are available for archiving this list. Last change: Mar 95 AR-Talk Contact: AR-Talk-Request@cygnus.com (Chip Roberson) (Ian Lance Taylor) Purpose: An unmoderated list for the discussion of Animal Rights. Peter Singer's book "Animal Liberation" proposes a "New Ethics for our Treatment of Animals" and many activist groups, such as PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals), regard this as the "Bible of the Animal Rights movement". Consumers and researches alike are facing new questions concerning the human animals' treatment of the rest of the animal kingdom. Currently, no resources are available for archiving this list. Last change: Mar 95 arachnid Contact: majordomo@bga.com (Edward H. Welbon) Purpose: The Arachnid mail list is a forum for the discusion of spiders, scorpions and other members of the class Arachnida. Of particular interest is the husbandry and breeding of tarantulas and scorpions with empahsis on the needs of these animals when kept as pets. This list is not moderated, but proper email etiquette is expected. An archive of the list traffic is available. The list is operated via majordomo software. To subscribe, mail to: majordomo@bga.com With the folowing as the first two lines in the message text: subscribe arachnid end List owner: welbon@bga.com (Edward H. Welbon) Last change: Mar 95 argentina Contact: argentina-request@journal.math.indiana.edu (Elena Fraboschi) Purpose: Mailing list for general discussion and information. By joining you can learn about how to make those patties (empanadas) that you miss so much, you can discuss on how to 'cebar un buen mate', and of course, on how to solve Argentina's most outstanding problems. We don't have a regular news service yet, but some members send every now and then a briefing. To join send name, e-mail, phone number, address, and topics of interest. List contents are primarily in Spanish. Last change: Mar 95 ARIL-L Contact: listserv@ucsbvm.ucsb.edu Purpose: ARIL-L is the on-line forum for the Association For Religion and Intellectual Life, publishers of the journal "Cross Currents". It is intended to provide opportunities for members to discuss issues raised in the journal and at ARIL's annual consultations, as well as other issues of concern to ARIL members. Last change: Feb 95 Arizona Hiking Newsletter and Mailing List Contact: 102110.265@compuserve.com (Matt Sciascia) Purpose: The Arizona Hiking Newsletter's goal is to inform Arizona hikers and backpackers of hiking happenings in Arizona. Each month, the newsletter will feature a "Hike of the Month", showcasing an exceptional hike somewhere in the State. Also, the mailing list is an excellent way to exchange hikes and camping areas between other outdoors-oriented people. Send your name and e-mail address to the above CompuServe address. To submit to the mailing list, you must be subscribed. Last change: Jun 95 Arlist-l Contact: bd@psy.uq.oz.au (Bob Dick) Purpose: Arlist-l is an unmoderated mailing list to provide a forum for discussing action research and its use in a variety of disciplines and situations. List traffic varies from moderate to heavy. Membership is international. As its name implies, action research is often a suitable research paradigm when both action outcomes and research outcomes are required. A typical action research process alternates between action and critical reflection. Action research is usually (but perhaps not always) cyclic, participative, and qualitative. To subscribe, send email to listproc@scu.edu.au and in the body of the message put subscribe arlist-l-l your_first_name your_last_name Send email from the computer that usually handles your email. The contents of the list are archived. Last change: Jun 95 Aromatherapy Contact: aromatherapy-l-request@netcom.com Purpose: The discussion of various aspects of the profession and practice of the use of aromatics with theraputic intent. Last change: Mar 95 arrl-exam-list Contact: listserv@netcom.com Purpose: Amateur radio license examinations scheduled in the US and in some foreign areas. This list is automatically maintained by Majordomo. To subscribe, send mail to listserv@netcom.com with the following in the body (subject is ignored) of the message. subscribe arrl-exam-list To unsubscribe: unsubscribe arrl-exam-list For more information: help Please keep your mailing address up to date. If your account is being changed or shut down, please update majordomo. This list is sponsored by the Boston Amateur Radio Club. If you have any questions, I can be reached at n1ist@netcom.com For more information on the Boston ARC, subscribe to barc-list. Last change: Mar 95 arrl-nediv-list Contact: listserv@netcom.com Purpose: Bi-monthly bulletins from the ARRL NE Division director. This list is automatically maintained by Majordomo. To sign up or inquire about this list, send mail to listserv@netcom.com with the following in the body (subject is ignored) of the message. To subscribe: subscribe arrl-nediv-list To unsubscribe: unsubscribe arrl-nediv-list For more information: help Mail should be sent to listserv@netcom.com, not listserv@world.std.com. Please keep your mailing address up to date. If your account is being changed or shut down, please update majordomo. This list is sponsored by the Boston Amateur Radio Club. If you have any questions, I can be reached at n1ist@netcom.com For more information on the Boston ARC, subscribe to barc-list. Last change: Mar 95 ars-magica Contact: ars-magica-request@soda.berkeley.edu Purpose: A mailing list for the discussion of White Wolf's Role Playing Game, Ars Magica. Also available as a nightly digest, upon request. Last change: Mar 95 artist-users Contact: artist-users-request@uicc.com (Jeff Putsch) Purpose: Discussion group for users and potential users of the software tools from Cadence Design Systems. This can be used to: * Discuss current problems & their solutions/workarounds. * Discuss usage of the product. * Discuss enhancements/product improvements. * Anything else regarding these products in an analog circuit design environment. All users or potential users the Cadence Design Systems tools are encouraged to join. (The name is a holdover from pre comp.cad.cadence days -- when the group was specifically for users of Cadence's Analog Artist product) This mailing list is bi-directionally gatewayed to the Usenet newsgroup comp.cad.cadence. Last change: Mar 95 ASC-l Contact: request@beach1.csulb.edu (Barry Dank) Purpose: The academic sexual correctness list is a forum for discussion and sharing of information regarding all aspects of university sexual control issues-speech, censorship, harassment, student-professor fraternization, etc. The list is open to all academics and former academics- students, professors, staff. The ultimate goal of the asc-l is to foster a campus climate which would be incompatible with the intrusion of institutional authority to regulate sexual matters, simply because they are sexual or held to give sexual offense. Last change: Mar 95 AProfsn-L Contact: AProfsn-L-owner@scu.edu.au (Roger Debreceny) Purpose: To discuss Academic/Profession Interface. Archives are available at http://anet.scu.edu.au/anet/lists Last change: Jul 95 ASYLUM-L Contact: cgr.vanheule.d@alpha.ufsia.ac.be (Dirk Vanheule) Purpose: Discussion list on the legal aspects of sylum and refugee status: interpretation of the Geneva Refugee Convention, procedural aspects, evidence, eligibility, access to the procedure, human rights and persecution, free movement of asylum seekers, etc. To subscribe, send e-mail to majordomo@ufsia.ac.be with the following text in the body: subscribe asylum-l Last change: Mar 95 atavachron atavachron-digest Contact: atavachron-request@msuacad.morehead-st.edu Purpose: A moderated forum for the discussion of jazz musician Allan Holdsworth. To subscribe, send email to listserv@msuacad.morehead-st.edu the body of message should read subscribe atavachron Your Name or subscribe atavachron-digest Your Name List moderator: preston@msuacad.morehead-st.edu (Jeff Preston) Last change: Mar 95 ATax-L Contact: ATax-L-owner@scu.edu.au (Roger Debreceny) Purpose: To discuss Taxation. Archives are available at http://anet.scu.edu.au/anet/lists Last change: Jul 95 ATeach-L Contact: ATeach-L-owner@scu.edu.au (Roger Debreceny) Purpose: To discuss Teaching and Learning in accounting. Archives are available at http://anet.scu.edu.au/anet/lists Last change: Jul 95 ATechno-L Contact: ATechno-L-owner@scu.edu.au (Roger Debreceny) Purpose: To discuss Technology and Accounting. Archives are available at http://anet.scu.edu.au/anet/lists Last change: Jul 95 att-pc+ Contact: bill@ssbn.wlk.com (Bill Kennedy) Purpose: For people interested in the AT&T PC 63xx series of systems. Sub-lists are maintained for MS-DOS-only and Simul-Task mailings as well as the full list for items of general interest. Membership must be requested and mail path verification is required before membership is granted. Last change: Mar 95 ATwoYear-L Contact: ATwoYear-L-owner@scu.edu.au (Roger Debreceny) Purpose: To discuss US Two Year community colleges. Archives are available at http://anet.scu.edu.au/anet/lists Last change: Jul 95 auc-tex Contact: auc-tex-request@iesd.auc.dk (Kresten Krab Thorup) Purpose: Discussion and information exchange about the AUC TeX package, which runs under GNU Emacs. Last change: Mar 95 AUGLBC-L Contact: LISTSERV@american.edu (Erik G. Paul) Purpose: The American University Gay, Lesbian, and Bisexual Community is a support group for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and supportive students. The group is open to all. The group is also connected with * the International Lesbian, Gay Youth organization (known as IGLYO). To subscribe: send a message with one line containing: SUB AUGLBC-L "My Name" to listserv@american.edu Last change: Mar 95 AusBDSM Mailing List Contact: listserv@cltr.uq.oz.au Purpose: This is a list for Australians and others who are interested in BDSM (Bondage and Discipline, and Sadomasochism) and related topics. Subscribers from other countries are welcome, as long as the list maintains an Australian focus. To subscribe, send email to listserv@cltr.uq.oz.au and in the message body put subscribe ausbdsm-l <name> Last change: Jun 95 AusRave (Australian Raves) Contact: ausrave-request@student.adelaide.edu.au Contact: best-of-ausrave-request@student.adelaide.edu.au (Simon Rumble) Purpose: One of several regional rave-related mailing lists, AusRave covers the Australian continent. Informational postings to AusRave are distributed to the Best-Of-AusRave list for people who want Australian rave information without the side discussions and social chatter from the regular list. To subscribe to the Best-Of-AusRave, send your request to best-of-ausrave-request@lsupoz.apana.org.au. Postings to AusRave are not archived but the list does have an FTP site at elecsun4.elec.uow.edu.au in the directory /pub/ausrave. The Web site is: http://www.magna.com.au/~simonr/ausrave.html Last change: May 95 Austrian People's Party Contact: majordomo@oevp.co.at Purpose: The Austrian People's Party is offering its press releases via a mailing list. In German. To subscribe, send e-mail to majordomo@oevp.co.at The message body must contain subscribe pressedienst List admin: mem@oevp.co.at Last change: Mar 95 autism Contact: listserv@sjuvm.stjohns.edu Purpose: The autism mailing list is a forum for discussions pertaining to autism and other developmental disabilities. To subscribe, mail to listserv@sjuvm.stjohns.edu with subscribe autism in the body of the text. Last change: Mar 95 auto-faq-users Contact: majordomo@novia.net Purpose: to provide a forum for release announcements, bug-fixes, as well as various hints and tricks regarding how to use the auto-faq software package. It is an unmoderated, public mailing list and almost all reasonable discussion about auto-faq is welcome. The auto-faq script, written in Perl, was made to help posting Frequently-Asked Questions (FAQ) articles to UseNet newsgroups. It also helps with cross-posting FAQs to the *.answers newsgroups, if the FAQ author chooses to do so, by complying with all the formatting requirements automatically. It was originally written by Ian Kluft (ikluft@thunder.sbay.org) in early 1992 to manage the posting of the FAQ documents for rec.radio.cb and rec.radio.amateur.misc. It is currently maintained by Paul W. Schleck (auto-faq-maint@novia.net) who has worked with Ian on testing and user support since at least Version 2.4. The current version is 3.2. Last change: Jul 95 autox Contact: majordomo@triumph.cs.utah.edu Purpose: Discussion of autocrossing, SCCA Solo events. Also available as a digest. Many of the list's members are SCCA(Sports Car Club of America). Last change: Mar 95 Avatar Meher Baba Contact: stewart@nstaff.sunyerie.edu Purpose: To share words and messages of Avatar Meher Baba (1894-1969); to discuss issues relevant to his advent; to announce matters of general interest concerning his Centers and place of pilgrimage; to provide a meeting place for all who are interested in him. To subscribe, send an email message to Listserv@rex.sunyerie.edu In the BODY of the message place: Subscribe Baba Further instructions will be sent to you. Last change: Mar 95 AWD Contact: majordomo@counterpoint.com Purpose: The Americans with Disabilities Listserv (AWD) is a moderated forum for discussion related to the Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA), the Rehabilitation Act, the Fair Housing Amendments Act, the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act and other laws related to discrimination and disability compliance. Areas of discussion include litigation, pleadings, settlements, verdicts, corporate polices, agency guidance, regulations, statutes and cases. This list is moderated. To subscribe, send an e-mail message to majordomo@counterpoint.com and in the body of the message type subscribe awd <your e-mail address> List moderator: hal@counterpoint.com (Hal P. Kingsley) Last change: Mar 95 awilder Contact: rprather@trinity.edu (Ron Prather) Purpose: To serve as a forum for the discussion of the life and work of the American composer, Alec Wilder. The music of Alec Wilder combined elements of the jazz, popular, and classical idioms. To subscribe, mail to awilder@cressida.cs.trinity.edu with subscribe awilder <name> in the body of the text. Last change: Mar 95 ... continued ... Archive-name: mail/mailing-lists/part02 [This is the second of fourteen articles on mailing lists.] B-GREEK (Biblical Greek Studies) Contact: MAJORDOMO@VIRGINIA.EDU Purpose: B-GREEK is an electronic conference designed to foster communication concerning the scholarly study of the Greek Bible. Anyone interested in New Testament Studies is invited to subscribe, but the list will assume at least a working knowledge of Biblical Greek. Those interested in learning to study the Bible more personally and less exclusively academic should join the BIBLE list. You may subscribe by sending an e-mail message to MAJORDOMO@VIRGINIA.EDU with the following command as the text of the message: SUBSCRIBE B-GREEK If you want to subscribe to only a digested version of the list, then give the command SUBSCRIBE B-GREEK-DIGEST To unsubscribe, send an e-mail message to MAJORDOMO@VIRGINIA.EDU with the following command as the text of the message: UNSUBSCRIBE B-GREEK UNSUBSCRIBE B-GREEK-DIGEST END List maintainer: djm5g@virginia.edu (David John Marotta) Last change: Mar 95 B-HEBREW (Biblical Hebrew Studies) Contact: MAJORDOMO@VIRGINIA.EDU Purpose: B-HEBREW is an electronic conference designed to foster communication concerning the scholarly study of the Hebrew Bible. Anyone interested in Biblical Hebrew Studies is invited to subscribe, but the list will assume at least a working knowledge of Biblical Hebrew and Aramaic. Those interested in learning to study the Bible more personally and less exclusively academic should join the BIBLE list. You may subscribe by sending an e-mail message to MAJORDOMO@VIRGINIA.EDU with the following command as the text of the message: SUBSCRIBE B-HEBREW If you want to subscribe to only a digested version of the list, then give the command SUBSCRIBE B-HEBREW-DIGEST To unsubscribe, send an e-mail message to MAJORDOMO@VIRGINIA.EDU with the following command as the text of the message: UNSUBSCRIBE B-HEBREW UNSUBSCRIBE B-HEBREW-DIGEST END List maintainer: djm5g@virginia.edu (David John Marotta) Last change: Mar 95 ba-bookstore-events Contact: ead@netcom.com (Eric De Mund) Purpose: Monthly calendars of events of several San Francisco Bay Area bookstores. The bookstores either email me a copy of or snail mail me a diskette containing a copy of the information contained on their printed monthly calendars of events, and I make them available via email. As of 20 December 1994, the stores were: - A Clean Well-Lighted Place for Books, Cupertino, CA - A Clean Well-Lighted Place for Books, Larkspur, CA - A Clean Well-Lighted Place for Books, San Francisco, CA - Black Oak Books, Berkeley, CA - Book Passage, Corte Madera, CA - The Booksmith, San Francisco, CA - Cody's Books, Berkeley, CA - Gaia Bookstore & Community Center, Berkeley, CA - Kepler's Books & Magazines, Menlo Park, CA - Printers Inc. Bookstores, Palo Alto and Mountain View, CA Each has its own mailing list. These lists are one-way and secure. In addition to occasional special mailings, there is one calendar mailed per month to each list. To subscribe to one or more of the lists, send email to me at ead@netcom.com telling me your email address and which list(s) you'd like to be on. List owner: ead@netcom.com (Eric De Mund) Last change: Mar 95 ba-firearms Contact: majordomo@shell.portal.com (Jeff Chan) Purpose: Announcement and discussion of local San Francisco Bay Area firearms issues. See also ca-firearms for separate discussion of statewide firearms issues. See also firearms-alert for national announcements. To subscribe, send mail to majordomo@shell.portal.com with the message subscribe ba-firearms Last change: Mar 95 ba-liberty Contact: majordomo@shell.portal.com (Jeff Chan) Purpose: Announcement of local San Francisco Bay Area libertarian meetings, events, activities, etc. See also ca-liberty for separate statewide libertarian announcements. To subscribe, send a message to majordomo@shell.portal.com with the message subscribe ba-liberty Last change: Mar 95 ba-poker-list Contact: ba-poker-request@netcom.com (Martin Veneroso) Purpose: Discussion of poker as it is available to residents of and visitors to the San Franciso Bay Area (broadly defined), in home games as well as in licensed card rooms. Topics include upcoming events, unusual games, strategies, comparisons of various venues, and player "networking." Last change: Mar 95 ba-volleyball Contact: ba-volleyball-request@taligent.com Purpose: This list is used for announcements about San Francisco Bay Area volleyball events, clinics, tournaments, etc. Babylon 5 Reviews Electronic Forum Contact: LISTSERV@cornell.edu Purpose: The Babylon 5 Reviews Electronic Forum exists as a noise-free outlet for reviews of materials pertaining to the _Babylon 5_ television series. This category includes but is not limited to television programs, novels and novelizations, comic books, games and parodies. To subscribe, send mail to LISTSERV@cornell.edu The body of the message should contain the single line SUBSCRIBE B5-REVIEW-L Firstname Lastname List owner: mss1@cornell.edu (Michael Scott Shappe) Last change: Mar 95 bagpipe Contact: bagpipe-request@cs.dartmouth.edu Purpose: Any topic related to bagpipes, most generally defined as any instrument where air is forced manually from a bellows or bag through drones and/or over reeds. All manner of Scottish, Irish, English, and other instruments are discussed. Anyone with an interest is welcome. The mailing list is gatewayed to the Usenet newsgrop rec.music.makers.bagpipe. Last change: Mar 95 bahai-faith Contact: bahai-faith-request@oneworld.wa.com (Charles W. Cooper II) Purpose: A non-threatening forum for discussing and sharing information about the tenets, history, and texts of the Baha'i Faith. This mailing list is gatewayed into the Usenet newsgroup soc.religion.bahai. Last change: Mar 95 balloon Contact: balloon-request@lut.ac.uk (Dave Temple) Purpose: This is a list for balloonists of any sort, be they hot air or gas, commercial or sport. Currently the number of subscribers is low. Discussion topics include just about anything related to ballooning. Last change: Mar 95 balloon sculpting Contact: balloon-request@cvs.rochester.edu (Larry Moss) Purpose: This list is for the discussion of balloon sculpting. Anyone with an interest in balloon art is welcome to join. New sculptures and suggestions for improving old ones are exchanged. Other topics discussed include entertaining with balloons, health issues, various types of balloons, and book reviews. Last change: Mar 95 ballroom Contact: ballroom-REQUEST@mitvma.mit.edu (Shahrukh Merchant) Contact: listserv@mitvma.mit.edu Purpose: Unmoderated mailing list for discussion of any aspect of Ballroom, Swing and related dancing. For instance: Places to dance, announcement of special events, exchange of information about clubs, ballroom dance music, discussion of dances, steps, technique, dance etiquette. Anyone may join. To subscribe, send the command subscribe ballroom Your Full Name (replace "Your Full Name" with your real name) in the BODY of an e-mail message to listserv@mitvma.mit.edu Note that this list is gatewayed to Usenet Newsgroup rec.arts.dance. Anything mailed to the list is posted to rec.arts.dance and anything *ballroom-related* in rec.arts.dance is mailed to the list. Last change: Mar 95 barc-list Contact: listserv@netcom.com Purpose: Information, discussion and anouncements for the Boston Amateur Radio Club and hams in Eastern Massachusetts. This list is automatically maintained by Majordomo. To sign up or inquire about this list, send mail to listserv@netcom.com with the following in the body (subject is ignored) of the message. To subscribe: subscribe barc-list To unsubscribe: unsubscribe barc-list For more information: help Mail should be sent to listserv@netcom.com, not listserv@world.std.com. Please keep your mailing address up to date. If your account is being changed or shut down, please update majordomo. This list is sponsored by the Boston Amateur Radio Club. If you have any questions, I can be reached at n1ist@netcom.com For more information on the Boston ARC, subscribe to barc-list. Last change: Mar 95 barc-races Contact: listserv@netcom.com Purpose: RACES in Massachusetts and emergency management. This list is automatically maintained by Majordomo. To sign up or inquire about this list, send mail to listserv@netcom.com with the following in the body (subject is ignored) of the message. To subscribe: subscribe barc-races To unsubscribe: unsubscribe barc-races For more information: help Mail should be sent to listserv@netcom.com, not listserv@world.std.com. Please keep your mailing address up to date. If your account is being changed or shut down, please update majordomo. This list is sponsored by the Boston Amateur Radio Club. If you have any questions, I can be reached at n1ist@netcom.com For more information on the Boston ARC, subscribe to barc-list. Last change: Mar 95 base-jumping Contact: base-request@lunatix.lex.ky.us Purpose: An open discussion of fixed object Skydiving. Topics include, but are not limited to: equipment, sites, packing techniques, publications. Membership is open to anyone who has made at least one base jump or skydive. Last change: Mar 95 Baseball History Newsletter Contact: godux@teleport.com Purpose: The list is SABR-like but not SABR-connected, an information exchange base for those interested in the history of all-things-baseball. It is moderated and seeks to provide a friendly, accurate,forum which is driven a bit more by readers' inputs and articles than by moderator written articles, though it will contain some of the latter. A Newsletter will launch every other Monday beginning the second week of Oct, 94. First request gets the introductory issue which gives a complete descriptiion of what it is and what it has. Follow-up request gets reader added to mailing list. Intro issue is the same at all times. Back issues may or may not become available. Request copy from godux@teleport.com Please include info on how you became aware of the newsletter. Last change: Mar 95 Basia Contact: basia-request@jane.tiac.net Purpose: Discussion of Basia (Trzetrzelewska) and early Matt Bianco. List manager: jeffw@jane.tiac.net (Jeff Wasilko) Last change: Jun 95 bass (Bass and Subwoofer) bass-digest Contact: majordomo@lunch.engr.sgi.com Purpose: The purpose of this list is to discuss the reproduction and enjoyment of deep bass, primarily in consumer audio. Ownership of a subwoofer is not required -- entry is welcome to anyone with an interest in deep bass reproduction. This list has both a direct mail and a digest version. Send the word subscribe in the body of a message to bass-request@lunch.engr.sgi.com for the direct mailing list, or bass-digest-request@lunch.engr.sgi.com for the digest version. Last change: Mar 95 BAVP (Boston Area Volleyball Players) Contact: majordomo@intelligence.com Purpose: The BAVP list was formed in order to discuss the Boston Area Volleyball scene, including but not limited to: places to play, area tournaments, local happenings, team formation, questions about ref'ing, as well as any other questions about local volleyball organizations. This list is an open, unmoderated, discussion list. To subscribe to BAVP, send the command SUBSCRIBE VBALL [address] to majordomo@intelligence.com For example: SUBSCRIBE VBALL steve@redsand.com To unsubscribe to BAVP, send the command UNSUBSCRIBE VBALL [address] to majordomo@intelligence.com For example: UNSUBSCRIBE VBALL steve@redsand.com List owner: vball-owner@intelligence.com Last change: Mar 95 bay-area-hockey Contact: chuqui@plaidworks.com Purpose: Discussion of Amateur ice and roller hockey in the San Francisco Bay Area. To subscribe, send email to listproc@plaidworks.com and in the body of the message put subscribe bay-area-hockey yourname Last change: Jun 95 bblisa Contact: majordomo@cs.umb.edu Purpose: Discussion about system administration issues, and announcements concerning Back Bay LISA (Large Installation Systems Administration (Boston MA/New England)) activites, meetings etc. Last change: Mar 95 bblisa-announce Contact: majordomo@cs.umb.edu Purpose: Announcements list for Back Bay LISA (Large Installation Systems Administration (Boston MA/New England)) activites, meetings etc. Last change: Mar 95 bcdv Contact: bike-request@bcdv.drexel.edu Purpose: To discuss issues related to cycling in the Philadelphia greater metropolitan region, and the advocacy work of the Bicycle Coalition of the Delaware Valley, including current efforts to ensure that an appropriate amount of Federal ISTEA and Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality grants are spent on removing barriers to bicycling. The Beastielist* Contact: majordomo@world.std.com Purpose: For discussion of the Beastie Boys, Grand Royal, Luscious Jackson, and their GR labelmates. Volume ranges from very low to high, depending upon the Beasties' activity. To subscribe, send mail to majordomo@world.std.com with the line subscribe beastielist in the body of the message. List owner: bgoddard@world.std.com (Brian Goddard) Last change: Mar 95 Bel Canto Contact: dewy-fields-request@ifi.uio.no The Bel Canto list is open to all discussion regarding the music, lyrics, shows of the group, or the group members' solo projects, or even related artists if appropriate. URL: http://www.math.uio.no/music/bel-canto/ Last change: Mar 95 Beloved Contact: majordomo@phoenix.oulu.fi (Jyrki Sarkkinen) Purpose: This list is for the discussion of The Beloved, an English pop group with strong ambient & techno influences. The list was founded in November 1993. To subscribe, send a message to majordomo@phoenix.oulu.fi with the line subscribe beloved in the body of the message. Last change: Mar 95 BETA Contact: usergroup-request@mjolner.dk (Elmer Soerensen Sandvad) Purpose: A discussion forum for BETA users. BETA is a modern object-oriented programming language with: Powerful abstraction mechanisms including class, subclass, virtual class, class variable, procedure, subprocedure, virtual procedure, procedure variable, coroutine, subcoroutine, virtual coroutine, coroutine variable, and many more, all unified to the ultimate abstraction mechanism: the pattern. Other features include general block structure, coroutines, concurrency, strong typing, part objects, separate objects, and class-less objects. BiAct-L Contact: EL406010@brownvm.brown.edu (Elaine Brennan) Purpose: Bisexual activists' discussion list. Directions for posting to the list will be sent to you when you are added to the list. BIBLE (Bible Study) Contact: MAJORDOMO@VIRGINIA.EDU Purpose: BIBLE is an electronic conference designed to provide a forum for anyone interested in learning to study the Bible. Anyone interested in studying the Bible together is invited to subscribe, but the list will assume that the participants consider the Bible authoritative. Experts and professionals are welcome to provide wisdom and insight, but those interested in an exclusively academic approach to Bible study should join either the B-GREEK (Biblical Greek) list or the B-HEBREW (Biblical Hebrew) lists. You may subscribe by sending an e-mail message to MAJORDOMO@VIRGINIA.EDU with the following command as the text of the message: SUBSCRIBE BIBLE If you want to subscribe to only a digested version of the list, then give the command SUBSCRIBE BIBLE-DIGEST To unsubscribe, send an e-mail message to MAJORDOMO@VIRGINIA.EDU with the following command as the text of the message: UNSUBSCRIBE BIBLE UNSUBSCRIBE BIBLE-DIGEST END List maintainer: djm5g@virginia.edu (David John Marotta) Last change: Mar 95 BiFem-L Contact: LISTSERV@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU (Elaine Brennan) Purpose: BiFem-L mailing list for Bi women and Bi-friendly women. To subscribe, send a message to listserv@brownvm.brown.edu with the following message body SUBSCRIBE BIFEM-L *your full name* You will receive an acknowledgement of your message, and will later receive a message welcoming you to the list and explaining how to post messages. The list volume is 80-100 messages per day. Last change: Mar 95 big-DB Contact: big-DB@midway.uchicago.EDU (Fareed Asad-Harooni) Purpose: Discussions pertaining to large data bases (generally greater than 1 million records) and large data base management systems such as IMS, DB2, and CCA's Model/204. Anyone having interests in large data base issues is welcome. BIG-LAN Contact: big-lan-request@listserv.syr.edu (John Wobus) Purpose: Discussion of issues in building and maintaining campus-sized LANs. Archives available via anonymous ftp from syr.edu and via LISTSERV from listserv.syr.edu. As an alternative to subscribing through big-lan-request, you can subscribe/unsubscribe using listserv@listserv.syr.edu. Last change: May 95 bikecommute Contact: bikecommute-request@cycling.org Purpose: Silicon Valley folk comprise a large segment of the list but membership from elsewhere has been growing steadily and is now quite substantial. Discussion centers around bicycle transportation, and the necessary steps which must be taken in order to improve bicycling conditions in (sub)urban areas. In addition to many silicon valley folk, there are representatives from national organizations (the League of American Bicyclists, and the Bicycle Federation of America) on this list. Last change: Mar 95 biodiv-l Contact: listserv@bdt.ftpt.ansp.br Purpose: The intention of this list is to discuss technical opportunities, administrative and economic issues, practical limitations and scientific goals, leading to recommendations for the establishment of a biodiversity network. Individual contributions are requested, not only as to network capabilities, but also as to existing databases of interest to biodiversity. For those interested in receiving a summary of all contributions that have been sent to this list, please send the following message to 'listserv@bdt.ftpt.ansp.br': 'get biodiv-l readme.first'. To subscribe, send a message containing subscribe biodiv-l <complete name, institution> to listserv@bdt.ftpt.ansp.br biohazard Contact: tosti@freud.inst.com Purpose: For the heavy metal group Biohazard. Last change: May 95 Biomch-L Contact: listserv@nic.surfnet.nl (Ton van den Bogert) Purpose: This list is intended for members of the International, European, American, Canadian and other Societies of Biomechanics, ISEK (International Society of Electrophysiological Kinesiology), and for all others with an interest in the general field of biomechanics and human or animal movement. For the scope of this list, see, e.g., the Journal of Biomechanics (Pergamon Press), the Journal of Biomechanical Engineering (ASME), or Human Movement Science (North-Holland). Biomch-L is operated under the Patronage of the International Society of Biomechanics. Subscribe by sending subscribe biomch-l first_name last_name to listserv@nic.surfnet.nl Last change: Mar 95 BIOSPH-L Contact: LISTSERV@UBVM.CC.BUFFALO.EDU Purpose: Discussion of the Earth's Biosphere. Broadly interdisciplinary, but the main focus is on ecology and the biosphere. To subscribe, send an e-mail message to LISTSERV@UBVM.CC.BUFFALO.EDU Leave the subject area blank and in the message area write: SUBSCRIBE BIOSPH-L Yourfirstname Yourlastname (e.g. SUB BIOSPH-L Leo Charette) To unsubcribe, send an e-mail message to LISTSERV@UBVM.CC.BUFFALO.EDU Leave the subject area blank and in the message area write: UNSUBSCRIBE BIOSPH-L Last change: Mar 95 biosym Contact: dibug-request@comp.bioz.unibas.ch (Reinhard Doelz) Purpose: For users of Biosym Technologies software. This includes the products InsightII, Discover, Dmol, Homology, Delphi, and Polymer. The list is not run by Biosym. Birthmother Contact: nadir@acca.nmsu.edu Purpose: For any birthmother who has relinquished a child for adoption. To join the mailing list, send mail to nadir@acca.nmsu.edu with your e-mail address and brief information about your situation (i.e. bmom who relinquished x years ago, and does/does not have contact, has/has not been reunited). Last change: Mar 95 Bisexu-L Contact: LISTSERV@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU (Bill Sklar) Purpose: For discussion of issues of bisexuality. Cordial and civilized exchange of relevant ideas, opinions and experiences between members of all orientations is encouraged - we do not discriminate on the basis of orientation, religion, gender, race, etc. This list is not intended in the spirit of separatism from any other lists devoted to lesbian, gay and bisexual issues but as an additional resource for discussion of bisexual concerns in particular; by the same token, the existence of Bisexu-L should not imply in any way that other discussion lists are no longer appropriate forums for discussion of bisexuality. To subscribe, send the command SUBSCRIBE BISEXU-L your_full_name in the text/body of a message to LISTSERV@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU Last change: Mar 95 BITHRY-L Contact: LISTSERV@brownvm.brown.edu (Elaine Brennan) Purpose: For the theoretical discussion of bisexuality and gender issues. It is neither a social group, nor a support group, nor an announcement or news forum. There are many other lists that serve those purposes on the networks. Cross-postings from other groups are strongly discouraged. To subscribe, send the message SUB BITHRY-L "Your name" to LISTSERV@brownvm.brown.edu Last change: Mar 95 BIVERSITY Contact: biversity-request@gnu.ai.mit.edu Purpose: For organizing and announcing upcoming events of interest to the bisexual community in New England. (Not a discussion-type list). BIZ-WIRE Contact: Listserv@ais.net Purpose: A moderated list addressing issues invvolving business and the creation of businesses. All aspects of commercial endeavors, announcements and press releases are welcome. The intent of this list is to encourage commercial development of all aspects of business. Subscribe to this list at Listserv@ais.net Message should read Subscribe BIZ-WIRE (Your real name) Last change: Mar 95 Blind News Digest Contact: wtm@bunker.shel.isc-br.com Purpose: This is a moderated mailing list in digest format which deals with all aspects of the visually impaired/blind. To subscribe, send the message Subscribe BlindNws your name to listserv@vm1.nodak.edu List owner: wtm@bunker.shel.isc-br.com Last change: Mar 95 blister Contact: majordomo@world.std.com Purpose: Just lists of people's favorite/least favorite books. Find someone whose taste matches yours and you find a bunch of books you'll probably enjoy. No discussion of books. To subscribe, send mail to majordomo@world.std.com with subscribe blister on a line by itself in the body of the letter. Last change: Mar 95 blue-eyed-pop (Bjork/The Sugarcubes/Icelandic Music) Contact: blue-eyed-pop-request@morgan.ucs.mun.ca (Gord Locke) Purpose: The blue-eyed-pop mailing list is for discussion of the now-defunct (though-not-necessarily-for-good) Icelandic band the Sugarcubes, as well as the solo career of their lead singer, Bjork Gudmundsdottir. We also like to discuss other Icelandic bands, trading/selling of sundry paraphenalia, what you like to take with your tea... you get the idea. To subscribe to this list, send a message to listserv@morgan.ucs.mun.ca the body of which is nothing but subscribe blue-eyed-pop Your Name for digest format also include set blue-eyed-pop digest ("Your Name" is not your e-mail address, just your name; like "Gord Locke"). The account you send this message from determines where mail from the list will be sent. List owner: blue-eyed-pop-request@morgan.ucs.mun.ca (Gord Locke) Last change: Apr 95 BLUES-L Contact: LISTSERV@BROWNVM.brown.edu Purpose: For everyone who can't get enough of the blues, there is a mailing list for blues. To subscribe, send Email to LISTSERV@BROWNVM.brown.edu with the message SUBSCRIBE BLUES-L followed by your first and last name Also, do not include a .sig as this seems to confuse the mailer. If you have trouble getting through to LISTSERV@BROWNVM.brown.edu, try LISTSERV@BROWNVM.BITNET. There is an option to recieve it in digest form if you desire. Once you get acknowledgement from the listserver that you are on the list, send another message to the listserver (not the list!) with the message: SET BLUES-L DIG This should get you on with digest form. If you send the command HELP to the listserver, you will get a list of useful commands and pointers to other help documents. Last change: Mar 95 Blues Traveler Contact: blues-traveler-request@cs.umd.edu Purpose: A fully bi-directional gateway to/from the newsgroup alt.music.blues-traveler. BMW Motorcycles Contact: majordomo@bga.com Purpose: Talk about all years and models of BMW motorcycles. Last change: Mar 95 BOATANCHORS-LIST Contact: LISTPROC@thePorch.com Purpose: An active mailing list devoted to the discussion of pre-1970s vintage communications equipment, including amateur radio receivers, transmitters, microphones, Morse Code keys, accessories, certain military radio equipment, etc. Vacuum tube or "Fire-bottle" technology is the principal qualifier in determining the equipment's acceptability for discussion. Wanted and items for sale are posted. Expect to find classic examples of radio folk known as "Old Farts"," Wily Curmudgeons", and others of their ilk. Newcomers are welcome, but "flash-in-the-pan" types with nothing to contribute are discouraged. Flames are not welcome - this list has one of the highest signal-to-noise ratios in the Internet and we want to keep it this way. A definite interest in and commitment to the preservation, restoration and operation of vintage radio equipment is essential. A FAQ and daily digest format are available as well as a Boatanchor archives is maintained at another site. You will find the accumulated knowledge and wisdom accumulated here if you have questions about vintage radio operation, maintenance, restoration or history. To subscribe, send an e-mail message to LISTPROC@thePorch.com In the msg type subscribe boatanchors <your full name & callsign> Leave the "Subject:" blank. To receive the daily digest, send e-mail to LISTPROC@thePorch.com In the msg put this set boatanchors mail digest Leave the "Subject:" blank. To receive the BOATANCHORS-LIST FAQ, send an e-mail message to LISTPROC@theporch.com Type this in the message get boatanchors faq Leave the "Subject:" blank You will receive this via e-mail in a short while. List owner: listown@jackatak.theporch.com (Jack G.F.Hill W4PPT) Last change: Mar 95 The Bobs Contact: owner-netfobs@io.com (Eric Thompson, NETFOBS Admin) Contact: majordomo@pentagon.io.com (info/subscriptions) Purpose: This is the gathering place for NETFOBS (Internet Friends of The Bobs), a San Francisco Bay Area-based a cappella quartet. The list is usually low-traffic and there are announcements-only and digest options as well. Concert listings are mailed out approx. once a month. The Bobs actually read and respond to messages on this list, too.. a nice touch. :) WWW and FTP access to concert listings, FAQ, lyrics, discography, etc., are also available: send a message with "info" in the body to the subscription address above. Last change: Mar 95 Bodyguard-l Contact: bodyguard-l-request@netcom.com Purpose: Welcome to the Bodyguard's List, sponsored by Executive Protection Associates, Inc. (cntrspy@ix.netcom.com) and the IAPPS (International Association of Personal Protection Specialists): (IappsInfo@aol.com). This list is for working Protective Service Agents from the Public and Private sector, and those interested in becomming Protective Service Agents (Bodyguards). It is for discussion of Intelligence Analysis, Techniques and Equipment, Training, Tactics, Advance Work, Security Alerts and employment opportunities in the industry. Access to this list is RESTRICTED and subscribers are subject to approval by the list owner. Access may be terminated at any time with or without notice. To subscribe, send the command Subscribe bodyguard-l (email address) (Name) in email to listserv@NETCOM.COM List owner: cntrspy@ix.netcom.com Last change: Mar 95 bolton Contact: ai411@yfn.ysu.edu Purpose: The purpose of the list is to allow Bolton fans to discuss Michael, his music and his work. Last change: Mar 95 BONG Contact: bong-l-request@netcom.com Purpose: Electronic version of Burned Out Newspapercreatures Guild, a wire service newsletter for professional journalists. Last change: Mar 95 Bonsai Contact: LISTSERV@CMS.CC.WAYNE.EDU Purpose: This list has been setup to facilitate discussion of the art and craft of Bonsai and related art forms. Bonsai is the Oriental Art (Craft?) of miniaturizing trees and plants into forms that mimic nature. Everyone interested, whether novice or professional, is invited to subscribe. Last change: Mar 95 BosNet Contact: listproc@cu23.crl.aecl.ca Purpose: BosNet is a group/forum run by volunteers. Its goals are to present and distribute information relevant to the events in/about Republic of Bosnia-Hercegovina (RB&H); and to initiate and coordinate various initiatives, etc. The group is moderated, which means that only selected contributions are published. The contributions/opinions presented on BosNet do not necessarily reflect personal opinions of the moderator or the member(s) of the Editorial Board. To participate in a discussion on a specific topic related to RB&H, please consider Usenet group soc.culture.bosna-herzgvna. To subscribe, send email to listproc@cu23.crl.aecl.ca with a message body of subscribe BOSNET Firstname Lastname Last change: Mar 95 Boss-L Contact Boss-Info@slic.cts.com Purpose: Discussion of the Casio Boss Series SF-4300 through SF-9300 and SF-R10, SF-R20, and SF-M10 series of Personal Data Assistants (PDA's), their accessories, and cartridges. After-market or 3rd party support product discussions are encouraged. Archives are available via MBAS and FTP. Last change: Apr 95 BPM Contact: listproc@dhp.com (Simon Gatrall) Purpose: This list is for novice and professional DJ's. Discussion often covers music releases, DJ'ing techniques, and turntable maintenance. To subscribe, send a one-line e-mail message with contents SUBSCRIBE BPM YourFirstName YourLastName to listproc@dhp.com List owner: wipeout@dhp.com (DJ Wipeout) Last change: Feb 95 bpr-l Contact: listserv@is.twi.tudelft.nl Contact: listserv@duticai.twi.tudelft.nl Purpose: Business Process Redesign (also called Business Systems Engineering, Business Engineering, Business Process Reengineering or just BPR) is a new emerging research field with promising prospects. There is no widespread definition of the term, however everyone seems to have an intuitive notion about the concept. BPR implies a wide range of topics such as job design, technology infrastructure, change management, workflow management, administrative logistics, corporate re-engineering, and others. The field is rapidly growing. However, getting information about the latest developments seems to be as hard a job as understanding the phenomenon. BPR-L has been set up to overcome this problem. To subscribe, send a one-line e-mail message with contents SUB BPR-L YourFirstName YourLastName to listserv@is.twi.tudelft.nl or listserv@duticai.twi.tudelft.nl List coordinator: a.verbraeck@is.twi.tudelft.nl (Alexander Verbraeck) Last change: Mar 95 brass Contact: brass-request@geomag.gly.fsu.edu (Ted Zateslo) Purpose: A discussion group for people interested in brass musical performance and related topics, especially small musical ensembles of all kinds. Last change: Mar 95 Brazil Contact: pedro.bueno%persogo@ibase.org.br (Pedro Bueno) Purpose: For general discussion and information about soccer, carnival, feijoada, etc. To join send name, e-mail and topics of interest. ENGLISH is the main language. Last change: Feb 95 Breaks Contact: majordomo@xmission.com Purpose: Breaks is a mailing list for discussions about the breakbeat hardcore/jungle music scene and all that relates to it (i.e. records, record labels, record shops, DJ's, clubs, events etc.) To subscribe to breaks, send mail to majordomo@xmission.com with subscribe breaks in the body of the message. To subscribe to breaks-digest, send mail to majordomo@xmission.com with subscribe breaks-digest in the body of the message. List owner: breaks-owner@xmission.com (Dom@hype.demon.co.uk) Last change: Mar 95 Brew on Premise Speak Easy Contact: gobrew@tcel.com Purpose: This is a new service dedicated to the discussion of various aspects of Brew on Premises, U-Brews or BOP-Shops. This is not a homebrew list. Brew on Premises are commercial breweries that let the customer brew the beer. To subscribe, send email to tcel-list-server@tcel.com and in the message body type subscribe bop <your e-mail address> To unsubscribe, send email to: tcel-list-server@tcel.com and in the message body type unsubscribe bop Articles will be mirrored on the WWW at our home page http://www.tcel.com/~gobrew/ under "The Speak Easy" section. Last change: May 95 Brit-Iron Contact: brit-iron-owner@indiana.edu Purpose: To provide a friendly forum for riders, owners and admirers of British motorcycles to share information and experiences. We maintain a list of parts sources and shops that repair these classic machines. All marques are welcome from AJS to Zenith. To subscribe, send the one line message subscribe brit-iron username@address to majordomo@indiana.edu Or if you prefer the daily digest version, send subscribe brit-iron-digest username@address Last change: Mar 95 british-cars Contact: majordomo@triumph.cs.utah.edu Purpose: Discussion of owning, repairing, racing, cursing and loving British cars, predominantly sports cars, some Land Rover and sedan stuff. Also available as a digest. Last change: Mar 95 Bronx-Science Contact: david@infopro.com (David Fiedler) Purpose: To serve as a place for alumni of the Bronx High School of Science to contact each other for reminiscing, reunions, and other social purposes. To subscribe, send mail to bronx-science-request@infopro.com, with the following command in the message body (*not* the Subject line): subscribe Last change: Feb 95 BRTHPRNT Contact: LISTSERV@INDYCMS.IUPUI.EDU Purpose: Discuss issues of concern to those who have relinquished a child for adoption. To subscribe, send mail to LISTSERV@INDYCMS.IUPUI.EDU with the message SUB BRTHPRNT YourFirstName YourLastName Last change: Mar 95 BRUNONIA Contact: LISTSERV@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU Contact: LISTSERV@BROWNVM.BITNET Purpose: For discussion, announcements, news, and reminiscences of Brown University and its alumni. Last change: Mar 95 BTHS-ENews-L Contact: LISTSERV@Cornell.edu Purpose: For providing an open forum for Students, Teachers, and Alumni of Brooklyn Technical High School. To subscribe, send mail to LISTSERV@Cornell.edu with a message body of this form: subscribe BTHS-ENews-L <full name> Last change: Mar 95 buckley (The Jeff Buckley Mailing List) Contact: buckley@mordor.com Purpose: Devoted to discussion of the amazing singer/songwriter Jeff Buckley and his music. List owner: rcmaric@mordor.com (CaRoL E. Mariconda) Last change: Feb 95 buffalo-bills Contact: dkvalent@netcom.com (Dan Valentine) Purpose: News, announcements, discussion, and general rumor-monging on the Buffalo Bills, Western New York's professional football team. To subscribe, send email to buffalo-bills-request@netcom.com or to buffalo-bills-d-request@netcom.com with the word subscribe on the subject line. Last change: Apr 95 bugs-386bsd Contact: bugs-386bsd-request@ms.uky.edu Purpose: For 386bsd bugs, patches and ports. Requirements to join: interest in actively working on 386bsd to improve the operating system for use by yourself and others. bx-talk Contact: majordomo@qiclab.scn.rain.com (Darci L. Chapman) Purpose: For users of Builder Xcessory (BX) to discuss problems (and solutions!) and ideas for using BX. BX is a graphical user interface builder for Motif applicatons, sold by ICS. Please note that while there are folks from ICS on this list, this list is in no way sponsored or associated with ICS. This list is unmoderated. To subscribe, send the one-line message subscribe bx-talk Name <email-address> to: majordomo@qiclab.scn.rain.com For example: subscribe bx-talk Darci Chapman <dlc@gasco.com> Owner: bx-talk-approval@qiclab.scn.rain.com Last change: Mar 95 Byrdmaniax Contact: richruss@gate.net Purpose; To promote discussion of the Byrds, its former members and their music. To subscribe, send email to richruss@gate.net with the word Subscribe in the subject field. List administrator: richruss@gate.net (Richard Russell) Last change: Apr 95 ... continued ... Archive-name: mail/mailing-lists/part03 [This is the third of fourteen articles on mailing lists.] C-IBM-370 Contact: david@pooh.com (David Wolfskill) Purpose: The C on IBM mainframes mailing list is a place to discuss aspects of using the C programming language on s/370-architecture computers -- especially under IBM's operating systems for that environment. If you would like to subscribe please e-mail to: majordomo@pooh.com Leave the subject blank and type subscribe c-ibm-370 in the text. C-News Contact: majordomo@world.std.com Purpose: A moderated list providing news, views and information of interest to Conservatives. C-News is all news and info, with no discussion. To subscribe, send a one line message to majordomo@world.std.com saying subscribe c-news To receive the digest version, send a message to the same address saying: subscribe c-news-digest Last change: Mar 95 c2man Contact: listserv@research.canon.oz.au Purpose: Discussion of Graham Stoney's c2man program. c2man parses comments from C & C++ programs & produces documentation for man pages, info files, etc. This list is archived & unmoderated. Last change: Mar 95 c4i-pro (C4I Professionals) Contact: c4i-pro-request@stl.nps.navy.mil Purpose: For anyone interested or involved in the area of Command, Control, Communications, Computers and Intelligence (C4I). To serve as a central point or clearinghouse for (unclassified/non-sensitive) information and activities of interest to members of the C4I professional community. This includes military and government civilian members (both in operational, acquisition and policy positions), C4I contractors and members of the academic community worldwide. Another more specific mailing list called c4i-nps also exists. It is targeted toward students, faculty and alumni of the Naval Postgraduate School Joint C4I Systems curriculum. To find out more about either mailing list (such as where old messages are archived and who subscribes to the list) send a message to c4i-pro-request@stl.nps.navy.mil or c4i-nps-request@stl.nps.navy.mil leave the subject line blank and then type Help in the first line of text. You should receive an email response listing other commands and how to use them. To subscribe to the c4i-pro mailing list send a message to c4i-pro-request@stl.nps.navy.mil without a subject line. In the message body type subscribe c4i-pro your-email-address There is a World Wide Web (WWW) home page which complements both C4I mailing lists. The home page contains information related to C4I. Point your WWW browser to: http://www.stl.nps.navy.mil/~jimorale/ List owner: rdthrash@stl.nps.navy.mil grporter@nps.navy.mil Last change: Mar 95 ca-firearms Contact: majordomo@shell.portal.com (Jeff Chan) Purpose: Announcement and discussion of California firearms legislation and related statewide issues. See also ba-firearms for separate local San Francisco Bay Area firearms announcements. See also firearms-alert for national announcements. Last change: Mar 95 ca-liberty Contact: majordomo@shell.portal.com (Jeff Chan) Purpose: Announcement of California libertarian meetings, events, activities, etc. See also ba-liberty for separate local San Francisco Bay Area libertarian announcements. Last change: Mar 95 cabot Contact: cabot-request@lists.balltown.cma.com (Richard Welty) Purpose: Official mailing list of the New York State Institute for Sebastian Cabot Studies. Last change: Mar 95 cacti_etc Contact: listserv@hpl-opus.hpl.hp.com (Bob Jewett) Purpose: Topics of interest to the group include: 1) Cultivation and propagation of cacti and other succulent plants 2) Field observations of such plants 3) Sources of succulent plant material 4) Plant/seed trading between members The discussion is not moderated, and usually consists of short messages asking for cultivation information and advice, relating experiences with plant propagation, etc. To subscribe, send the one-line message: subscribe cacti_etc Jane Doe substituting your own given name for "Jane Doe", to the address listserv@hpl-opus.hpl.hp.com Please direct all system-related questions to Bob Jewett at jewett@hpl-opus.hpl.hp.com. Last change: Mar 95 campervan-etc Contact: dunedin@leland.stanford.edu (Nathan Gove) Purpose: The purpose of this list if to provide a forum for discussion of music, members, stories, and gossip pertaining to the eclectic and now defunct band: Camper Van Beethoven. Also fair game for discussion are related bands, such as Cracker and the Monks of Doom. To subscribe, send a message to majordomo@lists.stanford.edu which includes the command subscribe campervan-etc Last change: Mar 95 can-stud-assoc Contact: can-stud-assoc-request@unixg.ubc.ca Purpose: After meeting with a number of student association representatives over the past year and hearing interest in a Canada-specific e-mail list to discuss issues of concern to Canadian students, I have created a mailing list for anyone who might wish to talk about Canadian post-secondary education and student associations' involvement in it. This is intended as an easy means for Canadian post-secondary student governments and those interested in them to communicate. CAPSNET Contact: LISTSERV@UA1VM.UA.EDU Purpose: This list is specific to issues in two and four year institutions of higher education that relate to co-op and placement. To subscribe, send an e-mail message to LISTSERV@UA1VM.UA.EDU Leave the subject area blank and in the message area write: SUBSCRIBE CAPSNET Yourfirstname Yourlastname (e.g. SUB CAPSNET Leo Charette) To unsubcribe, send an e-mail message to LISTSERV@UA1VM.UA.EDU Leave the subject area blank and in the message area write: UNSUBSCRIBE CAPSNET Last change: Mar 95 CAREER-L Contact: career-l-request@bingvmb.cc.binghamton.edu Purpose: SUNY-wide Career Development Organization List. Last change: Mar 95 CAREERNET Contact: MLDANG@ADMN.SAIT.AB.CA Purpose: CAREERNET, The Canadian Association of Career Educators & Employers Internet discussion list. The purpose of this discussion list is for career advisors and employers in Canada to share information on labour market trends, recruiting issues, job search and career planning techniques, and other related topics. This list will benefit all users in a time of great change in the labour market and diminishing professional development budgets. (This list is just beginning and therefore volume is light.) To subscribe, send an e-mail message to MLDANG@ADMN.SAIT.AB.CA Leave the subject area blank and in the message area write: SUBSCRIBE CAREERNET Yourfirstname Yourlastname (e.g. SUB CAREERNET Leo Charette) To unsubcribe, send an e-mail message to MAILSERV@SAIT.AB.CA Leave the subject area blank and in the message area write: UNSUBSCRIBE CAREERNET The Carpenters Contact: schmidt_r@swosu.edu Purpose: New, small mailing list for fans of The Carpenters. Last change: Jun 95 castaneda Contact: castaneda-request@earth.com Purpose: To discuss and share experiences related to those in the various books by Carlos Castaneda, Florinda Donner, and Taisha Abelar. To subscribe to the mailing list please send a message with the subject "subscribe" to the contact address. There is an archive of the mailing list and related materials (including an extensive bibliography) available via anonymous ftp to ftp.earth.com in pub/archive/cc. Last change: Mar 95 Catholic Contact: LISTSERV@american.edu Contact: cms@dragon.com (Cindy Smith) Purpose: The CATHOLIC mailing list is a forum for Catholics who wish to discuss their discipleship to Jesus Christ in terms of the Catholic approach to Christianity. "Catholic" is loosely defined as anyone embracing the Catholic approach to Christianity whether Roman Catholic, Anglo-Catholic, or Orthodox. Protestants or non-Christians are invited to listen in on discussions, but full-blown debates between Catholics and Protestants are best carried out in Internet's soc.religion.christian or talk.religion.misc newsgroups. Discussions on ecumenism are encouraged. To subscribe, send the one line message body (not subject) saying SUBSCRIBE CATHOLIC "Personal Name" to LISTSERV@american.edu This list is also bi-directionally forwarded to the newsgroup BIT.LISTSERV.CATHOLIC. Last change: Mar 95 Catholic Doctrine Contact: catholic-request@sarto.gaithersburg.md.us Purpose: For discussions of orthodox Catholic theology by everyone under the jurisdiction of the Holy Father, John Paul II. Moderated. No attacks on the Catholic Church here, please. There is an archive server (containing Catholic art and magisterial documents) associated with this list. Send a plain English request to the moderator at catholic-request@sarto.gaithersburg.md.us to subscribe, or to get details about the list or its archive server. Last change: Mar 95 CATTERY-L Contact: listserv@netcom.com Purpose: Dedicated to Cattery Management Issues. This list was established to provide a forum for anyone interested in the management of a cattery. Suitable members might include people with questions about boarding cats, professional breeders, and/or cat boarding facility operators. The mail list is unmoderated and open to all subscribers. To subscribe, send email to listserv@netcom.com with the command subscribe CATTERY-L Last change: Apr 95 Cavers Digest Contact: listproc@speleology.cs.yale.edu (Robert Hubley/Jim Olsen) Purpose: Information resource and forum for all interested in exploring caves. To join, send an email message to listproc@speleology.cs.yale.edu with the following command in the message body (no subject): SUBSCRIBE CAVERS-DIGEST <your real name-no logins please> Email to cavers-request@speleology.cs.yale.edu for more information. Last change: Mar 95 cbr Contact: listserv@gu.uwa.edu.au Purpose: Mailing list for owners and riders of Honda CBR motorcycles. To subscribe to the list send email to listserv@gu.uwa.edu.au with a message body of: subscribe cbr <your name> Last change: Mar 95 CBR-MED Contact: OWNER-CBR-MED@cs.uchicago.edu (Jeff Berger) Purpose: CBR-MED provides a forum for the discussion of Case-Based Reasoning (CBR) methods in Medicine. The list brings together medical practitioners, health informaticians, and CBR researchers in service of two goals: 1) To support the delivery of medical care by fostering the development of CBR software that performs health care related tasks. 2) To spur the development of CBR methods by focusing the efforts of researchers on the challenges (large databases, knowledge representation problems, etc.) provided by medical and health informatics problems. To subscribe to CBR-MED, send email to: listproc@cs.uchicago.edu Leave the Subject: line blank, and on the first line of the message put subscribe CBR-MED <your first name> <your last name> If your name is Joan Smith, your subscription request would look like this: To: listproc@cs.uchicago.edu Subject: subscribe CBR-MED Joan Smith Last change: Mar 95 cd-forum Contact: cd-request@therev.losalamos.nm.us (cd-forum moderator) Purpose: To provide support/discuss/share experiences about gender related issues; Crossdressing, Transvestism, Transsexualism, etc. This list is in Digest Format. Last change: Mar 95 cdn-firearms Contact: majordomo@sfn.saskatoon.sk.ca Purpose: To help inform people everywhere by efficiently distributing information about Canadian firearm laws, regulations, and other related issues. Cdn-firearms-digest and cdn-firearms-alert are moderated 1) to avoid the bickering and arguments that are seen elsewhere, and 2) to provide a source of information of particular interest and relevance to persons in Canada. To subscribe to the cdn-firearms lists, send e-mail to majordomo@sfn.saskatoon.sk.ca with the following commands in the message body: subscribe cdn-firearms-digest subscribe cdn-firearms-alert end Do not include a Subject: heading. List owner: ab133@sfn.saskatoon.sk.ca Last change: Jun 95 cdnfolk Contact: cdnfolk-request@io.org Purpose: cdnfolk (aka NORTHWEST PASSAGE) is a mailing list dedicated to the discussion of Canadian folk music, with special emphasis on the music of Stan Rogers. This is an open mailing list. To subscribe, email cdnfolk-request@io.org with subscribe cdnfolk in the body of the message. List owner: redgreen@io.org (Andrew McLeod) Last change: Mar 95 CDPub Contact: CDPub-Info@knex.mind.org Purpose: CDPub is an electronic mailing list for folks engaged or interested in cdrom publishing in general and desk top cdrom recorders and publishing systems in particular. Topics of interest to the list include information on the various desk top publishing systems for premastering using CD-R media and tapes (DAT e.g.), replication services, various standards of interest to publishers (ISO9660, RockRidge etc.), retrieval engines, platform independence issues etc. Discussions on all platforms are welcome, be it MsDos based PCs, Apple, Unix, Amiga etc. Also of interest will be publishing for platforms such as CD-I, 3DO et al. In short, if it relates to cdrom publishing, we wish to talk about it, exchange information, inform and be informed. To subscribe, send the command SUBSCRIBE CDPub FirstName LastName to: Mail-Server@knex.mind.org Note that the Subject: header line is ignored. The command must appear in the body of the email text. Last change: Mar 95 CEI Contact: cei@access.digex.net Purpose: The CEI mailing list, created by the Competitive Enterprise Institute, distributes CEI op-ed pieces and other materials. Founded in 1984, the Competitive Enterprise Institute is committed to advancing the principles of free trade and limited government. The Institute is founded on the belief that free markets and individual liberty best serve the public interest by providing freedom of choice and equal opportunity. The Institute's policy analysts concentrate on the following issue areas: economic regulation, environmental studies, free market legal program. Recent activities have addressed FDA reform, rent control, and fuel economy standards. List owner: volokh@netcom.com (Alexander "Sasha" Volokh) Last change: Apr 95 cell-relay Contact: cell-relay-request@indiana.edu (Allen Robel) Purpose: Discussion of cell-relay technologies (ATM, DQDB, etc). Gateways between the comp.dcom.cell-relay usenet newsgroup and SMTP mail. To subscribe to the list, or for more information, send email to cell-relay-request@indiana.edu Last change: Mar 95 Celtic Music Concert Calendars Contact: schedule@celtic.stanford.edu (Gerard Manning) Purpose: This is a family of mailing lists, one for each US state and Canadian province, which have one posting per month, a monthly calendar of celtic music events in that state/province. Send the command 'info lists' to majordomo@celtic.stanford.edu for more information. Last change: Apr 95 cfcp-members Contact: mlindsey@nyx.cs.du.edu Purpose: The Confederation of Future Computer Professionals is a group of users on the Internet that are interested in various fields of computers enough to consider them as their future. The members' ages range from twelve-year old (accomplished C++ programmers) to forty-year-old (engineer that writes X code), and this is because the ages are not important. We are here to foster education, stimulate communication, and give us all a place to brag about what wonderful things we're doing and feel challenged to work harder. Last change: Mar 95 chalkhills Contact: chalkhills-request@presto.ig.com (John M. Relph) Purpose: Chalkhills is a mailing list for the discussion of the music and records of XTC (the band). Chalkhills is moderated and is distributed in a digest format. Last change: Mar 95 chanter-liste chanteuse-liste chanteur-liste Contact: Majordomo@wimsey.com Purpose: The Musique Francaise FanClub was set up to provide MULTILINGUAL forums and information sources for Fans of French music. Three mailing lists are available to subscribe to: chanter-liste for Fans of All French Singers/Groups. chanteur-liste for Fans of Male French Singers. chanteuse-liste for Fans of Female French Singers. La liste `chanter-liste' est un groupe MULTILINGUE pour des discussions ouvertes pour les fans des groupes et chanteurs francais (masculin ou feminin). La liste `chanteur-liste' est un groupe MULTILINGUE pour les fans de chanteurs francais. La liste `chanteuse-liste' est un groupe MULTILINGUE pour les fans de chanteuses francaises. To subscribe to one of the lists send mail to Majordomo@wimsey.com where the body of the message is subscribe <listname> Pour s'abonner a l'un de ces groupes, veuillez envoyer un message adresse a Majordomo@wimsey.com avec dans le corps du message la commande subscribe <nom de la liste> Le proprietaire/owner: Fan-Julie@Musique.org (Raymond Hustad) The Chaosium Digest Contact: appel@erzo.berkeley.edu Purpose: A weekly digest for the discussion of Chaosium's many games, including Call of Cthulhu, Elric!, Elfquest and Pendragon. Last change: Mar 95 chem-eng Contact: trayms@cc.curtin.edu.au (Dr. Martyn Ray) Purpose: An electronic newsletter on chemical engineering. Chess Contact: chess-request@tssi.com Purpose: The Chess Mailing List is a daily digest of messages from the USENET newsgroup rec.games.chess. If you have access to rec.games.chess, this list will not contain anything you don't already get there. To subscribe, send e-mail to chess-request@tssi.com with the subject SUBSCRIBE List manager: nolan@tssi.com (Mike Nolan) Last change: Apr 95 Chile-Heads Contact: chile-heads-request@chile.ucdmc.ucdavis.edu Purpose: The Chile-Heads list is intended to provide a forum for discussion of matters relating to chile peppers; including, but not limited to: o Growing peppers o Seed and plant sources o Exchanges of seeds/plants/pods/etc. o Exotic varieties o Storing and preserving chiles o Recipes using chiles o Other related posts You can subscribe to the list by sending a one line message containing the command SUBSCRIBE to the listserv address: chile-heads-request@chile.ucdmc.ucdavis.edu List owner: mikeb@chile.ucdmc.ucdavis.edu (Mike Bowers) Last change: Mar 95 Chinese-CDrom Contact: newwave@rahul.net (NEW WAVE CULTURE PLAZA INC.) Purpose: This list is used for the announcement of Chinese CD-ROM products including English versions for the people do not understand Chinese. Some of the announcements are in Chinese and use GIF image format to present. To subscribe, send mail to newwave@rahul.net the body of the mail (not the subject line) should contain: subscribe chinese-cdrom Last change: Mar 95 Chinese-Music Contact: newwave@rahul.net (NEW WAVE CULTURE PLAZA INC.) Purpose: This list is used for announcement of the most updated Chinese-Music Compact Discs, Laser Discs published in Taiwan, Hong Kong and China. Some of the announcements are in Chinese and use GIF format to present. To subscribe, send mail to newwave@rahul.net the body of the mail (not the subject line) should contain: subscribe whatsnew Last change: Mar 95 chorus Contact: majordomo@psych.toronto.edu Purpose: Lesbian and gay chorus mailing list, formed November 1991 by John Schrag (jschrag@alias.com) and Brian Jarvis (jarvis@psych.toronto.edu). Membership includes artistic directors, singers, chorus officers, interpreters and support staff and friends. Topics of discussion include repertoir, arrangements, staging, costuming, management, fundraising, music, events and concerts and much more. Last change: Mar 95 christian Contact: mailjc-request@grian.cps.altadena.ca.us ames!elroy!grian!mailjc-request Purpose: To provide a non-hostile environment for discussion among christians. Non-christians may join the list and "listen-in", but full blown debates between Christians and non-Christians are best carried out in talk.religion.misc or soc.religion.christian. Christlib Contact: bruceab@teleport.com (Bruce Baugh) Purpose: Christlib is devoted to discussion of Christian and libertarian issues. Most active participants are Christians, many are libertarian, but neither is required. The common factor is not a particular point of view but a shared interest in questions of liberty: how much, why, and what the consequences are. List topics range from fairly close Biblical exegesis to comment on current events. To subscribe, send e-mail to majordomo@teleport.com and in the body of the message, put subscribe christlib johnsmith@fnord.com replacing johnsmith@fnord.com with your own e-mail address. Last change: Mar 95 churchplanters (Church Planters in Christianity) Contact: churchplanters-request@bible.acu.edu Purpose: The vision for the Church Planter Discussion Group is for Church Planters to build up and encourage each other through the sharing of overall vision, questions, specific problems, experiences, testimonies and practical suggestions. Other Christians who are interested in Churchplanting are also welcome. To subscribe to the list, send email to churchplanters-request@bible.acu.edu with the word subscribe as the body of the message. Last change: Apr 95 Cichlids Contact: mail-server@mailmill.com Purpose: For anyone interested in Cichlid fishes. Last change: Mar 95 Circle K International Contact: jwolff@nyx10.cs.du.edu (Jeffrey M. Wolff) Purpose: For members and alumni to discuss matters relating to the operation of Circle K International. CKI is the world's largest collegiate not-for-profit service organization and is sponsored by Kiwanis International. It is comprised of over 10,000 college students from seven countries worldwide and was created to promote service, leadership and fellowship. To join the list, please send your full name, e-mail address, club, title and district to "circle_k-request@nyx.cs.du.edu". This list is maintained by a human, so please do not send any listserv commands. cisco Contact: cisco-request@spot.colorado.edu (David Wood) Purpose: This list is for discussion of the network products from Cisco Systems, Inc; primarily the AGS gateway, but also the ASM terminal multiplexor and any other relevant products. Discussions about operation, problems, features, topology, configuration, protocols, routing, loading, serving, etc are all encouraged. Other topics include vendor relations, new product announcements, availability of fixes and new features, and discussion of new requirements and desirables. Last change: Mar 95 CITES-L Contact: LISTPROC@WCMC.ORG.UK Purpose: A list for discussion and postings of issues relating to the trade in wildlife and the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES). To subscribe, send the one line command (in message body): SUBSCRIBE CITES-L <Yourname> to LISTPROC@WCMC.ORG.UK e.g. SUBSCRIBE CITES-L Ronald MacDonald To unsubscribe, send the one line command (in message body): UNSUBSCRIBE CITES-L to LISTPROC@WCMC.ORG.UK List manager: helen.corrigan@wcmc.org.uk (Helen Corrigan) Last change: Mar 95 civil-liberty-index Contact: listserv@eff.org Purpose: To distribute indexes of "newsy" civil liberties articles. (a script is avail. to convert the indexes to email mailboxes/folders) (Un)subscribe address and method: send message body of "[un]subscribe list-name" (no quotes, no name, no email address, no subject) to listserv@eff.org Contact address for person: eff@eff.org Contact address for basic EFF info (it's an infobot): info@eff.org. CJI (Computer Jobs in Israel) Contact: listproc@jer1.co.il Purpose: Computer Jobs in Israel (CJI) is a one way list which will automatically send you bi-weekly updates regarding computer related job positions in Israel. The master updated jobs document is sent out to the list two to three times a year. This list will also send you other special documents/announcements regarding finding computer work in Israel. To subscribe send email (subject blank) to listproc@jer1.co.il with the text sub cji firstname lastname (eg. sub cji Joe Smith) Good luck in your job search. List owner: jrichman@jer1.co.il (Jacob Richman) Last change: Jun 95 clarissa Contact: clarissa-request@tcp.com (Jim Lick) Purpose: Discussion of the Nickelodeon TV show "Clarissa Explains It All." Last change: Mar 95 Classical Music Contact: classical-request@webcom.com Purpose: The Moderated Classical Music Mailing List has been set up to be a place where classical music enthusiasts can discuss music, musicians, composers, composition, instruments, performance, music history, recordings and all topics even remotely related to classical music from all periods. This list is moderated. To subscribe, send email to classical-request@webcom.com and in the body of the message put subscribe Make sure that your address as shown in the header of your mail message is correct and a valid Internet or Bitnet address. List maintainer: lampson@crl.com (Dave Lampson) Last change: Jun 95 Cleveland Sports Contact: sports-request@wariat.org Purpose: The Cleveland Sports Mailing List does two things for its subscribers: it provides a forum for people to discuss their favorite Cleveland Sports teams/personalities, and it provides news and information about those teams that most out-of-towners couldn't get otherwise. Teams discussed include the Cleveland Indians, the Cleveland Browns, the Cleveland Cavaliers, and the teams from The Ohio State University. Topics of discussion have included local high school teams, local Olympic personalities, other local college teams and other local professional teams. Anything related to the Cleveland Sports scene is fair game here. This group is also gatewayed to and from the newsgroup cle.sports. The preferred way of getting the mailing list is by reading cle.sports. Last change: Mar 95 CLOSURE Contact: jerry@acusd.edu Purpose: CLOSURE is an electronic mailing list dedicated to the discussion of creator-oriented issues in comics creation. To subscribe, mail a request to the Internet address jerry@acusd.edu and list one of your credits. CLOSURE is open to all creators: self-publishers, small-press creators, and mainstream creators. Use the URL http://cerebus/html/closure%20announce.html for more information, or send the message "get closure announce.html" to "web@cerebus.acusd.edu". Last change: Apr 95 cm5-managers Contact: listproc@nas.nasa.gov Purpose: Discussion of administrating the Thinking Machines CM5 parallel supercomputer. To subscribe, send a message to listproc@boxer.nas.nasa.gov with a body of subscribe cm5-managers your_full_name Last change: Mar 95 cm5-users Contact: listproc@nas.nasa.gov Purpose: Discussion of programming and using the Thinking Machines CM5 parallel supercomputer. To subscribe, send a message to listproc@boxer.nas.nasa.gov with a body of subscribe cm5-users your_full_name Last change: Mar 95 CMPLAW-L (Internet, Computers and Law) Contact: listserv@nervm.nerdc.ufl.edu Purpose: For the discussion of topics related to the internet, computers and law. To subscribe, send an e-mail message to i listserv@nervm.nerdc.ufl.edu with only the following one-line message in the body SUBSCRIBE CMPLAW-L yourfirstname yourlastname List manager: altom@nervm.nerdc.ufl.edu (Altom M. Maglio) Last change: Apr 95 COHOUSING-L Contact: listserv@uci.com Purpose: COHOUSING-L is a list for discussion of Cohousing, the name of a type of collaborative housing that has been developed primarily in Denmark since 1972 where it is known as bofoellesskaber (English approximation). Cohousing is housing designed to foster community and cooperation while preserving independence. Private residences are clustered near shared facilities. The members design and manage all aspects of their community. To subscribe, send email message to listserv@uci.com with the following command in the message body (no subject): SUBSCRIBE COHOUSING-L <your real name-no logins please> (In response an informative introduction will be sent) Email to fholson@uci.com for more information. Last change: Mar 95 coins Contact: COINS-REQUEST@UNI.EDU (Daniel J. Power) Purpose: To provide a forum for discussions on numismatic topics including U.S. and World coins, paper money, tokens, medals, etc. The list is growing and new members are welcome. To subscribe send the message subscribe coins to coins-request@uni.edu Last change: Mar 95 Collectors Network Contact: collectors-net-request@netcom.com Contact: owner-collectors-list@netcom.com Purpose: To provide a forum for collectors of all types of Antiques and Collectibles. For articles on "HOW-TO", Reviews, Coming Events, New Releases, Closed-Sold Out-and Retired pieces. Archiving has begun as a resource for BUY/SELL histories. To subscribe to the Collectors Network ListServer, E-Mail to: collectors-net-request@netcom.com Write in the body of the message: VISIT your name, address, city, state, zip code, country [the above info. MUST be on one line] SEND info JOIN announcement The Collectors Network is also available via WWW URL: http://www.xmission.com/~patco/collect.html Last change: Mar 95 combat Contact: combat-request@aurora.com (Nancy Durgin) Purpose: To discuss the 1960's TV show COMBAT!, and its actors. We have a small list, but the discussion is quite lively. As in the show, there's a high casualty rate, so we're always looking for new recruits!! Last change: Mar 95 comix Contact: comix-approval@world.std.com (Elizabeth Lear Newman) Purpose: Intended for talking about non-mainstream and independent comic books. We generally don't talk about superheroes much, and we don't talk about Marvel Mutants at all. If you would like to subscribe please e-mail to: majordomo@world.std.com Leave the subject blank and type subscribe comix in the text. Last change: Mar 95 Command Decision Contact: cdmailer-request@continuus.com (Barry L. Geipel) Purpose: The cdmailer mailing list provides an unmoderated environment for the discussion of all aspects of playing Game Designers Workshop's (GDW) Command Decision line of miniature games (Command Decision, Combined Arms, Over the Top etc). Topics of discussion include rules, miniatures, painting, scenarios, TO&E's, equipment lists, convention announcements etc. Last change: Mar 95 Commo Contact: jmeddaug@cris.com Purpose: Commo is a MSDOS-based terminal program. The list will feature announcement of new Commo-related products, version updates, and macro development. Last change: May 95 comp-academic-freedom-abstracts comp-academic-freedom-batch comp-academic-freedom-news comp-academic-freedom-talk Contact: listserv@eff.org Purpose: comp-academic-freedom-abstracts Abstracts from comp-academic-freedom-news (1/wk) comp-academic-freedom-batch Discussion of Computers and Academic Freedom (batch version, 1/dy) comp-academic-freedom-news Best of the Discussion on Computers and Academic Freedom (1/wk) comp-academic-freedom-talk Discussion of Computers and Academic Freedom (non-digested/abstracted) (Un)subscribe address and method for all lists: send message body of "[un]subscribe list-name" (no quotes, no name, no email address, no subject) to listserv@eff.org Contact address for person: greeny@eff.org Contact address for basic EFF info (it's an infobot): info@eff.org. comp-fortran-90 Contact: mailbase@mailbase.ac.uk Purpose: This list covers all aspects of Fortran 90 and HPF, the new standard(s) for Fortran. The emphasis should be on the *new* features of Fortran 90. It welcomes contributions from people who write Fortran 90 applications, teach it in courses, want to port programs and use it on (super)computers. To join, send an e-mail message to mailbase@mailbase.ac.uk containing as the only line: join comp-fortran-90 <firstname> <lastname> (Replace <firstname> and <lastname> with your own name). Last change: Mar 95 comp-gopher-diffs Contact: listserv@eff.org Purpose: Distribution and discussion of "bookmarks" to new Gopher material. (Un)subscribe address and method: send message body of "[un]subscribe list-name" (no quotes, no name, no email address, no subject) to listserv@eff.org Contact address for person: eff@eff.org Contact address for basic EFF info (it's an infobot): info@eff.org. comp-org-eff-news comp-org-eff-talk Contact: listserv@eff.org Purpose: comp-org-eff-news News to mail gateway for the newsgroup comp.org.eff.news, EFF releases (newsletters, announcements, alerts). Low traffic, no chat. comp-org-eff-talk Mail to news gateway for the newsgroup comp.org.eff.talk. High traffic. (Un)subscribe address and method for all lists: send message body of "[un]subscribe list-name" (no quotes, no name, no email address, no subject) to listserv@eff.org Contact address for person: eff@eff.org Contact address for basic EFF info (it's an infobot): info@eff.org. compil-l Contact: compilers-request@iecc.com (John Levine) Purpose: Addresses the topics of compilers in particular and programming language design and implementation in general. Recent topics have included optimization techniques, language design issues, announcements of new compiler tools, and book reviews. The material is exactly the same as the usenet group comp.compilers. If you have usenet access, please read it that way. For the usenet deprived, send to listserv@american.edu the one line message sub compil-l <your real name> All back articles are available; send "help" to compilers-server@iecc.com. Last change: Mar 95 CompuNotes Contact: patrick@supportu.com Purpose: CompuNotes is a weekly publication free of charge. It contains reviews, news and interviews from the world of computing. An example of the reviews recently: Windows NT, Organizer, Sidekick, Atari 2600 Game Pak for Windows and more. Interviews: Bob Metcalfe father of ethernet, Rich Harper President of the ASP and Philipe Kahn of Borland International. CompuNotes averages around 22K in length. To subscribe send email to subscribe@supportu.com and in the message put subscribe compunotes Last change: Jun 95 conga Contact: conga-request@tango.rahul.net Purpose: Discussion of singer/songwriter Gloria Estefan and the band Miami Sound Machine. Last change: Mar 95 conlang Contact: listserv@diku.dk Purpose: The conlang mailing list is devoted to a discussion of any and all constructed languages (also known as artificial languages, planned languages, etc). If you want to publicize your own language, or if you need help finding information about some other language project, or if you want to discuss the relative merits of various tongues, conlang is the place to be! To join, send a message to listserv@diku.dk containing the text subscribe conlang <your name> Last change: Mar 95 consumable online Contact: gajarsky@pilot.njin.net Purpose: Reviews, interviews, offbeat commentaries, and a diverse selection of reading material. Print issues run roughly 32 pages, and the magazine is based out of Kendall Park, NJ. The electronic version will be sent out every 10-14 days. Reviews are primarily of the "alternative" genre, but also hit pop, rock and other musical formats. Last change: Mar 95 COSMOS Contact: listasrcp@rcp.net.pe Purpose: Discussion of astronomy and related topics, with emphasis on current happenings, discoveries, and theory. In Spanish. Not moderated. To add yourself to the COSMOS mailing list send add your_email_address cosmos in an email message to listasrcp@rcp.net.pe There are two archives: WWW archive: Year '94 http://www.fcaglp.unlp.edu.ar/~spaoli/cosmos94/date.html Year '95 http://www.fcaglp.unlp.edu.ar/~spaoli/cosmos95/date.html Gopher archive: gopher://chasqui.rcp.net.pe:70/11/servidores/cosmos This is the COSMOS WWW page: http://www.fcaglp.unlp.edu.ar/spaoli/cosmos.html List administrators: spaoli@fcaglp.fcaglp.unlp.edu.ar (Sergio Paoli) erodrig@amauta.rcp.net.pe (Ernesto Rodriguez) odi@rcp.net.pe (Yuri Herrera B.) Last change: Mar 95 counterserve Contact: hal@counterpoint.com (Hal P. Kingsley) Purpose: Counterserve is a mail list discussing the products and future of Counterpoint Publishing. Counterpoint provides the Federal Register, Commerce Business Daily and all 50 codes of the Codes of Federal Regulations over the internet and on CD-ROM. The list is moderated. If you would like to subscribe please e-mail to: majordomo@counterpoint.com Leave the subject blank and type subscribe counterserve in the text. Last change: Mar 95 country-codes Contact: listserver@ic.ac.uk Purpose: Every now-and-then there are enquiries on the net regarding E-mail accessibility to a distant country. A Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) document consisting of a table of international E-mail accessibility is periodically distributed in the USENET newsgroup news.answers. However, not everybody has access to USENET News around the world. This distribution list is a periodic E-mail distribution of the FAQ document which contains the connectivity table, as well as methods for finding more information. The list is very low traffic (1 posting per month) and only the list owner is allowed to post. To subscribe, send email to listserver@ic.ac.uk and in the body of the message put subscribe country-codes <your real name> List owner: foobar@ic.ac.uk (Olivier MJ Crepin-Leblond) Last change: Jun 95 Cowboy Junkies Digest Contact: cjunkies@holonet.net Purpose: To provide a central point for posting of tour dates, new releases, questions, and general discussion of the group Cowboy Junkies. CP Contact: listserv@hpl-opus.hpl.hp.com (Rick Walker) Purpose: Topics of interest to the group include: 1) Cultivation and Propagation of CP's (Carniverous Plants) 2) Field observations of CP's 3) Sources of CP material 4) CP trading between members The discussion is not moderated, and usually consists of short messages offering plants for trade, asking CP questions and advice, relating experiences with plant propagation, etc. The group also maintains archives of commercial plant sources and member's growing lists. To Subscribe, send a one-line message SUB CP Jane Doe Substituting your own give name for "Jane Doe", to the address listserv@hpl-opus.hpl.hp.com Please direct all system-related questions to Rick Walker at walker@hpl-opus.hpl.hp.com. Last change: Mar 95 Cro-News/SCYU-Digest Contact: cro-news-request@well.ox.ac.uk (Nino Margetic) Purpose: Cro-News: This non-moderated list is the distribution point for the news coming from Croatia. At the time of writing (Aug '92) the list carries articles from Novi Vjesnik, Vecernji List, Croatia Monitor, Slobodna Dalmacija, Novi Danas, Radio Free Europe/Radio Luxemburg bulletins, UPI reports, etc. The volume of news is relatively high. The languages are Croatian, English and occasionally Slovene. For application *only* email address is required. Please send requests for subscription to the aforementioned address. SCCro-Digest/SCYU-Digest: These two moderated mailing lists enable people without access to the USENET newsgroups soc.culture.croatia and soc.culture.yugoslavia to receive messages published on those forums in a digested form. The volume of the material depends on the traffic on the respective newsgroup, but usually there is at least 700-800 lines of text daily (on each list). The topics cover wide ranging subjects and on occasions one can witness *very* heated discussions between the participants. Language is mostly English. The interaction is possible thru the gateway at Berkeley. NOTE: these two lists are *completely* separate, and one san subscribe to one, other, or both of them. Last change: Mar 95 Cro-Views Contact: Joe@Mullara.Met.UniMelb.Edu.AU (Joe Stojsic) Purpose: Cro-Views is an opinion service which consists of discussions relating to Croatia and other former-Yugoslav republics. The main objective is to give people who cannot access the news network (e.g. via "rn" command in Unix) a chance to read and voice their own opinion about these issues. Croatian-News/Hrvatski-Vjesnik Contact: listproc@carnet.hr Purpose: News from and related to Croatia, run by volunteers. These are actually two news distributions: one in Croatian (occasionally an article can be in some other South Slavic language) and one in English. For subscription you can send message to listproc@carnet.hr with text subscribe croatian-news Your Name or subscribe hrvatski-vjesnik Your Name Last change: Mar 95 Crossfire Contact: crossfire-request@ifi.uio.no Purpose: To discuss the development of the game Crossfire, a multiplayer graphical arcade and adventure game made for the X window system. The official anonymous ftp-site is ftp.i.net in the directory /pub/crossfire2. Old list traffic is archived at ftp.ifi.uio.no in /pub/crossfire. Last change: Mar 95 crossgcc Contact: gt@first.gmd.de (Gerd Truschinski) Purpose: Discussion about the GNU environment for cross-compilation. This includes compiling for 'embedded systems'. To subscribe, send the message subscribe crossgcc <your address> to majordomo@first.gmd.de If you don't get any response within three days, send email to the contact address, gt@first.gmd.de. Last change: Mar 95 Crowes Contact: rstewart@unex.ucla.edu Purpose: To provide a forum for discussion about the rock band the Black Crowes. Topics could include the group's music and lyrics, but could also include topics such as the band's participation with NORML, concert dates and playlists, bootlegs (audio and video), etc. To subscribe, mail to rstewart@unex.ucla.edu with the command SUBSCRIBE in the first line. cryonics Contact: majordomo@cryonet.org Contact: kqb@cryonet.org Purpose: Cryonic suspension is an experimental procedure whereby patients who can no longer be kept alive with today's medical abilities are preserved at low temperatures for treatment in the future. The cryonics mailing list (CryoNet) is a forum for topics related to cryonics, which include technical reports of cryonic suspensions, low temperature biology, biochemistry of memory, legal status of cryonics and cryopreserved people, new research and publications, conferences, mass media coverage of cryonics, local cryonics group meetings, and even philosophy of identity. USENET has a sci.cryonics news group intended strictly for the scientific/technical aspects of cryonics and some cross-posting is done between sci.cryonics and the cryonics mailing list. The mailing list also includes internal cryonics organization - related messages, though, which generally do not go to sci.cryonics. Last change: Feb 95 CSAA Contact: announce-request@cs.ucdavis.edu (Carlos Amezaga) Purpose: The Comp.Sys.Amiga.Announce mailing list has been created for those folks who have no access to Usenet. I provide the gate between the Usenet newsgroup C.S.A.A. and mail. This group distributes announcements of importance to people using the Commodore brand Amiga computers. Announcements may contain any important information, but most likely will deal with new products, disk library releases, software updates, reports of major bugs or dangerous viruses, notices of meetings or upcoming events, and so forth. A large proportion of posts announce the upload of software packages to anonymous ftp archive sites. To subscribe, unsubscribe, or to send comments on this mailing list send mail to announce-request@cs.ucdavis.edu and your request will be taken care of. Last change: Mar 95 ctf-discuss Contact: majordomo@cgrg.ohio-state.edu Purpose: This mailing list is targeted at stimulating discussion of issues critical to the computer science community in the United States (and, by extension, the world). The Computer Science and Telecommunications Board (CSTB) of the National Research Council (NRC) is charged with identifying and initiating studies in areas critical to the health of the field. Recently one such study -- Computing the Future -- has generated a major discussion in the community and has motivated the establishment of this mailing list in order to involve broader participation. This list will be used in the future to report and discuss the activities of the CSTB and to solicit opinions in a variety of areas. List owner: ctf-approval@cgrg.ohio-state.edu Last change: Mar 95 CTN News Contact: ctn-editors@utcc.utoronto.ca Purpose: A list covering news on Tibet. Last change: Mar 95 cubase-users Contact: Majordomo@mcc.ac.uk Purpose: Discussion, suggestions and moaning about Cubase. Cubase is one of the most well-known MIDI sequencers on the market, supported on the Atari, PC and Mac platforms, as supplied by the German company Steinberg Soft- und Hardware GMBH. Several of the programmers are members of the list, which includes both beginners and professional musicians. The newsgroup alt.steinberg.cubase is gatewayed to this mailing list, to provide access for folks reading it on Compuserve, MNUSA and other "outernet" places. An ftp archive is available at ftp.mcc.ac.uk:pub/cubase containing recent updates, Mixer Maps and several other bits of useful junk. To subscribe, send: subscribe cubase-users Your.Name@Your.Domain in the message body to Majordomo@mcc.ac.uk To unsubscribe, send: unsubscribe cubase-users in the message body to Majordomo@mcc.ac.uk List coordinator: ip@mcc.ac.uk (Ian Pallfreeman) Last change: Mar 95 CusidNet Contact: Cusid.Subscribe@Uwo.Ca Purpose: CUSID stands for the Canadian University Society for Intercollegiate Debate. We are a national non-profit organization that facilitates and oversees university-level parliamentary debating in Canada. CusidNet is an on-line electronic mailing list linking debaters, and is operated and moderated by Shuman Ghosemajumder, the President of CUSID. There are currently 32 Canadian, 12 American, and 3 International Universities connected to CusidNet, and this number grows continually. CusidNet is open to all debaters - you need not be a member of your club's executive to read CusidNet mail or post messages to CusidNet. So please encourage all of your friends in debating to send a message to <Cusid.Subscribe@Uwo.Ca> to subscribe themselves to the list. You need not be a member of a CUSID debating society, or even any debating society at all - you just need an interest in debating. List Owner: Cusid.President@Uwo.Ca Cussnet-List Cussnet-Digest Contact: cussnet-list-request@stat.com Purpose: Computer Users in the Social Sciences (CUSS) is a discussion group devoted to issues of interest to social workers, counselors, and human service workers of all disciplines. The discussion frequently involves computer applications in treatment, agency administration, and research. Students, faculty, community based professionals, and just good 'ole plain folks join in the disucssion. Software, hardware, and ethical issues associated with their use in the human service generate lively and informative discussions. Please join us. The Computer Use in Social Services Network (CUSSN) is a nonprofit association of professionals interested in exchanging information and experiences on using computers in the human services. There are two forms of the list; a individual message list called cussnet-list and a digest form where all postings are sent as one message per 24 hours called cussnet-digest. Cyber Sleaze Contact: sleaze@metaverse.com Purpose: Cyber Sleaze is a daily music and entertainment report. To subscribe, send mail to: sleaze@metaverse.com In the message put: subscribe cybersleaze <your email address> cybermind Contact: majordomo@jefferson.village.virginia.edu Purpose: We are all dwelling in cyberspace, coursing through the wires, becoming cyborg and becoming human. We are subjects of a realm which is totally charted, and completely unknown. CYBER-MIND is devoted to an examination of the new subjectivities that have emerged and might yet emerge in this arena. We are interested in particular in the philosophical, psychological/psychoanalytic and social issues engendered, particularly as they concern the user and the social. To subscribe send a message to majordomo@jefferson.village.virginia.edu and say subscribe cybermind Cybermind has a WWW home page at http://www.uio.no/~mwatz/cybermind/ Last change: Mar 95 CZ Contact: LISTSERV@UCCVMA.UCOP.EDU Purpose: The purpose of the "The Convergence Zone" (or CZ for short) is to discuss the Harpoon naval wargame series and related topics. This includes Harpoon, Captain's Edition Harpoon, Computer Harpoon, Harpoon SITREP and various supplements for print and computer versions. Naval topics are discussed in so far as they are related to the game or provide useful background. Discussion is moderated. CZ is packaged in a digest format. Listeners as well as contributors are welcome. To subscribe send the command sub cz-l <first name> <last name> to LISTSERV@UCCVMA.UCOP.EDU List owner: cz-admin@mbnet.mb.ca (Gene Moreau) Last change: Mar 95 ... continued ... Archive-name: mail/mailing-lists/part04 [This is the fourth of fourteen articles on mailing lists.] Dallas Mavericks Contact: mavs-l-request@netcom.com (that is the letter L) Purpose: Discussion about the Dallas Mavericks, the players, the games, and anything regarding the team. dark-shadows Contact: shadows-request@sunee.uwaterloo.ca (Bernie Roehl) Purpose: Dark Shadows was a daily soap opera that ran on ABC in the late sixties (ending in 1971). It had a Gothic feel to it, and featured storylines involving witchcraft, vampires, werewolves and the supernatural. It was (appropriately enough) "brought back from the dead" by NBC for a single season last year. It also spawned two feature films, a series of paperback novels, and lots more; the series is celebrating its 25th anniversary this year. There are a number of international fan clubs for the series, but so far there has been no newsgroup or (electronic) mailling list devoted to it. Now there is. Last change: Mar 95 data-exp Contact: stein@watson.ibm.com Purpose: The mail list server provides an open forum for users to discuss the Visualization Data Explorer Package. It contains three files at the moment: a. faq - frequently asked questions b. summary - a summary of the software, user interface, executive, data architecture c. forum - continuing forum of questions and answers about the software. Additionally, internal forum questions and answers are also posted to it by me. The mail server understands the following commands: index - send an index of available files faq - send the faq file forum - send the forum file Each of the above commands can be preceded with: send subscribe - subscribe to any appends that are made to the forum add - add this mail file to the forum remove - remove the subscribe to the forum help - send help on this mail server. This has been setup to quickly disseminate information about the software. We are in the process of setting up a unmoderated usenet forum too. datsun-roadsters Contact: majordomo@triumph.cs.utah.edu Purpose: To discuss any and all aspects of owning, showing, repairing, driving, etc. Datsun roadsters. Last change: Mar 95 daw-mac Contact: listserv@netcom.com Purpose: A list for Macintosh based Digital Audio Workstations. To subscribe, send a message with subscribe daw-mac in the body to listserv@netcom.com http://www.bdt.com/home/bakalite/Daw-Mac.html Last change: Apr 95 DawgNews Contact: rswann@audit.msstate.edu (Richard Swann) Purpose: For the discussion of Mississippi State University. It is geared towards alumni and friends of the University. While the discussion usually centers around sports, all topics are welcome. Last change: Mar 95 dayton-flyers Contact: dayton-flyers-request@netcom.com Purpose: The discussion of all things pertaining to the University of Dayton. To subscribe, send an e-mail to listserv@netcom.com In the body of the message write subscribe dayton-flyers your-e-mail-address Last change: Mar 95 Dayton Model United Nations Conference Contact: tmartin@lear.sinclair.edu Purpose: A planning and informational conference for participants in the Dayton Model UN Conference, held each February in Dayton, Ohio. Last change: Mar 95 dc-sports Contact: dc-sports-request@netcom.com Purpose: dc-sports is for the discussion of professional, college, and other athletics in the Washington, DC area. To subscribe, send an e-mail to listserv@netcom.com In the body of the message write subscribe dc-sports your-e-mail-address Last change: Mar 95 dcbike Contact: majordomo@igc.apc.org Purpose: Discussion list of bicycling issues in the Washington, DC metro area. Note: this list is gatewayed to the Usenet newsgroup dc.biking. To subscribe, send email to majordomo@igc.apc.org and in the body of the message, put subscribe dcbike List manager: wsilverman@igc.apc.org Last change: Jun 95 DCRaves Contact: listserv@american.edu Purpose: One of several regional rave-related mailing lists, DC-Raves covers the Washington, D.C. area exclusively. Archives are available through the listserv, FTP, or Gopher at american.edu. Last change: Mar 95 DDTs-Users Contact: DDTs-Users-request@BigBird.BU.EDU (automated help reply) Purpose: The DDTs-Users mailing list is for discussions of issues related to the DDTs defect tracking software from QualTrak, including (but not limited to) software, methods, mechanisms, techniques, general usage tips, policies, bugs, and bug workarounds. It is intended primarily for DDTs administrators, but that does not necessarily preclude other topics. "DDTs" and "QualTrak" are probably both trademarks of QualTrak. Last change: Mar 95 Decision Power Contact: dp-friends-request@sst.icl.co.uk Purpose: Decision Power is a product of ICL Computers Limited comprising of a logic programming language Prolog, a constraint handling system Chip, a data base interface Seduce (runs on top of Ingres), a development environment Kegi (runs on X) and an end-user graphical display environment KHS (also runs on X). It is in use for various purposes at a dozen or so sites around the United Kingdom and Ireland. DECnews-EDU Contact: LISTSERV@ubvm.cc.buffalo.edu Purpose: DECNEWS for Education and Research is a monthly electronic publication from Digital Equipment Corporation's Education Business Unit for the education and research communities worldwide. To subscribe, send a message to LISTSERV@ubvm.cc.buffalo.edu or LISTSERV@ubvm.bitnet The message should be this command: SUB DECNEWS Firstname Lastname (e.g. SUB DECNEWS John Jones) The command is the text of your message; the subject is ignored by LISTSERV. DECnews-UNIX Contact: decnews-unix-request@pa.dec.com (Russ Jones) Purpose: DECnews for UNIX is published electronically by Digital Equipment Corporation for Internet distribution every 3 weeks and contains product and service information of interest to the Digital UNIX community. To subscribe, send mail to decnews-unix@pa.dec.com with a subject line of Subject: subscribe abstract. Please include your name and telephone number in the body of the subscription request. decstation-managers Contact: decstation-managers-request@ornl.gov Contact: majordomo@ornl.gov Purpose: Fast-turnaround troubleshooting tool for managers of RISC DECstations. Last change: Mar 95 decuserve-journal Contact: frey@eisner.decus.org (Sharon Frey) Purpose: An alternate method of distribution for the DECUServe Journal, a monthly digest of technical discussions that take place on the DECUS conferencing system. The Journal (and list) is open to anyone who is interested in Digital Equipment topics, "3rd party" topics, and connectivity topics. Dem-Net-Digest Contact: dem-net-digest-request@webcom.com Purpose: For people and issues of the U.S. Democratic Party. This is a list for people interested in the progression of Democratic values. It is not for inter-party debates. To subscribe, send a message to dem-net-digest-request@webcom.com and in the message, put subscribe Last change: Jun 95 derby Contact: derby-request@inslab.uky.edu (Stephen McNatton) Purpose: To discuss various aspects and strategies of Horse Racing, primarily dealing with, but not limited to, handicapping. Anyone is free to join. Last change: Mar 95 deryni-l Contact: mail-server@mintir.new-orleans.la.us Contact: elendil@mintir.new-orleans.la.us (Edward J. Branley) Purpose: A list for readers and fans of Katernine Kurtz' novels and other works. While primary focus is on the Deryni universe, discussion of Kurtz' other works (the _Adept_ series, for example) is also encouraged. To join the list, send a message to mail-server@mintir.new-orleans.la.us with the following in the body SUBSCRIBE DERYNI-L. Last change: Mar 95 dEUS Contact: denis.dubuisson@fundp.ac.be Purpose: To discuss about the band dEUS, exchange dEUS material, infos, concert reports, faqs. To subscribe, send mail to denis.dubuisson@fundp.ac.be and on the Subject: line put subscribe dEUS List manager: dENIS (denis.dubuisson@fundp.ac.be) Last change: Mar 95 deviants Contact: deviants-approval@csv.warwick.ac.uk Purpose: The workings of the Great Wok and all things deviant from accepted social norm are discussed here. Occasionally disgusting, but not always, it is the home of ranting, experimental reports, news clippings and other related items. Medical curiosities, cults, murders and other phenomena are well in place here. To subscribe, send the message subscribe deviants to majordomo@csv.warwick.ac.uk Last change: Mar 95 Devpac Contact: devpaclist@flevel.demon.co.uk Purpose: Devpac is for assembly programmers on the Amiga Platform. The list started on the 2nd February 1995. Discussions relating to assembly language programming open to everyone. The list is not moderated. The list is run under emailurl and there is provision for establishing a large file library. To subscribe, send email to emailurl@flevel.demon.co.uk with the following lines in the body subscribe devpac me@my.domain end Replace "me@mydomain" with the email address to which postings are to be sent. Last change: Apr 95 dg-users Contact: dg-users-request@ilinx.com Purpose: The mailing list is concerned with the technical details of Data General, its O/S's and the various cornicopia of hardware they supply and support. List owner: brian@ilinx.com ( Brian J. Murrell) Last change: Mar 95 diabetic Contact: lusgr@lehigh.edu (Steve Roseman) Purpose: For the diabetic patient to exchange any ideas, comments, gripes, fears, or whatever, related to your condition. The list is not moderated. The list has evolved into a kind of support group for people with diabetes and for other interested people. To subscribe, send the message subscribe diabetic your name to listserv@lehigh.edu Last change: Mar 95 Dice C Contact: diceclist@flevel.demon.co.uk Purpose: Discussion of Dice C Programming Techniques for Amiga Computers. The list is open to all Amiga C Programmers. It aims to provide mutual support for Dice C users and information of value to Amiga C programmers. The listserver system also provides registered Dice C users with access to a file exchange system of mutual benefit to all C programmers. The list is not moderated. Subscribe by sending email to emailurl@flevel.demon.co.uk with the following lines in the body of the email: subscribe dice me@my.domain end The email address specified will be added to the mailing list. If you also want help on this server add the line: help before the line end Last change: Mar 95 digerati Contact: digerati-request@ai.mit.edu Purpose: Increasingly, creative writers (poets, novelists, short story writers, etc.) are bypassing the mainstream media establishment and publishing their work directly on the world wide web. It is clear that this trend will continue, but the medium is largely in flux. Digerati is a mailing list for discussion of the technical challenges and experiences of writers. Example topics are tips on HTML coding, pointers to emerging methods for compensating the writer directly from the reader (digital cash), ways of increasing readership (cross references, getting into ezine and other indexes), and copyright. Majordomo is used to administer the list. To subscribe, send email to digerati-request@ai.mit.edu and in the body of the message put subscribe digerati Last change: Jun 95 Digital Press & Analysts News Contact: pr-news-request@pa.dec.com (Russ Jones) Purpose: Digital Press and Analysts News is an Internet-based distribution of all press releases from Digital Equipment Corporation. It is provided as a courtesy to analysts, members of the press and the consulting community. This is a one-way mailing list. Approximately 8 press releases per week. To subscribe, send mail to pr-news@pa.dec.com with a subject line of Subject: subscribe. Please include your name and telephone number in the body of the subscription request. Last change: Mar 95 Dinosaur Contact: listproc@lepomis.psych.upenn.edu Purpose: This list has replaced dinosaur@donald.wichitaks.ncr.com. Volume ranges from a few to maybe a dozen messages a week. We also discuss flying & swimming archosaurs and other animals of that period as well as earlier and later periods. Most participants are not paleontologists but some are extremely well-versed. Please send subscription requests to LISTPROC@LEPOMIS.PSYCH.UPENN.EDU in the following format SUBSCRIBE DINOSAUR <yourname> List owner: rowe@lepomis.psych.upenn.edu (Mickey Rowe) Last change: Mar 95 direct Contact: direct-request@ctsx.celtech.com (Keith Gregoire) Purpose: Discussion of the work of the musical artist Vangelis. Both "bounce" and daily digest modes are available, so you might want to specify your preference when subscribing. Discus-L (Discus Tropical Fish) Contact: LISTSERV@MITVMA.MIT.EDU Purpose: For the discussion of breeding and/or keeping of Discus tropical fish. Beginners through experienced Discus keepers and/or breeders are welcome. Any Discus related questions, comments, or advice welcome. List owner: Toonces.@MITVMA.MIT.edu (Dave Hardy) Last change: Jul 95 disney-comics Contact: disney-comics-request@minsk.docs.uu.se (Per Starback) Purpose: Discussion of Disney comics. Last change: Mar 95 Disney Television Animation Contact: ranger-list-request@taronga.com (Stephanie da Silva) Purpose: Discussion of Walt Disney Television Animation with a focus on the Disney Afternoon. The ranger-list is a very high-volume, low-noise mailing list. This list is moderated. This is not a generic Disney discussion list, so if you're looking for tips on visiting the Magic Kingdom or Feature Animation lists, you won't find them here. Despite the topic and the misconception that 'animations are just for children,' the ranger-list is a serious, adult discussion list. The Disney Afternoon is a series of animated television cartoons, often shown in a single two-hour block during the afternoon. It has included shows such as DuckTales, Darkwing Duck, Goof Troop, Aladdin the Series, and Gargoyles. Unsolicited mailings are neither accepted nor welcomed to this list. List owner: arielle@taronga.com (Stephanie da Silva) Last change: Jun 95 dist-users Contact: shigeya@foretune.co.jp (Shigeya Suzuki) Purpose: This list is for discussions of issues related to the dist 3.0 package and its components: metaconfig, jmake, patch tools, etc. The dist package was posted on comp.sources.misc (August 1993). To subscribe, send email to majordomo@foretune.co.jp saying subscribe dist-users [your address] optionally specifying your e-mail address if you are not on the Internet or if the addresses in your mail headers cannot be relied upon. Last change: Mar 95 DJ TRAX Contact: jcavery2@pegasus.rutgers.edu (John C Avery II) Purpose: This is a manually operated list in which subscribers receive a weekly listing of new house, techno, and hip-hop 12" records that are currently generating response in NYC record stores and clubs. Pertinent label information is also included. (eg. contact names and numbers) To subscribe, send email to jcavery2@pegasus.rutgers.edu with the subject SUBSCRIBE DJ TRAX. The Update is also available in the pub/music/dj or pub/music/misc directories at the techno.stanford.edu ftp site. Last change: Mar 95 Document Search and Retrieval Contact: majordomo@imsworld.com Purpose: The Document Search and Retrieval Mailing List is a forum for the discussion of topics relating to organization and retreival of electronic documents. This is an opportunity to relay information about new products, developments, and methods for finding, organizing and using the ever growing amount of information stored on your computer. To subscribe, send email to search-request@imsworld.com In the body of your email include the following command: subscribe search <your email address> List owner: search-owner@imsworld.com Last change: Mar 95 Dodge Stealth/Mitsubishi 3000GT Contact: stealth-d-request@dragnet.com (digest version) Contact: stealth-request@dragnet.com (real-time version) Purpose: Discussion of anything related to these cars. Last change: Mar 95 Dokken/Lynch Mob Contact: kydeno00@ukpr.uky.edu (Kirsten DeNoyelles) Purpose: Articles, questions and discussions on Dokken and Lynch Mob. Last change: Mar 95 domestic partners Contact: majordomo-domestic@cs.cmu.edu Purpose: For discussion of topics relating to benefits for domestic partners. Last change: Mar 95 Donosy Contact: przemek@nist.gov (Przemek Klosowski) Purpose: Distribution of a news bulletin from Poland. English and Polish versions are both avaialble. Last change: Mar 95 dont-tell Contact: dont-tell-request@choice.princeton.edu Purpose: The dont-tell list is an e-mail distribution list for people concerned about the effects that the new military policy known as "don't ask/don't tell" will have at academic institutions. This new policy forbids students at the nation's service academies or enrolled in campus ROTC programs from revealing truthful information about themselves. Doublereed-l Contact: zzboyr@acc.wuacc.edu (Ronn Boyd) Purpose: For discussion of all matters relating to doublereed instruments, including fingerings, care of instruments, music, cane, acoustics, instruments for sale, upcoming interesting performances, etc. Last change: Mar 95 Down-Syn Contact: wtm@bunker.shel.isc-br.com Purpose: To provide support and information for anyone interested in Down Syndrome including parents, siblings, other relatives, friends, teachers, physicians, therapists and of course people with Down Syndrome themselves. To subscribe, send the message: Subscribe down-syn firstname lastname to listserv@vm1.nodak.edu or send mail to wtm@bunker.afd.olivetti.com Last change: Mar 95 DPM Contact: listserv@mc.edu (James Craig Lowery) Purpose: Discussion of Peavey DPM synthesizers and related equipment. Engineers from Peavey are on-line and are happy to answer your questions. To subcribe, send a message to listserv@mc.edu with a single line in the message body as follows subscribe DPM Your Name Here Last change: Mar 95 DR-660 Contact: majordomo@hyperreal.com (Mike Perkowitz) Purpose: Initiated in December 1993, the DR-660 mailing list is for the discussion of practical applications of and technical matters relating to the Boss DR-660 drum machine. Archives are located at the techno.stanford.edu FTP/Gopher site under pub/raves/archives/DR-660. Last change: Mar 95 dragnet Contact: dragnet-request@chiller.compaq.com Purpose: To discuss strip drag racing from a participant's viewpoint. (moderated) Last change: Mar 95 Drake-R8 Contact: mik@hpsesuka.pwd.hp.com (Mik Butler) Purpose: To discuss & share experiences, technical issues, problems etc. related to the Drake R8 shortwave receiver. Prospective owners of Drake R8 receivers are also welcome. This list is manually maintained - subscription requests can take a while to be processed. Last change: Mar 95 DRCTalk Contact: listproc@drcnet.org Purpose: DRCNet, the Drug Reform Coalition Network is an organization of people dedicated to promoting the policy of Harm Reduction in place of the current, horribly and needlessly destructive War On Drugs. Last change: Jul 95 drewids drewids-news Contact: majordomo@plts.org Purpose: This is the mailing list for Drew University alumni/ae to chat. It's not officially recognized by the administration and we doubt they know about it. Announcements are archived separately from regular discussions. Also, users can request that they only receive the announcements. Users can not request "just non-announcements". To subscribe: You can receive all messages, or just the ones that have been tagged as "announcements". Send a message to majordomo@plts.org and in the body of your message, type subscribe drewids or subscribe drewids-news Use "drewids-news" if you only want the announcements. The Subject: header in your subscription message will be ignored. Last change: Mar 95 Drone On... Contact: listserv@ucsd.edu Purpose: The Drone On... list is for the discussion of Spacemen 3 and resultant bands, as well as any other droning guitar bands that anyone wants to bring up. It is hoped that Drone On... will fill the place of the late and lamented Hypnodrone mailing list, which seems to have folded. Last change: Mar 95 Drumcorps Digest Contact: drumcorps-digest-request@cisco.com Purpose: To provide a gateway for drum corps discussion that occurs on the Newsgroups rec.arts.marching.drumcorps and alt.drumcorps for individuals who cannot get ReadNews. The mailing list also provides addresses to allow digest readers to post email onto rec.arts.marching.drumcorps. Last change: Mar 95 DSA-LGB Contact: DSA-LGB-request@midway.uchicago.edu DSA-LGB is a mailing list for members of the Lesbian/Gay/Bisexual Commission of the Democratic Socialists of America, and for other people interested in discussing connections between sexual identity and the democratic socialist movement in the U.S. and other nations. The list is neither archived nor moderated. ducati Contact: majordomo@seahunt.imat.com (Michael Nelson) Purpose: This list is specifically for owners of, (and those interested in), DUCATI motorcycles. Discussions on this list should be limited to issues directly relating to Ducati motorcycles. Discussions of other European brands are more appropriate for the EuroMoto list, so if you want to discuss Moto Guzzis, Cagiva Mitos and the like, please subscribe to euro-moto and carry on those discussions there. DVI-list Contact: listserv@calvin.dgbt.doc.ca Purpose: This mailing list is intended for discussions about Intel's DVI (Digital Video Interactive) system. These discussions cover both applications and programming with DVI. To subscribe, send a message to listserv@calvin.dgbt.doc.ca containing one line of the form subscribe dvi-list Firstname Lastname (e.g., "subscribe dvi-list Clark Kent") Last change: Mar 95 E-List Contact: vilo@cs.helsinki.fi (Jaak Vilo) Purpose: E-LIST is a news- and discussion list for Estonia-related matters. Primary readership are the Estonians abroad and in home. Estonian and English (sometimes German or Finnish also) languages are used. No strict distinction based on language is made (only-English version is not available). But people might find useful messages in English also. E-LIST is not a listserver-based newsgroup. All subscriptions and messages must be sent to its voluntary editor, Jaak Vilo, to his personal e-mail address Jaak.Vilo@cs.Helsinki.FI In Estonia E-LIST is available as USENET newsgroup ee.elist Archives of E-LIST can be found in Eesti-Info WWW-server at URL http://muhu.helsinki.fi/ Warning for subscribers: E-LIST volume is quite high - there might be multiple longish (>1000lines) messages per day. All subjects can be covered, provided they might be interesting to current readership. Please note also the esistence of BALT-L (listserv@ubvm.cc.buffalo.edu and listserv@ib.rl.ac.uk) and the Usenet newsgroups soc.culture.baltics and soc.culture.estonia for Baltics-related matters. Last change: Apr 95 Eabud Contact: listserv@jhunix.hcf.jhu.edu Purpose: To discuss issues in Buddhism. List owner: hau4300@jhunix.hcf.jhu.edu (Arthur Hau) Last change: Jun 95 eagles Contact: majordomo@langevin.usc.edu Purpose: The primary purpose of this list is to provide a forum for Scouts, Scouters, and former Scouts who are gay/lesbian/bisexual to discuss how they can apply pressure to the BSA to change their homophobic policies. All others who are interested are also welcome. Last change: Mar 95 Earth and Sky Contact: Majordomo@lists.utexas.edu Purpose: This is a weekly on-line publication for the public to learn more about Earth science and astronomy. It consists of transcripts of radio programs aired daily on the Earth & Sky Radio Series, which is hosted by Deborah Byrd and Joel Block. The series broadcasts on more than 500 stations in the United States and on a variety of other stations across the globe. For more info, write to Earth & Sky at P.O. Box 2203, Austin, TX, 78768. To add yourself to the EARTHANDSKY mailing list send subscribe EARTHANDSKY yourname@host.domain.name in an email message to Majordomo@lists.utexas.edu Last change: Mar 95 East Coast Hockey League Contact: majordomo@club.cc.cmu.edu Purpose: For people interested in discussing and following the East Coast Hockey League. Last change: Mar 95 ebikes Contact: listproc@panix.com (Danny Lieberman) Purpose: Metro NYC bicycle discussion list, unmoderated. Last change: Mar 95 ECDM_LIST Contact: ECDM_LAB@ie.uwindsor.ca (Andrew J. Spicer) Purpose: Discussion of Environmentally Conscious Design, Manufacturing, and Engineering. If you want to join the list, send email to listserv@pdomain.uwindsor.ca with the following text in the first line of the letter sub ECDM <your name> List owner: spicer@ie.uwindsor.ca (Andrew Spicer) Last change: Mar 95 echoes Contact: echoes-request@fawnya.tcs.com (H. W. Neff) Purpose: Info and commentary on the musical group Pink Floyd as well as other projects members of the group have been involved with. Last change: Mar 95 econ-dev Contact: majordomo@lists.csn.net Purpose: To share information and network with professionals either in economic development or who are pursuing some of the same informational goals. We here at the economic development department in Littleton, Colorado, use information as the cornerstone of our program. Littleton's New Economy Project works primarily with small, innovative companies trying to give them the sophisticated tools they need to compete in the new global environment. Instead of "hunting" for far away companies and offering incentives to try to get them to locate in Littleton, we concentrate on adding value to existing local companies, or "gardening". Services include using commercial databases to provide a variety of strategic information. We are also actively interested in systems thinking, chaos, and complexity as they apply to economics. We look forward to hearing from those of you out there who use information, and who are involved with businesses. To subscribe, send in the body of the message (the subject is ignored) subscribe econ-dev to majordomo@pipeline.csn.net Last change: Mar 95 econ-soc-devt Contact: mailbase@mailbase.ac.uk Purpose: Multidisciplinary list for academic discussion of national economic and social development. For developing countries and countries in transition. To join: send email to mailbase@mailbase.ac.uk with the message Subscribe econ-soc-devt John Doe Economic-growth Contact: DSE.VANHOUDT.P@ALPHA.UFSIA.AC.BE (Patrick Vanhoudt) Purpose: Discussion list about economic growth. This ECONOMIC GROWTH discussion group is aimed at all researchers who are working in the field of economic growth and at those who export concepts and/or methodology from that field to their own. Everyone with an interesting suggestion, new approach, problem, abstract, data set or announcement is invited to submit it to this list. To subscribe, send e-mail to majordomo@ufsia.ac.be with as body: HELP INFO economic-growth END Last change: Mar 95 ECTL Contact: ectl-request@snowhite.cis.uoguelph.ca (David Leip) Purpose: A List dedicated to Researchers interested in Computer Speech Interfaces. ecto Contact: ecto-request@nsmx.rutgers.edu (Greg Bossert) Purpose: Information and discussion about singer/songwriter Happy Rhodes, and other music, art, books, films of common (or singular) interest. Last change: Mar 95 educationwg Contact: listserv@wunet.wustl.edu (Richard Conn) Purpose: This list is a bidirectional mailing list for those people interested in participating in the Education Working group of ACM/SIGAda. It is used to exchange information about the activities of the working group and coordinate those activities. To subscribe to this list, send email to listserv@wunet.wustl.edu Leave the subject line blank, and place in the body of the message subscribe educationwg Last change: Mar 95 Eerie, Indiana Contact: owner-eerie-indiana@sfu.ca (Corey Kirk) Purpose: The list is for the discussion of the critically acclaimed but short-lived TV series "Eerie, Indiana" which originally aired on NBC in 1991-1992 and is now distributed internationally. The show is a strange mix of humor, fantasy, and SF - sort of "_The Wonder Years_ meets _Twin Peaks_ with a dash of Gary Larson's comic strip _The Far Side_" [TV Guide]. effector-online Contact: listserv@eff.org Purpose: Distribution of EFFector Online, EFF's bi-weekly newsletter (no other traffic). (Un)subscribe address and method: send message body of "[un]subscribe list-name" (no quotes, no name, no email address, no subject) to listserv@eff.org Contact address for person: eff@eff.org Contact address for basic EFF info (it's an infobot): info@eff.org. EKS (The Equality Kansas Mailing List) Contact: equalityks@qiclab.scn.rain.com Purpose: EKS is an ANNOUNCEMENTS-ONLY list operated by Equality Kansas for distribution of information important to members of Equality Kansas and its supporters, as well as queer activists in the state of Kansas. EKS focuses on carrying information relating to gay and lesbian political issues in Kansas. For general Kansas news, please refer to the KQN list (Kansas Queer News). EKS is a closed, moderated list, and all subscription requests as well as postings must be approved by the moderator. List moderator: kevyn@ksu.edu (Kevyn Jacobs) Last change: Mar 95 Electric Light Orchestra Contact: majordomo@club.cc.cmu.edu Purpose: Discussion of the music of Electric Light Orchestra and later solo efforts by band members and former members. Last change: Mar 95 Electric Vehicle Contact: LISTSERV@sjsuvm1.sjsu.edu Purpose: The EV Electric Vehicle Discussion Mailing List is intended to provide a forum to discuss the current state of the art and future direction of electric vehicles. To subscribe to the EV mailing list, send the command SUBSCRIBE EV firstname lastname to LISTSERV@SJSUVM1.SJSU.EDU After subscribing, you may enable the digest feature by sending 'SET EV DIGEST' to the LISTSERV. List owner: cvisser@ucrmath.ucr.edu (Clyde R. Visser, KD6GWN) Last change: Mar 95 elements Contact: listserv@thomsoft.com (to subscribe) Contact: elements-request@thomsoft.com (for information) Purpose: The purpose of the Shuttle Elements mailing list is to get Keplerian Elements out as quickly as possible during flights. We send out pre-launch elements and post launch elements based on either Flight Dynamics Office predictions, Shuttle computer state vector data, or on NORAD radar tracking data. Anyone may subscribe but prior approval is require before sending submissions to the list. Last change: Mar 95 elephant-talk Contact: toby@cs.man.ac.uk (for non-US subscriptions) Contact: elephant-talk-request@arastar.com (for US subscriptions) Purpose: King Crimson/Robert Fripp (and related bands) mailing list. To subscribe send a request to the appropriate human listed above. Elton John Contact: elton-john-request@uiuc.edu (Jim "Hoops!" McKay) Contact: the-22nd-row-request@uiuc.edu Purpose: In-depth discussion of the music of Elton John and Bernie Taupin with a special emphasis on both current events and academic analysis of their work. Last change: Mar 95 Elvis Costello Contact: Majordomo@rain.org Purpose: For the discussion and dissemination of information of Declan Patrick Aloysius MacManus, better known as Elvis Costello. Everyone is welcome. To subscribe, send email to Majordomo@rain.org with the message subscribe costello-l on the first and only line. Last change: Mar 95 Embedded Digest Contact: embed-request@synchro.com Purpose: The Embedded Digest is a forum for the discussion of embedded computer system engineering. Suitable topics include embedded hardware and software design techniques, development and testing tool reviews, product announcements, etc. To subscribe, send a message to embed-request@synchro.com containing the following line: subscribe you@your.internet.address List owner: chuck@synchro.com (Chuck Cox) Last change: Mar 95 emdreams emdreams-digest Contact: majordomo@cs.uwp.edu Purpose: EMDreams is the mailing list for members of the organization Electronic Dreams, run by Elana Beach. For more information about Electronic Dreams and the fascinating Dreams Word newsletter, contact Elana. There is a fee to join, but it is well worth it. Discussion covers all electronic music. Last change: Mar 95 emtex-user Contact: emtex-user-request@physik.TU-Berlin.DE Purpose: Information about emTeX, an implementation of TeX for MS-DOS and OS2. This list is meant for everyone who wants to discuss problems concerning installation and/or use of the emTeX package and to be informed about bugs, fixes and new releases. It sometimes has a traffic of about 5-10 mails per day so if you (or your host) can't handle such a quantity of mail, please don't sign on. The list is maintained "by hand" so please be patient if a request is not answered immediately. Conversation language: English List maintainer: emtex-user-owner@physik.TU-Berlin.DE Last change: Apr 95 enneagram Contact: majordomo@acpub.duke.edu Purpose: To discuss the Enneagram as a personality typing system, as described in the works of Helen Palmer, Richard Riso, Oscar Ichazo, and others. To subscribe, send a message to majordomo@acpub.duke.edu and in the body of the message put subscribe enneagram List owner: enneagram-owner@acpub.duke.edu Last change: Jun 95 Eno-L Contact: nerve_net-request@noc.pue.udlap.mx (Alex Rubli) Purpose: Eno-L is for the discussion of the music of Brian Eno. Archives are available at noc.pue.udlap.mx ( List administrator: rubli@noc.pue.udlap.mx (Alexander Rubli) Last change: Mar 95 env.seashepherd Contact: nvoth@igc.apc.org Purpose: This is the Internet mailing list for the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society. The Society is a direct action conservation organization concerned with investigation, documentation and enforcement of international conservation laws and treaties. The mailing list was created as an information collection and distribution tool for the Society. Information about various marine issues including news, action alerts and Society updates are regularly posted to the list. Limited discussion is also allowed. Membership is open to all interested parties. Contact address listed above. Last change: Mar 95 enviro Contact: listserv@gu.uwa.edu.au Purpose: The mailing list of the UWA Guild of Undergraduates Environment Department. Postings tend to be on a wide variety of topics and include permaculture, dry-land agriculture, and barter economies for farming communities. To subscribe to the list send email to listserv@gu.uwa.edu.au with a message body of subscribe enviro <your name> Last change: Mar 95 Episcopal (Anglican) Contact: LISTSERV@american.edu Contact: cms@dragon.com (Cindy Smith) Purpose: The purpose of the EPISCOPAL mailing list is to provide a non-hostile environment for discussion among Christians who are members of the Holy Catholic Church in the Anglican Communion or who are simply interested in Episcopal beliefs and practices. Non-Anglicans and non-Christians may join the list and listen in but full blown debates between Anglicans and Protestants/Roman Catholics/non-Christians are best carried out in soc.religion.christian and talk.religion.misc newsgroups. It is hoped that the availability of this list will not diminish the contributions Christians make there. Discussions on ecumenism are encourage. To subscribe, send the command SUBSCRIBE ANGLICAN "Personal Name" as a one line message body (not subject) to LISTSERV@american.edu EPISCOPAL CHURCH DISCUSSION Contact: Scotty@us.net (Scott Ward) Purpose: Discussion of issues of importance to the Episcopal Church in the USA (ECUSA). This unofficial list is hosted by lay leadership within the Episcopal Diocese of Washington, with members in the Evangelism Committee, Episcopal Cursillo, and other apostolic portions of the diocese. EPISCOPAL is also the Internet source for DID YOU KNOW, the official communique of the Diocese of Washington. Any issues within the diocese (parish calendars, activity announcements, prayer requests, etc.) are most welcome. Secondly, all issues which affect the Episcopal Church in general are routinely discussed. To subscribe, send mail to: majordomo@list.us.net and in the body of the message put subscribe episcopal end Please, do not place your name on the "subscribe" line. The system will extract your name from your mail account. Last change: Jul 95 Epoch Users Forum Contact: majordomo@mcs.anl.gov Purpose: The Epoch Users Forum mailing list is intended as an ideas exchange mechanism for users of Epoch fileservers. Comments, questions, and feedback are encouraged. Last change: Mar 95 Eric's Trip Contact: majordomo@winston.interlog.com Purpose: Discussion of Canadian independent music, including Eric's Trip and other independent Canadian bands. To subscribe, send mail to majordomo@winston.interlog.com with no subject and body of subscribe ET_etc email address List manager: hastinga@tuns.ca (Mitch Hastings) Last change: Mar 95 Eritrea-net Contact: eri-net-request@eritrea.org Purpose: Eritrea-net is a free service, electronic mailing list with goals of facilitating the exchange of information about Eritrea and serving as a forum for discussions of anything that pertains to Eritrea and its people. All its postings are automatically cross-posted in Addle-Net, an electronic bulletin board in Asmara, Eritrea (E. Africa). Membership: open to any person willing to observe general network etiquette. To subscribe send email to eri-net-request@eritrea.org with SUBSCRIBE <email address> <FULL NAME> in the body of the message. List owner: sysadmn@eritrea.org (Ibrahim Beshir) Last change: Mar 95 es Contact: es-request@hawkwind.utcs.toronto.edu (Chris Siebenmann) Purpose: Discussion of the es shell. Es is both simple and highly programmable. By exposing many of the internals and adopting constructs from functional programming languages, Paul Haahr and Byron Rakitzis have created a shell which supports new paradigms for programmers. The es shell and the mailing list archives are available on ftp.sys.utoronto.ca, directory /pub/es. eskrima Contact: majordomo@hpwsrt.cup.hp.com Purpose: Discussion of Eskrima/Kali/Arnis and other Filipino martial arts. eskrima-digest is the disgestified version of the eskrima list. Last change: Mar 95 Esperanto Contact: esperanto-l-request@netcom.com (Mike Urban) Purpose: This list is a forum for people interested in the neutral international language Esperanto. Discussions about the language itself, the Esperanto movement, publications, and news are encouraged; of course, discussion *in* the language itself are especially encouraged, although English translations may be advisable when the material is of interest to beginners or non-Esperantists. Last change: Mar 95 etchells-l Contact: etchells-l-request@io.org Purpose: For people who sail the Etchells one design keelboat. To subscribe, send mail to etchells-l-request@io.org with subscribe in the body of the message. There is also an Etchells Web Site: http://www.io.org/~sail/Etchells Last change: Apr 95 ethology Contact: ethology-owner@searn.sunet.se Purpose: An unmoderated mailing list for the discussion of animal behaviour and behavioural ecology. Possible topics could be e.g. new or controversial theories, new research methods, and equipment. Announcements of books, papers, conferences, new software for behavioural analysis etc., with possible experiences, are also encouraged. Last change: Mar 95 euro-moto Contact: euro-moto-request@mom.isc-br.com (automated instructions) Contact: euro-moto-owner@mom.isc-br.com (Ralph Merwin) Purpose: The EuroMoto mailing list is for discussion, general chatter, socializing, chaos, ride reports and announcements of anything related to European motorcycles. Anyone is free to subscribe, and topic limitations are not enforced. The list is not moderated, but is intended for socialization (and the occasional exchange of technical information). Brand bashing generally occurs, so don't take it personally. Personal attacks are not welcome. Automated subscription information: send any message to euro-moto-request@mom.isc-br.com You will receive subscription information and instructions. Last change: Mar 95 Europe-LD Contact: europe-ld-request@ee.surrey.ac.uk Purpose: The Europe-LD mailing list discusses the use of LaserDisc in Europe and other PAL countries. It discusses both hardware and software matters, and related issues about Home Cinema systems. Both PAL and NTSC software is discussed as the majority of European LD players are dual-standard. The list also has an acompanying World Wide Web server at URL: http://www.ee.surrey.ac.uk/Personal/EuropeLD/index.html Last change: Mar 95 EUROPEAN TOP 20 CHART Contact: eu20-request@a3.xs4all.nl Purpose: Weekly European chart from MTV Europe. Requests preferably in the format subscribe eu20 your_e-address (your_name) List owner: a3@a3.xs4all.nl (Adri Verhoef) Last change: Mar 95 ex-nsc Contact: ex-nsc-request@terrabit.mn.org Purpose: To assist former employees of Network Systems Corporation in keeping in touch with each other and those still working at NSC. This list is not officially sanctioned by NSC. It is not actually limited to former employees; if you're interested in keeping in touch with people and events, you may join. Last change: Feb 95 exhibitionists Contact: exhibitionists-request@jvnc.net Purpose: Primarily for managers and/or projectionists, but open also to anyone working in a cinema or film society, etc. Anyone's welcome to join, but the conversation is mainly about things that only cinema workers (and in some cases only projectionists) would be interested in, so if this isn't you, think twice about joining. In short, a forum where someone can ask "So how was work at the theater today?" and actually understand what you're talking about. Last change: Mar 95 exotic-cars Contact: exotic-cars-request@sol.asl.hitachi.com (Joe Augenbraun) Purpose: The exotic-cars mailing list is a discussion group where owners and admirers of exotic cars can talk about all aspects of them: buying, selling, maintaining, driving, styling, outlandish stories about Enzo, etc. An exotic car is a performance-oriented production car that was built in limited numbers. Ferraris, Lamborghinis, Maseratis, and Aston Martins all are exotics, Camaros aren't. There's a lot of grey area in between there, and discussion has ranged through some of the grey area. Most of the discussion, though, has been about cars that fit well within the exotic definition given above. To subscribe, send a message saying that you wish to subscribe to exotic-cars-request@asl.hitachi.com Last change: Mar 95 EXOTIC-L Contact: LISTSERV@PLEARN.EDU.PL Purpose: EXOTIC-L is a discussion list for and about all kinds, types and varieties of exotic pet birds. This list was created for the express purpose of discussing anything from the care and feeding of your beloved pet bird to the scientific research concerning any aspect of wild or domestic exotic bird populations. If you wish to discuss training, human-avian experiences, seek a bit of comfort over the loss of a cherished bird, or find the best way to handle any aspect of bird ownership, you can be expected to be welcome to EXOTIC-L. To subscribe, send the command SUBSCRIBE EXOTIC-L your-first-name your-last-name in the BODY of an email message to LISTSERV@PLEARN.EDU.PL For example: SUBSCRIBE EXOTIC-L Joe Shmoe List administrator: katsmith@vt.edu (Kathryn A. Smith) Last change: Mar 95 Exotica (the exotic vinyl mailing list) Contact: majordomo@xmission.com Purpose: Discussing unusual and forgotten LP releases from the 1950s and 1960s -- vocal, pop, Hawaiian, novelty, electronic, surf, theme, party, and other music to be incredibly strange by. To subscribe, email majordomo@xmission.com with the commands subscribe exotica or subscribe exotica-digest in the body of your message. Last change: Mar 95 Explorer-L Contact Explorer-Info@slic.cts.com Purpose: Discussion of the Ford Explorer sport/utility vehicle and to provide a forum for it's owners. Other similar Ford products may be discussed if it is related to major components in common such as Ranger Pickups, 4x4 drive-train, and/or the 4.0 liter V6 engine. Archives are available via MBAS and FTP. Last change: Apr 95 Extropians Contact: extropians-request@extropy.org Purpose: Extropians is devoted to the discussion and development of Extropian ideas. The term "Extropian" was coined by the publishers of the journal "Extropy", which is devoted to Extropian philosophy. This list is a spinoff of the journal. Extropians may be roughly described as those simultaneously interested in anarchocapitalist politics, cryonics (and other life extension techniques), the technological extension of human intelligence and perception, nanotechnology, spontaneous orders, and a number of other related ideas. If you are an Extropian, the concept that these are all related topics will seem natural. All Extropians (and those who suspect that they are Extropians) are invited to join. The list is run from a commercial site and to strictly cover costs there is a fee charged to join the list, $14 per year (less for ExI member and Journal subscribers and students). A 30 day free-trial is given to all subscribers. For more information on the Extropy Institute Inc, a not for profit educational foundation, send mail to exi-info@extropy.org or write Extropy Institute, 13428 Maxella Avenue, #273 Marina Del Rey, CA 90292. Last change: Mar 95 ... continued ... Archive-name: mail/mailing-lists/part05 [This is the fifth of fourteen articles on mailing lists.] f-body Contact: majordomo@cisco.com Purpose: Discussion of all types of Camaros and Firebirds, and related technical problems & solutions. Last change: Feb 95 f-costume (Fantasy Costume) f-costume-digest Contact: majordomo@lunch.engr.sgi.com Purpose: The fantasy costume mailing list concentrates on the design, motivation and execution of fantasy clothing and costume, from all eras: past, present and future. The imagination is your only limitation! Discussions include special event costumes ("cons" and parades), science fiction costumes, mythological and other non-factual historic-type costumes, serious Halloween and Mardi Gras costumes, theatrical costumes, creative and motivational forces, using and finding patterns, materials, books, and other sources for supplies. Technical discussions cover silkscreening methods, dyeing, beading, marbling, machine embroidery, incorporating mixed media, the use of unusual materials such as aluminum cans, chain links or wire cloth, etc. and the use of various fabrics, such as lycra, sheers, netting and metallics, etc., to achieve certain effects. Mask making, headgear and makeup issues are also often discussed. Collective group projects and exchanges of experimental materials are welcome. Last change: Mar 95 F Paul Wilson/David Wingrove Mailing List Contact: lanague-kuo-request@netcom.com Purpose: To discuss the works of F. Paul Wilson, an SF and horror author, and David Wingrove, author of the -Chung Kuo- series of novels. List manager: lanague-kuo-owner@netcom.com. Last change: Apr 95 FAB-UFO Contact: marc@wln.com (Marc Martin) Purpose: FAB-UFO is an open, unmoderated discussion list devoted to the 1969 British science fiction television series "UFO". Likely discussion topics are: where to find the series on video, opinions of particular episodes, behind the scenes information, similarities to the other Gerry & Sylvia Anderson productions, new merchandise and rare collectibles, fan activities, and what the cast and crew have been up to since the series ended. General Anderson topics should be addressed to the sister list FAB-L. To subscribe, send email to LISTPROC@LISTS.PIPEX.COM and in the body of the message put SUBSCRIBE FAB-UFO yourFirstName yourLastName Last change: Jun 95 fairness Contact: listproc@mainstream.com Contact: craig@mainstream.com (Craig Peterson) Purpose: Monitoring issues of "fairness" with respect to the government. Press releases from the whitehouse, articles from papers and journals, and opinions from individuals are included. For a list of the available requests send a message to listproc@mainstream.com with a body consisting of nothing but the word HELP Last change: Mar 95 Fall Contact: listserv@listserv.unc.edu Purpose: Any discussion concerning the Fall and the various offspring of it, plus any related subjects. Last change: Mar 95 FANCY & HOMING PIGEONS Contact: gdelamot@nla.gov.au (Geoff De La Motte) Purpose: Discussion and news from those interested in the breeding and exhibiting of show pigeons. Last change: Mar 95 FASE Contact: fase@d.umn.edu Purpose: FASE (Forum for Academic Software Engineering) provides a forum for communication among academic educators who teach software engineering. Submissions are compiled and mailed to subscribers approximately monthly. List admin: fase-request@d.umn.edu Last change: Mar 95 FATFREE Vegetarian Mailing List Contact: fatfree-request@fatfree.com (Michelle Dick) Purpose: This list is for discussion about very lowfat vegetarian eating and cooking. For this list, "very low fat" indicates diets with less than 15 percent of calories as fat and "vegetarian" includes milk, eggs, and honey but excludes all meat, fish, and poultry. Two main proponents of diets similar to this are are Dean Ornish and John McDougall. Archive: http://www.fatfree.com The primary audience of this list are those who are trying to keep relatively strictly to a very low fat vegetarian eating plan for reasons of health. However, anyone with an interest in very low fat vegetarian foods and cooking is welcome here provided they respect the nature of the list and abide by the posting rules (which are sent to all new subscribers). To subscribe, send email to fatfree-request@fatfree.com with a SUBJECT: header that reads subscribe Last change: Jun 95 Fathers' Rights & Equality Exchange (F.R.E.E.) Contact: free@vix.com (Anne P. Mitchell, Esq.) Purpose: The Fathers' Rights & Equality Exchange (F.R.E.E.(tm)) is a non-profit organization dedicated to the premise that parenting is a 50/50 proposition. As such, both fathers and mothers should share equally in the parenting and support of their children. FREE recognizes that there are indeed some fathers who don't pay support, or who skip town. However there are a great many fathers who want to parent their children, who are willing and prepared to pay their fair share of child-support, and who wish only to be treated with respect, fairness, and dignity by the State, the Family Law System, and by society. It is these fathers for whom FREE stands up and advocates. For more information: send email to free@vix.com To become a member of F.R.E.E., send email to free-join@vix.com, including your name, address, telephone number, primary email address (be sure to state whether it is alright to share your email address with other F.R.E.E. members). Also, state which states/countries you are particularly interested in. FEA-L Contact: listserv@mecheng.fullfeed.com Purpose: FEA-L is a list of interest to all who use finite element analysis. Discussions generally involve ANSYS or COSMOS but all interests in FEA, applied or theoretical are supported. All subscriptions should be sent to: listserv@mecheng.fullfeed.com The listserv supports the following commands, which should be placed in the message text, not in the subject field: subscribe fea-l unsubscribe fea-l confirm fea-l List owner: sysop@mecheng.fullfeed.com Last change: Mar 95 fegmaniax Contact: majordomo@ns2.rutgers.edu Purpose: Discussion, news and information regarding that English eccentric and musician, Robyn Hitchcock. Last change: Mar 95 felines-l Contact: listserv@cornell.edu Purpose: Unmoderated mailing list for the discussion of all species of felines other than the domestic house cat. Non-listserv questions to: dl24@cornell.edu feminism-digest Contact: majordomo@netcom.com (Cindy Tittle Moore) Purpose: This is actually a digest version of soc.feminism. It is intended for those who have difficulty getting soc.feminism or who prefer to read it all at once or whatever. To subscribe to the digest, send email to majordomo@netcom.com with subscribe feminism-digest in the body of the message and you will recieve a welcome reply that will tell you how to use the list. If you wish to unsubscribe from the digest, send email to majordomo@netcom.com with unsubscribe feminism-digest List administrator: feminism-digest-approval@netcom.com Last change: Mar 95 ferrets Contact: ferret-request@cunyvm.cuny.edu (Bill Gruber) Purpose: This is a mailing list for people who have or are merely interested in ferrets (Mustela Furo). Discussions are welcome on any subject relating to ferrets -- suitability as pets, health information, funny ferret stories etc. This a moderated list which comes out as a daily digest. Last change: Mar 95 feyerabend Contact: majordomo@lists.village.virginia.edu Purpose: Discussion of themes related to Paul Feyerabend, including but not limited to philosophy of science and its relation to sciences and their relations to societies; history of philosophy of science and science; state and status of philosophy and philosophy of science; ethics; specific bio- and bibliographical issued; argumentation; rationalism and relativism; function as a resource on Feyerabend and supporting reseach on him. To subscribe, send email to majordomo@lists.village.virginia.edu and in the body of the message put subscribe feyerabend List owner: owner-feyerabend@lists.village.virginia.edu. ff Contact: maillist@banana.demon.co.uk Purpose: For discussion relating to the singer-songwriter Julia Fordham, a British artist, from Portsmouth, England. Julia's music can be described as many things; her sound is distinctive and contains elements of pop, folk, rock, soul and jazz. She has a wonderfully clear voice, that pierces the heart and speaks to the soul. To subscribe, mail to maillist@banana.demon.co.uk Set the Subject: field to SIGNON ff Leave the body of the message blank - it is ignored. To unsubscribe, set the Subject: field to SIGNOFF ff List owner: jflist@banana.demon.co.uk (Kevin F. Quinn) Last change: Jun 95 ff-resultats Contact: ff-resultats-request@loria.fr (Jean-Claude Giese, Kent Hedlundh) Purpose: Distribution of French Football (soccer) results and important news. (Moderated). Last change: Mar 95 Fiat L.V.X. Contact: PHELENA@delphi.com (Lainie) Purpose: "Fiat L.V.X." is Latin for "Let there be Light". L.V.X. (Lux) refers to the Light of God resident in all things, the Spirit of the Divine as well as a number of esoteric meanings. This listserv exists for the purpose of discussion and networking among Christians who have an interest in the Western Esoteric Tradition, which may include that which is also known as mysticism, "magic(k)" and "the occult". Beginners as well as initiates are welcome, flames/preaching are not. To subscribe, send email to listserv@cp.tybrin.com with the line: subscribe fiatlvx <email address> <real name> For help send the word "help" to the listserv above or contact Lainie. Last change: Mar 95 FIBROM-L Contact: listserv@vmd.cso.uiuc.edu Purpose: FIBROM-L is a discussion forum for the disease/syndrome known as fibromyalgia / fibrositis. It is an opportunity for patients, family and friends of patients, physicians and researchers, and other interested persons to discuss this condition. Fibrom-l is an unmoderated list open to all interested subscribers. It is supported by the Computing and Communications Services Office (CCSO) of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC). To suscribe, send email to: listserv@vmd.cso.uiuc.edu with the first text line subscribe fibrom-l your-name Last change: Mar 95 fieldorg-l Contact: listserv@netcom.com Purpose: ARRL field organization discussions. This list is automatically maintained by Majordomo. To sign up or inquire about this list, send mail to listserv@netcom.com with the following in the body (subject is ignored) of the message. To subscribe: subscribe fieldorg-l To unsubscribe: unsubscribe fieldorg-l For more information: help Please keep your mailing address up to date. If your account is being changed or shut down, please update majordomo. This list is sponsored by the Boston Amateur Radio Club. If you have any questions, I can be reached at n1ist@netcom.com For more information on the Boston ARC, subscribe to barc-list. Last change: Mar 95 Fieros Contact: fieros-request@cabana.ncsa.uiuc.edu Purpose: For Pontiac Fiero owners and aficionados. Last change: Jul 95 Filmmakers Contact: filmmakers-request@dhm.com Purpose: The Filmmakers' Mailing List deals with all aspects of motion picture production, with an emphasis on technical issues. Heavily stressed are construction and design issues for those working on tight budgets. It should be emphasized that the subject is film, and not video. finewine Contact: be finewine-request@netspace.org (Eric Budke) Purpose: A newsgroup dedicated to the rock music group God Street Wine. Last change: Mar 95 finlandia (The Finnish Classical Music Mailing List) Contact: Majordomo@phoenix.oulu.fi Purpose: Discussion about Finnish classical and modern composers, their life and works, performing artists and orchestras, Finnish publications (scores, books, sheet music etc.), recordings (CD, LP - even video) and the music life in general. Everyone can join. The language of the list is English. To subscribe, send E-mail to Majordomo@phoenix.oulu.fi The Subject: line is ignored. In the message body there should be the following line subscribe finlandia end Subscriptions from specialists in Finnish music are warmly appreciated! Last change: Mar 95 Fire-List Contact: eroby@halcyon.com (Ed Robisheaux) Purpose: To discuss the design, installation, maintenance and testing of special hazards fire suppression systems (Halon 1301, Carbon Dioxide, FM-200, Inergen) commonly installed in data processing rooms, process control rooms, and telecommunications facilities; pre-engineered fire suppression systems commonly protecting restaurants, paint spray booths, gasoline stations, dip tanks, and off road vehicles; fire alarm and fire detection systems; and hand portable fire extinguishers. This listserv is sponsored by NAFED, the National Association of Fire Equipment Distributors, a trade group with over 1,200 organizations. The list is unmoderated and open to all with an interest in fire protection. To subscribe, mail to majordomo@halcyon.com with subscribe fire-list in the body of the text. Last change: Mar 95 firearms-alert Contact: majordomo@shell.portal.com (Jeff Chan) Purpose: Timely distribution of carefully prepared alerts pertaining only to firearms politics, media coverage, research and scholarly thought. No discussion or talk is allowed. Average of 12 messages or fewer per day. Last change: Mar 95 firearms politics Contact: majordomo@world.std.com Purpose: This list provides an unmoderated forum for firearms rights activists to freely discuss tactics, techniques and other issues of concern without the distraction of anti-gun rhetoric. To subscribe, send a message to majordomo@world.std.com and in the body of the message include the text subscribe fap List owner: fap-approval@world.std.com Last change: Mar 95 flags Contact: bottasini@cesi.it (Giuseppe Bottasini) Purpose: The creation of worldwide, real-time updated database about all kind of flags: (inter)national, (un)official, ethnical, political, religious, movements' flags. Discussion of symbols of colors used on flags, in order to find common and/or unique meanings of them. Gathering informations about flags' history. To subscribe, send the word SUBSCRIBE to flags-request@cesi.it Visit the mailing list's Web page at http://www.cesi.it/flags/ Last change: Jul 95 flamingo Contact: flamingo-request@lenny.corp.sgi.com Purpose: The list is for unmoderated discussion among fans of the series "Parker Lewis" (formerly "Parker Lewis Can't Lose") on the Fox television network. It is available both as a mail reflector and as a digest. The two formats distribute the same material; please state your preference when you subscribe. Flashback Contact: flash@flashback.com (John J. McLaughlin) Purpose: FlashBack is an Electronic Journal that is distributed by email to 130,000+ Sun users. You can use FlashBack to stay informed about the Sun marketplace. Information about products, services, or events of interest to Sun users comes directly from their vendors. FlashBack can be found on the World Wide Web at a number of locations. I encourage WebMasters to install my HTML files on their servers to improve the performance for their local subscribers. FlashBack articles can be found on servers from Japan to the UK to the USA at sites such as: o http://www.sun.com/FlashBack o http://www.flashback.com o ftp://draco.nova.edu/pub/FlashBack/www/index.html The weekly and monthly summaries are posted to the newsgroup comp.sys.sun.announce. To subscribe, send email to majordomo@flashback.com and in the message body type subscribe flashback For more information, send email to flashback@flashback.com with 9001 in the Subject field. Last change: May 95 FM-10 Contact: listserver@dg-rtp.dg.com Purpose: To talk about modifications, enhancements, and uses of the Ramsey FM-10, other BA-1404 based FM Stereo broadcasters, also some discussion of the FM pirate radio. For a list of the available requests send a message to listserver@dg-rtp.dg.com with a body consisting of nothing but the word HELP Last change: Mar 95 fogelberg Contact: ai411@yfn.ysu.edu Purpose: The purpose of the list is to allow Fogelberg fans to discuss Dan, his music, and his work. Last change: Mar 95 folk-dancing Contact: tjw+@pitt.edu (Terry J. Wood) Contact: tjw@pittvms.bitnet Purpose: Any discussion of FOLK dancing. Areas of dance would include, but not be limited to: international, contra, square, western square morris, cajun, and barn dancing, etc. Please feel free to discuss such things as touring groups, artists, camps, workshops, styling, equipment, recordings, and so on. This mailing list also welcomes queries about where to find dance groups and how to get started dancing. Please note that the Folk Dancing Mailing List (FDML) operates in conjunction with the USENET newsgroup Rec.folk-dancing. Material in Rec.folk-dancing appears in the FDML. This mailing list is primarily for people who can not (or do not wish to) receive USENET. When subscribing to the FDML, please include several computer mail addresses AND a postal mail address (or phone number) as a last resort. Last change: Mar 95 folk_music Contact: listserv@nysernet.org (Alan Rowoth) Purpose: Folk_music is a moderated discussion list dealing with the music of the recent wave of american singer/songwriters. List traffic consists of tour schedules, reviews, album release info and other information on artists like Shawn Colvin, Mary-Chapin Carpenter, David Wilcox, Nanci Griffith, Darden Smith, Cheryl Wheeler, John Gorka, Ani DiFranco, and others. There are no archives as of yet. To subscribe, send mail to listserv@nysernet.org with this request SUBSCRIBE FOLK_MUSIC Your Fullname We also maintain files for FTP at nysernet.org, including the ever popular Dirty Linen magazine monthly tour calendars. To access these files via anonymous FTP logon as GUEST giving your user-id@your.local.host as a password. Files and subdirectories are contained within the directory /FOLK_MUSIC. These are also accessible via gopher on port 70. The Nysernet gopher is also available via telnet by connecting to nysernet.org and typing "nysernet" as a login name, no password is necessary. footbag (HackySack) Contact: footbag-request@cup.hp.com Purpose: If you are interested in the sport of footbag (similar to the game played with a Hacky Sack (R)), you are welcome to join the footbag listserver. Chat with other players ranging from novice to pro about freestyle, net footbag, footbag golf, etc. Find out where and when upcoming tournaments are. Link up with other kickers in your area. Give and receive advice on footbag techniques and equipment. This list is a global source of information on the sport of footbag. To join, just send a message to: footbag-request@cup.hp.com Please include your first and last name somewhere in the message. If you would prefer the digest version (1 message per day), make sure to indicate this by including the word "Digest" in the subject line. For WWW users, check out the Footbag WorldWide pages at http://www.cup.hp.com/~footbag/ Fordnatics Contact: fordnatics-request@freud.arc.nasa.gov (Chuck Fry) Contact: fords-request@freud.arc.nasa.gov Purpose: The Fordnatics mailing list is a high-volume, unmoderated forum for discussing high performance Fords or Ford-powered vehicles, and is also available in digest format. Last change: Mar 95 Forensic Linguistics Contact: mailbase@mailbase.ac.uk Purpose: We circulate newspaper reports from our own countries describing linguistic evidence in court, and we discuss ideas and controversies about expert evidence involving language. Areas like courtroom discourse are also covered. People on the list include linguists, lawyers, people concerned with court translating and interpreting and others with a general interest in language and the law. To subscribe, send the command JOIN FORENSIC-LINGUISTICS Your_first_name(s) Your_last_name to the address mailbase@mailbase.ac.uk When you are added to the list you will automatically be sent an introductory file giving you more information about using the list facilities. List owner: blackwellsa@bham.ac.uk (Sue Blackwell) Last change: Mar 95 Forest Management DSS Contact: listserv@pnfi.forestry.ca (Tom Moore) Purpose: The discussion group is a forum for rapid exchange of information, ideas, and opinions related to the topics of decision support systems and information systems for forest management planning. Also welcome are announcements of meetings, calls for papers, calls for proposals, help wanted, employment wanted, resumes, book reviews, and copies of papers or speeches. Although this is being sponsored as part of a Canadian research program, participation from the international community is welcome. Please pass this information on to your colleagues. To subscribe to the list send email to listserv@pnfi.forestry.ca with the message: SUBSCRIBE FMDSS-L FirstName LastName forestgen (Forest Genetics) Contact: majordomo@metla.fi Purpose: For discussion of forest genetics and tree breeding. List owner: Matti.Haapanen@metla.fi Last change: Mar 95 Forestry Contact: mailserver@nic.funet.fi Purpose: For general discussions on forestry. List owner: forest-request@nic.funet.fi Last change: Mar 95 Formula SAE Contact: fsae-request@list.gatech.edu Purpose: Anything related to the Formula SAE competitioon may be discussed. To subscribe, send mail with the subject of subscribe and no body to fsae-request@list.gatech.edu fox-list Contact: listserv@netcom.com Purpose: Fox hunting and Radio Direction Finding. This list is automatically maintained by Majordomo. To subscribe, send mail to listserv@netcom.com with the following in the body of the message subscribe fox-list To unsubscribe: unsubscribe fox-list For more information: help Please keep your mailing address up to date. If your account is being changed or shut down, please update majordomo. This list is sponsored by the Boston Amateur Radio Club. If you have any questions, I can be reached at n1ist@netcom.com For more information on the Boston ARC, subscribe to barc-list. Last change: Mar 95 foxxvox Contact: Majordomo@dcs.ed.ac.uk Purpose: This list is for the minimally-moderated discussion of the music of John Foxx, Ultravox and related projects. Due to relatively low volume, it's only available as a weekly digest. To subscribe to foxxvox, send e-mail to Majordomo@dcs.ed.ac.uk with the command subscribe foxxvox in the body of the message. The subject line is ignored. framers Contact: framers-request@uunet.uu.net (Phong Co) Purpose: Framers is a users forum for sharing of experiences and information about the FrameMaker desktop publishing package from Frame Technology. Last change: Mar 95 france-foot Contact: france-foot-request@loria.fr Purpose: Discussions of the French Football (soccer) scene. Results, news, discussions and prediction league. Several FAQs are available on request. Last change: Apr 95 freaks Contact: listproc@arastar.com Purpose: A list which talks about Marillion and related rock groups. To subscribe, send a message containing subscribe freaks My Real Name to listproc@arastar.com List owner: freaks-owner@arastar.com Last change: Mar 95 FREEDOM Contact: LISTSERV@idbsu.idbsu.edu Purpose: Mailing list of people organising against the Idaho Citizens Alliance anti-gay ballot initiative. To subscribe: send a message to LISTSERV@idbsu.idbsu.edu with one line SUB FREEDOM "My Name" FrenchTalk Contact: krus@limsi.fr Purpose: The frenchtalk mailing list is available for all french expatriates around the world. Discussion topics are free and unmoderated but should relate to the french culture and the problems encountered while in exile. More information is available at http:/www.limsi.fr/~krus/frenchtalk.html To subscribe, send email to listproc@cren.org containing the following command: subscribe frenchtalk your_name Last change: Mar 95 Friday the 13th Contact: f13-request@kurgan.com Purpose: For discussion of the Television series "Friday the 13th: The Series". This list is a digest format relating to topics about the show. List administrator: kurgan@kurgan.com Last change: May 95 Fringeware Contact: info@fringeware.com Purpose: A moderated list devoted to fringe and digital cultures. Last change: Mar 95 Fruit-of-the-Day Contact: fotd-request@cs.umd.edu Purpose: You will recieve a message every night telling you what the official Fruit-of-the-Day for that day is. It's really pretty silly. It's sort of a parody of the Fruit of the Month Club. People interested in serious discussion of fruit need not subscribe. Use the word 'subscribe' in the body of your message to automatically subscribe or the word 'info' to receive more information." Last change: Mar 95 fsp-discussion Contact: listserv@german.eu.net Purpose: Discussion of the new FSP protocol. FSP is a set of programs that implements a public-access archive similar to an anonymous-FTP archive. The difference is that FSP is connection-less and virtually state-less. This list is open for everybody. List administrator: listmaster@Germany.EU.net Last change: Mar 95 FuelQuest-CNI Contact: listserv@netcom.com Purpose: Information and discussion of Fuel Quest International(FQI) network marketing opportunity. Independent FQI distributors/ prospects, entrepreneurs, and associates are welcome to participate. FQI provides a very lucrative opportunity for individuals who wish to become financially independent. To join the mailing list send a message to listserv@netcom.com with the body subscribe fuelquest-cni <firstname> <lastname> FQI is a Multi-Level Marketing (MLM) service provider for Fuel Management Report and up-coming fuel associated products. C Network International organization is an independent FQI distributor. List administrator: CNIntl@netcom.com Last change: Mar 95 Fungus Contact: fungus-request@teleport.com Purpose: Dedicated to mushroom cultivation (both hobby and commercial) and mycology resources. To subscribe, email fungus-request@teleport.com with a message of subscribe fungus <you@your.domain> List moderator: rarnold@teleport.com (Ralph Arnold) Last change: Mar 95 funky-music Contact: funky-music-request@mit.edu Purpose: The funky-music mailing list is for the discussion of funk music, as well as rap, hip-hop, soul, r&b, and related varieties. Discussions of zydeco, reggae, salsa, soca, and similar gutsy street music are also welcome. Funk music is based on the rhythmic innovations pioneered by James Brown. Other notable artists in the genre are Parliament, Funkadelic, War, Earth Wind and Fire, the Meters, and Mandrill. Funky music has a dance-able beat to it, a soulful feel, and an underlying intelligence. All the varieties of music mentioned above, are funky. Last change: Mar 95 Fusion Digest Contact: fusion-request@zorch.sf-bay.org Purpose: Email redistribution of Usenet sci.physics.fusion newsgroup, for sites/users that don't have access to Usenet. Last change: Mar 95 Futurebus+ Users Contact: majordomo@theus.rain.com Purpose: A discussion group for users of Futurebus+. Topics include the design, implementation, integration and operation of the hardware and software that are related to Futurebus+. To subscribe, mail to majordomo@theus.rain.com with subscribe fbus_users [address] in the body of the text. Last change: Mar 95 Futures Contact: sub.futures@stoicbbs.com Purpose: Discussion of futures/commodity trading, options on same. Fundamental, technical, strategies and related subjects. To subscribe send message to: sub.futures@stoicbbs.com with the text Subscribe Futures (your E-mail address) Your Full Name You will receive acknowledgement of your subscription and information on posting messages. fuzzy-mail Contact: listserver@vexpert.dbai.tuwien.ac.at Purpose: Discussion of fuzzy logic, fuzzy sets. Is linked with the NAFIPS-L list and the comp.ai.fuzzy news-group, but all messages are screened by a moderator, so the noise level is low. To subscribe, send the command SUB FUZZY-MAIL Name in the body of an otherwise empty mail to listserver@vexpert.dbai.tuwien.ac.at For "Name", please specify your real name, e.g. Wolfgang Slany. Your email address will be automatically extracted from the header of your mail. For information, send the command GET FUZZY-MAIL INFO to listserver@vexpert.dbai.tuwien.ac.at Last change: Mar 95 fuzzy-ramblings Contact: fuzzy-ramblings-request@dover.cerf.net (Robert Earl) Purpose: Discussion of the British girl group "We've Got a Fuzzbox and We're Going to Use It!". For information, send the command help as the subject line to fuzzy-ramblings-request@dover.cerf.net Last change: Mar 95 GAELIC-L Contact: LISTSERV@IRLEARN.UCD.IE Purpose: A multi-disciplinary discussion list set up to facilitate the exchange of news, views, information in Scottish Gaelic, Irish and Manx. Read on for instructions in Scottish Gaelic (SG) Irish (IG) and Manx (MG). Listserver: LISTSERV@IRLEARN.BITNET LISTSERV@IRLEARN.UCD.IE To subscribe to the list, send a mail message to LISTSERV@IRLEARN.UCD.IE containing the single line SUBSCRIBE GAELIC-L <your name> e.g. SUBSCRIBE GAELIC-L John MacLeod and you will be automatically added by the computer which runs GAELIC-L. For questions, contact: mgunn@irlearn.ucd.ie (Marion Gunn) caoimhin@smo.ac.uk (Caoimhi/n O/ Donnai/le) lss203@cs.napier.ac.uk (Craig Cockburn) Last change: Mar 95 GAlist Contact: anthro@humnet.ucla.edu (Eric Gans) Purpose: for persons interested in Generative Anthropology (GA) and in Anthropoetics: The Electronic Journal of Generative Anthropology. To subscribe, send email to maiser@humnet.ucla.edu and in the body of the message put subscribe galist The journal's home page (with an introduction to GA) may be found at: http://www.humnet.ucla.edu/humnet/anthropoetics/home.html or gopher://www.humnet.ucla.edu under Electronic Journals Last change: Jul 95 game-genie-l Contact: game-genie-l-request@nvc.cc.ca.us Purpose: Discussion of the Game Genie for various video game systems, as well as any other Game Genie like device. Game Genie codes posted to list quite often. Last change: Mar 95 Gateway 2000 Contact: gateway2000-request@sei.cmu.edu (Tod Pike) Purpose: A good source of information about Gateway 2000 products. The Gateway 2000 Mailing List is *not* owned by Gateway 2000, Inc. of North Sioux City, SD. It plus the newsgroup alt.sys.pc-clone.gateway2000 is run for and by Gateway 2000 *users*. A Digest form of this mailing list is also available. Last change: Mar 95 GAY-LIBN Contact: LISTSERV@VM.USC.EDU Purpose: Gay/Lesbian/Bisexual Librarians Network. To join the list and receive mailings from GAY-LIBN: Send mail to LISTSERV@VM.USC.EDU with the text SUB GAY-LIBN FIRSTNAME LASTNAME (no punctuation, no other text). Last change: Mar 95 Gay Sports Contact: listmanager@hookup.net Purpose: An Internet mailing list devoted to gay, lesbian, and bisexual sports topics! To subscribe, send an E-mail message to listmanager@hookup.net The subject line can say anything or nothing. In the BODY of the message, type the words subscribe lgb-sports To unsubscribe from the list, send a message to listmanager@hookup.net with unsubscribe lgb-sports in the BODY of the message. If this automated system fails to work for some reason, send mail to me, Joe Clark, the owner of the lgb-sports list, at List owner: owner-lgb-sports@hookup.net (Joe Clark) GayNet Contact: GAYNET-REQUEST@queernet.org (Roger B.A. Klorese) Purpose: This is a list about gay, lesbian and bisexual concerns (with a focus on college campuses), including (but not limited to) outreach programs, political action, AIDS education, dealing with school administrations, social programs, and just finding out what other support groups are doing. Items of general gay/lesbian interest are also welcome. The list is not moderated. Subscription/unsubscription requests are managed by an automated server called Majordomo. To subscribe, send a mail message to majordomo@queernet.org The first (not subject) line of the message should be subscribe gaynet List administrator: gaynet-approval@queernet.org Last change: Mar 95 GEDCOM-L Contact: listserv@vm1.nodak.edu Purpose: GEDCOM-L is an unmoderated discussion list for the discussion of ideas concerning how genealogical data is now stored in GEnealogical Data COMmunications (GEDCOM)data files, and how GEDCOM may be changed or enhanced to help programmers take advantage of the many new ways to interface their paper files with a computer program which will handle all their information, and store it in a useful way. Warning: This list is not for the exchange of genealogy data in the form of GEDCOM files, so please do not send such to this list. Please note that this list is NOT sponsored or otherwise recognized by LDS, although the members of LDS or anyone are certainly welcome to subscribe and participate in this list. To subscribe to the list, send email to listserv@vm1.nodak.edu with the BODY of the mail containing SUB GEDCOM-L your full name For example SUB GEDCOM-L Marc Nozell List owner: nozell@wildcat.mv.com (Marc Nozell) Last change: Jun 95 GEGSTAFF Contact: LISTSERV@UKCC.UKY.EDU (Jeff Jones) Purpose: This list is open to the discussion of all topics relating to sexuality and gender in Geography. Discussions of theoretical and empirical work/issues are welcome as are book reviews, calls for papers, and information on conferences. To subscribe send mail to LISTSERV@UKCC.UKY.EDU with the body containing the command SUB GEGSTAFF Yourfirstname Yourlastname List owner: GEGSTAFF-Request@UKCC.UKY.EDU Last change: Mar 95 gender Contact: majordomo@indiana.edu (Eric Garrison) Purpose: gender is a list created for the purpose of discussing gender issues. The intent is to provide an open-minded forum for discussion of gender stereotypes vs. individuality, gender roles and particularly how people can get beyond these restrictions. Any related topic is fair game: I won't presume to dictate the subject matter of the list, I want everyone on the list to do that. Anonymous "posting" is available. To join, mail majordomo@indiana.edu with subscribe gender in the body of the message. Last change: Mar 95 Genesis (Project Genesis Mailing List) Contact: genesis@shamash.nysernet.org Purpose: Genesis is the primary mailing list for participants in Project Genesis, a Jewish outreach organization that promotes further Jewish education on the Internet and on college campuses. Subscribers receive a weekly message with a comment based on the weekly Torah reading, as well as information on other Project Genesis lists and programs. Project Genesis has a large program in Jewish studies, which includes several other mailing lists: DvarTorah (Comments on the weekly Torah reading - Jewish studies) Torah-Forum (Discussion Digest for questions about Judaism) Gossip (Discussion group on the ethics of speech in Jewish Law) Halacha-Yomi (Daily study of traditional Jewish Law) Maharal (The Sayings of the Fathers - teachings in Jewish ethics) Rambam (Maimonides' Review of the totality of Jewish Law) Ramchal (Rabbi M.C. Luzzato's "Path of the Just") RavFrand (Rabbi Yissachar Frand's weekly Torah class from Baltimore) Tefila (A discussion of Jewish prayer with Rabbi Chaim Szmidt) To subscribe, send mail to listproc@shamash.nysernet.org with the text subscribe genesis Your Full Name subscribe maharal Your Full Name etc. List maintainer: menken@shamash.nysernet.org (Rabbi Yaakov Menken) Last change: Mar 95 Georgia Skeptics Contact: georgia-skeptics-request@netcom.com (Anson Kennedy) Purpose: The Georgia Skeptics mailing list provides a forum for friends and members of the Georgia Skeptics to discuss local events and issues related to paranormal phenomena (UFO sightings, hauntings, etc.) from a skeptical perspective. It also provides a means for the group to disseminate information and announcements of upcoming events in the Georgia area. Message archives are available via anonymous FTP from "ftp.netcom.com" in directory "pub/anson". To subscribe, send e-mail to listserv@netcom.com with the following message subscribe georgia-skeptics Note: This is a Majordomo mailing list. Last change: Mar 95 GEOSCI-JOBS Contact: Majordomo@netcom.com Purpose: Geoscience Employment Opportunities List. To subscribe, send e-mail to Majordomo@netcom.com in the body of the message, type SUBSCRIBE GEOSCI-JOBS List owner: ted.smith@mtnswest.com (Ted Smith) Last change: Mar 95 germanica-l Contact: listserv@netcom.com Purpose: General, open-ended discusssion of social, cultural, historical, and political topics relevant to the American experience of persons of germanic origins, heritage, or identity. To subscribe, send email to listserv@netcom.com and in the body of the message put subscribe germanica-l Your_full_name To unsubscribe, send email to listserv@netcom.com and in the body of the message put unsub germanica-l Last change: Jun 95 germnews Contact: listserv@vm.gmd.de Purpose: This mailing list provides a daily summary of news from Germany, in German. To subscribe, send mail to listserv@vm.gmd.de with the line sub germnews your_full_name List owner: GERMNEWS-Request@VM.GMD.DE Last change: Mar 95 ghost-planet Contact: majordomo@acpub.duke.edu Purpose: "Space Ghost Coast-to-Coast" is a late-night animated talk show airing on the Cartoon Network on Fridays at 11pm Eastern. It is constructed from portions of old (circa 1966) Hanna-Barbera "Space Ghost" cartoons, with additional footage of interviewees and some new animation and effects. To subscribe, send email to majordomo@acpub.duke.edu and in the body of the message put subscribe ghost-planet To unsubscribe, send email to majordomo@acpub.duke.edu and in the body of the message put unsubscribe ghost-planet List maintainer: eja@acpub.duke.edu (Eric Akawie) Last change: Jul 95 Ghost Stories Contact: ghost-stories-request@netcom.com Purpose: Each day, one ghost story from the alt.folklore.ghost-stories archives is sent to the list. This is a mailing list ONLY; it is NOT a digest form of the newsgroup alt.folklore.ghost-stories. The list carries none of the threads that are currently being discussed in a.f.g-s. The mailing list is for the distribution (by list owner) of ghost stories and discussion of the same. List manager: ghost-stories-owner@netcom.com Last change: Apr 95 giants giants-scores giants-tickets baseball-chat Contact: listproc@plaidworks.com Purpose: Discussion, information exchange on the San Francisco Giants baseball team. To subscribe to a list, please send mail to listproc@plaidworks.com Please put the following command in the body of the message (the subject line should NOT be a command. It can be blank or nonsense): subscribe listname your name To unsubscribe, use "unsubscribe" instead of "subscribe" For information on what the lists are about, send a message of "info giants" to the listproc. The archives for the Giants list is in the listproc. Send listproc a message of "index giants" to see what's in it. If you get completely lost, send "help" to the listproc and read the (gasp) instructions. A quick introduction to using listproc can be found by sending the command: GET listproc intro.to.listproc Last change: Jun 95 Gibraltar Contact: gib@mailhost.tcs.tulane.edu (Mike Taylor) Purpose: Discussion of obscure Progressive Rock and related music such as Psychedelia and Fusion. Weekly digest contains information on tour dates, new releases, general discussion and album reviews. No Yes, ELP, Genesis, etc., as they have their own lists. Last change: Mar 95 gl-asb Contact: MAJORDOMO@QUEERNET.ORG (Roger B.A. Klorese) Purpose: The "gl-asb" list is a discussion list for discussion of bondage and SM topics for gay men and lesbians. It is intended to provide a forum for discussion and stories with an atmosphere of gay and lesbian culture perceived by some as being less prevalent in the alt.sex.bondage news group than they wish. To subscribe, send mail to majordomo@queernet.org with the following in the message subscribe gl-asb end List administrator: gl-asb-approval@queernet.org Last change: Mar 95 GLB-MEDICAL Contact: mailserv@ac.dal.ca Purpose: An electronic discussion group devoted to issues related to homosexuality and the medical profession. To join, send this message sub glb-medical to the following address mailserv@ac.dal.ca After you subscribe, additional information will be sent to you. Last change: Mar 95 GLEList Contact: listproc@tbone.biol.scarolina.edu Purpose: GLE graphics package user support. GLE is a high quality graphics package for scientists. It runs on a variety of platforms (PCs, VAXes, and Unix) with drivers for XWindows, REGIS, TEK4010, PC graphics cards, VT100s, HP plotters, Postscript printers, Epson-compatible printers and Laserjet/Paintjet printers. It provides LaTEX quality fonts, as well as full support for Postscript fonts. The graphing module provides full control over all features of graphs. The graphics primitives include user-defined subroutines for complex pictures and diagrams. There are accompanying utilities for surface and contour plotting, manipulation of columnar data, and fitting equations to data. Chris Pugmire, the author of GLE, is a member of the mailing list, so it can also serve as a conduit for bug reports or requests for new features. To subscribe to GLEList, send a one-line email message to listproc@tbone.biol.scarolina.edu consisting of the following: sub glelist Your Name List maintainer: dean@tbone.biol.scarolina.edu (Dean Pentcheff) Last change: Mar 95 GLO (Greek Letter Organizations, Fraternities, Sororities) Contact: rand@merrimack.edu (Rand Hall) Purpose: To discuss issues related to Greek Letter Organizations particularly college fraternities and sororities. Topics can include history, trivia, or any current issues regarding Greek Letter Organizations. Any questions concerning fraternities and sororities can also be asked and answered by the subscribers of the mailing list. Off-topic discussions/flames subject to moderation by the owner of the list. To subscribe, mail to listserv: glo-request@merrimack.edu with subscribe [Name] [E-mail Address] in the body of the text without quotes or brackets. gnttype (Buick Grand National/Regal T-Type/GNX) Contact: gnttype-request@buick.monsanto.com Purpose: For owners and other persons interested in the '82-'87 Buick Grand Nationals, Regal T-Types, GNXs, and other turbocharged Regals, as well as the Buick turbo V6 powered '89 Pontiac Turbo Trans Am. Discussions include technical information, experiences, impressions, and parts sources. Particular emphasis is given to performance enhancements and racing. Other Buick powered performance vehicles are also discussed, as there is currently no other service dedicated solely to Buick power. To join, or ask, about the mailing list, contact gnttype-request@buick.monsanto.com or check out our home page at http://ni.umd.edu/gnttype/www/buick.html Please indicate if you would prefer 'live' or 'digest' distribution when subscribing. Last change: Mar 95 golden Contact: golden-request@hobbes.ucsd.edu Purpose: A mailing list for all Golden Retriever enthusiasts. Suitable topics include questions and answers regarding the Golden Retriever breed in general, news bits, stories, article summaries, discussions of particular lines and breeders, competition of all types, anecdotes, activities (Golden rescue, CCI, therapy dogs, guide dogs), health care, diet and exercise, training techniques, summaries of local GR club and rescue activities or newsletters, other items which might be considered too Golden-introverted for the rec.pets.dogs newsgroups, cooperation on the breed specific FAQ for r.p.d, etc. Last change: Mar 95 GOTHIC-TALES Contact: carriec@eskimo.com Purpose: Twice weekly mailings of gothic/vampire/blood stories pertaining to darkness, obscurity, and beauty. Other gothic issues (music, lifestyle) occasionally added to the list. To subscribe, send mail to carriec@eskimo.com with a Subject of subscribe and a body text of subscribe gothic yourname@Host Last change: Mar 95 GPS Digest Contact: gps-request@tws4.si.com Purpose: The GPS Digest is a centralized location for the discussion of global navigation satellite systems (GNSS). The charter specifically includes the US Global Positioning System (GPS) and Russian GLONASS, but is also open to discussion of other existing and future satellite positioning systems. To subscribe, send a message to the contact address with your name and prefered email address. Last change: Mar 95 gragra Contact: majordomo@i3.informatik.rwth-aachen.de Purpose: The graph grammar mailing list helps to keep contact among researchers in graph grammars. It should mainly be used for announcements of graph grammar related * conferences, workshops, meetings * books, proceedings, technical reports * new versions of free software packages/tools or (very) important questions about graph grammar research topics. We try to keep this a low volume list, therefore discussions should be taken to private email. To subscribe, send mail to majordomo@i3.informatik.rwth-aachen.de with this message in the body subscribe gragra Last change: Apr 95 graham-parker Contact: majordomo@primenet.com Purpose: To discuss the music of Graham Parker, recording artist for Razor & Tie Records, formerly with Mercury, Arista and others, His most known songs include "Local Girls", "Wake Up (next to you)", and "White Honey". To subscribe, send an email message to majordomo@primenet.com with the following in the message body SUBSCRIBE graham-parker List owner: bradw@aztec.asu.edu (Brad Waddell) graham-parker-approval@primenet.com Last change: Apr 95 Grumman-Gang Contact: majordomo@xmission.com Purpose: This mailing list is for the owners & pilots of American, Grumman-American and American General aircraft, as well as other interested enthustiasts. Discussions include, but are not limited to operation, maintenance, improvements, fly-out announcements, fly-in announcements, etc. To subscribe, mail to majordomo@xmission.com, with subscribe grumman-gang in the body of the message. List owner: owner-grumman-gang@xmission.com (Mark A. Matthews) Last change: Mar 95 grunge-l Contact: listserv@ubvm.cc.buffalo.edu (Jon Hilgreen) Purpose: This list is intended for the discussion of any and all topics related to the form of music known as "grunge rock" (not just Seattle-based or Sub Pop bands). It is an open, unmoderated list with a frequently high level of traffic. As a general guideline, the following talk is encouraged: * Recording/concert reviews and recommendations. * Band tour dates. * Local scene reviews adn news. * Record store and mail-order company recommendations. * Nose-picking techniques. * Interviews and articles, original or otherwise. * Quotes, band gossip, and insider information. * Anything else one would typically find in a music magazine. People who find "adult language and references" offensive will not want to join this list. It is also a good idea to read the grunge list with an extra dose of patience, perverse humor, and sarcasm. To subscribe, send a message containing subscribe grunge-l <complete real name> to listserv@ubvm.cc.buffalo.edu Last change: Mar 95 GSP-List Contact: gsp-list-request@ms.uky.edu (David W. Rankin, Jr.) Contact: gsp-list-request@ukma.BITNET Purpose: To allow alumni of the Kentucky Governor's Scholars Program to participate in intellectual discussions on various topics, while also promoting the spirit of "community" fostered by GSP. The list maintainer requests that only GSPeople request to join the list, and that when they do, they send at least 2 good Email addresses (if possible) and the year and campus at which they attended GSP. Last change: Mar 95 gtot-l (Gifted Toddler mailing list) Contact: majordomo@eskimo.com Purpose: Discusses topics related to very young children who are gifted or potentially gifted. Generally, at ages under 6 years old, the label "gifted" cannot be properly applied. There seems to be some consensus that ALMOST ALL children display such a large learning capacity when very young, that distinguishing those who will later be called gifted from those who are developing early is impossible. As a result relatively little research is being done and relatively little information is available to parents and care-givers about how best to cope with and how best to care for children who display unusual talents at a very young age. This list is intended to help fill the void of available information. To subscribe to this list, please send an email message which contains: subscribe gtot-l in the body of the message (not in the subject line) to majordomo@eskimo.com Last change: Mar 95 Guinea Pigs (The GPigs Daily Digest) Contact: listserv@ing.unico.it Purpose: Discussion of topics related to Guinea Pigs. Open to GPigs fans, breeders, owners and to anyone who wants to know more about those little, cute animals. Unmoderated. To subscribe, send a message to listserv@ing.unico.it and in the message body put subscribe gpigs <your name> List mantainer: gpigs-owner@ing.unico.it Last change: May 95 GUTTERS Contact: listproc@pwa.acusd.edu Purpose: The Comics Art Illustrators Jounral is for the discussion of topics related to illustrating comic books and comic strips. To subscribe, send mail to listproc@pwa.acusd.edu with the message subscribe gutters Full Name Last change: Mar 95 gwm-l (groundwater monitoring) Contact: majordomo@gwrp.cciw.ca Purpose: The groundwater monitoring list has been resurrected and moved to a new location. It is now going to be responsibly maintained by the good folks at the Groundwater Remediation Project at the Canadian "National Water Research Institute". To subscribe, send email to majordomo@gwrp.cciw.ca with the text SUBSCRIBE gwm-l <your name> in the body of the message. Last change: Apr 95 gymn Contact: gymn-l-request@psuvm.psu.edu (Robyn Kozierok) Purpose: A friendly forum for the discussion of all aspects of the sport of gymnastics. People of all levels of knowledge and interest are most welcome. Please specify either mailing list or digest format. Archive location: ftp.cac.psu.edu. Includes back issues of the digest, addresses, calendar, and other info. Ftp items may also be retrieved by sending email to rachele@rmii.com. To subscribe, email listserv@psuvm.psu.edu with body subscribe gymn-l your name List administrator: gymn-l-request@psuvm.psu.edu Last change: Mar 95 ... continued ... Archive-name: mail/mailing-lists/part06 [This is the sixth of fourteen articles on mailing lists.] hadiko Contact: listproc@ubka.uni-karlsruhe.de (Patrick Dockhorn) Purpose: The HaDiKo list is a forum for current and past members of the HaDiKo, a student's community college in the city of Karlsruhe, Germany. The past inhabitants of the college are distributed all over the world and are welcome to join in to the discussions about current and past events. For subscription information, send email with the word help in the body to listproc@ubka.uni-karlsruhe.de Last change: Mar 95 Halfbreeds Contact: Halfbreeds@aol.com Purpose: The Halfbreeds are a post-punk-6T's garage revisionist psychedelic Aliens who are now living in NYC. Last change: Mar 95 halloween-l Contact: listserv@netcom.com Purpose: Discussion Group for Halloween decorating, indoor and outdoor. All things Halloween-l. List owner: bertino@netcom.com Last change: Mar 95 ham-tech Contact: listserv@netcom.com Purpose: Technical discussions and questions about Amateur Radio. This list is automatically maintained by Majordomo. To sign up or inquire about this list, send mail to listserv@netcom.com with the following in the body (subject is ignored) of the message. To subscribe: subscribe ham-tech To unsubscribe: unsubscribe ham-tech For more information: help Please keep your mailing address up to date. If your account is being changed or shut down, please update majordomo. This list is sponsored by the Boston Amateur Radio Club. If you have any questions, I can be reached at n1ist@netcom.com For more information on the Boston ARC, subscribe to barc-list. Last change: Mar 95 ham-univ Contact: majordomo@listserver.njit.edu Purpose: This mailing list is for people that are interested in Amateur Radio Clubs at Universities. Club activities, funding sources and other issues that come up are discussed on this list. To subscribe to the list, send a message to majordomo@listserver.njit.edu with the command subscribe ham-univ in the body of the message. Last change: Mar 95 hammerd Contact: hammerd@mcs.com (Bill Paulson) Purpose: The hammer dulcimer mailing list allows people interested in hammer dulcimer playing, building, music, performers, or recordings to communicate over the Internet. The list is manually administered and moderated. Last change: Mar 95 handicap Contact: wtm@bunker.shel.isc-br.com Purpose: The Handicap Digest provides an information/discussion exchange for issues dealing with the physically/mentally handicapped. Topics include, but are not limited to: medical, education, legal, technological aids and the handicapped in society. Note: The articles from the Handicap Digest are also posted in the Usenet Newsgroup, "misc.handicap". hang-gliding hang-gliding-d Contact: hang-gliding-request@lists.utah.edu Purpose: Topics covering all aspects of hang-gliding and ballooning, for ultra-light and lighter-than-air enthusiasts. To subscribe, send the word subscribe on the Subject: line to hang-gliding-request@lists.utah.edu Last change: Mar 95 Harleys Contact: harley-request@thinkage.on.ca Contact: harley-request@thinkage.com Purpose: Discussion about the bikes, politics, lifestyles, and anything else of interest to Harley-Davidson motorcycle riders. This list is available only in digest format two or 3 times per day Monday through Friday. Sometimes on weekends. Requests to join must have your real name and telephone number for contact during the evening (GMT-5) hours. This list is not affiliated with Harley-Davidson Inc.; or the Harley Owner's Group. URL: http://www.thinkage.on.ca/~hoglist List owner: kgdykes@thinkage.on.ca (Ken Dykes) Last change: Mar 95 Hartford Whalers Contact: kayleigh@access.digex.net (Steve Gallichio) Purpose: Discussion of the Hartford Whalers hockey club and any tangential discussions which emerge. To subscribe, please send email to Whalers-request@access.digex.net with the Subject: field set to subscribe Last change: Mar 95 hellenic-list Contact: hellenic-list-request@festival.ed.ac.uk Purpose: Edinburgh University Hellenic Society Mailing list. Last change: Mar 95 HEMOfact mailing list Contact: veracity@mail.interpath.net (Paul Vess) Purpose: To discuss all aspects of dealing with hemophilia. The HEMOfact mailing list is private. You have to be added manually. All persons who have hemophilia, or provide treatment or support for individuals who have hemophilia, are welcome. Home care, or pharmaceutical companies who sell products or services to the hemophilia community are asked not to request subscription. Advertising or company/products endorsements are not allowed. Files are archived and available for subscribers to retrieve. To subscribe, send a message to listserv@sjuvm.stjohns.edu and in the body of the message put subscribe HEMOfact <your email address> firstname lastname Last change: Jul 95 HEPROC-L Contact: LISTSERV@AMERICAN.EDU Purpose: Heproc-l is for major issues in higher education including assessment, accreditation, teaching practices, staff development, re-engineering/restructuring, and resource use/development. List owner: reimann@access.digex.net (Carl Reimann) Last change: Apr 95 hey-joe Contact: hey-joe-request@ms.uky.edu (Joel Abbott) Purpose: Discussion and worship of Jimi Hendrix and his music. Although Jimi has been dead for about 2 decades, we feel that his music is still worthy to be recognized. Prerequisite to joining: appreciation for his music. Last change: Mar 95 Historic Costume Contact: h-costume-request@andrew.cmu.edu Purpose: This list concentrates on recreating period costume, from the Bronze age to the mid-20th Century. Its emphasis is on accurate historical reproduction of clothing, historical techniques for garment construction, and the application of those techniques in modern clothing design. Other topics appropriate for discussion include adapting historical clothing for the modern figure, clothing evolution, theatrical costumes, patterns, materials, books, and sources for supplies. Advertisements or announcements for historical costumed events are allowed, but general discussions regarding the groups or organizations that sponsor costumed events is discouraged. This list is also available in digest form. Last change: Mar 95 HIWAYMEN Contact: LISTSERV@INDYCMS.IUPUI.EDU Purpose: Discussion of the Highwaymen - Willie Nelson, Waylon Jennings, Johnny Cash & Kris Kristofferson. Subjects range from their music, lives, wives and movies. Send email to LISTSERV@INDYCMS.IUPUI.EDU with the command SUBSCRIBE HIWAYMEN in the message body of the mail. Last change: Mar 95 HIX Contact: help@hix.com Purpose: Hollosi Information eXchange. A mail server to provide information about Hungarian electronic resources, discussion lists, newsletters, etc. Information is in Hungarian. The subject and the content of the letter is ignored. The returned help file lists subscription and other commands. Last change: Mar 95 HL7 (Health Level Seven) Contact: MAJORDOMO@VIRGINIA.EDU Purpose: HL7 is an electronic conference designed to foster communication concerning technical, operational, and business issues involved in the use of the HL7 interface protocol. It is also intended as a forum for the HL7 Working Group members who are participating in the specification of the interface protocol. List maintainer: djm5g@virginia.edu (David John Marotta) Last change: Mar 95 HOA-List Contact: HOA-List-Request@Netcom.com Purpose: For home owners associations (HOA), owners, residents in planned unit developments, condos, townhouses, etc. List members are asked to agree to some simple guidelines before joining the group. For more info and guidelines, email to contact with 'help' as the first word of your message. Last change: Jul 95 hockey-goalie Contact: majordomo@xmission.com Purpose: This is a mailing list for ice hockey goalies of all levels. It is intended to bring together goalies from all over the world, and be used as a forum for discussing equipment, technique, strategy, and so forth. To subscribe, mail to majordomo@xmission.com with subscribe hockey-goalie in the body of the message. List owner: owner-hockey-goalie@xmission.com (Dave Steinhart) Last change: Mar 95 HOCKEY-L Contact: LISTSERV@maine.maine.edu Contact: wts@maine.maine.edu (Wayne Smith) Contact: HOCKEY-L-Request@maine.maine.edu Purpose: HOCKEY-L is for the discussion of collegiate ice hockey, including scores, team info, schedules, etc., allowing fans to become more involved and knowledgeable about the game. To subscribe, send the one line message SUBSCRIBE HOCKEY-L your name and college team(s) of interest in the body of the message (not subject) to LISTSERV@maine.maine.edu Last change: Mar 95 hockey-list-admins Contact: chuqui@plaidworks.com Purpose: A place where administrators of hockey mailing lists and other hockey resources can compare notes and share information. Not a general hockey list, but for administrative nattering between admins. To sign up, email chuqui@plaidworks.com and include a listing of the hockey net-resources you administer. Last change: Jun 95 HOKC (Honorable Order Of Kentucky Colonels) Contact: majordomo@dithots.dithots.org Purpose: The Honorable Order Of Kentucky Colonels mailing list provides a tool for HOKC members world-wide to maintain communication channels. This group of individuals have been honored for their uplifting and memoriable contributions to the state of Kentucky. When subscribing to the list, please include the year you became a member of the HOKC. And also, for verification, please indicate who is the National Commanding General for 1995. To subscribe, send email to majordomo@dithots.dithots.org and in the body of the message put subscribe hokc To unsubscribe, send email to majordomo@dithots.dithots.org and in the body of the message put unsubscribe hokc List administrator: hokc-owner@dithots.dithots.org Last change: Jun 95 Holly Cole Trio Contact: hct-admin@calum.csclub.uwaterloo.ca Purpose: Discussion of the Holly Cole Trio, a jazz trio from Canada. Digest format is not available. This is not an automated list. List owner: ccamfield@calum.csclub.uwaterloo.ca (Chris Camfield) Last change: Jun 95 Holocaust Research List Contact: kmcvay@oneb.almanac.bc.ca Purpose: The Holocaust Research List is devoted to Holocaust research, and the refutation of those who deny the event. Subscriptions to the list are available by invitation. The list is published as a moderated digest. As bandwidth restrictions are ever a consideration, membership in the list is limited to those who can provide either research, editing, or writing skills to the projects undertaken. If you are interested in joining, please contact kmcvay@oneb.almanac.bc.ca - for an automated guide to the needs of the list, include the words HLISTSUB in the Subject: field of your message. Last change: Mar 95 home-ed Contact: home-ed-request@think.com (David Mankins) Purpose: This mailing list is for the discussion of all aspects and methods of home education. These include the "unschooling" approach, curricula-based home-schooling, and others. The list is currently unmoderated and welcomes everyone interested in educating their children at home, whatever the reasons. Last change: Mar 95 home-ed-politics Contact: listproc@mainstream.com Contact: craig@mainstream.com (Craig Peterson) Purpose: To discuss political issues dealing with home education. This includes government intrusion into families, public schooling as it influences home education, legislation in various states & the federal level, etc. For a list of the available requests send a message to listproc@mainstream.com with a body consisting of nothing but the word HELP Last change: Mar 95 homebrew Contact: homebrew-request@hpfcmi.fc.hp.com. Purpose: Forum on Beer, homebrewing, and related issues. Though mainly intended for discussion of beer making, also welcome are discussions on making cider, mead, wine, or any other fermented (but not distilled) beverage. Beginners are welcomed as well as experienced brewers. To subscribe, send a message containing subscribe to homebrew-request@hpfcmi.fc.hp.com Last change: Mar 95 Homeopathy Contact: homeopathy-request@dungeon.com Purpose: The exchange of current information affecting homeopathy and the study of all aspects of homeopathy, including case taking, materia medica, and repertory. Contributions are welcome whether you are a practitioner, patient or just simply interested in the subject. Last change: Apr 95 Honda-L Contact: LISTSERV@brownvm.brown.edu (Marshall Vale) Purpose: HONDA-L is dedicated to the discussion of all Honda and Acura automobiles, past and present. The list is moderated and digested with topics varying from repairs to pricing information. All are welcome to join the list. To subscribe, mail LISTSERV@brownvm.brown.edu The subject will be ignored. Put the following line in the mail SUB HONDA-L your real name You will then receive an information message from the Listserver telling you of the proper addresses and procedures for dealing with the list. List owner: mjv@brownvm.brown.edu (Marshall Vale) Last change: Mar 95 Honda Gold Wing Contact: majordomo@armchair.mb.ca Purpose: A forum for Gold Wing owners and fans to discuss any topics directly (or indirectly) related to Gold Wing motorcycles. This may include (but isn't limited to) 'Wings (or parts) wanted or for sale, accessories, modifications, customizing, technical Q & A, recommendations, general questions, Gold Wing history and speculation, trip reports, rumors, chit-chat, sex, politics, religion, etc. This list is in no way affiliated with the Honda Corporation, the Gold Wing Road Riders Association, or any other organization. To subscribe, send mail to majordomo@armchair.mb.ca with subscribe wings as the first and only line of your message. To obtain help on the majordomo mailing list server at this site, send mail to majordomo@armchair.mb.ca with help as the first and only line of your message. List owner: dave@armchair.mb.ca (Dave Voorhis) Last change: Apr 95 hopkins Contact: douglas@mit.edu (Douglas Shieh) Purpose: Discussions (and such) on actor Sir Anthony Hopkins: his career and his life. Provide resources such as the Hopkins Home Page on WWW--the URL is http://www.mit.edu:8001/people/douglas/hopkins.html. Last change: Mar 95 Horn Contact: mugreene@merlin.nlu.edu Purpose: This Internet discussion group is administered in the name of the International Horn Society, and its purpose is to provide a forum for electronic conversation about all things relating to the (French) horn: repertoire, teachers and students, pedagogy, workshop and festival announcements, alternate fingerings, the nasty business about whether stopping raises or lowers pitch, horn players versus conductors, horn humor and anecdotes, instrumental repair and technology, scholarly reports, orchestra or band music, chamber ensembles, relations with other brass instruments, or anything else the subscribers may want to take on. To subscribe, send email to majordomo@spock.nlu.edu and in the body of the message put SUBSCRIBE HORN The FAQ for the list may be found at this URL: http://www.io.com/~rboerger/IHSFAQ.html/ Last change: Jul 95 hotrod Contact: hotrod-request@dixie.com Purpose: The mailing list hotrod@dixie.com is chartered to provide a forum for people interested in high performance vehicles to exchange ideas and discuss topics of current interest. This list is chartered as broadly as possible consistent with noise supression. Explicitly acceptable is any discussion regarding increasing the performance of any vehicle with more than three wheels. Include on the Subject: line the keyword "subscribe" and a return path to your site. hp9000-500 Contact: hp9000-500-request@nvc.cc.ca.us Purpose: Get help on porting software to this dated machine, and discuss the HP 9000 series 500. Last change: Mar 95 hpux-admin (HP-UX Administrators Mailing List) Contact: majordomo@cv.ruu.nl Purpose: To discuss matters related to HP-UX Systems Administration. To subscribe, send email that says subscribe hpux-admin your.email.address end to majordomo@cv.ruu.nl List owner: owner-hpux-admin@cv.ruu.nl Last change: Mar 95 hs-computing Contact: majordomo@delos.com Purpose: The hs-computing list exists for the exchange of information about advanced pre-college computing education and training. Its subscribers include high school teachers and students in addition to coaches of the USA Computer Olympiad team. To subscribe, send e-mail to majordomo@delos.com with the following message in its body subscribe hs-computing Last change: Mar 95 ht_lit Contact: kmennie@chat.carleton.ca (K.M. Mennie) Purpose: ht_lit is a list for the discussion of hypertext fiction, hypertext theory, & hypertext and literary studies. More information is on the web: <a href = http://chat.carleton.ca/~kmennie/ht_lit.html>here</a> To subscribe, send a message to subscribe@journal.biology.carleton.ca with subscribe ht_lit in the body of the message. Last change: Feb 95 Human-powered vehicles Contact: majordomo@zippy.sonoma.edu Purpose: A discussion of the use, construction, and maintenance of HPVs and their kin (e.g., hybrid human/electric). Heavily oriented towards recumbents at the moment. To subscribe, send email that says SUBSCRIBE HPV your.email.address to majordomo@zippy.sonoma.edu Last change: Mar 95 Humanist Initiatives Contact: lucas@phantom.com (Lucas Parra) Purpose: Communication media for humanist organizations all over the world, distribution and exchange of declarations of humanist organizations, report of humanist activities and initiatives, exchange of experiences, discussion forum for humanist points of view. The list accepts English or Spanish. All active individuals and organizations welcome. To subscribe, send mail to listproc@phantom.com with the single line in the body of the message subscribe humanist <your real name> Last change: Mar 95 HUMOURNET Contact: vsabio@msc.arl.mil Purpose: A quasi-moderated list for the exchange and distribution of humor. List members send contributions to the moderator, who compiles them into periodic mailings for distribution to the list (pretty low volume--two to four roughly 10KB messages per week). To subscribe, send mail to vsabio@arl.mil and in the body of the message, put (on separate lines): subscribe humournet <your real name> <your city and state (or country, if applicable)> Note: do not include an e-mail address in the message; the originating address of the request message will be used. Last change: Jul 95 The Hungary Report Contact: hungary-report-request@hungary.yak.net Purpose: The Hungary Report is a once-a-week, free online update of news and events in Hungary, direct from Budapest. The content includes newsbriefs, one feature story and an expert political column. Topics include politics, business, economics and the arts. To subscribe, send email to hungary-report-request@hungary.yak.net containing the single-word message subscribe Back issues are available on the World-Wide Web at this URL: http://www.yak.net/hungary-report/ and via anonymous FTP to ftp.yak.net in the directory: /pub/hungary-report/ (login as 'ftp' and type your email address at the password prompt). List owner: bruner@ind.eunet.hu (Rick Bruner) Last change: Jun 95 huskers Contact: huskers-request@tssi.com (Michael Nolan) Purpose: This lists provides coverage of University of Nebraska sports. The major in-season sports (football, basketball) will likely make up the majority of posts, but other sports are likely to be mentioned from time to time, depending on the interest. Other items likely to be of interest to NU alums or Cornhusker fans may also appear. HWY61-L Contact: HWY61-L-Request@UBVM.cc.buffalo.edu Purpose: HWY61-L is devoted to the discussion of the words and music of Bob Dylan. This bi-directionally gated list delivers the UseNet newsgroup rec.music.dylan via email, while the mailing list allows subscribers to post to both HWY61-L and rec.music.dylan. HWY61-L is issued daily as a digest, with an option to receive single messages as they are posted. To subscribe, send mail to LISTSERV@UBVM.cc.buffalo.edu On the first line of the body of the message type: SUBSCRIBE HWY61-L firstname lastname List owner: Turning_Pt@umbsky.cc.umb.edu (Maureen LeBlanc) Last change: Mar 95 HYDROLOGY Contact: LISTSERV@eng.monash.edu.au Purpose: For those interested in hydrology - the science of water in the environment. It is relevant to those outside of traditional engineering hydrology, and emphasises multidisciplinary, fundamental, scientific research in hydrology. To subscribe, send an e-mail message to LISTSERV@eng.monash.edu.au Leave the subject area blank and in the message area write: SUBSCRIBE HYDROLOGY Yourfirstname Yourlastname (e.g. SUB HYDROLOGY Leo Charette) To unsubcribe, send an e-mail message to LISTSERV@eng.monash.edu.au Leave the subject area blank and in the message area write: UNSUBSCRIBE HYDROLOGY List manager: roger.hadgraft@eng.monash.edu.au (Roger Hadgraft) Last change: Mar 95 hyperami Contact: listserv@archive.oit.unc.edu Purpose: For informal product discussion and mutual assistance concerning AmigaVision, CanDo, DeluxeVideo III, Director 2, Foundation, Hyperbook, InterActor, PILOT, ShowMaker, TACL, Thinker, and VIVA. To join, send a mail request to listserv@archive.oit.unc.edu and give a one-line message asking subscribe hyperami This list is separate from the Usenet newsgroup comp.sys.amiaga. multimedia but material from the list may occasionally be posted to the newsgroup. Last change: Mar 95 hyperbole hyperbole-announce Contact: hyperbole-request@cs.brown.edu (Bob Weiner) Purpose: Hyperbole is for discussion of the Hyperbole information management system. Hyperbole is a flexible hypertext manager developed at Brown University that sits atop GNU Emacs and provides efficient point-and-click information access and full customizability in GNU Emacs Lisp. Hyperbole-announce announces new releases and bug fixes for Hyperbole. Anyone on hyperbole is automatically subscribed to hyperbole-announce, so you should request subscription to only one of the two lists. To subscribe: Use the following format on your Subject: line to execute requests, where you substitute your own values for the <> delimited items (include the period at the end of the line). Subject: Add '<' <user>@<domain> '>' <firstname-lastname> to <mail-list-name-without-domain>. For example: Subject: Add <joe@mot.com> (Joe Smith) to hyperbole. Last change: Mar 95 I-TV Contact: majordomo@zilker.net Purpose: I-TV is an Internet distribution list for the discussion of Two-way Interactive Television and its use in education and community development. Video teleconferencing and analog video systems are discussed, along with new technologies. The list is also used to disseminate information and text files related to these topics. I-TV is not moderated. Uploading of press releases is encouraged. A digest version is available. For information, send a message to: majordomo@zilker.net with the following in the message body (no subject): info i-tv end List administrator: dhart@offramp.com Last change: Mar 95 IAMS (Internet Amateur Mathematics Society) Contact: iams-request@hh.sbay.org Purpose: For discussion of math puzzle and problems. IB Contact: hreha@vax2.concordia.ca (Dr. Steve Hreha) Purpose: To provice a forum for teachers, IB coordinators and administrators involved wtih the International Baccalaureate Diploma Program. Discussion of all aspects of the IB program is welcome. Last change: Mar 95 IBMTCP-L Contact: LISTSERV@PUCC.PRINCETON.EDU IBMTCP-L is intended for discussion of the IBM TCP/IP software products for VM, MVS, OS/2 and for associated IBM TCP/IP hardware such as the 8232 LAN Channel Station, 3172 Interconnect Controller, 9370 Ethernet adapter and other similar products. To subscribe, send the message SUBSCRIBE IBMTCP-L firstname lastname to LISTSERV@PUCC.PRINCETON.EDU List owner: GETTES@PRINCETON.EDU (Michael Gettes) ICF-2010 Contact: icf-2010-request@cup.hp.com (Gary Gitzen) Purpose: This is a low volume mutual support group to discuss/share technical issues, problems, solutions, performance, and modifications related to the Sony ICF-2010 and 2001D shortwave radios. Last change: Mar 95 ICI Contact: listserv@research.canon.oz.au Purpose: Discussion of Tim Long's ICI language and its interpreter. Also acts as an archive for the interpreter source, patches and documentation. Last change: Mar 95 IDM (Intelligent Dance Music) Contact: majordomo@hyperreal.com Purpose: The IDM list is for the discussion of the form of electronic music that has been coined "Intelligent Dance Music" by a British music magazine and "Electronic Listening Music" by a label promoting the new genre. Artists in this vein include Richard D. James (Aphex Twin/Polygon Window), Black Dog Productions, B12, C.J. Bolland, Plastikman, Future Sound of London/Amorphous Androgynous. Discussion and reviews on the list also cover other ambient and trance music, to some extent. List maintainer: fluid@hyperreal.com Last change: Mar 95 IDOL Contact: idol-group-request@luvthang.ori-cal.com (David Talmage) Purpose: The idol-group is an unmoderated mailing list for people interested in the Idol language. Idol, an "Icon-derived object language," is "an object-oriented extension and environment for the Icon programming language." The idol-group is a forum for discussing Idol programming, object-oriented programming, and Idol implementation issues. It is also a place to exchange Idol classes and programs, contributing to the library of useful Idol code. Igor Contact: igor-request@pica.army.mil (Tom Coradeschi) Purpose: To provide an easy means for users of Igor and Igor Pro to share problems and solutions, as well as for potential users to seek opinions on the utility and performance of the application. Igor is a data plotting/analysis package for the Apple Macintosh. FTP archives are on d31rz0.stanford.edu, /Igor. (note, that's a zero in the ftp sitename, not an uppercase 'o'!) Last change: Mar 95 IHP-NET Contact: MAJORDOMO@interaccess.com Purpose: IHP-NET is an Internet electronic forum for dialogue and resource sharing among persons of all religious traditions, regarding the dynamic relationship between spirituality and health, especially its practical expression in the advancement of human wellness. Archive location: Direct access anonymous FTP at INTERACCESS.COM in IHP-NET directory Also, anon FTP-by-email to IHP-NETFTP@INTERACCESS.COM To join: Type this AND ONLY THIS statement in the BODY of a new E-mail message: subscribe IHP-NET <your Internet E-mail address> Send this message to: MAJORDOMO@interaccess.com In the above statement, you must enter your INTERNET E-mail address, NOT your name. No subject is necessary for the message. List owner: ulysses@interaccess.com Last change: Mar 95 IJtalk Contact: maillist@madrab.demon.co.uk Purpose: To discuss the Indiana Joel stories, future storylines and ideas, events and meetings, and related Indy Joel issues. This list exists for discussion apart from the main IndyJoel list in order to allow subscribers who do not wish to discuss the stories to not receive mountains of mail which don't interest them! This list is not moderated. To subscribe, send mail to maillist@madrab.demon.co.uk and in the subject line of the message put SIGNON ijtalk List manager: bibble@madrab.demon.co.uk (Joel Rowbottom) Last change: Jul 95 Imagen-L Contact: listserv@bolis.sf-bay.org Purpose: This list is a discussion forum for all aspects of Imagen laser printers. Any discussion pertaining to Imagen printers is welcome, including software compatibility, hardware interfacing, LAN attachment capabilities, imPRESS programming, or methods used to create spooling and accounting software. To subscribe, send an Internet e-mail message to listserv@bolis.sf-bay.org containing: subscribe Imagen-L and you will be added to the list. Last change: Mar 95 Imagine Contact: imagine-request@email.eag.unisysgsg.com (Dave Wickard) Purpose: The IML is dedicated to the 3D computer rendering package "Imagine" by Impulse Inc. Currently this package is available on the Amiga computer and for MS-DOS. Subject matter spans most areas,packages and methods in 3D rendering, but since Imagine is the focus of the IML, most of these discussions are for comparative purposes with Imagine. There are many professional artists using the IML. The tone varies from light and friendly to heated discussions. All levels of knowledge are encouraged to participate and learn new methods of achieving your 3D goals. We have held contests, and a frequently-asked-question (FAQ) list and an archive since the List's inception in Jan. 1991 are available. To subscribe, send email to imagine-request@email.eag.unisysgsg.com with the word SUBSCRIBE in the subject line. Last change: Mar 95 immersion-fr Contact: andre_obadia@sfu.ca Purpose: For educators interested in immersion language particularly French (learning/teaching and research). To subscribe, send an e-mail to Majordomo@sfu.ca with the folowing message subscribe immersion-fr To unsubscribe, send an e-mail to Majordomo@sfu.ca with the folowing message unsubscribe immersion-fr Last change: Mar 95 immune Contact: immune-request@weber.ucsd.edu (Cyndi Norman) Purpose: A support group for people with immune-system breakdowns (and their symptoms) such as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Lupus, Candida, Hypoglycemia, Multiple Allergies, Learning Disabilities, etc, and their SO's, medical caretakers, etc. The group is unmoderated and open to anyone anywhere in the world (no arguments about whether or not these disabilities exist). Archives are available via FTP or WWW in the directory pub/immune on weber.ucsd.edu. Subscription options include a monthly digest and the receiving of administrative messages only. Please send messages in English; immune is not a listserver. I maintain immune by hand so please be patient. Last change: Mar 95 INDEX-L Contact: listserv@bingvmb.bitnet Purpose: Discussion of good indexing practice by providing a forum through which professional and aspiring indexers can share information and ideas relating to the intellectural, philosophical, and technical aspects of index preparation. Some recent participants include professional indesers, members of the American Society of Indexers (ASI), librarians, library school faculty and students, information access professionals, hypertext and database developers, and authors indexing their own work. To subscribe, send the command Subscribe index-l Your Name to listserv@bingvmb.bitnet List moderator: skuster@bingvmb.bitnet (Charlotte Skuster) Last change: Mar 95 indiepop Contact: majordomo@eskimo.com (Steve Thornton) Purpose: Discussion of independently produced pop music, primarily on 7" singles. Points of reference include "C-86" twee anorak-style bands and Sarah Records in the UK, and Spin Art, Simple Machines, and K Records in the US, plus older pioneers like Orange Juice and the Go-Betweens. Anything not covered in the mainstream "alternative" world is fair game. Also related stuff like your favorite fanzines. We are the post-punk "alternative to the alternative". Last change: Mar 95 IndyJoel Contact: maillist@madrab.demon.co.uk Purpose: Distribution of the Indiana Joel stories throughout interested parties. Anyone interested in humorous stories is welcome to join. The Indy Joel stories are mailed out regularly (usually every two weeks or so) to around 120 people currently, and the list is growing all the time. This list is moderated to prevent discussion - the maillist IJtalk is provided for this purpose, so that those who wish not to participate in discussion do not end up with mailboxes full of discussion mail! To subscribe, send email to maillist@madrab.demon.co.uk and in the subject line put SIGNON indyjoel List manager: bibble@madrab.demon.co.uk (Joel Rowbottom) Last change: Jul 95 info-adopt Contact: info-adopt-request@spie.org Purpose: SPIE's Adaptive Optics Listserver is a moderated electronic discussion list addressing issues related to adaptive optics. The listserver is open to anyone interested in adaptive optics; however, it is not to be used for commercial purposes, such as advertising products or services, except in connection with an information request from another member of the group. To subscribe, mail to info-adopt-request@spie.org with SUBSCRIBE INFO-ADOPT in the body of the message. For a complete listing of SPIE's online services, mail to info-optolink-request@spie.org with the word HELP in the message body. info-bios Contact: info-bios-request@spie.org Purpose: SPIE's Biomedical Optics Listserver is a moderated electronic discussion list addressing issues related to biomedical optics. The listserver is open to anyone interested in biomedical optics; however, it is not to be used for commercial purposes, such as advertising products or services, except in connection with an information request from another member of the group. To subscribe, mail to info-bios-request@spie.org with SUBSCRIBE INFO-BIOS in the body of the message. For a complete listing of SPIE's online services, mail to info-optolink-request@spie.org with the word HELP in the message body. info-ei Contact: info-ei-request@spie.org Purpose: SPIE's Electronic Imaging Listserver is a moderated electronic discussion list addressing issues related to electronic imaging. The listserver is open to anyone interested in electronic imaging; however, it is not to be used for commercial purposes, such as advertising products or services, except in connection with an information request from another member of the group. To subscribe, mail to info-ei-request@spie.org with SUBSCRIBE INFO-EI in the body of the message. For a complete listing of SPIE's online services, mail to info-optolink-request@spie.org with the word HELP in the message body. info-fibers Contact: info-fibers-request@spie.org Purpose: SPIE's Fiber Optics Listserver is a moderated electronic discussion list addressing issues related to fiber optics. The listserver is open to anyone interested in fiber optics; however, it is not to be used for commercial purposes, such as advertising products or services, except in connection with an information request from another member of the group. To subscribe, mail to info-fibers-request@spie.org with SUBSCRIBE INFO-FIBERS in the body of the message. For a complete listing of SPIE's online services, mail to info-optolink-request@spie.org with the word HELP in the message body. info-gnu Contact: info-gnu-request@prep.ai.mit.edu Purpose: to distribute progress reports on the GNU Project, of the Free Software Foundation, and to ask members for various kinds of help. The list is gated both ways with the alternative moderated newsgroup "gnu.announce", and is filtered (weakly moderated) by Leonard H. Tower Jr. GNU, which stands for Gnu's Not Unix, is the name for a complete Unix-compatible software system whose sources can be given away free to everyone. Major parts have already been written; major parts still remain undone. Project GNU has additional mailing lists to distribute information about specific GNU programs, and to report bugs in them. Contact us gnu@prep.ai.mit.edu for details. Last change: Mar 95 info-holo Contact: info-holo-request@spie.org Purpose: SPIE's Holography Listserver is a moderated electronic discussion list addressing issues related to holography. The listserver is open to anyone interested in holography; however, it is not to be used for commercial purposes, such as advertising products or services, except in connection with an information request from another member of the group. To subscribe, mail to info-holo-request@spie.org with SUBSCRIBE INFO-HOLO in the body of the message. For a complete listing of SPIE's online services, mail to info-optolink-request@spie.org with the word HELP in the message body. info-ingres Contact: info-ingres-request@math.ams.com Purpose: To discuss the commercial version of Ingres. Info-LabVIEW Contact: info-labview-request@pica.army.mil Purpose: For the discussion of the use of National Instruments' LabVIEW package for Macintosh, Windows and Sparcstation environments. LabVIEW is a graphical software system for developing high-performance scientific and engineering applications. LabVIEW acquires data from IEEE-488 (GPIB), RS-232/422 and modular (VXI or CAMAC) instruments and plug-in data acquisition boards. The list is being run as a simple redistribution of all submitted messages. FTP archives are on ftp.pica.army.mil, /pub/labview. A digest version is also available. http://k-whiner.pica.army.mil/info-labview.html Last change: Mar 95 info-lasersc Contact: info-lasersrc-request@spie.org Purpose: SPIE's Laser Sources Listserver is a moderated electronic discussion list addressing the topics of solid-state lasers, semiconductor lasers, dye lasers, gas lasers, resonators, other coherent sources, and power supplies. The listserver is open to anyone interested in laser sources; however, it is not to be used for commercial purposes, such as advertising products or services, except in connection with an information request from another member of the group. To subscribe, send mail to info-lasersrc-request@spie.org with SUBSCRIBE INFO-LASERSRC in the body of the message. For a complete listing of SPIE's online services, mail to info-optolink-request@spie.org with the word HELP in the message body. info-lasertrans Contact: info-lasertrans-request@spie.org Purpose: SPIE's Laser Beam Transport Listserver is a moderated electronic discussion list addressing the topics of optical design for lasers, optical materials/coatings, laser diagnostics, laser damage, atmospheric propagation, and laser physics. The listserver is open to anyone interested in laser beam transport; however, it is not to be used for commercial purposes, such as advertising products or services, except in connection with an information request from another member of the group. To subscribe, send mail to info-lasertrans-request@spie.org with SUBSCRIBE INFO-LASERTRANS in the body of the message. For a complete listing of SPIE's online services, mail to info-optolink-request@spie.org with the word HELP in the message body. info-mime Contact: info-mime-REQUEST@cs.utk.edu Purpose: For discussion of the MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions) multimedia electronic mail standard for Internet mail. (formerly info-metamail) Gatewayed bidirectionally with Usenet newsgroup comp.mail.mime. In general, advertising of commercial products or services is prohibited on this list. However, list members may post brief, one-time announcements of new MIME-related products. To {un}subscribe, send mail to info-mime-REQUEST@cs.utk.edu Last change: Mar 95 info-MOON Contact: boniardi@one.it (Giovanni Boniardi) Purpose: To keep MOON (Managing Objects On Network) users informed about new features, and for discussion and/or information about MOON and Unix System Management in general. Requests to be added to the list should go to moon-request@one.it Last change: Mar 95 info-opcom Contact: info-opcom-request@spie.org Purpose: SPIE's Optical Computing and Processing Listserver is a moderated electronic discussion list addressing issues related to optical computing and processing. The listserver is open to anyone interested in optical computing and processing; however, it is not to be used for commercial purposes, such as advertising products or services, except in connection with an information request from another member of the group. To subscribe, mail to info-opcom-request@spie.org with SUBSCRIBE INFO-OPCOM in the body of the message. For a complete listing of SPIE's online services, mail to info-optolink-request@spie.org with the word HELP in the message body. info-optomech Contact: info-optomech-request@spie.org Purpose: SPIE's Optomechanical and Instrument Design Listserver is a moderated electronic discussion list addressing issues related to optomechanical and instrument design. The listserver is open to anyone interested in optomechanical and instrument design; however, it is not to be used for commercial purposes, such as advertising products or services, except in connection with an information request from another member of the group. To subscribe, mail to info-optomech-request@spie.org with SUBSCRIBE INFO-OPTOMECH in the body of the message. For a complete listing of SPIE's online services, mail to info-optolink-request@spie.org with the word HELP in the message body. info-prime Contact: info-prime-request@eeyore.usc.edu Purpose: INFO-PRIME is the discussion group/mailing list for users and administrators of Prime Computer equipment: 50-series (PRIMOS) and EXL series (Unix). This mailing list is gatewayed to the Usenet newsgroup comp.sys.prime. info-robo Contact: info-robo-request@spie.org Purpose: SPIE's Robotics Listserver is a moderated electronic discussion list addressing issues related to robotics. The listserver is open to anyone interested in robotics; however, it is not to be used for commercial purposes, such as advertising products or services, except in connection with an information request from another member of the group. To subscribe, mail to info-robo-request@spie.org with SUBSCRIBE INFO-ROBO in the body of the message. For a complete listing of SPIE's online services, mail to info-optolink-request@spie.org with the word HELP in the message body. Info-Russ Contact: info-russ@smarty.ece.jhu.edu (Aleksander Kaplan) Purpose: Informal communication in Russian-speaking (or having related interests) community. Last change: Mar 95 info-solbourne Contact: info-solbourne-request@acsu.buffalo.edu (Paul Graham) Purpose: Discussions & info about Solbourne computers. Last change: Mar 95 info-stratus Contact: Info-Stratus-Request@mike.lrc.edu (Richard Shuford) Purpose: For discussing the fault-tolerant machines produced by Stratus Computer Corporation and also their cousins, the IBM System/88 and Olivetti CPS-32. Info-Stratus is not intended to replace the vendor-provided support channels but to complement them. Subscribers to Info-Stratus will exchange technical information and tap the collective experience of a host of other professionals who use or develop software on Stratus-architecture systems, or who configure and maintain hardware in the Stratus environment. Last change: Mar 95 info-tahoe Contact: info-tahoe-request@uwm.edu Purpose: Discussions pertaining to the Tahoe type of CPU. These include the CCI Power 6/32, the Harris HCX/7, and the Sperry 7000 series computers. The info-tahoe mailing list is set up as a mail reflector. This mailing list is also gatewayed into the inet list, comp.sys.tahoe info-tandem Contact: info-tandem-request@zorch.sf-bay.org Purpose: Discussion of systems from Tandem Computers Inc. Includes both open and proprietary lines. Last change: Mar 95 info-vm Contact: info-vm-request@uunet.uu.net (Kyle Jones, and others) Purpose: Discussion and information exchange about the VM mail reader, which runs under GNU Emacs. The list is bidirectionally gatewayed with the gnu.emacs.vm.info newsgroup. Last change: Mar 95 informix-list Contact: informix-list-request@rmy.emory.edu (Walt Hultgren) Purpose: An unmoderated list for the discussion of Informix software and related subjects. Topics include all Informix offerings, from C-ISAM to NewEra, plus third-party products. Membership is open to anyone, including end-users, vendors and employees of Informix Software, Inc. The list is gatewayed with the Usenet newsgroup comp.databases.informix. Not affiliated with Informix Software, Inc. Last change: Mar 95 informix_sig_nca Contact: informix_sig_nca-request@adaclabs.com Purpose: This is the mailing list for the INFORMIX User Group of Northern California. The purpose of this mailing list is two fold. It is the voice for the INFORMIX User Group of Northern California. Also, it is a method of information exchange for users of Informix products. Group activities will be advertised in this mailing list and posted to comp.databases.informix. INFOSTUD (INFOrmation for STUDents) Contact: polci@csr.unibo.it (Polci Andrea) Purpose: An Italian distribution list regarding university students. Everything that would interest an Italian university student (but not exclusively) such as scholarship, seminars, meetings, students parties, student associations, etc. will be accepted. The messages are for the most part in italian, but english will also be accepted. The list will mantain a low quantity of messages. To subscribe to the list send an e-mail to listproc@zeus.csr.unibo.it containing in the body of the message the following command SUB INFOSTUD Name Last_Name Last change: Mar 95 Infoterra Contact: listproc@pan.cedar.univie.ac.at Purpose: The Infoterra subscription list is a public list intended for general communications on environmental topics, posing queries to the Infoterra network and requesting information from UNEP. In addition to posing queries, subscribers are encouraged to respond to queries as well, since this list will ultimately be comprised of both sources and users of environmental information on a global basis. Last change: Mar 95 INSOFT-L Contact: majordomo@trans2.b30.ingr.com Contact: insoft-l-owner@trans2.b30.ingr.com Contact: insoft-l-request@trans2.b30.ingr.com Purpose: Internationalization of software relates to two subjects: Software that is written so a user can easily change the language of the interface and versions of software, such as Czech WordPerfect, whose interface language differs from the original product. This list is moderated. To subscribe to this list, send an electronic mail message to majordomo@trans2.b30.ingr.com with the body containing the command: subscribe insoft-l your email-address Last change: Mar 95 inter-asia Contact: majordomo@xmission.com Purpose: Inter-Asia is a moderated mailing list for discussing cultural and relationship issues arising in a relationship between asians and non-asians. The moderator will weed out all flames and off-topic posts, but the list is intended to be a non-judgmental forum (unlike newsgroups) for discussion of these issues. To subscribe, send a message to majordomo@xmission.com and place in the message body subscribe inter-asia Last change: May 95 interest-groups Contact: mail-server@sri.com Purpose: This file provides a list of various discussion lists available to network electronic mail users. The file is available for anonymous FTP from host crvax.sri.com ( in the netinfo directory. It is also available via the mail server, mail-server@sri.com with the command "send interest-groups". I currently do not send out notification messages when I put up new versions. I am collecting addresses for site admins that keep copies of the list for local use, and will eventually start sending out notices again. List owner: vivian@sri.com Last change: Mar 95 Interface-L Contact: maiser@fs4.in.umist.ac.uk Purpose: To encourage and facilitate the spread of information about the connection and control of any laboratory equipment by computer. To subscribe, mail to maiser@fs4.in.umist.ac.uk with this message in the body of text subscribe Interface-L List owner: Andy.Packham@umist.ac.uk Last change: Mar 95 intergraph Contact: majordomo@nik.b11.ingr.com Purpose: Discussion of all Intergraph CADCAM software and hardware. This mailing list is a bi-directional gateway to alt.sys.intergraph. To subscribe, send mail to majordomo@nik.b11.ingr.com with a body text of subscribe ingr List owner: nik@ingr.ingr.com Last change: Mar 95 internet-advertising Contact: LISTSERV@NETCOM.COM Purpose: The Internet-advertising mailing list is a forum for discussion among business people interested in learning new ways to advertise on the Internet. To subscribe, mail to LISTSERV@NETCOM.COM with SUBSCRIBE INTERNET-ADVERTISING THEIRNAME@WHAT.EVER END in the body of the text. Last change: Feb 95 Internet Phone Contact: majordomo@pulver.com Purpose: To discuss the Internet Phone and related technologies. to subscribe, send email to majordomo@pulver.com with the text subscribe iphone or subscribe iphone-digest for the digest version. List manager: jeff@pulver.com (Jeffrey Pulver) Last change: Apr 95 InterNetKrant Contact: ink@socrates.gatech.edu Purpose: The InterNetKrant mailing list distributes short summaries of Dutch newspapers (almost) daily. It caters for readers of Dutch only. The list is completely dependent on the goodwill of the contributors who voluntarily type in the news. The InterNetKrant can be obtained via: o World Wide Web (up-to-date information, latest newspaper, archives) use URL http://www.dcs.ed.ac.uk/staff/kgg/www/internetkrant.html, o a mailing list (send mail to ink@socrates.gatech.edu with as first line of the body "info internetkrant", without quotes), o gopher on gopherhost.cca.vu.nl under "Campus Informatie Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam/Nieuws/InterNetKrant". List coordinator (general): hkasper@cs.vu.nl List coordinator (distribution): kgg@dcs.ed.ac.uk Last change: Mar 95 Interracial Individuals Mailing List Contact: ii-request@gnu.ai.mit.edu Purpose: A meeting place for interracial individuals and other interested people where various topics concerning the lives and the world of interracial individuals is discussed. To subscribe, send email to ii-request@gnu.ai.mit.edu and in the body of the message put subscribe your@email.address InterText Contact: intertext@etext.org Purpose: InterText is a bi-monthly fiction magazine with thousands of subscribers on six continents. InterText has been publishing since 1991 and comes in two formats: plain ASCII (in setext format) and PostScript (for laser printers). For more information, to ask about subscribing, or for submission guidelines, mail intertext@etext.org. Back issues are available at ftp.etext.org in Zines/InterText. Last change: Mar 95 Introspective (Pet Shop Boys) Contact: introspective-request@ferkel.ucsb.edu (Jim Lick) Purpose: This list is for the discussion of the synth pop group Pet Shop Boys. List traffic tends to be chatty in nature. Last change: Mar 95 INXS Contact: INXS-list-request@iastate.edu Purpose: An unmoderated forum for the discussion of the Australian rock group INXS. Last change: Mar 95 ipsc-managers Contact: listproc@nas.nasa.gov Purpose: Discussion of administrating the Intel iPSC line of parallel computers. To subscribe, send a message to listproc@boxer.nas.nasa.gov with a body of subscribe ipsc-managers your_full_name Last change: Mar 95 ipsc-users Contact: listproc@nas.nasa.gov Purpose: Discussion of programming and using the Intel iPSC line of parallel computers. To subscribe, send a message to listproc@boxer.nas.nasa.gov with a body of subscribe ipsc-users your_full_name Last change: Mar 95 IRISHLAW Contact: LISTSERV@irlearn.ucd.ie Purpose: Discussion of law in Ireland and Northern Ireland. To subscribe, send the message subscribe irishlaw <Your Name> to listserv@irlearn.ucd.ie e.g. subscribe irishlaw Anne Hogan List owner: DWH@staffmail.rtc-tallaght.ie (Darius Whelan) Last change: Mar 95 Ishmael Contact: ishmael-list-request@iastate.edu Purpose: For the discussion of the philosophies of a book called _Ishmael_ by Daniel Quinn. The general idea is to come up with ideas for more sustainable ways of doing things than the current norm. It has about 60 members at the moment. The request address is ishmael-list-request@iastate.edu Last change: Mar 95 isig Contact: owner-isig@netf.org Purpose: To provide the latest information on new Internet resources, and act as a clearinghouse for Internet technical information for both beginners and intermediate net users. To subscribe, send email to majordomo@netf.org and in the body of the message put subscribe or subscribe isig-digest List owner: hannigan@bose.com (Martin Hannigan) Last change: Jul 95 ISWorld Contact: listserv@irlearn.ucd.ie Purpose: ISWorld (Information Systems World Network) is intended to serve the general communication needs of the international information systems community. ISWorld aims to promote the development of an international information infrastructure for creating, disseminating, and applying knowledge. To subscribe, send email to listserv@irlearn.ucd.ie and in the body of the message put SUBSCRIBE ISWorld YourFirstName YourLastName List owner: jmooney@irlearn.ucd.ie (John Mooney) Last change: Jul 95 iti151 Contact: iti151-request@oce.orst.edu (John Stanley) Purpose: For users of Imaging Technology's series 150 and 151 image processing systems and ITEX151 software. The goal is to share algorithms, code, tricks, pitfalls, advice, etc. in an effort to decrease development time and increase functionality for the users of these systems. (Also, despite their good support, we customers may want to gang up on ITI someday!!) ivtherapy-l Contact: sarahk@netcom.com (Sarah Kuykendall) Purpose: To exchange ideas, problems, etc. dealing with intravenous therapy. Primarily for nurses, but other interested parties are welcome. Last change: Mar 95 IXO Contact: majordomo@plts.org Purpose: Discussion about pagers and software that implements the "ixo" protocol, in particular "tpage" by Tom Limoncelli available from anonftp.geo.mtu.edu ( in the pub/ixo directory. To subscribe: Send a message to majordomo@plts.org and in the body of your message, type subscribe ixo (the Subject: header will be ignored) Last change: Mar 95 ... continued ... Archive-name: mail/mailing-lists/part07 [This is the seventh of fourteen articles on mailing lists.] J/24 Contact: j24-request@popmail.med.nyu.edu Purpose: This list is for talking about J/24s. If you don't know what a J/24 is, you probably don't want to subscribe to this list (hint: it's a very popular 24 foot one-design racing sailboat). Anything related to J/24s in any way is fair game. Unmoderated. jai-alai Contact: jai-alai-request@world.std.com Purpose: To discuss pari-mutuel wagering on jai-alai, a game of super-fast handball. (Currently, jai-alai is played in Connecticut, Rhode Island, and Florida. The trend toward legalized gaming in the United States should help establish jai-alai in many more states.) To subscribe, send email to jai-alai-request@world.std.com and in the body of the message put subscribe List owner: loki@world.std.com (Greg Mortensen) Last change: Jul 95 Jain-l Contact: jain-request@indirect.com Purpose: Discussion of Jainism, a non-Vedic religion of India. To subscribe, mail to: jain-request@indirect.com with this message in the subject (not the body of the message): subscribe jain-l List owner: jain-admin@indirect.com Last change: Mar 95 JAM Contact: oldnic@soton.ac.uk Purpose: 'JAM, the list that revitalise brains of [tired] oceanographers and others, and provides answers to any silly question...' (tm) ;-) The list is not moderated and open to everyone. JAM is about a whole range of stuff and consists of two parts: (1) events, news, what u want, and -of course- deals with any silly questions... (_try_)! (2) JAM deals also with any unjammy mail in OCEANOGRAPHY & EARTH SCIENCES (only). We may help with administrative requests (where to find jobs adverts, technical questions, general questions, books, etc.). To subscribe or for info, mail to oldnic@soton.ac.uk Last change: Mar 95 janes-addiction Contact: janes-addiction-request@ms.uky.edu (Joel Abbot) Purpose: Discussion of the defunct music group Jane's Addiction and its former members' current projects. Last change: Mar 95 jarre jarre-digest Contact: majordomo@cs.uwp.edu Purpose: About everything of Jean-Michel Jarre and related. Last change: Mar 95 The Jazz Butcher Conspiracy Contact: jbc-list-request@pasture.ecn.purdue.edu (David Whittemore) Purpose: Discussion of the English pop music group The Jazz Butcher Conspiracy. There is also a WWW server for the Jazz Butcher. URL: http://purgatory.ecn.purdue.edu:20002/JBC/jbc.html Last change: Mar 95 Jesus-Witnesses Contact: caesar@world.std.com Purpose: For ex-Jehovah's Witnesses and those JWs trying to get out of the Jehovah's Witnesses organization, "The Watchtower Society". It is also for others who are interested in cults and the JWs. Last change: Mar 95 Jewel Contact: jewel-request@jane.tiac.net Purpose: Discussion of alternative/folk artist Jewel Kilcher. List manager: jeffw@jane.tiac.net (Jeff Wasilko) Last change: Jun 95 jewelry Contact: listproc@mishima.mn.org Purpose: A forum for discussing jewelry and its related disciplines. This includes but isn't limited to metalworking, beadwork, lapidary, workshops, materials, vendors, shows, technique, etc. To subscribe to the list, send mail to: listproc@mishima.mn.org with subscribe jewelry Firstname Lastname in the body of the message. jewish Contact: listserv@israel.nysernet.org Contact: mljewish@israel.nysernet.org (Avi Feldblum) Purpose: The mailing list provides a non-abusive forum for discussion of Jewish topics with an emphasis on Jewish law, within the framework of the validity of the Halakhic system. Debates between Jews and non-Jews or between various factions of Judaism should be posted to talk.religion.misc. Distributions are generally on a daily basis at irregular times (when contribution load is sufficient to send, or relating to the urgency of the material to be sent). To subscribe, send email to: listserv@israel.nysernet.org with message body subscribe mail-jewish Firstname Lastname List owner: mljewish@israel.nysernet.org (Avi Feldblum) JEWISH STUDIES JUDAICA eJOURNAL Contact: ajhyman@oise.on.ca (Avi Hyman) Purpose: The Jewish Studies Judaica eJournal is an interactive publication devoted to research and current events in academic Jewish Studies world-wide. Submissions are compiled into a monthly newsletter with 3 or 4 parts. Items featured include research notes, job postings, conference announcements, and calls-for-papers. There are 1500 direct subscribers via our two listserv lists, and an estimated 6200+ monthly readers. The JSJeJ also maintains a gopher and web space, archiving academic Jewish Studies information. The JSJeJ is published jointly by H-Net and Shamash Group. URL: http://shamash.nysernet.org/~ajhyman/jsjej.html Last change: May 95 Jewishnt Contact: Listserv@bguvm.bgu.ac.il (Dov Winer) Purpose: Jewishnt at BGUVM is a discussion forum on all things concerning the establishment of the Global Jewish Information Network. To subscribe, send the command SUB JEWISHNT your_full_name to LISTSERV@BGUVM.BGU.AC.IL where your_full_name is your name. For example: SUB JEWISHNT Berl Shmerl Last change: Mar 95 jitr (jump-in-the-river) Contact: majordomo@server.postmodern.com Purpose: Jump-in-the-river is a mailing list for the discussion of the music and work of Sinead O'Connor, the Irish musician and social activist. Open, unmoderated. A digest is also available (subscribe to jitr-digest). To subscribe, send e-mail to majordomo@server.postmodern.com with the line subscribe jitr as the *body* (not subject) of the message. List manager: mcb@postmodern.com (Michael C. Berch) Last change: Apr 95 JOB-LIST Contact: LISTSERV@SUN.CC.WESTGA.EDU Purpose: To post entry level jobs for college graduates. The jobs postings are generated from companies, government, educational institutions, and etc. Job postings from multi-level marketing companies, franchise opportunities, and third party recruiters ARE NOT WELCOMED on the list. To subscribe to the list, send an email message to LISTSERV@SUN.CC.WESTGA.EDU In the message area write Subscribe Job-List yourfirstName LastName JOBPLACE Contact: LISTSERV@UKCC.UKY.EDU Purpose: This list is of interest to job search trainers, career counselors, career specialists, researchers looking at the field of job search/employment, private practicioners and others who work or have an interest in the field. The purpose is to provide a computerized network to ask questions, share information, discuss trends, techniques, strategies and unique models/programs that have worked successfully with their clients/students in finding jobs or changing careers. There are no restrictions on subject material other than it should relate to self directed job search techniques and/or employment issues. To subscribe, send an e-mail message to LISTSERV@UKCC.UKY.EDU Leave the subject area blank and in the message area write: SUBSCRIBE JOBPLACE Yourfirstname Yourlastname (e.g. SUB JobPlace Leo Charette) To unsubcribe, send an e-mail message to LISTSERV@UKCC.UKY.EDU Leave the subject area blank and in the message area write: UNSUBSCRIBE JOBPLACE Last change: Mar 95 joe-jackson Contact: majordomo@primenet.com Purpose: To discuss the music of Joe Jackson, recording artist for Virgin Records, formerly of A&M Records. His most known songs include "Steppin' Out" and "Is she really going out with him?". To subscribe, send email to majordomo@primenet.com with the following in the message body SUBSCRIBE joe-jackson List owner: bradw@aztec.asu.edu (Brad Waddell) joe-jackson-approval@primenet.com Last change: Apr 95 jpop Contact: jpop-request@ferkel.ucsb.edu (Jim Lick) Purpose: Discussion of Japanese popular music. Last change: Mar 95 JTull Contact: jtull-request@remus.rutgers.edu (Dave Steiner) Purpose: A mailing list for discussions about the music group Jethro Tull, including ex-members and related artists. JudgeNet Contact: judge-request@synchro.com (Chuck Cox - BJCP Master Judge) Purpose: Discussion of beer judging and competition organization. Please include your name, internet adderess, and judging rank (if any) in your subscription request. Last change: Mar 95 juliemasse-liste Contact: Majordomo@wimsey.com Purpose: A mailing list exclusively for FANS of JULIE MASSE, a new star of the french and english music scene. She has won almost every major music award in her home province of Quebec and was winner of the 1993 Canadian JUNO award as "Most Promising Female Singer". Her first two french albums have both been certified Platinum. And her first english album `Circle of One' was certified Gold in less than one month (Nov 94). She will be releasing her next french album in the autumn of 1995. This beautiful and talented singer has been called the `French Mariah Carey'. La liste juliemasse-liste est un groupe MULTILINGUE seulement pour les fans de JULIE MASSE. To subscribe to the list send mail to Majordomo@wimsey.com where the body of the message is subscribe juliemasse-liste Pour s'abonner a la liste, veuillez envoyer un message adresse a Majordomo@wimsey.com avec dans le corps du message la commande subscribe juliemasse-liste Le proprietaire/owner: Fan-Julie@Musique.org (Raymond Hustad) k-d-lang Contact: majordomo@world.std.com Purpose: Discussion of k.d. lang and her music, concert appearances, interviews and any other k.d.-related musings. To subscribe, send a note to majordomo@world.std.com and in the body of the message, type: subscribe k-d-lang <your.address> Last change: Mar 95 Karting Contact: karting-request@majordomo.interlog.com (Dale Maurice) Purpose: Recreational karting, racing, off-road, on-road, wheel2wheel racing, mud, sand, just plain dirt, manufacturers, suppliers, commercial karting facilities, good tracks, bad tracks, track design, setup, engine modifications, chassis setup, rules, lack of rules, safety (should have been first), and anything else we can think of. Last change: Jul 95 kaw Contact: service@swi.psy.uva.nl Purpose: The KAW mailing list is meant for information exchange between people participating and/or interested in the knowledge acquisition workshops (EKAW< JKAW, Banff KAW, etc.) and related activities (Sisyphus, problem solving methods workshops). To subscribe, send mail to service@swi.psy.uva.nl with the message subscribe kaw 'your full name' Last change: Mar 95 KENNEL-L Contact: listserv@netcom.com Purpose: Dedicated to Kennel Management Issues. This list was established to provide a forum for anyone interested in the management of dog kennels. Suitable members might include people with questions about boarding animals, professional breeders, dog trainers, and/or boarding kennel operators. The mail list is unmoderated and open to all subscribers. To subscribe, send email to listserv@netcom.com with the command subscribe KENNEL-L Last change: Apr 95 KEPS (AMSAT Keplerian Elements) Contact: listserv@amsat.org Purpose: Weekly postings of Keplerian elements specifying the current orbits of amateur radio satellites. No discussion. Last change: Mar 95 khoros Contact: khoros-request@chama.eece.unm.edu Purpose: To discuss the khoros software package, developed by Dr. Rasure, his staff, and his students at the University of New Mexico. Khoros is an integrated software development environment for information processing and visualization, based on X11R4. khush Contact: mailserv@husc3.harvard.edu Purpose: For gay, lesbian, bisexual South Asians and their friends. We define South Asian as people from or descending from countries such as Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri-Lanka. The purpose of this list is to discuss South Asian gay culture/experiences/issues, as well as form a social and support network. Currently the list is unmoderated and anybody can join or leave the list at any time. You can join the list by sending mail to khush-request@husc3.harvard.edu The first line in your mail MUST be of the form subscribe khush [optional e-mail address] List adminitrator: khush-help@husc3.harvard.edu Last change: Mar 95 kidmedia Contact: kidmedia-request@airwaves.chi.il.us (Individual articles) Contact: kidmedia-d-request@airwaves.chi.il.us (Daily digests) Purpose: Discussion of children's media. Aimed at children's media professionals, para-professionals and other interested parties. Production, creation, and content of kids media, including television, radio, print and data . Software development for and implimentation. Complete charter and help file send with subscription, or available seperately. See below. Digest suggested, same articles go to both lists. List is not moderated, but it is monitored. This is a serious discussion list, not a talk.* group. The object of kidmedia is professional-level discussions on the topics covered. Note that this is not a listserver. The only commands recognized thusfar are as follows (placed in the Subject of your mail). SUBSCRIBE - UNSUBSCRIBE - HELP . 'HELP' sends the charter and info file for kidmedia, also sent with subscription. List coordinator: wdp@uiuc.edu kidsbooks Contact: kidsbooks-request@armory.com Purpose: Distributes "Notes from the Windowsill," an electronic journal of children's book reviews. Last change: Apr 95 KIDSPHERE Contact: kidsphere-request@vms.cis.pitt.edu Purpose: The KIDSPHERE list (originally known as KIDSNET) was established in May, 1989, to stimulate the development of an international computer network for the use of children and their teachers. The first pieces of this network have already begun to take shape, and the mailing list now helps to guide its continuing evolution. Subscribers to the list include teachers, administrators, scientists, developers of software and hardware and officials of relevant funding agencies. Topics of continuing interest include: * networks at the local, regional and national level * news and mail interfaces suitable for children's use * network services for the K-12 audience * development of new network services and projects * collaborative projects at the national and international level * network access for the handicapped Subscription requests may be sent to the following Internet address: kidsphere-request@vms.cis.pitt.edu Please use this address for all administrative correspondence relating to KIDSPHERE - subscriptions, cancellations, address changes, etc. Last change: Mar 95 Killifish Contact: killies-request@mejac.palo-alto.ca.us Purpose: Killifish, tropical fish that are members of the family cyprinodontidae. Kimagure Orange Road List Contact: kor-request@gnu.ai.mit.edu Purpose: For the discussion about the Japanese television show and comic book "Kimagure Orange Road". To subscribe, send email to kor-request@gnu.ai.mit.edu and in the body of the message put subscribe your@email.address Last change: Jul 95 Kimagure Orange Road Translation List Contact: kor-trans-request@gnu.ai.mit.edu Purpose: For the translation of the Kimagure Orange Road manga. To subscribe, send email to kor-trans-request@gnu.ai.mit.edu and in the body of the message put subscribe your@email.address Last change: Jul 95 KIND_SPIRITS Contact: listproc@atlas.cs.upei.ca Purpose: Discussion of the works and life of Lucy Maud Montgomery (LMM), the famous Canadian author of the "Anne Of Green Gables" books among others whose books have been translated into over 35 languages around the world. The forum includes discussion on LMM's life, her books and related material *INCLUDING* the movies, TV movies and children's TV series "Road To Avonlea". We have both scholars and regular folks on-line discussing *EVERYTHING* under the sun related to LMM. To subscribe, send email to listproc@atlas.cs.upei.ca and place the following line in the 'body' of the mail message subscribe kind_spirits Your Name To subscribe to the digest, send email to listproc@atlas.cs.upei.ca and place the following two lines in the 'body' of the mail message subscribe kind_spirits Your Name set kind_spirits mail digest We can also be reached at the following WWW Home Page: http://www.irus.rri.uwo.ca/~jlaw/kind.html Last change: Mar 95 King's X Contact: kx-mgr@rfleming.demon.co.uk Purpose: This list comes out every 5-7 days. It has discussion, chat, news, occasional interviews and input directly from the band. To subscribe, send email to kx-mgr@rfleming.demon.co.uk and on the Subject: line put the word Subscribe Last change: Jun 95 kiosks-l Contact: kiosks-l-request@lanl.gov Purpose: For the discussion of kiosk hardware and software. It is an adjunct to the USENET group comp.infosystems.kiosks. Last change: Mar 95 KISKEYA Contact: listserv@conicit.ve Purpose: Dominican mailing list oriented towards the discussion of promoting and developing an efficient telecommunication network in the Dominican Republic and the rest of the Caribbean. Other topics of common interest among the subscribers are also welcome on the list. The main languages on the list are Spanish and English. To subscribe to the list, write to listserv@conicit.ve with subscribe kiskeya <your@email.address> as the first line in the message body. Last change: Mar 95 kites Contact: kites-request@harvard.edu Purpose: The mailing list is a gateway to/from the USENET news group rec.kites. The mailing list and the news group is for people interested in making, flying, or just talking about all kinds of kites, kite activities and kite personalities. Topics include kite plans and construction techniques, reviews of commercially available kites and plans, timely (or otherwise) human interest notes, and talk about flying. International contributors to the news group include several kite manufacturers, kite retailers, magazine publishers, and many (in)famous kite personalities. Last change: Mar 95 kiwimusic Contact: kiwimusic-request@mit.edu (Katie Livingston) Purpose: Discussion of New Zeland pop bands, particularly those on the Flying Nun, Failsafe, and Xpressway labels. Example groups include The Chills, The Bats, The Clean, Tall Dwarfs, Straitjacket Fits, and so on. Last change: Mar 95 KLF Contact: majordomo@xmission.com Purpose: Discussing the bands of Bill Drummond and Jimmy Cauty including The KLF, The Justified Ancients of Mu Mu (the JAMS), The Timelords, Space, K Foundation, and related acts and discographica. Extensive FTP archives available at the list site, including a complete discography. To subscribe, email majordomo@xmission.com with the commands subscribe klf or subscribe klf-digest in the body of your message. Last change: Mar 95 Klingon Language Contact: tlhIngan-Hol-Request@kli.org Contact: angghal@aol.com (Lawrence Schoen) Contact: eli@kli.org (Eli Israel) Purpose: To use and discuss the Klingon Language (tlhIngan Hol), which was constructed by Dr. Marc Okrand for use in _Star Trek_ films and television series. Klingon is studied both from an artistic perspective as well as from a linguistic perspective, as a linguistically interesting constructed language for a fictional culture. Complete beginners are welcome and very much present, as are more experienced speakers. The listserver is automated. To subscribe, send subscribe tlhingan-hol Your Name in the body of an email message to listserv@kli.org Last change: Mar 95 koontz Contact: majordomo@dithots.dithots.org Purpose: This mail list is dedicated to the open discussion of all Dean R. Koontz books, stories, or topics. This would include any books written under an alias of his. To subscribe to the list, send mail to majordomo@dithots.dithots.org where the body of the message is help subscribe <listname> Last change: Mar 95 korfball Contact: geoff@earth.ox.ac.uk (Geoff Pegler) Purpose: To discuss the present state and future development of korfball worldwide. Any information concerning contacts, development, forthcoming matches/tournaments or any other aspect of korfball is welcome. Last change: Mar 95 kosmos Contact: kosmos-request@athena.mit.edu Purpose: Want to know the latest up-to-date news about the solo career of Paul "The Mod God" Weller from his foremost fanzine writers from the UK and the USA? Want to discuss his previous bands with people who actually know who you're talking about? Just want to meet some cool people who like good music? Join _Kosmos_, the Paul Weller mailing list! Previous postings are stored in monthly files and are available to all subscribers. They can be obtained from: dlodge@mcs.dundee.ac.uk KQN (Kansas Queer News) Contact: kqn@casti.com Purpose: Kansas Queer News is an email news list for LesBiGay Kansans, and their supporters. KQN carries newspaper clippings, announcements of events in Kansas, or important events outside Kansas that have a direct bearing on LesBiGay Kansans, and coverage of community, state & student organizations in the Sunflower State. KQN welcomes submissions of news articles, announcements & responsible editorials by its subscribers. However, please note that KQN is NOT a discussion list, and all posts to the list must be approved by the moderator. List owner: kevyn@ksu.edu Last change: Mar 95 kraftwerk kraftwerk-digest Contact: majordomo@cs.uwp.edu (Dave Datta) Purpose: This list is for discussion of the pioneering German techno-pop group Kraftwerk, arguably the founding fathers of electro, techno, and at least half of all dance music produced in the last 10 years. Available as a reflector or a daily digest. Archives are at ftp.uwp.edu. Last change: Mar 95 KS32 Contact: ks32-request@cygnus.com Purpose: The KS32 list was created as a discussion forum for users of the Ensoniq SQ family of synthesizer instruments, including the SQ-1, SQ-2, SQ-R, KS-32, and their derivatives. The list is unmoderated. Last change: Mar 95 kspace lass Contact: majordomo@kspace.com Purpose: Kaleidospace has created two new mailing lists for use by independent artists, writers, performers, musicians, CD-ROM authors, animators, filmmakers and software developers. kspace (kspace@kspace.com) carries discussions of promoting and distributing independent art over the Internet, to compliment the Kaleidospace sites at http://kspace.com (web), Gopher.kspace.com (Gopher) and ftp.kspace.com (FTP). lass carries articles from the online version of the Los Angeles Songwriter's Showcase Musepaper. The list carries subscription information and times/places for pitch-a-thons and other meetings between indpendent musicians and industry professionals arranged by lass. To subscribe to either list, send mail to majordomo@kspace.com where the body of the message is subscribe <listname> yourname@youraddress.com List coordinator: editors@kspace.com Last change: Mar 95 Kuharske Bukve Contact: Kuharske-Bukve@KRPAN.ARNES.SI (Polona Novak & Andrej Brodnik) Contact: Kuharske.Bukve@Uni-LJ.SI Purpose: "Kuharskve bukve" is a moderated mailing list published weekly. Each issue brings one recipe previously tested by a member of editorial board. The recipes are formated. Language in them is Slovene only. The editors are happy to receive readers' opinions. Last change: Mar 95 Kurt Goedel Society Contact: kgs@csdec2.tuwien.ac.at Purpose: The Kurt Goedel Society is setting up an electronic mailing list for members and people interested in the activities of Society. Information about the Goedel Colloquia, Calls for Papers, the Collegium Logicum Lecture Series, the Newsletter, and information from sister societies will be distributed. If you would like to be included in the mailing list, or have any questions, send an email to: kgs@csdec2.tuwien.ac.at Last change: Mar 95 ky1n-list Contact: listserv@netcom.com Purpose: VE exams in New England. This list is automatically maintained by Majordomo. To sign up or inquire about this list, send mail to listserv@netcom.com with the following in the body (subject is ignored) of the message. To subscribe: subscribe ky1n-list To unsubscribe: unsubscribe ky1n-list For more information: help Please keep your mailing address up to date. If your account is being changed or shut down, please update majordomo. This list is sponsored by the Boston Amateur Radio Club. If you have any questions, I can be reached at n1ist@netcom.com For more information on the Boston ARC, subscribe to barc-list. Last change: Mar 95 kyudo-l Contact: kyudo-l-request@teu1ws02.comp.pge.com Purpose: This mailing list is for people interested in kyudo (zen archery). This list is a learning environment, so if you get out of hand I will remove you from the list. Other than that have fun. (un)subscribe requests: address: kyudo-l-request@teu1ws02.comp.pge.com body of mail: (un)subscribe A couple of hints about the address: 1. It is the number 1 after the TEU not the letter l. 2. You need to fully qualify the address otherwise it may bounce. Last change: Mar 95 KYUSS Contact: kyuss-admin@fury.asd.sgi.com Purpose: Discussion of the band KYUSS and their music. Related bands such as Monster Magnet and others also get discussed on occasion. List owner: dbg@fury.asd.sgi.com Last change: Feb 95 LA-motss LA-motss-announce Contact: majordomo@langevin.usc.edu Purpose: Online social and political forum for gay, lesbian, and bisexual issues in the Los Angeles and Southern California area. Anything posted to the announcements list is automatically forwarded to the discussion list. You may choose to receive announcements only, or receive both announcements and general discussion. Last change: Mar 95 LAMBDA Contact: LISTSERV@UKCC.UKY.EDU (Jeff Jones) Purpose: This list is open to the discussion of all topics relating to gays/lesbians/bisexuals and their issues with specific focus on issues at the University of Kentucky, Lexington and Kentucky communities. To subscribe send mail to LISTSERV@UKCC.UKY.EDU with the body containing the command SUB LAMBDA YOURFIRSTNAME YOURLASTNAME Last change: Mar 95 Lambda-Chi-Alpha Contact: bjuliano@dormnet.stu1.uconn.edu Purpose: To discuss the Lambda Chi Alpha Fraternity, exchange ideas and announce events. Alumni and Undergrads are welcome. Last change: Mar 95 Land-Mobile-Radio List and Digest Contact: land-mobile-radio-request@stat.com Purpose: To promote technical conversation regarding commercial land mobile two-way radio communications and associated systems and accessories. In addition to conversation buying, selling and trading of commercial land mobile equipment is allowed. Land Speed Record Mailing List Contact: lsr-request@mgu.bath.ac.uk (Andrew H. Henry) Purpose: A forum for discussion of the Land Speed Record. Discussion is also welcome about legal motorsport events where the aim is to go as fast as possible in a straight line. This should not be airborne - although discussion of the Water Speed Record is fine. If the course includes corners, these should be gentle enough to be taken at near top speed: the high speed circuits at Nardo or Montlhery would be fine, Silverstone or an autocross circuit would not. For more information, send a message to lsr-request@mgu.bath.ac.uk with info in the Subject: line. Last change: Mar 95 lang-lucid Contact: lang-lucid-request@csl.sri.com (R. Jagannathan) Purpose: Discussions on all aspects related to the language Lucid, including (but not restricted to) language design issues, implementations for personal computers, implementations for parallel machines, language extensions, programming environments, products, bug reports, bug fixes/workarounds. LARELS-L Contact: listserv@ucsbvm.ucsb.edu Purpose: LARELS-L is designed to support the work of scholars studying the multiplicity of religions in Los Angeles and Southern California. It is sponsored by the Center for the Study of Religion at the University of California, Santa Barbara, which is conducting a number of research projects relating to religion, politics, and ethnicity in Los Angeles. Subscription is not automatic. Membership is by application only, and generally limited to professors, graduate students, advanced undergraduates, and qualified independent scholars who are doing research on religions in Los Angeles or similar work in other cities. Last change: Feb 95 lasnet Contact: lasnet-request@emx.utexas.edu (Langston James Goree VI) Purpose: This is an electronic mailing list of over 600 Latin Americanists, both here in the US and abroad. The purpose of LASNET is to facilitate the transmission of information among Latin Americanists. If you want to be a member of LASNET, please send a message to listproc@mcfeeley.cc.utexas.edu Include only the following text in the message body subscribe lasnet Your Name You will then receive a brief welcome message confirming that you have been added to the list and indicating how you should proceed to post messages to the list. Last change: Mar 95 LATE-SHOW-NEWS Contact: barnhart@echonyc.com Purpose: LATE-SHOW-NEWS is a moderated mailing list for the distribution of LATE SHOW NEWS, a weekly electronic newsletter with facts and opinions on the late-night television talk show industry and guest listings for Letterman and the other big talkers. LATE SHOW NEWS is published every Tuesday to several Usenet newsgroups, including alt.fan.letterman and rec.arts.tv, as well as the ECHO gopher (echonyc.com) in its Zines & Publications area. To subscribe, send to listserv@american.edu with the message SUBSCRIBE LATE-SHOW-NEWS Your Name Last change: Jul 95 Law-France Contact: law-france-request@amgot.org Purpose: Law-France is an open but moderated mailing list for the exchange of information about the practice of law in France. Discussion about other francophone countries is allowed, though this is usually better found in other regional forums. It appears in digest form only, maximum one a day. French and English may be used indifferently. Where useful, a summary in the other language is included. To subscribe, send email to law-france-request@amgot.org with subscribe in the Subject line. List owner: roger@amgot.org (Roger Wiesenbach) Last change: Apr 95 Law and Order Contact: dwalheim@aol.com (Debra Walheim) Purpose: Discussion of the television series, "Law & Order," currently broadcast on NBC and in syndication on A&E. Topics typically include the show itself, the actors, writers, and producers, and related real-life cases as pertain to the show. Please specify the L&O list when subscribing. Last change: Apr 95 LDS-Net Contact: lds-net-request@andrew.cmu.edu Purpose: A forum for members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (mormons) to discuss church doctrine, mormon culture and life in general. Non-members are welcome to join, but we're not interested in flame wars. Lea Salonga Contact: majordomo@world.std.com Purpose: A mailing list for discussion of the actress and singer. To suscribe, send email to majordomo@world.std.com In the body of the message, put subscribe lea-salonga end Last change: Mar 95 leeds-united Contact: listserv@vax.ox.ac.uk Purpose: This list is for Leeds fans to talk about Leeds United AFC, and football in general. It's a friendly place, and messages are plentiful. As well as regular discussion about Leeds matches and news, there has been a list fantasy league and world cup predictions competition. Some members often meet up at matches home, away, and abroad. It is very much a place for Leeds fans -- an "electronic kop" as one subscriber put it -- so while fellow whites will feel at home straightaway, fans of other teams might not be so comfortable. Nevertheless, other fans do occasionally subscribe, and only if they seek to create trouble are they ever asked to leave. To subscribe, send a message to listserv@vax.ox.ac.uk which says subscribe leeds-united Gordon Strachan substituting your own name for that of Gordon. Your name and address is added automatically, and you immediately receive details on how to use the list. List maintainer: owner-leeds-united@vax.ox.ac.uk (Gavin Burnage) LepNet Contact: lepnet-request@cs.niu.edu (Jim Huguelet) Purpose: LepNet is an unmoderated mailing list dedicated to discussions about the rock band Def Leppard. It is a low volume list, with typically 5-15 postings per day from its approximately 125 members. Last change: Mar 95 Les Miserables Contact: majordomo@world.std.com Purpose: Devoted to the musical Les Miserables. To subscribe: send a message to majordomo@world.std.com with the command in the body subscribe les-miserables Last change: Mar 95 letter-list Contact: listserv@netcom.com Purpose: Redistribution of the ARRL Letter. This list is automatically maintained by Majordomo. To sign up or inquire about this list, send mail to listserv@netcom.com with the following in the body (subject is ignored) of the message. To subscribe: subscribe letter-list To unsubscribe: unsubscribe letter-list For more information: help Please keep your mailing address up to date. If your account is being changed or shut down, please update majordomo. This list is sponsored by the Boston Amateur Radio Club. If you have any questions, I can be reached at n1ist@netcom.com For more information on the Boston ARC, subscribe to barc-list. Last change: Mar 95 Level 42 Contact: level42-request@enterprise.bih.harvard.edu Purpose: To support discussions of the musical artist "Level 42". Lexicor Graphics Support List Contact: ysiu@lexicor.com (Yat Siu) Purpose: To discuss atari computer graphics, hardware and software as well as programming techniques (VDI etc.) and formats best suited for atari computers in relation to graphics and animation (2D and 3D). To subscribe, mail lexicor-list-request@lexicor.com with the body subscribe <email address> Last change: Mar 95 Liad Contact: majordomo@io.com Purpose: Liad, the Liaden Universe mailing list, is a forum for the discussion of Steve Miller and Sharon Lee's Liaden Universe novels (currently _Conflict of Honours_, _Agent of Change_, and _Carpe Diem_) and other works by the same authors. To subscribe, send email to majordomo@io.com with a blank subject: header and subscribe liad in the body of the text. If you'd prefer to receive the list as a digest put subscribe liad-digest in the body of your email message instead. The list is archived at ftp.io.com in the directory pub/mailing-lists/liad-digest List maintainer: pardoz@io.com Last change: Jun 95 LibDem-L Contact: majordomo@dircon.co.uk Purpose: For members and supporters of the Liberal Democrat party in the UK. For information write to majordomo@dircon.co.uk with the following in the main body: info LIBDEM-L Please contact the list maintainer if you have any questions. List maintainer: euan@bayliss.dircon.co.uk Last change: Mar 95 LiBeerty Digest Contact: libeerty-request@synchro.com Purpose: Libertarian Beer Digest. It is an Internet mailing list dedicated to the discussion of issues of interest to libertarian brewers and beer lovers. This digest was created to provide a forum for the discussion of libertarian ideas and tactics to prevent and circumvent the rising tide of neo-prohibitionism, especially as applied to the brewing and drinking of beer. It is also a social forum and a good place to post excellent jokes. The LiBeerty Digest is sponsored by SynchroSystems and the Riverside Garage & Brewery, located in The People's Republic of Cambridge, Massachusetts. To subscribe, send an empty message to libeerty-request@synchro.com You will receive a help file in reply. Last change: Mar 95 liberal-judaism Contact: faigin@aerospace.aero.org (Daniel Faigin) Purpose: Non-judgemental discussions of liberal judaism (Reform, Reconstructionist, Conservative, Secular Humanist, etc.) and liberal jewish issues, its practices, opinions, and beliefs. This list is moderated and is in digest format. Last change: Mar 95 libernet Contact: libernet-request@dartmouth.edu (Barry S. Fagin) Purpose: Libernet is a Libertarian mailing list. The list is available in two modes: as a mail reflector and as a digest. Last change: Mar 95 LIBFEM Contact: libfem-news-request@math.uio.no (Thomas Gramstad) Contact: libfem-talk-request@math.uio.no (Thomas Gramstad) Purpose: The focus of LIBFEM is the classical liberty and individual rights perspective as applied to feminist issues, such as issues regarding ideology, politics, culture, gender, etc., in order to establish a network for information, discourse, cooperation, encouragement and consciousness raising. There has always been an element of individualism in the various women and feminist movements, although this element seems to have been somewhat neglected in recent movements. LIBFEM has been divided into two groups: LIBFEM-NEWS (low volume; news items and original postings) and LIBFEM-TALK (news and discussion; occasional high volume). Last change: Mar 95 LIMS Contact: millers@gov.on.ca (Stu Miller) Purpose: The LIMS mailing list is a forum for discussion of LIMS (Laboratory Information Management Systems) among users and administrators of such information systems of any topic related to LIMS. It is not intended as a support forum for vendors or developers of LIMS. HOWEVER, all LIMS developers or vendors are encouraged to post questions and comments about LIMS as well as to actively respond to questions and critisisms of their products in relation to discussions initiated by the users of the list. To subscribe, mail to listproc@gov.on.ca with subscribe lims <your full name> as the first line in the body of the message. Last change: May 95 Linda Contact: linda-users-request@cs.yale.edu Contact: linda-users-request@yalecs.bitnet Purpose: Discussion group for users and potential users of Linda based parallel programming systems. Linda is a set of operators that are added to various conventional programming languages to produce a parallel programming language. LINE-LINK 14.4 MODEM Contact: list-server@pylon.pillar.com Purpose: The purpose of this mailing list is to help keeping linelink 14.4 Kbps owners update with the concern of linelink. Information such as problems, solution, special concern about linelink could be found here. To subscribe, send mail to list-server@obelisk.pillar.com with a message of JOIN There is no need for a Subject. List administrator: owner-linelink-l@pylon.pillar.com Last change: Mar 95 LINES-L Contact: listserv@vm1.nodak.edu Purpose: The LifeLines genealogy program by Dr. Thomas Wetmore ONLY runs on UNIX. However there is a port to Macintosh under development. It maintains genealogical (person and family) records in a database, and generates reports from those records. There are no plans for this program to run on a MSDOS based operating system. LifeLines does not contain built-in reports. Instead, it provides a powerful report generation subsystem that allows you to program your own reports and charts. LifeLines uses the terminal independent features of UNIX to provide a panels and menu based user interface that is simple and intuitive. To subscribe, send email to listserv@vm1.nodak.edu and in the body of the message put SUB LINES-L your full name For example SUB LINES-L Marc Nozell List owner: nozell@wildcat.mv.com (Marc Nozell) Last change: Jun 95 linux-postgres Contact: linux-postgres-request@native-ed.bc.ca Purpose: The discussion of issues specific to the Linux port of the POSTGRES database system. Administration requests (being added/deleted from the list or address changes) can be sent to linux-postgres-request@native-ed.bc.ca A human reads the messages but does not expect full sentences :). That is mail with a subject of ADD and no body will result in the senders name being placed on the list and mail with a subject of DEL and no body will result in someone trying to delete the senders name from the list. Last change: Mar 95 LIS (Lesbians in Science) Contact: LIS-REQUEST@KENYON.EDU Purpose: The list serves as a forum for discussions, as a resource for professional and personal information-sharing, and as a social network and support group. Womyn only. To get ON the LIS email list send your request to LIS-request@kenyon.edu In text write your name, email address, and the word subscribe. To get OFF the LIS email list automatically send the word SIGNOFF to LIS-request@kenyon.edu Last change: Mar 95 LISA (Lista Italiana Sull'Accesso a Internet) Contact: listproc@csr.unibo.it Purpose: LISA is a list born to discuss the changes that are occurring in Italy caused by the spreading of Internet utilization. Lisa wants to report the way these changes are being reported by the media (newspapers, magazines, television), because they often give a colourful view of the net, far away from the reality. Lisa subscribers discuss also about the attempts carried on in order to regulate the various aspects of Internet life. LISA also collects informations on the various providers of connectivity in Italy. Open to everyone. In italian. To subscribe, send mail to listproc@csr.unibo.it with SUBSCRIBE LISA <Your Name> in the body. List manager: caponi@sssup1.sssup.it (Laura Caponi) Last change: Apr 95 List-Managers Contact: Brent@GreatCircle.COM (Brent Chapman) Purpose: For discussions of issues related to managing Internet mailing lists, including (but not limited to) methods, mechanisms, techniques, policies, and software (in general; questions about specific software packages should be directed to the mailing list dedicated to that particular package). Technical questions regarding particular software packages (for instance, Majordomo, LISTPROC, ListServ, etc.) are NOT appropriate for the List-Managers mailing list. They should be directed to the mailing list dedicated to that particular package (for instance, for Majordomo, that's Majordomo-Users@GreatCircle.COM). Check the documentation that came with the package to find out where the support list for that package is hosted. This list is an outgrowth of the "Mailing Lists" workshop session at the USENIX System Administration Conference (LISA VI) in Long Beach, CA, on October 22, 1992. To join the List-Mangers mailing list, send the command subscribe list-managers in the body of a message to Majordomo@GreatCircle.COM If you want to subscribe something other than the account the mail is coming from, such a a local redistribution list, then append that address to the "subscribe" command. For example, to subscribe "local-list-managers": subscribe list-managers local-list-managers@your.domain.net To subscribe to the digestified version, substitute list-managers-digest for list-managers in the examples above. Last change: Apr 95 Listening-l Contact: owner-listening-l@zrz.tu-berlin.de (Dirk Lutzebaeck) Purpose: Listening-l is a forum for people to discuss and investigate the teachings of J. Krishnamurti in relation to their daily problems and their understanding of life. Krishnamurti (1895-1986) is known as a world teacher who rejected organisations, religions and beliefs. He had numerous talks and conversations all over the world and wrote several books concerned with deep investigation on the nature of humanity and the self covering love, religion, belief, relationship, death, thought, time, fear, envy, meditation, beauty etc. Everybody is welcome on the list who has a serious interest in deeply questioning him/herself and the world we find ourselves in. It is not necessary to be familiar with Krishnamurti's teachings but it will interest people who are open to a fundamental change which means investigating the innermost problems of mankind ie., ourself. This list is unmoderated. To subscribe: send the message sub listening-l to ListServ@zrz.TU-Berlin.DE To find more information about this mailing list and on Krishnamurti please connect to the WWW Krishnamurti Information Homepage Berlin. http://flp.cs.tu-berlin.de:1895/ Last change: Mar 95 lit-med (Literature in Medicine) Contact: lit-med-request@popmail.med.nyu.edu Purpose: For discussions related to the Literature And Medicine humanities database. Other topics relevant to humanities in medicine might also be appropriate. Unmoderated. Llajta Contact: listserv@io.dsd.litton.com (machine) Contact: reading@io.dsd.litton.com (human) Purpose: Llajta exists for the discussion of any and all topics relating to Bolivia. To subscribe, send a message to listserv@io.dsd.litton.com with the line subscribe llajta John Reading in the text of the message (but use your own name instead of John Reading). You will receive a response with instructions about how to use the list. The list is bidirectionally gated to the Usenet newsgroup soc.culture.bolivia. The principle language for discussions is Spanish, although English, Quechua and Portuguese language messages have appeared. Last change: Mar 95 lojban Contact: listserv@cuvmb.cc.columbia.edu (Automated Listserver) Contact: lojbab@access.digex.net (Bob LeChevalier/John Cowan) Purpose: To use, discuss, and contribute to the development of the constructed human language called Lojban (known in earlier versions as Loglan). Lojban has a grammar based on predicate logic, and vocabulary built from the six most widely spoken human languages. It is intended as a tool for experimental linguistics, as a medium for communication with computers, and as a possible international auxiliary language. List participants range from novice to skilled. Up to 50% of list traffic is in the Lojban language. Novice questions are welcomed. Lojban List is an automated listserv. To be added to the list send the command subscribe lojban firstname lastname to listserv@cuvmb.cc.columbia.edu The listserver will add you at the address from which it thinks you sent the request. If you need to be added at a different address, or need other manual assistance, contact the second address. The Logical Language Group, Inc. asks new subscribers to send a postal mailing address to the second address, so that they can be added to the organization mailing list. An archive of list traffic and material about the Lojban language may be found at ftp.cs.yale.edu, directory pub/lojban Last change: Mar 95 London Rotaract News Electronic Edition Contact: LRN@sdam.demon.co.uk Purpose: Electronic edition of the London Rotaract News, covering a wide range of current topics and regional as well as international Rotaract activities. To subscribe, send your full name and e-mail address to: LRN@sdam.demon.co.uk Subscription currently free of charge. Los Angeles Kings Contact: kings-request@cs.stanford.edu Purpose: Discussion on the Los Angeles Kings. Last change: Mar 95 Lost Chords (of the Moody Blues) Contact: lost-chords-request@mit.edu Purpose: This is a mailing list dedicated to the music of the Moody Blues. Music discussion, concert schedules, fan club information, etc is all provided. Mail traffic ranges from 5 to about 30 messages a day. A digest version is now available. To subscribe, send a human readable message to: lost-chords-request@mit.edu Please specify whether you want to receive the regular version or the digest version. Last change: Mar 95 LOTTO-TEXAS Contact: majordomo@global.org Purpose: A robot prepares and sends two messages after each PICK SIX lottery drawing in Texas. The first comes an hour or so after the drawing and supplies the winning numbers. The second message is sent overnight and has a more complete breakdown on the number of winners and the actual payouts. This is an unofficial mailing list, not sanctioned by or affiliated with Lotto Texas or the State of Texas. To subscribe, send e-mail to: majordomo@global.org Put this is the body of the message: subscribe lotto-texas end For more information, send e-mail to: majordomo@global.org Put this in the body of the message: info lotto-texas end Or, you can use this URL: http://oaklawn.global.org/lotto/listinfo.htm Last change: Mar 95 lotus-cars Contact: lotus-cars-request@netcom.com (Alan F. Perry) Purpose: Discussion of road and race cars designed and built by Colin Chapman and/or Lotus Cars Ltd. Last change: Mar 95 loureed Contact: sylvia@cvi.hahnemann.edu Purpose: Mailing list for discussion of music, etc. related to the 30-years and running career of Mr. Lou Reed, including Velvet Underground matters. No digest format currently available. Unmoderated, but owner is reached at <sylvia@cvi.hahnemann.edu> Last change: Mar 95 Lout Contact: lout-request@cs.brown.edu Purpose: Discussion of the Basser Lout typesetting document preparation software which is available by anonymous ftp at ftp.cs.su.oz.au:jeff/lout.2.05.tar.Z. To subscribe: send mail to lout-request@cs.brown.edu with subscribe in the subject line. Last change: Mar 95 Dirty P... er... Lovely Angels Contact: lovely-angels-request@edmonds.home.cs.ubc.ca Contact: lovely-angels-digest-request@edmonds.home.cs.ubc.ca Purpose: For discussion of the Japanese animation series Dirty Pair, including their latest incarnation as Dirty Pair Flash. To subscribe, send email to majordomo@edmonds.home.cs.ubc.ca and in the body of the message put subscribe lovely-angels <your email address> List owner: edmonds@cs.ubc.ca (Brian Edmonds) Last change: May 95 LuckyTown Contact: luckytown-request@netcom.com (Kevin Kinder) Purpose: LuckyTown is a digest-format mailing list for discussion of any and all issues likely to be of interest to people who enjoy Bruce Springsteen's music. To subscribe, send email to luckytown-request@netcom.com with a message body of subscribe luckytown Last change: Mar 95 lute Contact: lute-request@cs.dartmouth.edu (Wayne B. Cripps) Purpose: For lute players and researchers of lute music. Last change: Mar 95 LymeNet-L Contact: listserv@Lehigh.EDU Contact: mcg2@Lehigh.EDU (Marc Gabriel) Purpose: The LymeNet Newsletter provides timely information on the many aspects of the Lyme disease epidemic. Published about once every 10-15 days, it includes the latest medical abstracts, support group info, and political events. Subscribers may submit questions and opinions to the newsletter for publication. Last change: Mar 95 ... continued ... Archive-name: mail/mailing-lists/part08 [This is the eighth of fourteen articles on mailing lists.] Mac-Lawyers Contact: Jim@melnick-moore.com Purpose: A place where attorneys,law students, legal assistants, law professors who are using Macintosh computers can discuss the use of hardware, software and technology in their office. To subscribe, send email to Mac-lawyers-request@melnick-moore.com with the message subscribe on the Subject: line List owner: Jim@melnick-moore.com (Jim Moore) Last change: Apr 95 Macedonian News (MAK-NEWS) Contact: LISTSERV@ubvm.cc.buffalo.edu Purpose: MAK-NEWS is a group/forum run by volunteers. Its goals are to present and distribute information relevant to the events in/about the Republic of Macedonia, and to serve as a basis for further Macedonian related workgroups. The group is moderated. Rapid Daily up-to-date reports arrive on MAK-NEWS from the Republic of Macedonia, now largely recognised internationally. Various miscellaneous reports are occasionally also distributed. To subscribe, send email to LISTSERV@ubvm.cc.buffalo.edu with the message body subscribe MAKNWS-L Firstname Lastname List Administrator: OWNER-MAKNWS-L@ubvm.cc.buffalo.edu Last change: Mar 95 macgyver Contact: macgyver-l-request@io.org Purpose: To discuss current and previous MacGyver episodes. We also discuss what is currently happening with the main and reoccuring actors on the show. To subscribe, send email to macgyver-l-request@io.org with subscribe macgyver-l <your email address> in the body of the message. List manager: chrysp@io.org (Chrys Pelegris) Last change: May 95 MachTen Contact: MachTen-request@tenon.com Purpose: Discuss topics of interest to users of MachTen, a Mach 2.5/BSD 4.3 Unix from Tenon Intersystems for all Macintoshes from Classics to the PowerMac 8100. This includes programming tips and examples, configuration questions, and discussion of problems and workarounds. People not currently using MachTen and wanting either general information or specific questions answered should not subscribe, but write to info@tenon.com. Last change: Mar 95 MacShareNews Contact: steg@dircon.co.uk Purpose: MacShareNews is a free electronic publication reporting fast and up-to-date information about shareware and freeware programs for the Macintosh and the Newton, and extra information. To receive MacShareNews just send an email message to steg@dircon.co.uk In the subject header of the message put MSN-request In the body of the message, put the line SUBSCRIBE MSN Your Fullname and you will be automatically added. You will also receive an acknowledgment, so you know that you are on. Last change: Feb 95 mactcl Contact: listserv@sunlabs.sun.com Purpose: Devoted to the issues of Tcl on the Macintosh. This includes (but not limited to) such topics as ports of Tcl to the Mac (MacTcl), Tcl questions relating only to the Mac (file I/O etc.), and porting of Tk to the Mac. It is also a good forum for issues concerning Tcl based applications such as Alpha and Tickle. To join the mailing list send a message to listserv@sunlabs.sun.com with subscribe mactcl First_name Last_name in the body of the message. To have yourself removed, send a message to listserv@sunlabs.sun.com with unsubscribe mactcl in the body of the message. URL: http://www.smli.com/research/tcl/lists/mactcl-list.html List administrator: mactcl-admin@sun.com Last change: Apr 95 MADNESS Contact: LISTSERV@sjuvm.stjohns.edu Purpose: MADNESS is an electronic action and information letter for people who experience moods swings, fright, voices, and visions (People Who). MADNESS creates an electronic forum and distribution device for exchanging ways to change political systems that touch People Who, and for distributing any information and resources that might be useful. A basic premise of science and research is also a value of MADNESS: to share your findings with others. Last change: Mar 95 mae-announce mae-bugs mae-users Contact: listproc@abs.apple.com Purpose: There are three mailing lists that Apple has created for users of the Macintosh Application Environment: mae-announce is a moderated list that will be used to distribute announcements and information about MAE from Apple. It's aimed at people who want to keep informed on the product, but don't want to sift through all of the mail that is distributed through an open mailing list. mae-users is an unmoderated list that allows users and discuss the product in an informal atmosphere. mae-users will allow users to assist each other and distribute hints and other information about the product. mae-bugs is an unmoderated list that can be used to submit bugs and information to Apple Engineering on the product. This list is not a replacement for the normal support channels, but is instead a way to allow users to submit informal feedback to Apple. We can't guarantee that submissions to mae-bugs will be responded to by Apple. Do NOT put listproc commands in the Subject line of your e-mail message, or listproc will reject them. For more information on using listproc, send a message to the listproc server with a body of 'HELP'. Apple is also setting up an MAE folder on the ftp site ftp.support.apple.com. More details will be made available on mae-announce when it's fully functional. The files made available via ftp will also be available through the listproc's file archive server as well, and instructions for using that server (for people without ftp access) will be released when it is functional. List administrator: mae-support@abs.apple.com Last change: Mar 95 magazine (Jesus Jones) Contact: magazine-request@cs.rmit.edu.au Contact: jbl@cs.rmit.edu.au (Jason Lee) Purpose: Discussion of the British pop group Jesus Jones, including their music, songs, videos, etc. To subscribe, send email to magazine-request@cs.rmit.edu.au with a Subject: of subscribe URL: http://www.cs.rmit.edu.au/~jbl/jesus.jones/magazine/ Last change: May 95 magic Contact: magic-request@maillist.crd.ge.com (Bruce Barnett) Purpose: The MAGIC mailing list is for the discussion of sleight of hand and the art of magic. Membership to the list is restricted, as people who are merely curious are not encouraged to join. You must fill out a questionnaire to qualify. Last change: Mar 95 mail-men Contact: corcoran@sable.ox.ac.uk (Stephen Corcoran) Purpose: mail-men is a moderated list, open to men and women, for discussion of men's issues. The list appears in digest form. Last change: Jun 95 Mailing-Lists Contact: mailing-lists@krpan.arnes.si Purpose: Information on mailing lists from South Slavic countries. Last change: Mar 95 MAR-FACIL Contact: mailserv@ac.dal.ca Purpose: MAR-FACIL is a mailing list for managers and technical staff at marine research facilities, aquaculture operations, public aquaria and other facilities supplying seawater for the support of marine life. The list is intended as a forum for the discussion of technical and business topics, however discussion of other matters is welcome and encouraged. To subscribe, send the single line message subscribe MAR-FACIL to mailserv@ac.dal.ca To unsubscribe, send the single line message unsubscribe MAR-FACIL to mailserv@ac.dal.ca Last change: Mar 95 Maria McKee/Lone Justice Contact: Mckeefan-request@nic.iii.net Purpose: A digest for discussion of Maria McKee, Lone Justice, and related topics. A place to meet other fans of one of the most underrated singers in the world today. Swap stories, and keep up to date on Maria and the former band members. List owner: bourbeau@kenmoto1.iii.net (Ken Bourbeau) Last change: Jul 95 Mariah Carey Contact: vision-request@biodec.wustl.edu (Hugh Chou) Purpose: Discussion of Mariah Carey. Last change: Mar 95 Martha and the Muffins Contact: gzverev@rpc.glas.apc.org Purpose: Martha & The muffins released 3 first albums on UK's Virgin (1979-1981), then 3 albums on Canadian Current label, then one compilation on Virgin Univerwsal and finally latest CD was released on Intrepid (where Rheostatics came from) and german SPV label. Homepage not yet available however scans and lyrics available by request. Last change: Mar 95 martial-arts Contact: martial-arts-request@dragon.cso.uiuc.edu (Steven Miller) Purpose: The martial arts mailing list is for discussion on various aspects of the martial arts. This includes teaching and training techniques, martial arts philosophy, self-defense, traditional and non-traditional styles, among others. Last change: Mar 95 MasPar Contact: mp-users-request@thunder.mcrcim.mcgill.edu (Lee Iverson) Purpose: We have no restrictive charter, so are open to any and all discussions of hardware/software issues surrounding the use of the MasPar MP-1 class of parallel SIMD machines. These machines have a full-featured data-parallel instruction set and are programmable in Fortran90 and MPL, a K&R C with parallel data types. MAXIMUM THUNDER Contact: Swann1@MUVMS6.WVNET.EDU Contact: JPRN49A@PRODIGY.COM Purpose: Maximum Thunder is a bi weekly publication covering the Marshall University sports scene, including but not limited to Football, Basketball, Baseball, and most non revenue sports. Maximum Thunder is not affiliated with Marshall University, however offers a indepth look at Marshall sports for those who are not able to receive news about Marshall. Last change: Mar 95 Mayberry Contact: listserv@bolis.sf-bay.org Purpose: This mailing list is for discussion of TV shows featuring Andy Griffith, including The Andy Griffith Show and Mayberry RFD. To subscribe, send an Internet e-mail message to listserv@bolis.sf-bay.org containing subscribe Mayberry and you will be added to the list. Last change: Mar 95 mazda-list Contact: mazda-list-request@ms.uky.edu (Joel Abbott) Purpose: Technical correspondance and discussion of all Mazda-designed vehicles. Last change: Mar 95 McLibel Contact: mclibel-approval@world.std.com Purpose: For news about the McDonalds' libel suit to silence environmentalists David Morris, Helen Steel, and others in England, and also for news about McDonalds' legal activities generally, and the corporate influence on legal systems world-wide. To subscribe send email to: majordomo@world.std.com with a message in the body subscribe mclibel Last change: Mar 95 Meal-Master Contact: listserv@salata.com (Karen Mintzias) Purpose: This list will be for discussion on using the Meal-Master recipe program, including direct support from Scott Welliver of Episoft Systems. The list will be gated to/from the Fidonet Meal-Master support conference. *PLEASE*, no recipes are to be posted to this list unless it is necessary to demonstrate a particular problem encountered while using Meal-Master or a related utility. To subscribe to the Meal-Master List, send email to listserv@salata.com Message body should read SUBSCRIBE MM-LIST List owner: MM-List-Owner@salata.com Last change: Mar 95 Meal-Master Recipes Mailing List Contact: listserver@alexr.demon.co.uk (Mark Alexander) Purpose: This list is intended for the exchange of recipes in Meal-Master or QBook format. To subscribe to the Meal-Master Recipes List, send email to: listserver@alexr.demon.co.uk Message body should read: SUBSCRIBE MM-RECIPES yourrealname If you wish to recieve the list in digest format add the line SET MM-RECIPES digest to the message body List owner: mark@alexr.demon.co.uk MEDGAY-L Contact: LISTSERV@ksuvm.ksu.edu (Robert Clark) Purpose: This is the official list of the Society for the Study of Homosexuality in the Middle Ages, an affiliated society of the Medieval Institute of Western Michigan University. To subscribe: send a one-line message SUB MEDGAY-L Your Name to LISTSERV@ksuvm.ksu.edu Last change: Mar 95 Media Access Contact: listmanager@hookup.net Purpose: Dedicated to closed-captioning, audio description, and other issues related to making electronic media accessible to persons with disabilities. To subscribe, send a message containing the words subscribe access and no other words or characters in the body of a message to listmanager@hookup.net The subject line is ignored. To unsubscribe, send a message containing the words unsubscribe access and no other words or characters in the body of a message to listmanager@hookup.net List owner: owner-access@hookup.net joeclark@hookup.net Last change: Mar 95 MEDITATION Contact: listserv@beach.utmb.edu Purpose: Forum for discussing meditation techniques and Eastern philosophy. Last change: Feb 95 MedMJ Contact: listproc@drcnet.org Purpose: MedMJ, the Drug Reform Coalition's Medical Marijuana mailing list is for discussions of petitioning, WWW pages, and other activist activities relating to Medical Marijuana. Last change: Jul 95 medphys Contact: medphys-request@radonc.duke.edu Purpose: An attempt to foster electronic communication between medical physicists, open to interested others. Medical physics is a somewhat opaque but widely used synonym for radiological physics -- the physics of the diagnostic and therapeutic use of radiation in medicine. At present most of the subscribers are involved in radiotherapy. Melissa Etheridge Contact: Etheridge-request@cnd.mcgill.ca Purpose: Information and discussion about Melissa Etheridge and her music. This list is available in bounce, digest, and moderated info-only formats. Please specify which format you wish to receive when you ask to subscribe. Also I need your full name. (It need not be publicly available, though.) Melissa Ferrick Contact: Ferrick-request@cnd.mcgill.ca Purpose: Information and discussion about Melissa Ferrick and her music. When you ask to be subscribed I need your real name but it need not be publicly available. melrose-place Contact: melrose-place-request@ferkel.ucsb.edu (Jim Lick) Purpose: Discussion of the Fox TV show "Melrose Place." Last change: Mar 95 >From stats.ox.ac.uk!corcoran Mon Jun 12 10:01:11 1995 Received: by bonkers.taronga.com (smail2.5p) id AA00688; 12 Jun 95 10:01:11 CDT (Mon) Received: from stats.ox.ac.uk (Unmtigw@localhost) by bonkers.taronga.com (8.6.11/8.6.6) with UUCP id KAA00682 for arielle@taronga.com; Mon, 12 Jun 1995 10:01:10 -0500 Received: from markov.stats (markov.stats.ox.ac.uk) by UUCP-GW.CC.UH.EDU with SMTP id AA19352 (5.67a/IDA-1.5 for <arielle@taronga.com>); Mon, 12 Jun 1995 09:54:54 -0500 Received: from buffon.stats.stats by markov.stats (5.x/SMI-SVR4) id AA04959; Mon, 12 Jun 1995 15:55:01 +0100 Date: Mon, 12 Jun 1995 15:55:00 +0100 From: corcoran@stats.ox.ac.uk (Stephen Corcoran) Message-Id: <9506121455.AA04959@markov.stats> To: arielle@taronga.com Subject: Change of information for "mail-men" list Status: OR Dear Stephanie, I append below the altered details of the mail-men list which appears in part 08 of your list of mailing lists. Thanks, Stephen Corcoran, moderator, mail-men, corcoran@sable.ox.ac.uk. mail-men Contact: corcoran@sable.ox.ac.uk Purpose: mail-men is a moderated list, open to men and women, for discussion of men's issues. The list appears in digest form. For subscription information, send a message to corcoran@sable.ox.ac.uk List moderator: corcoran@sable.ox.ac.uk (Stephen Corcoran) Last change: Jun 95 menno.d Contact: listserv@uci.com Purpose: A mailing list for Mennonites is available to those who have e-mail access to the internet. The purpose is to allow Mennonites and others who are interested in things Mennonite to converse with one another electronically. Conversation topics are not limited. To subscribe send the message sub menno.d full name or sub menno full name to listserv@uci.com Fill in your name in the appropriate place (not your e-mail address). "menno.d" is the complete list which includes a great deal of discussion. "menno" is an abbreviated form of "menno.d" that includes informational messages but not the discussion. Subscribers to "menno.d" may want to include a second line with this command: set menno.d mail digest Digest mode bundles the messages together and sends them once a day. If you have any problems, questions, or suggestions please contact the owner of this list. List owner: Jon.Harder@uci.com (Jon Harder) Last change: Mar 95 mercedes Contact: mercedes-request@bga.com (David R. Lefebvre) Purpose: Discussion of Mercedes-Benz automobiles. Last change: Mar 95 mercedes-lackey Contact: listproc@herald.co.uk Purpose: Discussion of the works of fantasy author Mercedes Lackey. To subscribe, send email to listproc@herald.co.uk and in the body of the message put subscribe mercedes-lackey your name List owner: mel@herald.co.uk (Melanie Dymond Harper) Last change: Jul 95 MereLewis Contact: dwalheim@aol.com (Debra Walheim) Purpose: Discussion of the life and works of C.S. Lewis. Please specify the Lewis list when subscribing. Last change: Apr 95 met-stud (Meteorology Students) Contact: listproc@bibo.met.fu-berlin.de Purpose: Open to everyone but particularly intended as a communication facility for meteorology students. Beside the usual chatting, subjects of discussion could be student related topics such as scholarships, summer schools, conferences, and conditions of studying meteorology at a particular university. There is also the option to ask the community for help in meteorology related questions. There are freshman, as well as grad students, that will be available to answer your questions in this field. If you want to subscribe you need to send a mail to listproc@bibo.met.fu-berlin.de with SUB met-stud First_Name Last_Name in the body of the message. Though the list is situated in Germany the language is English, of course. I hope for strong participation. Last change: Mar 95 metacard-list Contact: brian@grot.com (Brian Smithson) Purpose: Discussion of the MetaCard product from MetaCard Corporation. MetaCard is an application development system which is similar to Apple's HyperCard product, and runs on a variety of popular platforms in a UNIX/X11/Motif environment. To subscribe, send email to majordomo@best.com and in the body of the message put subscribe metacard-list you@your.domain Replace "you@your.domain" with the e-mail address at which you'd like to receive metacard-list mail. If you'd prefer to receive digests of metacard-list mail, use: subscribe metacard-list-digest you@your.domain List administrator: owner-metacard-list@best.com. Last change: Jun 95 METAL Contact: majordomo@inet.it Purpose: For the discussion of all aspects of metal, including thrash, grind, death, doom, heavy grunge, crusty stuff, old or new. The list has been around for a long time and has its roots in the Bay Area. Recently moved to Italy but lots of Bay Area subscribers still exist. Open to everyone. To subscribe, send mail to majordomo@inet.it with subscribe metal in the body. List manager: Massimo.Villa@inet.it Last change: Mar 95 MetallicA Contact: metallica-request@thinkage.on.ca (Ken Dykes) Contact: metallica-request@thinkage.com Purpose: A discussion-list for those interested in the band MetallicA. It is not the official MetallicA Fan Club or affiliated with the band or its management. The list is available only in digest format. Requests are handled manually by a human, please phrase your messages accordingly. This list is the same one formerly managed by affouj@rpi.edu and has operated for over five years. Last change: Mar 95 miata Contact: miata-request@jhunix.hcf.jhu.edu (Andy S. Poling) Purpose: This list was formed when it became evident that there was a growing body of enthousiastic Mazda Miata owners. There are no rules governing what you can and cannot post to the list - it is an open forum. Michael Ball Contact: majordomo@world.std.com Purpose: For the discussion of the singer Michael Ball and his work. To subscribe, send a message to MAJORDOMO@WORLD.STD.COM With the command in message body SUBSCRIBE MICHAEL-BALL Last change: Mar 95 Middle-Eastern Music Contact: middle-eastern-music-request@nic.funet.fi (Juhana Kouhia) Purpose: Discussion of the music originating from the Middle-East. middlesex Contact: mnews@world.std.com (Eric Bauer) Purpose: Weekly digests of news from the Middlesex News, Framingham, Mass.; listings of new files on the News gopher. Subscribers can comment on either the news or the News. Last change: Mar 95 MIDEAST-PEACE Contact: LISTSERV@AIS.NET Purpose: The list is open to anyone who wishes to address issues related to the peace process between the PLO and Israel, and Jordan and Israel. Subscribe to LISTSERV@AIS.NET Message should read Subscribe MIDEAST-PEACE (Your REAL Name) You may unsubscribe by sending the message UNSUBSCRIBE MIDEAST-PEACE (Your real name) List administrator: Hanania@USG.ORG Rayhanania@Delphi.Com midrange-l Contact: listserv@midrange.com Purpose: Discussion of IBM Midrange computer systems. This includes the System/34, System/36, System/38, and AS/400. For more information, send email to David Gibbs at gibbs@midrange.com. Last change: Mar 95 The Mighty Ducks of Anaheim Contact: bnc@macsch.com (Brian Casey) Purpose: Discussion of the Mighty Ducks of Anaheim of the National Hockey League, including statistics and game summaries. To subscribe/unsubscribe, send a request to mda-request@macsch.com Last change: Mar 95 Migra-List Contact: migra-list-request@lists.utah.edu Purpose: Mailing list on international migration. Last change: Mar 95 Mike Oldfield Contact: annmarie@damp.apana.org.au (AnnMarie Scott) Purpose: The discussion of the life and music of Mike Oldfield, including tours, bootlegs, commercial releases, etc. To join the list, email majordomo@damp.apana.org.au with the message subscribe oldfield Last change: Mar 95 Milieu Contact: milieu-request@yoyo.cc.monash.edu.au Purpose: Discussion of the works of Julian May, notably the Saga of the Exiles, and the Galactic Milieu trilogy. Last change: Mar 95 Mind-L Contact: listproc@gate.net Purpose: Mind-L is a discussion group for people interested in mind altering techniques in general, and mind machines (light & sound, TENS/CES, electromagnetic pulse, floatation) & biofeedback equipment in particular. Related topics include smart nutrients, hypnosis, relaxation techniques and subliminal tapes/videos. Conversation ranges from serious research to home electronics to amateur personal observations. This group does not cover hallucinatory drugs (eg. LSD). The subject may come up from time to time, but there are other lists which already give extensive coverage of that topic. To subscribe, send a request to listproc@gate.net with the message subscribe mind-l yourname Last change: Feb 95 mindmap Contact: chrisp@emagic.marc.cri.nz Purpose: Discussion of all aspects of Mind Mapping. Mind mapping is a technique for taking notes which can also be used to run meetings, study, memorize and think creatively. To subscribe, send email to maiser@emagic.marc.cri.nz with the message subscribe mindmap in the body of the text. List owner: chrisp@marc.cri.nz (Chris Pugmire) Last change: May 95 mindshare-admin Contact: majordomo@pangea.com Purpose: A forum for administrators of MindShare groupware systems to exchange information. Last change: Mar 95 minors minors-scores Contact: listproc@plaidworks.com Purpose: Issues affecting the minor league, including new stadium standards, minor league franchise status and changes, road trips and groups, schedules, team and league status, players and teams to watch, collectibles, and anything else of importance about minor league baseball. To subscribe to a list, please send mail to listproc@plaidworks.com Please put the following command in the body of the message (the subject line should NOT be a command. It can be blank or nonsense): subscribe listname your name To unsubscribe, use "unsubscribe" instead of "subscribe" For information on what the lists are about, send a message of "info giants" to the listproc. The archives for the minors lists are in the listproc. Send listproc a message of "index giants" to see what's in it. If you get completely lost, send "help" to the listproc and read the (gasp) instructions. A quick introduction to using listproc can be found by sending the command: GET listproc intro.to.listproc Last change: Jun 95 Miracles Contact: perry.sills@EBay Contact: perrys@spiritlead.Sun.COM Purpose: This List provides Daily Readings from: A Course in Miracles, and other selected readings from Teachers and Lecturers and Course in Miracles Centers to provide additional reflection, inspiration and avenues of practical application. Through the above contact address one may also subscribe to a Discussion List for A Course in Miracles as well as a list for receiving the Daily Lessons from the Course. Miss Saigon Contact: majordomo@world.std.com Purpose: Discussion of the musical "Miss Saigon". To suscribe, send email to majordomo@world.std.com In the body of the message, put subscribe miss-saigon end Last change: Feb 95 Mixmasters Contact: david@infopro.com (David Fiedler) Purpose: To improve our music recording, producing, and mixing skills. Mixmasters members send cassette tapes to other members interested in critiquing their work, then we discuss it all on the mailing list. The idea is to exchange tips, techniques, and constructive criticism. For more information, send mail to mixmasters-request@infopro.com, with the following command in the message body (*not* the Subject line): info To subscribe, send mail to mixmasters-request@infopro.com with the following command in the message body (*not* the Subject line) subscribe Last change: Feb 95 MKTSEG Contact: listserv@mail.telmar.com Purpose: To allow and encourage an exchange of ideas and information relating to advertising and marketing to target segments. Interesting questions and challenges are as welcome as ideas and answers. These include but are not limited to ethnic segments, lifestyle and lifestage segments and interest group segments, initially. Topics include advertising creative material, media issues,research, data base marketing, direct marketing, promotions or education relating to all the above, and other segmentation information resources. To subscribe, send email to listserv@mail.telmar.com and in the body of the message put subscribe mktseg <your e-mail address> Last change: Jun 95 MMDEVX Contact: MMDEVX-info@knex.mind.org Purpose: MMDEVX is a mailing list for people interested in crossplatform multimedia development tools in general and Apple Media Kit (AMK) and Kaleida ScriptX in particular. Apple's Media Tool and Media Tool Programming Environment promise to be a good multimedia authoring environment. Kaleida Labs - an Apple/IBM joint venture - is about to release beta ScriptX code, an object oriented platform independent multimedia development and delivery tool. AMT is expected to be compatible with ScriptX in the near future. If you are currently working with AMT/AMTPE or intend to do so and you are curious about ScriptX and want to talk about issues concerning these, this list is for you. To subscribe, send the command SUBSCRIBE MMDEVX FirstName LastName to Mail-Server@knex.mind.org Note that the Subject: header line is ignored. The command must appear in the body of the email text. Last change: Mar 95 model-horse Contact: majordomo@qiclab.scn.rain.com (Darci L. Chapman) Purpose: Discussion of the model horse hobby. All aspects of showing (live and photo), collecting, remaking/repainting for all breeds and makes are discussed. All ages and levels of experience welcome. Those wishing to discuss topics related to live horses are requested to use the Usenet newsgroup: rec.equestrian To subscribe, send the one-line message subscribe model-horse Name <email-address> to: majordomo@qiclab.scn.rain.com For example: subscribe model-horse Darci Chapman <dlc@gasco.com> List owner: model-horse-approval@qiclab.scn.rain.com Last change: Mar 95 Modesty Blaise Contact: modesty-blaise-request@math.uio.no (Thomas Gramstad) Purpose: Discussion and information exchange centered on Peter O'Donnell's _Modesty Blaise_ books and comics, such as characters, plot, artists, relevant articles, etc. Last change: Mar 95 Modlist Contact: GreggyL@aol.com Purpose: To promote moderate political candidates and discuss political issues. To subscribe, send email to majordomo@iris203.biosym.com body of mail should say subscribe modlist or subscribe modlist-digest Last change: Apr 95 moms Contact: majordomo@qiclab.scn.rain.com (Dorsie Hathaway) Purpose: The "moms" mailing list is for lesbian mothers, lesbian co-moms, and lesbian mom-wannabes. This list is women only. All subscription requests will be approved manually by the list owner. Women only. To subscribe, send the one-line message subscribe moms Name <email-address> to majordomo@qiclab.scn.rain.com For example: subscribe moms Darci Chapman <dlc@gasco.com> List owner: moms-approval@qiclab.scn.rain.com Last change: Mar 95 monkees Contact: majordomo@primenet.com Purpose: To discuss the TV show and musical group The Monkees. This TV show band, an American tribute to the Beatles, was a modest success on TV, but took the music world by storm with multiple gold albums and number 1 singles, outselling the Beatles and The Rolling Stones combined, and creating the concepts of the pre-teen consumer market, multi-media, and music videos (later MTV) to promote music. To subscribe, send email to majordomo@primenet.com with the following in the message body SUBSCRIBE monkees-digest List owner: bradw@aztec.asu.edu (Brad Waddell) monkees-approval@primenet.com Last change: Apr 95 moonlight-l Contact: mortz@netcom.com (John R. Mortz) Purpose: This list is intended for anyone interested in moonlighting from home with their computer. Topics for discussion include, but are not limited to: moonlighting, operating a business on a shoestring, starting-up a business, and dealing with home office issues. Moonlight With Your PC, a free newsletter on the How to's of successful moonlighting goes out to the list once a week. To subscribe to the list, send e-mail to listserv@netcom.com and in the body of the mail, not the Subject: line put the command subscribe moonlight-l Last change: Mar 95 MOORE-L Contact: majordomo@xx.zko.dec.com Purpose: MOORE-L is an unmoderated discussion list for genealogy researchers of the surname MOORE, anywhere, anytime. To subscribe, send email to majordomo@xx.zko.dec.com and in the body of the message put subscribe moore-l For example subscribe moore-l List owner: nozell@xx.zko.dec.com (Marc Nozell) Last change: Jun 95 Mopar Contact: mopar-request@chennov1.tamu.edu Purpose: The Mopar Mailing List (MML) is an electronic forum for discussing all aspects of ownership and history of Chrysler Corporation motor vehicles. Topics are wide ranging and include discussions on restoration, racing, car history, mechanical information and occasional get-togethers. We don't care what type of car you have, be it a beater, a concours quality resto or a 10 second weekend warrior, if it's Mopar or Mopar powered, you can discuss it here. As some members have correctly observed, the MML is probably the longest continuous Mopar club meeting ever. Mopar, for the purposes of this group, includes all current Chrysler Corp. products as well as the adopted marques and the Chrysler ancestors. The obvious: Chrysler, Plymouth, Dodge & Dodge Truck; also recent additions like Jeep-Eagle and moldy oldies De Soto, Imperial, Fargo, Plymouth Truck (remember them?) To subscribe, send the single line message subscribe mopar to mopar-request@chennov1.tamu.edu To unsubscribe, send the single line message unsubscribe mopar to mopar-request@chennov1.tamu.edu MoPo (Movie Poster) Contact: listserv@listserv.american.edu Purpose: For collectors of movie memorabilia, including posters, lobby cards, stills, or any movie-related collectible. To subscribe send e-mail to listserv@listserv.american.edu and in the body of the message put SUBSCRIBE MOPO-L YOUR NAME This list was formed in February 1995. List owner: sburns@freenet.columbus.oh.us (Scott Burns) Last change: Apr 95 mornington-crescent Contact: majordomo@mono.city.ac.uk Purpose: The game of Mornington Crescent (popularized on BBC radio 4) needs no introduction. This list is intended for players of the venerable game, and those interested in discussion of its finer points, but novices are very welcome. Other pertinent pastimes will be introduced periodically in the fullness of time. Subscription: Send an email message with the words: subscribe mornington-crescent in the body of the message to majordomo@mono.city.ac.uk Last change: Mar 95 Motorcycle Online Contact: majordomo@motorcycle.com Purpose: The Motorcycle Online mailing list is the text-only version of the Motorcycle Online digital magazine. In each issue, you will receive the reviews of the latest motorcycles, technical features, product evalutions and informative how-to restoration and repair articles. Once you subscribe, a new issue will be automatically deposited to your e-mail account every two weeks. Subscribe by sending e-mail to majordomo@motorcycle.com and in the body of the message, write subscribe motorcycle Last change: Mar 95 The Move Contact: move-request@pismo.sw.stratus.com Purpose: Discussion of the music of the Move and the solo efforts by band members. List owner: bad@sw.stratus.com (Bruce Dumes) Last change: Mar 95 Movies-seivoM Contact: Movies-seivoM@kinexis.com Purpose: Movies-seivoM, the Self-Referential Movies Mailing List, recommends and discusses movies that "break the 4th wall" and display a more-overt-than-usual awareness of themselves as movies. Movies about Hollywood, movies where someone appears "as himself," movies-within-movies, movies that play with genre conventions or comment on the phenomenon of stardom, are all fertile territory. We're particularly interested in older movies, cartoons, silent films, foreign films, shorts and documentaries, and how this kind of recursion showed up in anecdotes, still photographs, fan magazines, etc. We hope for thoughtful brief essays rather than scattershot references. Please avoid Mel Brooks movies unless you have some stunning insights. To join the list, send an email with Subscribe as the Subject to Movies-seivoM@kinexis.com Last change: Mar 95 MQ (The Manhattan Queers Email List) Contact: MQ-request@qiclab.scn.rain.com Purpose: MQ (Manhattan Queers) is an ANNOUNCEMENTS ONLY list for the LesBiGay communities of Manhattan, Kansas. MQ carries announcements of social & political events in "The Little Apple", as well as newspaper clippings from local papers relevant to the local LesBiGay community. MQ is a closed, moderated list. All postings as well as all subscription requests must be approved by the moderator. List moderator: Kevyn@ksu.edu (Kevyn Jacobs) Last change: Mar 95 mr2-interest Contact: mr2-interest-request@validgh.com (David Hough) Purpose: Discussion of Toyota MR2's, old and new. MReply Contact: mreply-request@connectus.com Purpose: These are two lists associated with the MReply mail server. MReply-List is an interactive discussion forum dedicated to help with setup and maintenance, policies, and miscellanous other topics. MReply-Announce is a list that receives information on new releases, and other information pertinent to MReply. For more information, send an e-mail to mreply-request@connectus.com containing either or both of the commands HELP and SERVERINFO in the body of the message. To join, send either or both of the following commands to the same address: subscribe mreply-announce subscribe mreply-list In case your return address is invalid: help to Real Name <user@host.domain> serverinfo to Real Name <user@host.domain> subscribe mreply-announce as Real Name <user@host.domain> subscribe mreply-list as Real Name <user@host.domain> Last change: Mar 95 MS-Access Contact: majordomo@relay1.austria.eu.net (Martin Hilger) Purpose: An unmoderated list for MS Access topics, including Access Basic questions, reviews, rumors, etc. Open to owners, users, prospective users, and the merely curious. All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, etc., should be sent to MS-ACCESS-REQUEST@EUNET.CO.AT Last change: Mar 95 MSA-Net Contact: msa-request@htm3.ee.queensu.ca Purpose: A mailing list to meet the communication needs of Muslim Student Associations in North America. Issues related to Islam, and MSAs are discussed between Muslim students on the list. Only Muslims are admitted as a rule, but exceptions can be made in special cases. To subscribe, send email to msa-request@htm3.ee.queensu.ca Send the following information: Name, Email Address, Postal Address, Major or Area of Research, and Religion. Last change: Mar 95 MSX Mailing List Contact: msx-request@stack.urc.tue.nl (Wiebe Weikamp) Purpose: Discussion about the MSX computers. this list is in an early development stage, but it is growing at each time. Make sure to include the subject 'help' in your e-mail. Last change: Mar 95 MtnRaves Contact: majordomo@xmission.com Purpose: The MtnRaves Mailing List is dedicated to rave and underground party information for the four-corners and Rocky Mountain states. This includes Utah, Colorado, Arizona, New Mexico, Arizona, Idaho, and Wyoming. At this point, there is no "calender-only" information. If you have an interest in maintaining this information, contact mtnraves-owner@xmission.com. MtnRaves-digest is the digested form of discussions on MtnRaves the undigested mailing list. When a stored file of current messages reaches a set limit, the digesting software will send you one piece of email with a table of contents. This can be preferable if you site restricts the amount of mail you can receive. For information regarding subscribing, send e mail to majordomo@xmission.com with help in the body of the message. Last change: Mar 95 MUD Contact: jwisdom@gnu.ai.mit.edu (Joseph Wisdom) Purpose: If you are new in the MUD world, or are simply looking for new places to get into, try subscribing to Internet Games MUD-List today! Make sure to include the string "mud list" in the subject header. Music-Research Contact: Music-Research-Request@prg.oxford.ac.uk (Stephen Page) Purpose: The Music-Research electronic mail redistribution list was established in Oxford in July 1986, to provide an effective means of bringing together musicologists, music analysts, computer scientists, and others working on applications of computers in music research. As with any forum for discussion, there are certain subject areas which are of particular interest to the group of people on this list. Initially, the list was established for people whose chief interests concern computers and their applications to music representation systems, information retrieval systems for mucial scores, music printing, music analysis, musicology and ethnomusicology and tertiary music education. The following areas are not the principal conern of this list, although overlapping subjects may well be interesting: primary and secondary education, sound generation techniques and composition. Articles on electronic music, synthesizers, MIDI, etc, will be rejected and should be sent to the appropriate alternative list. Subscription requests from outside the UK: contact the US redistributor: music-research-request@cattell.upenn.psych.edu *** NOTE: This list does NOT deal with MIDI or synthesizers *** musicals Contact: musicals-approval@world.std.com (Elizabeth Lear Newman) Purpose: This is a mailing list gateway of the newsgroup rec.arts.theatre.musicals. If you would like to subscribe please e-mail to: majordomo@world.std.com Leave the subject blank and type subscribe musicals in the text. Last change: Mar 95 musicals-mail Contact: musicals-mail-approval@world.std.com (Elizabeth Lear Newman) Purpose: This forum is intended for the general discussion of musical theater, in whatever form it make take, but related non-musical theater topics are welcome too. This mailing list is not associated with the newsgroup rec.arts.theatre.musicals. If you would like to subscribe please e-mail to: majordomo@world.std.com Leave the subject blank and type subscribe musicals-mail in the text. mustangs Contact: mustangs-request@cup.hp.com (Gary Gitzen) Purpose: To discuss/share technical issues, problems, solutions, and modifications relating to late model (~1980+) Ford Mustangs. Some issues may also be relevant to other Fords. Flames and "my car is faster than your car" mailings are discouraged. N.B. List "noise level" is actively controlled. mw-raves mw-raves-digest mw-raves-calendar Contact: majordomo@taz.hyperreal.com Purpose: One of several regional rave-related mailing lists, MW-Raves covers the Midwestern U.S., including Nebraska, Iowa, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Illinois, Michigan, Indiana, Ohio, Kentucky, Missouri, and Kansas. Note that Cleveland & Pittsburgh have their own list, PB-Cle-Raves. Postings to MW-Raves are usually informational, but discussions of issues relating to the scene can be expected. Archives can be found on the rave site at hyperreal.com. List administrator: archon@hyperreal.com (Craig Stodolenak) abennett@hyperreal.com (Andrew Bennett) Last change: Mar 95 My So-Called Life Contact: vmkreng@uci.edu Purpose: Devoted to discussion of the show in all facets. A digest version is also available. Last change: Mar 95 ... continued ... Archive-name: mail/mailing-lists/part09 [This is the ninth of fourteen articles on mailing lists.] N.I.L.8 Contact: nil8@cencom.net Purpose: Midwest cornfed pooprock on FUSE records (chicago) along with the blue meanies, busker soundcheck, wesley willis fiasco, and shat with national distribution from FEEDBACK. Combines punk ('cause it sucks), space (like between your toes) and hell ('cause hell is kinda funky) with industrial undertones. Last change: Jun 95 NA-net Contact: na.join@na-net.ornl.gov Purpose: Numerical analysis discussions. To join the NA-NET send mail and in the message body specify the following three fields in any order: Lastname: Firstname: E-mail: Last change: Mar 95 NA-SOCCER Contact: majordomo@hoplite.org Purpose: The us-soccer mailing list has been created to keep interested parties aware of United States (and Canadian) soccer. We discuss teams, rules, players, leagues, etc. Basically anything related to Soccer in North America. The list is not moderated and is available to anyone. A digest version is available. List owner: mikepb@hoplite.org (Michael P. Brininstool) Last change: May 95 nailtech Contact: wicked.wich@asb.com (Debbie Doerrlamm) Purpose: Open discussion of topics of interest to Professional Nail Technicians. Topics of discussion would include: allergic reactions to nail products, favorable and unfavorable use of nail products, business ideas, advertising ideas, nail art, trade shows, etc. To subscribe, mail to nailtech-request@asb.com with subscribe, join or add in the body of the message. Last change: Apr 95 nanci Contact: nanci-request@world.std.com Purpose: For discussion of the music and career of Nanci Griffith, a singer/songwriter from Texas. All who enjoy Nanci's music are welcome to subscribe. Last change: Mar 95 NASAINFO Contact: listserv@amsat.org Purpose: Information from NASA about space missions, especially those of interest to the amateur radio space program. No discussion. Last change: Mar 95 Nascar Winston Cup/Busch Series Contact: majordomo@dithots.dithots.org Purpose: The Nascar Winston Cup/Busch Series mailing list is open the discussion of any topic related to these sporting events. There is a forum available, rec.autos.sport.nascar, that most members read. This list is a supplement to that newsgroup and not a replacement. Share your ideas and opinions openly with some very knowledgable Nascar fans! To subscribe, send email to majordomo@dithots.dithots.org and in the body of the message put subscribe nascar To unsubscribe, send email to majordomo@dithots.dithots.org and in the body of the message put unsubscribe nascar List administrator: nascar-owner@dithots.dithots.org Last change: Jun 95 NativeLit-L (Native American Literature) Contact: idoy@crux2.cit.cornell.edu (Michael Wilson) Purpose: For the discussion of Native American Literature. For the purposes of this list, "native" refers to autochthonous peoples of the North Americas (the US, Canada, and Mexico) and neighboring islands, including Hawaii. Discussions in this list are open to any aspect of native literature. The list welcomes book reviews, articles about poetry, fiction, and criticism; information about publications, talks, conferences; and general chit-chat about native literature. While different points of view are always welcome, flamers will be deleted from the subscription list without notice. This list is a low-volume list (around 5 to 15 messages a week), so it is unlikely that it will fill your mail queue. Please bear in mind that this is an unmoderated list, and anything you post will automatically go out to all users. Also, when you change address or go on vacation, please unsubscribe to this list to avoid causing mail loops. Address questions about this list to the list owner. To subscribe to the list send e-mail to listserv@cornell.edu with the BODY of the mail containing the command SUBSCRIBE NativeLit-L Your Full Name A special thanks to the Cornell University Computing Center for their continued support of native networking. Last change: Feb 95 NativeNet Contact: gst@gnosys.svle.ma.us (Gary S. Trujillo) Purpose: To provide information about and to discuss issues relating to indigenous people around the world, and current threats to their cultures and habitats (e.g. rainforests). Last change: Mar 95 NativeProfs-l Contact: idoy@crux2.cit.cornell.edu (Michael Wilson) Purpose: NATIVEPROFS-L is a listserv for and about the American Indian and Alaska Native Professoriate. We created this listserv in response to the need for continued communication among native professors expressed at the annual conference for the American Indian and Alaska Native Professoriate in 1993, sponsored by Arizona State University. Persons using this listserv will be members of this organization, or who will eventually become members of this organization. This listserv is not intended for use by the general public. Last change: Feb 95 Naturopath Contact: naturopath@sc.net Purpose: This mailing list is used to impart information about natural healing through naturopathy, herbology, nutrition, homeopathy and more. Last change: Feb 95 Ncube Contact: ncube-users-request@cs.tufts.edu (David Krumme) Purpose: Exchange of information among people using NCUBE parallel computers. ndpzoo-l Contact: jberger@vm1.yorku.ca (Jordan Berger) Purpose: A mailing list for NDP activists and fellow-travellers interested in rebuilding and reinvigorating the Canadian New Democratic Party. To subscribe, send the one-line command SUBSCRIBE NDPZOO-L in the body of your message to mailserv@odie.ccs.yorku.ca Subscription is automatic. Last change: Mar 95 ne-cath-events Contact: norris@gabriel.cambridge.ma.us (Richard Chonak) Purpose: A low-volume moderated list about upcoming events of interest to Catholics in New England, such as conferences, retreats, lectures, and church services. To subscribe, send e-mail to listproc@gabriel.cambridge.ma.us Leave the subject area blank and in the message area write subscribe ne-cath-events YourFirstName YourLastName Last change: Jun 95 NERaves (Northeast Raves) Contact: listserv@umdd.umd.edu Purpose: One of several regional rave-related mailing lists, NE-Raves covers the Northeastern U.S., including Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, New York, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Delaware, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and West Virginia. If you wish to subscribe, mail listserv@umdd.umd.edu with the phrase add ne-raves name@address <Firstname Lastname> as the only line in the message. It will automatically reply with all the information you need to know to be a NE Raves CyberTribe member. :) List owner: NE-RAVES-Request@UMDD.UMD.EDU Last change: Mar 95 ne-social-motss Contact: majordomo@plts.org Purpose: Announcements of social and other events and other happenings in the North East (of the continental United States) of interest to lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgendered people. To subscribe, send a message to majordomo@plts.org and in the body of your message, type: subscribe ne-social-motss (the Subject: header will be ignored) Last change: Mar 95 nebosnia Contact: nebosnia-list-approval@world.std.com Purpose: Weekly news reports from Bosnia-Hercegovina, as well as occasional other postings, compiled by the Bosnia Action Coalition (Mass./NH). To subscribe, send email to majordomo@world.std.com and in the body of the message put subscribe nebosnia-list Last change: Jul 95 NEC-list Contact: nec-list-request@ee.ubc.ca Purpose: To discuss and share information regarding the various incarnations of the Numerical Electromagnetics Code including NEC2, MININEC, ELNEC, and others. To subscribe, send email to nec-list-request@ee.ubc.ca and in the body of the message put subscribe your-email-address your-real-name List maintainer: davem@ee.ubc.ca (Dave Michelson) Last change: Jun 95 neci-discuss Contact: neci-discuss-request@pioneer.ci.net Purpose: This is the general discussion forum of New England Community Internet, an organization dedicated to making USENET and Internet accessible to the public without barriers of economics or technical expertise. The group is developing ways to bring IP connectivity at low cost into homes and non-profit organizations. To get a daily digestified version, subscribe to neci-digest. To receive organizational announcements only, subscribe to neci-announce. Last change: Mar 95 nedod Contact: listproc@linus.mitre.org (automated LISTSERV) Contact: cookson@mbunix.mitre.org Purpose: The discussion of events, technical issues and just plain socializing related to motorcycling in the New England area of the US. To subscribe mail the single line message subscribe nedod <your name (not email address)> to listproc@linus.mitre.org Plain reflected and digest type subscriptions are available. To subscribe in digest format, append: set nedod mail digest to your subscription request. Nerdnosh Contact: urder@clovis.nerdnosh.org (Tim Bowden) Purpose: The origins of NERDNOSH were in the lowlands of the Red River years ago, with the water moccasins along the brakes and the mosquitoes swarming and the River rising and the wolves howling in the distance as the sun dropped, and a group of us were swapping stories and the rains came and one of us said, wouldn't this be a great idea without the snakes and the mosquitoes and the high water and the wolves and the rain? Here it is. A virtual campfire gathering of storytellers. Bring us your tired yarns and your family fables and your journals of yesterday and your imprints on tomorrow. Send the command join nerdnosh to listserv@clovis.nerdnosh.org and a handy help file suitable for framing will give you all the data you may ever need again, such as where the archive treasury is buried and how we don't allow no insults nor political debates nor unoriginal cross-posts. The Nerdnosh web page is at this URL: http://www.netins.net/showcase/dmorris/nerdnosh.html Last change: Mar 95 Nero-Ashbury Contact: Nero-Ashbury-Request@world.std.com Purpose: Nero Ashbury is a medieval Live Action Roleplaying Game based in New York City. We hold events virtually every Saturday and Sunday, in Brooklyn, New York. We also hold outdoor events at a camp near Hartford, Connecticut. The game has a complex plot line and characters that continue from one adventure to the next. Nero has been successful in New England for over 7 years and is still growing rapidly. Our well refined and efficient melee and combat magic system is nothing compared to the intricate plots that are woven not only by the NPCs but by the players! For more net info, write to the contact address. For gaming info, phone us. There is a discussion and announcements mailing list, WWW page, and more. Nero Ashbury 218 Plymouth Street Brooklyn, NY 11201-1124 (718)596-NERO Last change: Mar 95 net-guide Contact: listserv@eff.org Purpose: Monthly updates to EFF's Guide to the Internet (previously Big Dummy's Guide, published in hardcopy by MIT Press as Everybody's Guide). (Un)subscribe address and method: send message body of [un]subscribe list-name (no quotes, no name, no email address, no subject) to listserv@eff.org Contact address for person: eff@eff.org Contact address for basic EFF info (it's an infobot): info@eff.org. net-happenings Contact: majordomo@is.internic.net Purpose: The net-happenings list is a service of InterNIC Information Services and the list moderator, Gleason Sackman of North Dakota's SENDIT Network for K-12 educators. The purpose of the list is to distribute to the community announcements of interest to network staffers and end users. This includes conference announcements, call for papers, publications, newsletters, network tools updates, and network resources. Net-happenings is a moderated, announcements-only mailing list which gathers announcements from many Internet sources and concentrates them onto one list. Traffic is around 15-20 messages per day. Net-happenings is archived daily and the archives are searchable. The digest function is also available, which holds all mail sent to the list in a day and sends it in one message. To subscribe to net-happenings, send subscribe net-happenings in the body of your message. To subscribe to the digest version, send subscribe net-happenings-digest A WAIS index, updated daily, is available at http://www.internic.net/htbin/search-net-happenings Last change: Mar 95 net-lawyers Contact: lewrose@netcom.com Purpose: Lawyers and the Internet has been established to allow lawyers, law students, legal assistants, law professors, librarians, and other interested persons to discuss how to use the Internet in connection with the study, practice, and development of the law. It is not intended to allow persons to seek free legal advice. To subscribe, send email to net-lawyers-request@webcom.com with the message subscribe in the body of the text. List owner: lewrose@netcom.com (Lewis Rose) Last change: Mar 95 netblazer-users Contact: netblazer-users-request@telebit.com Purpose: To provide an unmoderated forum for discussions among users of Telebit NetBlazer products. Topics include known problems and workarounds, features discussions, and configuration advice. Last change: Mar 95 NetJam Contact: netjam-request@xcf.berkeley.edu (Craig Latta) Purpose: NetJam provides a means for people to collaborate on musical compositions, by sending Musical Instrument Digital Interface (MIDI) and other files (such as MAX patchers and notated scores) to each other, mucking about with them, and resending them. All those with MIDI-compatible (and other interesting) equipment, access to emailing and compression facilities and to the Internet and who are interested in making music are encouraged to participate. Please email netjam-request@xcf.berkeley.edu with the subject line request for info Last change: Mar 95 netstuff Contact: majordomo@acpub.duke.edu Purpose: The 'netstuff' mailing list is an announcements list for announcements of not-for-profit net.collectibles. Any Internet- or USENET-related t-shirt, mug, frisbee, or other souvenir-type item which is being sold for a break-even price may be announced via this list. You can subscribe to the 'netstuff' mailing list by sending email to majordomo@acpub.duke.edu and saying subscribe netstuff in the body of the mail message. Last change: Mar 95 Network-Audio-Bits Contact: Murph@Maine.BITNET (Michael A. Murphy) Purpose: Network Audio Bits & Audio Software Review is a bi-monthly electronic magazine that features reviews of and information about current rock, pop, new age, jazz, funk, folk and other musical genres. A mixture of major label artists and independent recording artists can be found reviewed in these 'pages'. Neurology Contact: Rivner@emgmhs.mcg.edu Purpose: To have discussion among physicians and other health professionals about problem cases in Neurology and questions in Neurology. To subscribe send a message to Rivner@emgmhs.mcg.edu Last change: Mar 95 neuron Contact: neuron-request@cattell.psych.upenn.edu (Peter Marvit) Purpose: Neuron-Digest is a moderated list (in digest form) dealing with all aspects of neural networks (and any type of network or neuromorphic system). Topics include both connectionist models (artificial neural networks) and biological systems ("wetware"). Back issues and limited software is available via FTP from cattell.psych.upenn.edu. The Digest is gatewayed to USENET's comp.ai.neural-nets. new-orleans neworleans-digest neworleans-weekly Contact: mail-server@mintir.new-orleans.la.us Contact: elendil@mintir.new-orleans.la.us (Edward J. Branley) Purpose: A list for discussing any and all aspects of the city of New Orleans. History, politics, culture, food, restaurants music, entertainment, Mardi Gras, etc., are all fair game. The address NEW-ORLEANS is for the regular list; NEWORLEANS-WEEKLY is for the weekly digest, and NEWORLEANS-DIGEST for the monthly digest. To subscribe, send a message to: mail-server@mintir.new-orleans.la.us with SUBSCRIBE NEW-ORLEANS (or NEWORLEANS-WEEKLY or NEWORLEANS-DIGEST) in the body. Last change: Mar 95 New Hampshire Pagan Contact: owner-nhpml@numachi.com Purpose: A forum for networking and event announcements for New Hampshire and perhaps the rest of Northern New England. Most of the events and discussion in northeastern neo-paganism center around Boston and New York, better known as 'points south' The object of this list is to provide a sort of regional focus, a place for the locals to network and to announce local events. Since many people are still in the 'broom closet' or otherwise wish to keep their religion a private matter, the list will be semi-'closed'. The list of members will not be visible to the world, and only members will be able to post. Members may post anonymously. The management will not be moderating the list, but does reserve the right to exclude people who cause trouble. List owner: owner-nhpml@numachi.com Last change: Mar 95 New York Islanders Contact: dstrauss@netcom.com (David Strauss Purpose: To discuss the New York Islanders hockey team of the National Hockey League. Topics include the current season, team history, merchandising, trivia, and anything relevant to the team. To subscribe, send mail to listserv@netcom.com with SUBSCRIBE isles-list as the body. Last change: Mar 95 newlists Contact: listserv@vm1.nodak.edu (Marty Hoag) Purpose: This is a mailing list "clearing house" for new mailing lists. Subscribers will get announcements of new lists that are mailed to this list. Last change: Mar 95 NewsCom Contact: starkid@ddsw1.mcs.com (Lance Sanders) Purpose: To make available synergies discerned in, and created from, print news media (up to a 12-year time-span). Many "facts," particulary scientific ones, have a habit of changing with time. NewsCommando shows extreme prejudice toward those articles whose contents exhibit "legs." The depth of insight possible using the information mosaic method can be staggering. A form of electronic magazine, NewsCommando can serve as a reference tool, offer unique jump-off points for Medline, PaperChase, or other searches, and, in many ways, is the "poor-man's IdeaFisher/IdeaBank." Vol. 1 will contain the following articles: ChemTao: Synergies In the Life Sciences EarthWatch1: Defining the Scope of Environmental Destruction Why Euthanasia Must Never Be Legalized Use "NewsCom request" in the "Subject:" field of message headers. Indicate article title(s) desired or "all" in body of message. Articles will be deposited in your mailbox with a "NewsCom/Vol.#" Subject header. Most will be in excess of 20K. Please group-save them to a file for later reading. newsline-list Contact: listserv@netcom.com Purpose: Redistribution of Amateur Radio Newsline. This list is automatically maintained by Majordomo. To sign up or inquire about these lists, send mail to listserv@netcom.com with the following in the body (subject is ignored) of the message. To subscribe: subscribe newsline-list To unsubscribe: unsubscribe newsline-list For more information: help Please keep your mailing address up to date. If your account is being changed or shut down, please update majordomo. This list is sponsored by the Boston Amateur Radio Club. If you have any questions, I can be reached at n1ist@netcom.com For more information on the Boston ARC, subscribe to barc-list. Last change: Mar 95 NeXT-GIS Contact: sstaton@deltos.com (Steven R. Staton) Contact: listserv@deltos.com Purpose: Discussion of GIS and cartographic related topics on the NeXT and other workstation computers. Some moderated reposting of comp.infosys.gis occurs as well. To subscribe, send email to listserv@deltos.com with the message subscribe NEXT-GIS <name> Last change: Apr 95 NeXT-icon Contact: next-icon-request@gun.com (Timothy Reed) Purpose: Distribute and receive 64x64 and 48x48 pixel icons (2-, 12-, 24- and/or 32-bit), compatible with NeXT Computer's NEXTSTEP operating system and/or OpenStep user environment. Nearly all mail is in NeXT-mail format. Last change: Mar 95 NeXT-Med Contact: next-med-request@ms.uky.edu Purpose: NeXT-Med is open to end users and developers interested in medical solutions using NeXT computers and/or 486 systems running NEXTSTEP. Discussions on any topic related to NeXT use in the medical industry or relating to health care is encouraged. Last change: Mar 95 nikon-list Contact: majordomo@majordomo.cs.waikato.ac.nz Purpose: To discuss Nikon photographic equipment: 35mm and digital SLRs and compacts, darkroom, duplicating and scanning hardware. Please see http://www.cs.waikato.ac.nz/~ard/photo/nikon-list.shtml To subscribe, send email to majordomo@majordomo.cs.waikato.ac.nz and in the body of the message put subscribe nikon Last change: Jul 95 nj-motss nj-motss-announce Contact: majordomo@plts.org Purpose: For the discussion of issues of interest to lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgendered people in New Jersey. Announcements are archived separately from regular discussions. Also, users can request that they only receive the announcements. Users can not request "just non-announcements". To subscribe: You can receive all messages, or just the ones that have been tagged as "announcements". Send a message to majordomo@plts.org and in the body of your message, type subscribe nj-motss or subscribe nj-motss-announce Use "nj-motss-announce" if you only want the announcements. The Subject: header in your subscription message will be ignored. Last change: Mar 95 NM-List Contact: nm-list-owner@xmission.com (Michael Murphy) Purpose: NM-List is one of the net's oldest mailing lists dedicated to "New Music" discussion. Topics are generally oriented towards experimental, noise, or cutting edge music. In other words, queries about Garth Brooks' "new music" will probably not be as welcome as yet another discussion about John Cage's "old music". To subscribe, send mail to majordomo@xmission.com with subscribe nm-list in the body of the message. For help send "help" to the same address. Last change: Mar 95 NO-CON-CON! Contact: pc-man@pobox.com (Howard L. Bloom) Purpose: Stopping the Conference of States dead in its tracks! The Conference of States is nothing but a disguised Constitutional Convention. This list is dedicated to putting forth the truth, exploring the issue, and stopping this conference so that it cannot mutate into a full fledged Constitutional Convention. To subscribe, send email to no-con-con-request@webcom.com and in the body of the message put subscribe Last change: Jun 95 NO-TERRORISM-BILL! Contact: pc-man@pobox.com (Howard L. Bloom) Purpose: To stop the Ominibus Terrorism Bill or Amend it completely The current Ominbus Terrorism Bill going through Congress is an affront to our personal sovereignty as "we the people" of the United States of America. Roving wiretaps, presidential decree of guilt are but some of the constitutional abominations that are in this bill. We aim to stop it, and if we can't, then it at least should be put through with all constitutional checks intact. To subscribe, send email to no-terrorism-bill-request@webcom.com and in the body of the message put subscribe Last change: Jun 95 noglstp Contact: noglstp-request@elroy.jpl.nasa.gov Purpose: This list is sponsored by the National Organization of Gay and Lesbian Scientists and Technical Professionals, Inc (a 501c3 organization). Our national office is in Pasadena, CA and can be reached at (818) 791-7689 or PO BOX 91803 Pasadena CA 90019. We also have a newsletter which is available to membership. The list traffic is light and is varied, but slanted towards scientific and technical issues and concerns of our glb subscribers. Last change: Mar 95 Non Serviam Contact: solan@math.uio.no (Svein Olav Nyberg) Purpose: Non Serviam is an electronic newsletter centered on the philosophy of Max Stirner, author of "Der Einzige und Sein Eigentum" ("The Ego and Its Own"), and his dialectical egoism. The contents, however, are decided by the individual contributors, and the censoring eye of the editor. The aim is to have somewhat more elaborate and carefully reasoned articles than are usually found on the newsgrups and lists. Last change: Mar 95 NORWEAVE Contact: LISTSERV@NKI.NO Purpose: Building on the NORWAVES success, NKI has now established NORWEAVE, an additional e-mail service for Norwegians and friends of Norway. The aim of NORWEAVE is to weave a network of people in Norway and abroad who can help eachother exchange information and establish contacts across geographical boundaries. NORWEAVE is a free service available to all friends of Norway. To join the network, e-mail the command SUBSCRIBE NORWEAVE Your Name to LISTSERV@NKI.NO Last change: Mar 95 NotGNU Contact: notgnu-request@connectus.com Purpose: These are four lists associated with the NotGNU Emacs editor. NotGNU-list is an interactive list dedicated to miscellaneous discussions, problems, suggestions for NotGNU. NotGNU-announce is used for announcing new versions of NotGNU, notification of new services, bug reports, etc. NotGNU-distribution is a list to which new NotGNU binaries will be sent uuencoded upon release. NotGNU-alpha is a list to which every alpha/beta release will automatically be announced. For more information, send empty mail to NotGNU-request@connectus.com To join, send any of the following commands to the same address SUBSCRIBE NOTGNU-LIST SUBSCRIBE NOTGNU-ANNOUNCE SUBSCRIBE NOTGNU-DISTRIB SUBSCRIBE NOTGNU-ALPHA Last change: Mar 95 Notipaez Contact: listproc@listas.unam.mx Purpose: Mexican news from the mexican newspaper "La Jornada." To subscribe send a message to: listproc@listas.unam.mx with the message SUBSCRIBE NOTIPAEZ <name of subscriber> List moderator: javier@redvax1.dgsca.unam.mx (Paez Cardenas, Javier-FC) Last change: Mar 95 novatel-vets Contact: novatel-vets-request@owrlakh.unbc.edu (Larry Gadallah) Purpose: The NovAtel-Veterans mailing list provides a repository of e-mail addresses of current and former employees and contractors of NovAtel Communications, the former Canadian cellular telephone and systems manufacturer. This list is also available for anyone wishing to communicate with the above group, looking for employment, information etc. Last change: Mar 95 Novice MZT Contact: Novice-MZT@KRPAN.ARNES.SI Contact: Novice.MZT@Uni-Lj.SI Purpose: The role of ``News of Ministry for Science and Technology of the Republic of Slovenia'' is to provide easy accessible news from science, development, universities, innovative activities to indviduals and institutions in research and development area. They include the following parts: PRESENTATION - brief information about individual institutions, their area of work, departments, etc.; ACHIEVEMENTS - important research results, development applications, international awards and prizes, new books, etc.; PROBLEMS - different authors present their proposals, critiques and questions; ANNOUNCEMENTS - about seminars, symposia, conferences, different advertisements, scholarships, etc.; EXCHANGE OF SERVICES AND PROJECTS - offer and search of research help, equipment, projects, services, etc. The language of publishing is Slovene. ``News'' are published at least once monthly and at most once in ten days. The volume varies. Last change: Mar 95 nowsa Contact: listserv@gu.uwa.edu.au Purpose: To provide a moderated-subscription mailing list for members and other interested women of the Network of Women Students in Australia, a group who hold an annual conference and who lobby student organisations and governments on issues of importance to women students. To subscribe to the list send email to listserv@gu.uwa.edu.au with a message body of subscribe nowsa <your name> Last change: Mar 95 NPLC Contact: tout@genesys.cps.msu.edu (Walid Tout) Purpose: To establish this network for rapid communication among researchers in the field of plant lipids. This network can serve as a means to make announcements (such as post-doc positions) to the field. Additionally, it can be used to query co-workers regarding techniques, resources, etc. Also, we hope that research results will be disseminated more rapidly by the posting of abstracts for publications that have been accepted and are "in press". Finally, the NPLC newsletter and announcements regarding NPLC meetings, business, etc., will be posted on the network. The NPLC welcomes plant lipid researchers from anywhere in the world to make use of this network. To subscribe, send the message: SUB NPLC Your_full_name to listproc@genesys.cps.msu.edu nqthm-users Contact: nqthm-users-request@cli.com Purpose: Discussion of theorem proving using the Boyer-Moore theorem prover, NQTHM. Offers lore, advice, information, discussion, help and a few flames. Last change: Mar 95 ntp Contact: ntp-request@trantor.umd.edu Purpose: Discussion of the Network Time Protocol. nucmed Contact: nucmed-request@uwo.ca (Trevor Cradduck) Contact: cradduck@uwo.ca Purpose: A discussion of Nuclear Medicine and related issues. Of particular concern is the format of digital images. Numan (Gary Numan) Contact: numan-request@cs.uwp.edu (Dave Datta) Purpose: This list, available as a weekly digest only, is for the purpose of the acquisition and dissemination of info about the electronic musician Gary Numan, who achieved pop success with his New Wave hit "Cars", and has recently been releasing techno mixes of old and new material. He also runs his own label, NUMA. Archives are stored at ftp.uwp.edu. numeric-interest Contact: numeric-interest-request@validgh.com (David Hough) Purpose: Discussion of issues of floating-point correctness and performance with respect to hardware, operating systems, languages, and standard libraries. NW-Raves (Northwest Raves) Contact: nw-raves-request@wimsey.bc.ca (Pat Lui) Purpose: One of several regional rave-related mailing lists, NW-Raves covers the Northwestern U.S. and Western Canada. No archives are available. Last change: Mar 95 NWP (Netware Programming) Contact: listproc@uel.ac.uk Purpose: This list is intended for the discussion of programming for all Novell Netware versions and related subjects. List owner: M.Dewell@uel.ac.uk Last change: Mar 95 nyckayaker Contact: majordomo@world.std.com Purpose: For paddle boaters in the northeast U.S. area. Last change: Mar 95 NZBIKERS (New Zealand Bikers) Contact: list-admin@trident.newzealand.sun.com Purpose: nzbikers is an email list to enable motorcyclists in New Zealand to stay in contact with each other, and it is also intended as a point of contact for motorcyclists from other countries. You may subscribe by sending an e-mail message to list-admin@trident.newzealand.sun.com with the following command as the text of the message subscribe nzbikers If you want to subscribe to only a digested version of the list, then give the command subscribe nzbikers-digest To unsubscribe, send an e-mail message to list-admin@trident.newzealand.sun.com with the following command as the text of the message unsubscribe nzbikers unsubscribe nzbikers-digest List maintainer: douglas@newzealand.sun.com (Doug Rinckes) Last change: Feb 95 NZGBLF Contact: proffitt@iconz.co.nz (Mark Proffit) Purpose: For the discussion of any issues about the queer community in NZ/Aotearoa and basically is open to anything anyone wants to discuss. To subscribe, simply send a message to proffitt@iconz.co.nz with the content been subscribe nzgblf and your email address. To unsubscribe send an email message to proffitt@iconz.co.nz with the content unsubscribe nzgblf and your email address. Last change: Jun 95 OB-GYN-L Contact: listserv@bcm.tmc.edu Purpose: An open unmoderated list for discussions of obstetric and gynecological issues. To subscribe, Send e-mail to listserv@bcm.tmc.edu Leave subject line blank and in the body of the message put SUB ob-gyn-l Your Name List owner: GKLEIN@bcm.tmc.edu (Geffrey Klein) Last change: Feb 95 objectivism Contact: objectivism-request@vix.com (Paul Vixie) Purpose: A mailing list where students of Objectivism can discuss their ideas, concrete issues, exchange news, etc. Any issue that may have some relevance to Objectivists is appropriate here. Last change: Mar 95 The Observer Contact: rwhit@cs.umu.se (Randall Whitaker) Purpose: The central scope of the group covers: (1) The theory of __autopoiesis__ Humberto Maturana and Francisco Varela); and (2) __Enactive cognitive science__ (Varela, et al., 1991, __The Embodied Mind__). The extended scope includes applications of the above theoretical work and linkages to other relevant work in (e.g.) systems theory, cognitive science, phenomenology, artificial life, etc. Started February 1993. Current format: _The Observer_, an edited electronic newsletter issued (approximately) twice monthly. ASCII research resources (e.g., bibliographies) available on request. Oceania-L Contact: listproc@butler226a.dorm.tulane.edu Purpose: This mailing list is devoted to the goal of establishing a new country named Oceania. This country will be devoted to the value of freedom and will first exist as a sea city in the Caribbean. As no collectivist nation is likely to sell us the land we need, we will build an island out of concrete and steel. At this point, the organization behind this new country, The Atlantis Project, is building the necessary financial resources to pay off past debts and to pay for the completed model of Oceania. Once this task is completed, The Atlantis Project will go into full gear and go well beyond its peak reached in early 1994 when it was covered by media across the U.S. and the world including the BBC, the Miami Herald, the Art Bell Show, Boating magazine and Details magazine. To subscribe to oceania-l, send a message to listproc@butler226a.dorm.tulane.edu containing the single line subscribe oceania-l <Your Full Name> Last change: Mar 95 offroad Contact: offroad-request@ai.gtri.gatech.edu (Stefan Roth) Purpose: To discuss and share experiences about 4X4 and offroad adventures, driving tips, vehicle modifications and anything else related to four wheeling. This list is specifically designed for owners, users, or enthusiasts of four wheel drive vehicles. Discussions center around technical and mechanical matters, driving techniques, and trip reports. The list is unmoderated. This list is available as a digest [default] option or as a realtime option. Last change: Mar 95 OFFSHORE Contact: offshore@dnai.com Purpose: OFFSHORE is an moderated discussion list in the form of an Ejournal, intended to be a mutually beneficial educational forum featuring: Use of offshore structures such as asset protection trusts, foreign trusts, international business companies (IBC's), family protective trusts, limited liability companies, deferred annuities, second passports or citizenship, etc. for privacy, asset protection, tax benefits and for personal financial security for family and loved ones. Discussions and comparisons of the various tax havens will be entertained. Book reviews on books relative to the above subject matters will be encouraged. Methods of achieving telecommunications privacy will be addressed including no record (traceless calling) as well as encryption. Newsletters and seminars pertinent to OFFSHORE will be reviewed. International frauds and financial scams will be announced and discussed. To subscribe, send an E-mail message to offshore@dnai.com with a Subject: of Subscribe List owner: arniec@dnai.com (Arnold L. Cornez, J.D.) Last change: Apr 95 Oglasna Deska Contact: Oglasna-Deska@KRPAN.ARNES.SI (Dean Mozetic & Marjeta Cedilnik) Contact: Oglasna.Deska@Uni-LJ.SI Purpose: "Oglasna Deska" (bulletin board) is transcripts taken from SLON, which is a nickname for Decnet connecting several computers in Slovenia. There is a conference similar to Usenet running under SLON and the articles and replies are occasionally saved and sent to the world. The topics cover wide area, the language used is Slovene, Croatian or Serbian, and some articles are in English. At the moment, interaction is limited to some "newsgroups" (others can only be read), but in the near future it should be possible to send articles using the mail "reply" command. The topics covered are equivalent to Usenet groups talk. politics.misc, rec.cars, rec.humor, comp.networks.*, rec.climbing, and misc.invest. oh-motss Contact oh-motss-request@cps.udayton.edu Purpose: The oh-motss (Ohio Members Of The Same Sex) mailing list is for open discussion of lesbian, gay, and bisexual issues in and affecting Ohio. The mailing list is not moderated, and is open to all, regardless of location or sexuality. Further, participation on the list does not necessarily indicate a person's sexual preference or orientation. The subscriber list is known only to the list owner. ohio-state Contact: Majordomo@world.std.com Purpose: The Friends of Ohio State Mailing List was founded in the fall of 1993 and is available to all alumni, students, fans, and other friends of The Ohio State University, scattered throughout the country and around the world. All that is required is an Internet address. Although the primary subjects of discussion are the exploits of the OSU sports teams, all OSU-related subjects are welcome. After all, Ohio State is a world class academic institution as well as a sports monster. To subscribe to the list, send mail to: Majordomo@world.std.com where the body of the message is: subscribe ohio-state List coordinator: antivirus@aol.com (Jerry Canterbury) Last change: Mar 95 ohms-l Contact: proffitt@iconz.co.nz (Mark Proffit) Purpose: This mailing list contains the official releases of all NZ political parties. To subscribe, send email to majordomo@texel.com and in the body of the message put subscribe ohms-l To unsubscribe, send email to majordomo@texel.com and in the body of the message put unsubscribe ohms-l Commands included in Subject: headers are ignored. List administrator: ohms-l-approval@texel.com Last change: Jun 95 OLAH (Of Love And Hope) Contact: jeneric@iquest.net Purpose: Of Love And Hope is an email digest for fans of the CBS television series "Beauty and the Beast," a romantic drama that ran for two-and-one-half seasons beginning in the fall of 1987. OLAH has been around since September 1993, and is run by hand: We don't have any mail reflectors or list servers. We also have back issues and other BATB-related materials available via anonymous ftp. OLAH comes to you once every two weeks or so. Discussion can range from the show and the actors to other avenues of BATB fandom, such as conventions, fiction and fanzines, and much more! You'd be surprised at the amount of interest that still exists for this show, over five years since its cancellation! Last change: Jun 95 Olivia Newton-John Contact: ONJ-request@anima.demon.co.uk Purpose: To share information and discussion about Olivia Newton-John and her music. To subscribe, please send email to: ONJ-request@anima.demon.co.uk In the body of the message (the subject field is ignored) put subscribe soulkiss your-real-name-or-handle-here List moderator: richard@anima.demon.co.uk (Richard Mudhar) Last change: Mar 95 OlymPuck Contact: LISTSERV@Maine.Maine.Edu (Charlie Slavin) Purpose: This list is for the discussion of Olympic ice hockey. Discussions concerning players, coaches, teams, and them games themselves are welcomed and encouraged. Related topics such as the interaction between the Olympic competition and college or NHL hockey are also acceptable. To subscribe, send mail to LISTSERV@Maine.Maine.Edu The body of the message should contain: SUBscribe OlymPuck your_name Last change: Mar 95 omd Contact: majordomo@cs.uwp.edu (Dave Datta) Purpose: The OMD list is a forum for discussions about the English pop band Orchestral Manouevres In The Dark, who often incorporate modern dance elements into their music. The discussions are not moderated but they should have something to to with the band or ex-band members. The list is available as a daily digest and reflector. Archives are stored at ftp.uwp.edu. Last change: Mar 95 Omega-Point-Theory Contact: majordomo@world.std.com Purpose: To discuss the Omega Point Theory, as set forth in Dr. Frank J. Tipler's book, _The Physics of Immortality_. The list is unmoderated and is open to anyone interested in the Omega Point Theory. For more information about the list, send e-mail to majordomo@world.std.com with the line info omega-point-theory in the body (text) of the letter. To subscribe, send e-mail to majordomo@world.std.com with the line subscribe omega-point-theory in the body (text) of the letter. Last change: Mar 95 on-u Contact: on-u-request@connect.com.au (Ben Golding) Purpose: The On-U Sound mailing list encourages discussions related to the Adrian Sherwood's On-U Sound label and the artists that record on it. This includes Tack>>Head, Gary Clail, The Dub Syndicate, African Head Charge, Bim Sherman, Mark Stewart, etc. Last change: Mar 95 operlist Contact: operlist-request@eff.org (Helen Trillian Rose) Purpose: A discussion list for *everything* having to do with irc. Its main purpose is irc routing discussions, protocol discussions, and announcements of new versions (of irc clients and servers). Last change: Mar 95 Optimism Digest Contact: kudut@ritz.mordor.com Purpose: The Optimism Digest is a forum to discuss personal beliefs, the writings of Norman Vincent Peale and his ideas, the ideas presented in the Bible by Jesus Christ, presented by Muhammad in the Koran, by the reactions of Job (in the biblical texts of Judeism, Christianity and the Muslims) to tremendous difficulties, and by anyone who seems to magically "beat the odds" daily - you, me, and billions of other people all across the world, all throughout history. The Optimism Digest is being handled/created manually at the moment, through my personal account. To subscribe, send e-mail to kudut@ritz.mordor.com with a subject line and a message requesting addition to the digest. OPTIMIST-L Contact: listserv@netcom.com Purpose: This is a mailing list run by a software design industry recruitment firm. It provides listings of available positions being handles by the firm in various parts of the country. The majority of positions are in California (esp. Silicon Valley and Multimedia Gulch). It's free. This list is fully moderated, and is basically read-only. List owner: optimum@netcom.com Last change: Mar 95 ORA-NEWS Contact: listproc@online.ora.com Purpose: Announcements from O'Reilly & Associates. We publish books about the Internet, UNIX and other open systems, The X Window System, and more. Other products and services include The Global Network Navigator (an interactive online magazine) and Internet In A Box. This moderated list is open to everyone. It's also gatewayed to the biz.oreilly.announce Usenet newsgroup. To subscribe, send mail to listproc@online.ora.com The first line of your message body should be in this format: subscribe ora-news Your Name of Your Organization List owner: listown@online.ora.com. Last change: Mar 95 Orb Contact: majordomo@xmission.com Purpose: Discussing The Orb (aka Alex Paterson and Kris "Thrash" Weston) and associated artists: System 7/777, Fortran 5, et al. Extensive FTP archives available at the list site, including a complete discography. To subscribe, email majordomo@xmission.com with the commands subscribe orb or subscribe orb-digest in the body of your message. Last change: Mar 95 Orbital Contact: majordomo@xmission.com Purpose: This mailing list is dedicated as a service to keep fans of the musical group Orbital informed and connected. To subscribe, mail to majordomo@xmission.com with subscribe orbital for the unmoderated list, or subscribe orbital-digest for the digested version, in the body of the message. List owner: owner-orbital@xmission.com (Pete Ashdown) Last change: Mar 95 orienteering Contact: orienteering-request@graphics.cornell.edu (Mitch Collinsworth) Purpose: Discussion of the sports of orienteering and rogaineing. Orienteering is the sport of navigating through unknown terrain with the use of map and compass. It is commonly conducted either running or cross-country skiing depending on the season. Rogaineing is a similar sport with the main differences being that it is done over long distances and in teams rather than individually. Available in both digest and mailing list formats. Please specify which you prefer when subscribing. This list is gatewayed to the Usenet group rec.sport.orienteering. Last change: Mar 95 ORTHODOX Contact: listserv@iubvm.ucs.indiana.edu Purpose: Orthodox (Orthodox Christianity) is dedicated to the thoughtful exchange of information regarding Orthodox Christianity worldwide, especially its impact upon and resurgence within Russia & her neighbors. To subscribe, send the message SUB ORTHODOX subscribers_name to listserv@iubvm.ucs.indiana.edu Last change: Mar 95 our-kids Contact: owner-our-kids@tbag.osc.edu Purpose: Support for parents and others regarding care, diagnoses, and therapy for young children with developmental delays, whether or not otherwise diagnosed (e.g., as CP, PDD, sensory integrative dysfunction, etc.). The name "our-kids" avoids labelling those who are, first and foremost, the special little ones in our lives. To subscribe, send a message to majordomo@tbag.osc.edu with a message of subscribe our-kids Last change: Mar 95 OUTIL (Out in Linguistics) Contact: outil-request@csli.stanford.edu (Arnold Zwicky) Purpose: The list is open to lesbian, gay, bisexual, dyke, queer, homosexual, etc. linguists and their friends. The only requirement is that you be willing to be out to everyone on the list as glb(-friendly); it's sort of like wearing a pink triangle. The only official purposes of the group are to be visible and to gather occasionally to enjoy one another's company; but we are all welcome to engage in any activity we can rouse interest in. Last change: Mar 95 The Ozian Times Contact: nb2b@andrew.cmu.edu Purpose: A mailing list dealing with all aspects of Oz: the books, movie, etc. Last change: Mar 95 ... continued ... Archive-name: mail/mailing-lists/part10 [This is the tenth of fourteen articles on mailing lists.] PA-Libernet Contact: pa-libernet-request@cellar.org Purpose: A list for the discussion of liberty for Pennsylvanians (and friends of Pennsylvanians). Big-L and small-l Libertarians and anyone with an interest in matters of personal and/or political liberty are encouraged to subscribe! PA-RKBA Contact: pa-rkba-request@webcom.com Purpose: A list for discussion of Pennsylvania Firearms issues for anyone who lives or works in Pennsylvania and is interested in preserving their natural right of self-defense. People on both sides of the issue are encouraged to subscribe. Those who feel gun control is a viable issue, may learn something from 500 Pennsylvanians who feel that gun control is not the answer. To subscribe, send mail to pa-rkba-request@webcom.com with only the word subscribe in the body of the message. Last change: Mar 95 Pac Ten Contact: listproc@u.washington.edu (Cliff Slaughterbeck) Purpose: The Pac Ten Mailing List is an unmoderated mailing list dedicated to discussing sports of all types which are played competitively within the Pac Ten Athletic Conference. To subscribe, send email to listproc@u.washington.edu with the text subscribe pac-10 <Your Name> and nothing else in the body of the message. List administrator: crs@u.washington.edu (Cliff Slaughterbeck) willers@trombone.sps.mot.com (Robert Willers) IBDFBLB@MVS.OAC.UCLA.EDU (Ben Browdy) mary@alnitak.usc.edu (Mary Froehlig) amalhot@almaak.usc.edu (Arvind Malhotra) Last change: Mar 95 pacifica-l Contact: listserv@netcom.com Purpose: The pacifica-l mailing list is open to people interested in the city of Pacifica, CA for discussion of anything of interest of the city including schools, recreation, local politics, surfing, you name it. [The only thing discouraged is commercial advertising.] Created in March '95, for more info contact bruce@hallman.org. To subscribe, send email to listserv@netcom.com and in the body of the message put subscribe pacifica-l yourname@host.domain.name Last change: Jul 95 pagan Contact: mailserv@drycas.club.cc.cmu.edu (Stacey Greenstein) Purpose: To discuss the religions, philosophy, etc. of paganism. For more information, send email to mailserv@drycas.club.cc.cmu.edu with the command HELP in the text of the message. Last change: Mar 95 PAGEMAKER Contact: LISTSERV@INDYCMS.IUPUI.EDU Purpose: The PageMaker listserv is dedicated to the discussion of Desktop Publishing in general, with emphasis on the use of Aldus Pagemaker. The list discusses PageMaker's use on both the PC and Macintosh realms. The list also maintains an extensive archive of help files that are extremely useful for the modern desktop publisher. Come join us! To subscribe, send the message SUB PAGEMAKR <full name> to LISTSERV@INDYCMS.IUPUI.EDU List owner: gwp@cs.purdue.edu (Geoff Peters) Last change: Mar 95 pal-announce Contact: listserv@wunet.wustl.edu (Richard Conn) Purpose: Announcements concerning the Public Ada Library (PAL), including notices of new releases. The Public Ada Library carries Ada and VHDL source code, documents, and courseware as well as many items of general interest to the software engineering and software reuse communities. To subscribe to this list, send email to listserv@wunet.wustl.edu Leave the subject line blank, and the body of the message put subscribe pal-announce paragon-managers Contact: listproc@nas.nasa.gov (machine) Purpose: Discussion of administrating the Intel PARAGON line of parallel supercomputers. To subscribe, send a message to listproc@boxer.nas.nasa.gov with a body of subscribe paragon-managers your_full_name Last change: Mar 95 paragon-users Contact: listproc@nas.nasa.gov (machine) Purpose: Discussion of programming and using the Intel PARAGON line of parallel supercomputers. To subscribe, send a message to listproc@boxer.nas.nasa.gov with a body of subscribe paragon-users your_full_name Last change: Mar 95 Paranoia Contact: listserv@age.cuc.ab.ca Purpose: Discussion of the forthcoming Amiga game from AGE Entertainment Software, "Paranoia". Includes progress reports from the developers and user's questions and comments answered directly, as quickly as possible. To subscribe, send a "Subscribe <youraddress@your.site> Paranoia" to listserv@age.cuc.ab.ca. For more information, send a "Help Paranoia" message to listserv@age.cuc.ab.ca. PARENT-L Contact: listproc@helix.net Purpose: The Extended Breastfeeding List, PARENT-L, is a forum for discussing issues related to breastfeeding and parenting the nursing baby or child. The topics for discussion vary widely, and include subjects related to life with anursing toddler or baby, nursing during pregnancy, tandem nursing, societal attitudes towards breastfeeding, weaning, and any other related topics. Traffic varies, and is generally between 4-20 posts per day. To subscribe, send the following message subscribe PARENT-L Your Name to listproc@helix.net List maintainer: lois@helix.net (Lois Patterson) Last change: May 95 Park Rangers Contact: 60157903@wsuvm1.csc.wsu.edu (Cynthia Dorminey) Purpose: This list is primarily for anyone working or interested in working as a ranger (general, interpretive, etc.) for the National Park Service (U.S.A.), but rangers from state and county agencies as well as other countries are also welcome. The group discusses numerous topics related to this profession. PARKINSN Contact: listserv@vm.utcc.utoronto.ca Purpose: This is a discussion list for those who have Parkinson's, their caregivers, family members, and anyone else who has an interest in the care or treatment of Parkinson's. Send a regular mail message to: listserv@vm.utcc.utoronto.ca and in the body of the message, use any of the following commands: SUBscribe PARKINSN Yourfirstname Yourlastname (Join the list) UNSUBscribe PARKINSN (Leave the list, your name is not required) List manager: patterso@fhs.csu.mcmaster.ca (Barbara Patterson). ParNET Contact: parnet-list-request@ben.com (Ben Jackson) Purpose: To discuss the installation, use and modification of ParNET, an Amiga<->Amiga networking program. Please direct comments and questions to parnet-list-owner@ben.com. Party of Five Contact: salingers-request@wwa.com (David W. Tamkin) Purpose: Discussion of the Fox network television series "Party of Five." Last change: Mar 95 pas-lovers Contact: majordomo@qiclab.scn.rain.com (Steven C. Neighorn) Purpose: This list exists for the discussion of the Pro Audio Spectrum family of PC sound cards. To subscribe, send the one-line message subscribe pas-lovers Name <email-address> to majordomo@qiclab.scn.rain.com For example: subscribe pas-lovers Darci Chapman <dlc@gasco.com> List owner: pas-lovers-approval@qiclab.scn.rain.com Last change: Mar 95 Patchwork Contact: owner-patchwork@nox.cs.du.edu Contact: tsitzlar@nyx.cs.du.edu Purpose: The distribution of original works of poetry and prose. The list is not limited to fiction, however, as anything you wish to share with the list membership is allowed, provided it contains no vulgar or obscene references or language. Pornographic material is not accepted. Selected submissions are archived. To subscribe, send a message to patchwork-request@nox.cs.du.edu with a subject and body of SUBSCRIBE [ADDRESS] [ADDRESS] is optional and should be the address you wish to subscribe under, if it is different from the address you use to send the request. Patriots Contact: listserv@kaiwan.com Purpose: Devoted to the discussion of claiming, exercising and defending Rights in America, past, present and future. To subscribe, send email to listserv@kaiwan.com with subscribe patriots as the message body (not the subject line). List administrator: patriot@kaiwan.com Last change: Mar 95 PB-Cle-Raves (Pittsburgh/Cleveland Raves) Contact: listserv@telerama.lm.com Purpose: One of several regional rave-related mailing lists, PB-Cle-Raves covers the greater Pittsburgh and Cleveland and Akron metropolitan areas as well as the Northern West Virginia, Western Pennsylvania, and Eastern Ohio tri-state area. List administrator: raver909@telerama.lm.com (Joe Le'Sesne) Last change: Mar 95 PBL Contact: listserv@eng.monash.edu.au (Roger Hadgraft) Purpose: For those interested in PBL. To subscribe, send the following line sub pbl-lis as the body of the message in an e-mail message to listserv@eng.monash.edu.au List owner: roger.hadgraft@eng.monash.edu.au. pc532 Contact: pc532-request@bungi.com (Dave Rand) Purpose: For people interested in the pc532 project. This is a National Semiconductor NS32532 based system, offered for a very low cost. Last change: Mar 95 pci-sig Contact: alan@znyx.com (Alan Deikman) Contact: jochen@znyx.com Purpose: To provide a forum for discussing technical and marketing information regarding the PCI specification as documented by the PCI Special Interest Group. PCI is the bus technology that is quickly becoming the bus of choice for new computer systems based on all types of processors. SIG membership is not required by is encouraged. Not moderated. The list software is SmartMail. Subscribe by sending the keyword subscribe in the Subject line of a message to pci-sig-request@znyx.com Last change: Mar 95 pd-games Contact: pd-games-request@math.uio.no (Thomas Gramstad) Purpose: pd-games is a mailing list for game theory, especially Prisoner's Dilemma type of problems. Purely technical issues and questions, as well as discussions of specific scientific applications, as well as political and ideological aspects and consequences of game theory are welcome, and it is a hope that the list will contribute towards the goal of elucidating and making known the nature of and the conditions for voluntary and mutual social cooperation. Last change: Mar 95 pdp8-lovers Contact: pdp8-lovers-request@mc.lcs.mit.edu (Robert E. Seastrom) Purpose: To facilitate communication and cooperation between owners of vintage DEC computers, specifically, but not limited to, the PDP-8 series of minicomputers. pds (Poughkeepsie Day School friends and family) Contact: pds-request@valhalla.intercon.com (Rich Segal) Contact: jailbait@intercon.com Purpose: For all Alumni, Current Students, Staff, Former Staff, friends, and supporters of Poughkeepsie Day School, located in Poughkeepise, NY. To subscribe, send mail asking (nicely) to be added to the list. I'm not a machine and don't like being treated like one...:) Last change: May 95 pdx-motss Contact: pdx-motss-request@agora.rdrop.com Purpose: Discussion of LGB issues in the Portland, Oregon metro area. Last change: Mar 95 pen-pals Contact: pen-pals-request@mainstream.com Purpose: To provide a forum for children to correspond electronically with each other. This list is managed by listproc. People of the South Wind Contact: kansas-request@traveller.com Purpose: A group devoted to Kansas (the band) and their music. Last change: Mar 95 PEPPER-NUTS Contact: listserv@muskrat.hi.net Purpose: The Pepper-Nuts list is intended to provide a forum for discussion of various matters related to Habanero Chile Peppers, the hottest pepper in the world, and Pepper Eating in general! You must be subscribed in order to post to the list. This list is not modified and subscriptions are automatic. To subscribe, send a one line message consisting of the command SUBSCRIBE PEPPER-NUTS to listserv@muskrat.hi.net List owner: sysop@muskrat.hi.net (Phil Musgrave) Last change: May 95 periodont Contact: periodont@krypta.snafu.de Purpose: The list will be distributed bi-weekly. All contributions are moderated: The main issue of the list is to effectivly inform all periodontal interested dentists. It will contain advices for diagnostics and therapy, information about new products for periodontology, reports of international congresses, drug informations, scientific exchange - discussions about all periodontal topics. To subscribe, send mail to periodont@krypta.snafu.de please put ADD in the subject line. Describe your involvement in the dental profession and you'll be manually added to the list. List owner: h.spallek@krypta.snafu.de (Heiko Spallek) Last change: Mar 95 PERQ-fanatics Contact: PERQ-fanatics-request@hicom.org Purpose: For users of PERQ graphics workstations. There is also an associated newsgroup that was recently started: alt.sys.perq. To subscribe, users should send a message, containing the word SUBSCRIBE to PERQ-fanatics-request@hicom.org Last change: Mar 95 persfin-digest (PERSonal FINance Mailing List/Magazine) Contact: ikrakow@shore.net (Ira Krakow) Purpose: To provide a forum where people who have personal finance questions can network (in the personal sense) with the people who have the answers. The mailing list is unmoderated and open. We have an FTP and Web site where personal finance information acquired by the group will be stored - including software such as spreadsheets, databases, and documents. To subscribe, email to majordomo@shore.net and in the body of the text put subscribe persfin-digest Last change: Mar 95 Peru Contact: owner-peru@cs.sfsu.edu (Herbert Koller) Purpose: For discussion of Peruvian culture and other issues. This mailing list is simply an echo site, so all posts get bounced from that address to all the people subscribed. PET-INFO-L Contact: listserv@netcom.com Purpose: This list was established to provide a forum to post pet related new product announcements, seminars, lectures, dog/cat shows, litters, etc. This is the place to post commercial information that is not acceptable on other lists. PET-INFO-L is unmoderated and open to all subscribers. To subscribe, send email to listserv@netcom.com with the command subscribe PET-INFO-L Last change: Apr 95 PetriNets Contact: PetriNets-request@daimi.aau.dk Purpose: The steering committee for the International Conference on Application and Theory of Petri Nets has decided to offer a mailing group to people interested in Petri Nets. The mailing group is moderated, and it offers discussion of any subject related with Petri Nets, including announcements of related events. More information about Petri Nets exists on the World Wide Web (WWW). Please consult the URL: http://www.daimi.aau.dk/~petrinet/ Last change: Mar 95 pfc-update Contact: listproc@gnn.com Purpose: This mailing list provides weekly updates on new material added to the Global Network Navigator (http://gnn.com/) Personal Finance Center. Each update includes information about new investment and personal finance resources available on the Internet and a listing of new articles and columns added to the Personal Finance Center (PFC) over the past week. To subscribe, send e-mail to listproc@gnn.com In the body of the message write subscribe pfc-update your-first-name last-name ph7 Contact: listproc@arastar.com Purpose: A list which talks about Peter Hammill and related rock groups. To subscribe, send a message to listproc@arastar.com containing: subscribe ph7 My Real Name Last change: Mar 95 Phonecard collectors Contact: phonecard-collectors-owner@lists.funet.fi Purpose: A forum for people who collect debit type payment cards which are used worldwide in public card telephones, and already in some areas in many other applications as well. The list has a very international readership. To subscribe, send mail to mailserver@lists.funet.fi with subscribe phonecard-collectors Firstname Lastname in body of the message. Last change: Mar 95 phonestation Contact: majordomo@greatcircle.com Purpose: For discussion of "Telephone - Workstation Integration". The mailing list was formed after the Winter '92 USENIX in response to Stephone Uhler's paper about his "phonestation" project. To subscribe, send mail to majordomo@greatcircle.com the body of the mail (not the subject line) should contain: subscribe phonestation or subscribe phonestation-digest List maintainer: phonestation-owner@greatcircle.com Last change: Mar 95 PHOTO-CD Contact: listmgr@info.kodak.com (Don Cox) Purpose: The KODAK Photo-CD Mailing List provides libraries of information on KODAK CD products or technology and closely related products. Information in the library section is posted and maintained by KODAK. The mailing list is an open discussion area to talk with other Internet users interested in our CD technology and products. KODAK will participate in message conversations on occasion. KODAK does not guarantee the accuracy of information passed between mailing list users. PHOTO-CD is a public mailing list. To subscribe send mail to the following address: listserv@info.kodak.com with the command SUBSCRIBE PHOTO-CD <first-name> <last-name> on a line by itself in the body (and no other text). Last change: Mar 95 PhotoForum Contact: listserv@listserver.isc.rit.edu The PhotoForum is an educational network and databank established to serve photo educators and the photographic and imaging communities in general, with a communications link to discuss aesthetics, processes instructional strategies, techniques, criticism, equipment, history, electronic imaging, ethics, and other relevant topics especially, but not exclusively, as these apply in educational settings. To subscribe, send a message to: LISTSERV@LISTSERVER.ISC.RIT.EDU with the following in the text portion of the message: SUBSCRIBE PhotoForum <your-name-here> List manager: andpph@rit.edu (Andrew Davidhazy) rckpph@rit.edu (Russell Kraus) Last change: Mar 95 Pigulka Contact: zielinski@acfcluster.nyu.edu (Marek Zielinski) Contact: davep@acsu.buffalo.edu (Dave Phillips) Purpose: Digest on the net news from Poland, in English. Irregular. Last change: Mar 95 Pipes Contact: masticol@scr.siemens.com (Steve Masticola) Purpose: The Pipes Mailgroup provides a forum for discussing the moderate use and appreciation of fine tobacco, including cigars, pipes, quality cigarettes, pipe making and carving, snuff, collectible tobacciana, publications, and related topics. The mailgroup is lightly moderated to prevent flame (except for the purpose of lighting up. :-) Last change: Mar 95 Pisma Bralcev Contact: Pisma-Bralcev@KRPAN.ARNES.SI (Andrej Brodnik & Srecko Vidmar) Contact: Pisma.Bralcev@Uni-LJ.SI Purpose: "Pisma bralcev" is an edited (not moderated) mailing list which provides the possibility of publishing readers' opinions, questions, inquiries for help, answers, etc. There are also published travel tips and book reviews. Anybody can send the letter to the editor and it will be published on the list under his name. The author can request anonymity and it will be respected entirely. The frequency of publishing is about one issue per day or less. The language is originally Slovene, but other languages appear as well. Last change: Mar 95 Pittsburgh Penguins Contact: gp2f@andrew.cmu.edu (Gary Patalsky) Purpose: News, info, and discussion about the Pittsburgh Penguins. Last change: Mar 95 PJD-L Contact: Listserv@vm.temple.edu Contact: Listserv@temple.bitnet Purpose: The Philadelphia Jewish Discusion Group is a forum for the discussion of issues pertaining to Jewish community that lives or works in the Philadelphia area. Last change: Mar 95 pkd-list Contact: pkd-list-request@wang.com Purpose: The discussion of the works and life of Philip K. Dick (1928-1982), one of the world's most unusual science fiction writers. Topics include his books and stories, and books and stories about him and his life; however, discussion can (of necessity) branch out into the nature of reality, consciousness and religious experience. Last change: Mar 95 Player Pro Users Contact: pp-users-request@gnu.ai.mit.edu (Jamal Hannah) Purpose: A mailing list for Macintosh owners who use the ShareWare program "The Player Pro", by Antoine Rosset <rosset@cultnet.ch>, who is also on this list. General discussion of the Amiga "MOD" (music Module) file format is allowed, as well as other "MOD" file players for the Macintosh. The list is also for the reporting of Bugs associated with the Player Pro, and questions are answered related to problems using the program, as well as developer support. Last change: Mar 95 playing-cards Contact: playing-cards@cs.man.ac.uk Purpose: This list provides a forum for those wishing to discuss their interests in playing-cards (such as their history, their design and evolution, their manufacture and the games played with them past and present) with fellow enthusiasts. The list also aims to exchange information of meetings and events promoted by the International Playing-Card Society, 52 Plus Joker and other such societies for researchers and collectors. To subscribe, send e-mail to majordomo@cs.man.ac.uk with the command: subscribe playing-cards as the body of the message. playlist Contact: majordomo@hos.com (Eric S. Theise) Purpose: playlist is a one-way mailing list, primarily for distribution of the weekly playlists from the nationally syndicated radio program, Music from the Hearts of Space. The list will occasionally carry announcements about new releases on Hearts of Space Records, updated lists of the stations that carry the program, touring schedules of HOS artists, and other information of interest to HOS listeners. For current information about accessing these and other HOS resources send a message to info@hos.com To subscribe, simply send the command subscribe in the body of an e-mail message to playlist-request@hos.com Last change: Mar 95 plays Contact: plays-approval@world.std.com (Elizabeth Lear Newman) Purpose: This is a mailing list gateway of the newsgroup rec.arts.theatre.plays If you would like to subscribe please e-mail to: majordomo@world.std.com Leave the subject blank and type subscribe plays in the text. PNEWS CONFERENCES Contact: odin@shadow.net (Hank Roth) Purpose: There are four PNEWS CONFERENCES and approximately 1000 participants: <P_news> on FidoNet, <p.news> and <p.news.discuss> on PeaceNet, and <PNEWS-L> on InterNet. PNEWS is also carried on world-wide APC networks. [3 of these conferences are gated together] To subscribe, send a request to odin@shadow.net Last change: Mar 95 Poi-Pounders Contact: poi-pounders-request@presto.ig.com (John M. Relph) Purpose: Poi-Pounders is a mailing list for the discussion of the music and records of Poi Dog Pondering (the band). Poi-Pounders is distributed in both "reflector" and "digest" formats. The Poi-Pounders digest is moderated by John Relph. Last change: Mar 95 Police Contact: majordomo@xmission.com Purpose: This mailing list is dedicated as a service to keep fans of The Police and its members Sting, Stewart Copeland, and Andy Summers, informed and connected. To subscribe, mail to majordomo@xmission.com with subscribe police for the unmoderated list, or subscribe police-digest for the digested version, in the body of the message. List owner: owner-police@xmission.com (Pete Ashdown) Last change: Mar 95 poly Contact: majordomo@hal.com Purpose: To discuss non-monogamous relationships, polyfidelity, and group marriage, and the various issues that arise in that context, like jealousy, shared housing, marriage laws, sex, etc. Not moderated. This list supersedes the triples list, which is in the process of being phased out. To subscribe, send email to majordomo@hal.com and in the body of the message put subscribe poly URL: http://www.hal.com/~landman/Poly/ List owner: landman@hal.com (Howard A. Landman) Last change: May 95 POP Contact: pop-request@jhunix.hcf.jhu.edu (Andy S Poling) Purpose: To discuss the Post Office Protocol (POP2 and POP3 - described in RFCs 918, 937, 1081, and 1082) and implimentations thereof. Porschephiles Contact: Porschephiles-request@tta.com Purpose: this list is for people who own, operate, sell parts and services for, or simply lust after the various models of Porsche automobiles. With significant participation from members of the Porsche Club of America, and from within the Porsche performance community, it is a wonderful place to ask questions, talk about features and quirks, get advice on what kind of carto buy and at what price -- in general, a daily dose of electronic fellowship around the "driving passion" in our lives. The archives are available by anonymous FTP, and there is a WWW home page at http://tta.com/porschephiles/home.html Last change: Mar 95 POS302-L Contact: LISTSERV@ILSTU.EDU Purpose: POS302-L is a discussion list created for the "Race, Ethnicity and Social Inequality" seminar offered at Illinois State University in the Spring, 1994 semester. The general purposes of the list are to create an electronic-mail audience for the written work of the students in the course and to invite a broad audience to particpate in the seminar. Subscription to the list can be done by sending the message SUBSCRIBE POS302-L Your Full Name, Institution to LISTSERV@ILSTU.EDU Last change: Mar 95 POSCIM (Political Sciences Mailing List) Contact: markus@uni-bonn.de (Markus Schlegel) Purpose: A forum of those researching, teaching or studying the subject as well as the practicians of politics. posix-testing Contact: posix-testing-request@mindcraft.com (Chuck Karish) Purpose: A forum for discussion of issues related to testing operating systems for conformance to the various POSIX standards and proposed standards (IEEE 1003.x and whatever derivative standards may emerge from the NIST, ANSI, ISO, and so on). Power Squadrons Contact: waynes@netcom.com (Wayne Spivak) Purpose: The Power Squadron Mailing List is open to members of the United States Power Squadrons and Canadian Power Squadrons, both boating organizations with members throughout their respective countries and the world. Members discuss issues of concern to both and individual organizations. Last change: May 95 Prince Contact: prince-request@icpsr.umich.edu Purpose: The Prince list is devoted to discussing the musician, Prince, and related artists. Last change: Mar 95 Private-Eye Contact: Private-Eye-Request@netcom.com Purpose: The list is for Private Investigators or those that want to be Private Investigators, or anyone that wants to learn about how to be an investigator. List owner: CIBIR@netcom.com (Joseph Seanor) Last change: Jul 95 Process-L Contact: maiser@fs4.in.umist.ac.uk Purpose: To discuss the problems associated with the sampling and subsequent analysis of any chemical process, with special reference to industrial scale processing. To subscribe, mail to maiser@fs4.in.umist.ac.uk with this message in the body of text subscribe Interface-L List owner: Andy.Packham@umist.ac.uk Last change: Mar 95 profemen Contact: jschultz@acpub.duke.edu Purpose: To discuss issues faced by men who are profeminist. All genders are welcome. To subscribe, send a message to profemen-request@acpub.duke.edu with the body of the message reading subscribe List administrator: jschultz@acpub.duke.edu (Jason Schultz) Last change: Mar 95 Progress Contact: progress@peg.happmis.com Purpose: The PROGRESS E-Mail Group family of mailing-lists provides a variety of discussion topics involving the Progress Software Corporation Relational Database, its Development Language, DataServers, Tools, and Applications. Providing you follow a few simple rules, all subscription maintenance is automatic. a) You may only subscribe/unsubscribe to 1 list / message b) Send the mail to <list>-request@peg.happmis.com . c) Set the subject to: Subscribe <your address> or: Unsubscribe <your address> . d) To change your address, unsubscribe your old address and then subscribe your new address. An ftp site is maintained at ftp.peg.happmis.com. Last change: Mar 95 project-management Contact: mailbase@mailbase.ac.uk Purpose: The aim of the list is to discuss project management techniques generally, not just project management software and programmes. To join, send the following mail message to mailbase@mailbase.ac.uk with a body as follows join project-management FirstName Surname ProMED Contact: promed-request@usa.healthnet.org Subject: A central goal of ProMED is to establish a direct partnership among scientists concerned with emerging infectious diseases in all parts of the world; building the appropriate networks to encourage communicating and sharing information is a key objective. Members of the Steering Committee of ProMED come from all over the world and include representatives of WHO, CDC, NIH and OIE (the International Office of Epizootics, based in Paris, France), as well as other organizations and academic institutions. In cooperation with SatelLife and HealthNet, ProMED has inaugurated an e-mail conference system on the Internet, to encourage timely information sharing and discussion on emerging disease problems worldwide. Through HealthNet, this low cost system reaches participants in developing countries and remote areas. ProMED invites and welcomes the participation of all interested colleagues. To subscribe, send an e-mail message to promed-request@usa.healthnet.org and in the text of the message put subscribe promed Last change: Mar 95 proof-users Contact: proof-request@xcf.berkeley.edu (Craig Latta) Purpose: To discuss the left-associative natural language parser 'proof'. To join, email proof-request@xcf.berkeley.edu with the subject line add me psu-football Contact: psu-football-request@pond.com Purpose: Discussion of and distribution of news about Penn State University Football (American Football) for alumni, fans, and friends of Penn State football. Last change: Mar 95 PSV Contact: majordomo@stack.urc.tue.nl Purpose: This is a soccer mailing-list for fans of PSV Eindhoven (from the Netherlands). It contains news, gossips and off course discussions about PSV (and some other dutch clubs as well). The list is in DUTCH ONLY!! We have also a www-homepage at: http://www.stack.urc.tue.nl/~haroldk/ To subscribe to the mailing-list send mail to majordomo@stack.urc.tue.nl and the body of the message should contain: subscribe psv <e-mail address> Last change: Apr 95 PSYCHE-D Contact: x91007@pitvax.xx.rmit.edu.au (Patrick Wilken) Purpose: PSYCHE-D is a moderated discussion group dedicated to supporting an interdisciplinary exploration of the nature of consciousness and its relation to the brain. Relevant perspectives are expected to come from, among others, the disciplines of Cognitive Science, Philosophy, Psychology, Neuroscience, Physics, Artificial Intelligence and Anthropology. To subscribe, just send the command SUBSCRIBE PSYCHE-D YourFirstName YourLastName to listserv@iris.rfmh.org List owner: patrickw@bruce.cs.monash.edu.au (Patrck Wilken) Last change: Mar 95 PSYCHE-L Contact: x91007@pitvax.xx.rmit.edu.au (Patrick Wilken) Purpose: The purpose of the list is to distribute the journal PSYCHE (ISSN: 1039-723X). This is a refereed electronic journal dedicated to supporting the interdisciplinary exploration of the nature of consciousness and its relation to the brain. PSYCHE publishes material relevant to that exploration from the perspectives afforded by the disciplines of Cognitive Science, Philosophy, Psychology, Physics, Neuroscience, Artificial Intelligence and Anthropology. Interdisciplinary discussions are particularly encouraged. To subscribe, send the one-line message SUBSCRIBE PSYCHE-L YourFirstName YourLastName to listserv@iris.rfmh.org Python Contact: python-list-request@cwi.nl (Sjoerd Mullender) Purpose: The list is intended for discussion of and questions about all aspects of design and use of the Python programming language. This is an object-oriented, interpreted, extensible programming language. The source of the latest Python release is always available by anonymous ftp from ftp.cwi.nl, in directory /pub/python. To subscribe, send e-mail to python-list-request@cwi.nl; put your name and Internet email address in the body. The list is not moderated. Last change: Mar 95 QMList Contact: listproc@tbone.biol.scarolina.edu Purpose: Discussion for researchers and clinicians in the field of quantitative morphology. This includes anyone working in two- or three-dimensional quantitative analysis of both organic and inorganic structures. Relevant methods include, but are not limited to: serial reconstruction, stereology, geometric modeling, computer graphics, geometric probability, mathematical morphology, pattern analysis, etc. To join, send a one-line email message to listproc@tbone.biol.scarolina.edu consisting of the following sub qmlist Your Name List maintainer: dean@tbone.biol.scarolina.edu (Dean Pentcheff) Last change: Mar 95 qn Contact: qn-request@queernet.org (Roger Klorese) Purpose: A mailing list for Queer Nation activists and for all interested in Queer Nation, an activist group devoted to furthering gay rights. The purpose of qn is to network among various Queer Nation chapters, discussion actions and tactics, and for general discussion of how to bring about Queer Liberation. Last change: Mar 95 QuadraVerb Contact: qv-request@swap.eng.sun.com (Bob Page) Purpose: Discussion about the Alesis QuadraVerb family of audio effects boxes. Low volume list. Archives sent upon subscription. Quanta Contact: quanta@netcom.com Purpose: Quanta is an electronically distributed magazine of science fiction. Published monthly, each issue contains short fiction, articles and editorials by authors around the world and across the net. Quanta publishes in two formats: straight ascii and PostScript* for PostScript compatible printers. Last change: Mar 95 quattro Contact: majordomo@swiss.ans.net Purpose: To disuss Audi cars, and especially the AWD quattro models. All Audi-related discussion is welcome, including news, opinions, maintenance procdures and parts sources. Interested parties should subscribe via a message to majordomo@swiss.ans.net with SUBSCRIBE quattro in the body of the message. Last change: Mar 95 Quebec Nordiques Contact: nords-request@badaboum.ulaval.ca (Danny J. Sohier) Purpose: This internet mailing list will discuss topics concerning the National Hockey League's Quebec Nordiques. Last change: Mar 95 Queen Mail Service Contact: majordomo@stat.lsa.umich.edu (Kathryn L. Madison) Purpose: Discussion about the rock group Queen. Last change: Mar 95 quotations Contact: majordomo@teleport.com Purpose: To share quotes with all list members. Last change: Mar 95 Quotations (Serial) Contact: owner-serial-quotes@trg2.saic.com Purpose: A short list of quality quotations distributed on a daily basis. Just the inspiration to start your day off right! Contributors usually have a theme and post either daily or weekly. Mailed nightly in digested form, and is somewhat moderated. No quotations requests. To subscribe, send email to majordomo@trg2.saic.com and in the body of the message put subscribe Serial-Quotes-digest More Info: ftp://trg2.saic.com/pub/quotes/serial-quotations.info Last change: Jul 95 r-thompson Contact: r-thompson-request@listserver.njit.edu Purpose: Discussion of Richard Thompson's music and related matters. To subscribe to the list, send a message to r-thompson-request@listserver.njit.edu with subscribe r-thompson in the body of the message. List maintainer: brw@hertz.njit.edu (Brian White) R.U.N. (Raving Up North - Eastern Canada) Contact: dionf@ere.umontreal.ca (Francois Dion) Purpose: Raving Up North is an e-zine covering the rave scene in all covers all of Eastern Canada, including the Maritime Provinces. The list is distributed as an e-zine only. Archives and related files will be available thru FTP soon. ra-l Contact: ra-l-request@netcom.com Purpose: This list was created with RAs (Resident Assistants) in mind. You do not need to be an RA to subscribe. Susbcribers can exchange programming ideas, confrontation skills, situations, solutions to those situations, support, how to deal with stress the position creates, or general conversation within the topic. To subscribe, sen email to listserv@netcom.com with the following in the body of the message subscribe ra-l <email_address> Last change: Apr 95 raca-digest Contact: grun@wimpy.cpe.uchicago.edu (Glenn Carnagey) Purpose: A digest of the group rec.arts.comics.alternative, which discusses alternative comic books, minicomics, and comics-oriented 'zines, for those who do not have access to the alt hierarchy of newsgroups, or any news at all, or simply just prefer digests. It comes out in installments of 26 or less articles, sorted by subject line. An explanation of how to post via mail is included in every issue. To join, email Glenn Carnagey <grun@wimpy.cpe.uchicago.edu>. You can also request a sample digest without subscribing from the same address. Last change: Mar 95 racefab Contact: racefab-request@pms706.pms.ford.com Purpose: To discuss racing fabrication and engineering. Suitable topics include suspension geometry and configurations, anti-drive, anit-squat, control arm placement, shock and strut valving, spindle design, floating rear ends, pan-hard bars and watts linkages, cage construction, chassis reinforcement, bearing specs, sources for information and materials, etc. Please include the type of racing you're involved in (autox, circle track, road race) and the type of race cars/bikes you work/race on in your subscription request. RacEMail Contact: majordomo@motorcycle.com Purpose: RacEMail is a mailing list that brings the latest motorcycle race results directly to your e-mail account every Sunday evening (during race season, of course). Once you subscribe, you will receive results from the FIM 500cc, 250cc and 125cc GPs, as well as World Superbike, AMA Superbike, and (eventually) the American Supercross series. Subscribe by sending e-mail to majordomo@motorcycle.com and in the body of the message, write subscribe racemail Last change: Mar 95 Racer Records Contact: listserv@netcom.com Purpose: Distribution of information about Racer Records artists and releases, including live shows and new recordings. Racer artists include Wonderboy, Dennis Phelps, Splatter Trio, Big Umbrella, Garden Variety, and Amy X Neuburg. To subscribe, send a message to listserv@netcom.com with the command subscribe racer-records in the body of your message. Last change: Mar 95 Radiodrama Contact: majordomo@world.std.com Purpose: A new mailing list has been started called Radiodrama which deals with all aspects of modern radio drama. To subscribe, send an e-mail message to majordomo@world.std.com with the message subscribe radiodrama Last change: Apr 95 radioprep Contact: normg@halcyon.com Purpose: The radioprep mailing list is for working commercial radio on-air personalities who want to exchange radio show prep ideas. It is NOT intended to be a general discussion forum for fans/listeners of radio. To subscribe, send mail to majordomo@halcyon.com with the command subscribe radioprep (Message subject header is ignored). Last change: Mar 95 Raiders Contact: raiders-request@super.org (Adam Fox) Purpose: This list is not moderated and all Raider fans are welcome. Last change: Mar 95 The Rainbow Connection Contact: rainbow-request@rmit.edu.au Purpose: A support group for people in LDR's (Long Distance Relationships) involving discussion and debate on all aspects of being in an LDR. Last change: Mar 95 raindogs Contact: listserv@ucsd.edu Purpose: The raindogs list is dedicated to life & work of singer/songwriter/actor Tom Waits. Last change: Mar 95 Rap-Care Contact: rap-care@ibmpcug.co.uk (Marshall Durrance) Purpose: To discuss/debate issues: bible, inter church, current events. (non-denominational) Rap-Care is part of Rapport Trust, registered charity nu 290127 based in England, United Kingdom. Last change: Apr 95 rare-sf Contact: rare-sf-request@ucsb.edu (Tom Marazita) Purpose: The rare-sf list is for the discussion of *rare* Science Fiction/Fantasy (Speculative Fiction?) including books, film, audio (music and radio broadcasts), stage, and the sources thereof. Handled by a human, not a list server. Last change: Mar 95 rc Contact: rc-request@hawkwind.utcs.toronto.edu (Chris Siebenmann) Purpose: Discussion of the rc shell. Rc is a shell designed by Tom Duff to replace the venerable Bourne shell in Plan 9. It provides similar facilities to sh, with some small additions and mostly less idiosyncratic syntax. Most of the discussion on the list is about Byron Rakitzis' free reimplementation of the shell. See the rc FAQ for more details; get it from rtfm.mit.edu as /pub/usenet/comp.unix.shell/rc-FAQ. RC_WORLD Contact: jhannig@indycms.bitnet Purpose: Hosted by Indiana University Medical Center, Indianapolis, IN, and designed for health care professionals. It encourages discussion of Respiratory Care and general health care issues. List owner: jhannig@indycms.bitnet (John Hannigan, RRT) Co-list owner: dfarr@indycms.bitnet (David Farr, CRTT) To subscribe, send mail to listserv@indycms.iupui.edu and in the body of the text put sub first-name surname, credentials Last change: Mar 95 Reaching-From-Nowhere Contact: reaching-from-nowhere-request@world.std.com (Michael K Curry) Purpose: Information and discussion about the music of singer/songwriter Milla. Last change: Mar 95 reader Contact: iskandar@tamu.edu (Alex Khalil) Contact: medawar@panix.com (Bassem Medawar) Purpose: Support of Arabic script on computer. Arabic script is used to write Arabic, Farsi, Kurdish, Pashto, Sindi, Urdu and various other languages. The ftp sites are rama.poly.edu ( in pub/reader and ftp.u.washington.edu ( in public/reader. The information file (FAQ) is in ~reader/text/faq on the ftp sites. To subscribe, unsubscribe or obtain information, mail t: iskandar@tamu.edu Last change: Mar 95 real3d Contact: listserv@gu.uwa.edu.au Contact: brendan@gu.uwa.edu.au Purpose: To discuss the popular Real3D rendering package which appears to run on a very large range of computer systems, and has a frenetically active user community. To subscribe to the list send email to listserv@gu.uwa.edu.au with a message body of subscribe real3d <your name> Last change: Mar 95 real_estate Contact: majordomo@xmission.com Purpose: Discussion of real estate issues, primarily residential. To subscribe, send email to majordomo@xmission.com and in the body of the message put Subscribe real_estate youremailhere end Last change: Jun 95 Really-Deep-Thoughts Contact: really-deep-thoughts-request@gradient.cis.upenn.edu Contact: rdt-request@gradient.cis.upenn.edu (Anthony Kosky) Purpose: Information and discussion on Tori Amos, her music, and other subjects which are relevant or of interest. Last change: Mar 95 recovery Contact: recovery@wvnvm.wvnet.edu (Jeff Brooks) Purpose: recovery is intended as a forum and support group for survivors of childhood sexual abuse/incest and/or their SO's. Postings are published in digest format and contributors may post anonymously. The emphasis is on healing and recovery through the use of the Twelve Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous as adapted for our purpose. Last change: Mar 95 REDWING Contact: vergolin@cps.msu.edu (David Vergolini) Purpose: To discuss and exchange information regarding The Detroit Red Wings. We welcome all fans from around the world. To subscribe to the list send mail to listserv@msu.edu with the the following body. subscribe redwing <your full real name> Last change: Mar 95 reed-bay Contact: kehoe@netcom.com (Thomas David Kehoe) Purpose: Reed College alumni mailing list. Last change: Mar 95 remote-work Contact: majordomo-request@unify.com Purpose: A forum for regarding working remotely or "telecommuting". The intention is to have an open, informative forum for discussing general topics related to working at a remote site, this may be your home or a telecenter. To subscribe, send email to remote-work-request@unify.com and include in the body the line: subscribe remote-work List owner: owner-remote-work@unify.com. Last change: Mar 95 rend386 Contact: rend386-request@sunee.uwaterloo.ca Purpose: Discussion by and for users of the REND386 software package (fast polygon-based graphics on 386 and 486 systems). Last change: Mar 95 Rendance Contact: listserver@morgan.ucs.mun.ca Purpose: RENDANCE is for discussion of Renaissance dance. The intended focus is dance reconstruction and related research, but discussion on any relevant topic is welcomed. Last change: Mar 95 Res-Fort Contact: listserv@rl.ac.uk Purpose: A fortnightly newsletter about research and technology policy in Britain and Europe. To subscribe, send mail to listserv@rl.ac.uk with the message SUB RES-FORT Your Name Last change: Mar 95 RESIDENTS Contact: listserv@beach.utmb.edu Purpose: Support group for medical residents of all specialties. Life as a medical resident is extremely stressful. This list is seen as a way of commiserating with fellow residents around the world, and sharing coping skills. Last change: Feb 95 Rethinking AIDS Contact: rethink@family.hampshire.edu Contact: Rethinking_AIDS@family.hampshire.edu Purpose: Discussion of scientific and political issues of relevance to members, supporters, or those interested in, the Group for the Scientific Reappraisal of the HIV/AIDS Hypothesis. Persons who are convinced of the HIV/AIDS hypothesis, or other AIDS-orthodoxies questioned by members of the discussion list are welcome to join. Last change: May 95 reuse Contact: listserv@wunet.wustl.edu (Richard Conn) Purpose: This list is a bidirectional mailing list for those people interested in software reuse technology. This includes, but is not limited to, the fields of designing for reuse, object-oriented reuse methods, reuse tools and environments, generic code architectures, domain-specific kits, reuse education, technology transfer, formal methods, certification of reusable components, and management issues as they pertain to reuse. To subscribe to this list, send email to listserv@wunet.wustl.edu Leave the subject line blank, and place one line in the body of the message: subscribe reuse Last change: Mar 95 reusewg Contact: listserv@wunet.wustl.edu (Richard Conn) Purpose: This list is a bidirectional mailing list for those people interested in participating in the Reuse Working Group of ACM/SIGAda. It is used to exchange information about the activities of the working group and coordinate those activities. To subscribe to this list, send email to listserv@wunet.wustl.edu Leave the subject line blank, and place one line in the body of the message: subscribe reusewg Last change: Mar 95 reviewers Contact: reviewers-request@armory.com Purpose: Discussion of all aspects of book reviewing. Last change: Apr 95 rockhounds Contact: rockhounds-request@infodyn.com (Tom Corson) Purpose: To exchange ideas, collecting sites, tips, and other information of general interest to gem and mineral collectors. Last change: Mar 95 rocks-and-fossils Contact: majordomo@world.std.com (Sharon Shea) Purpose: The list purpose is to share experiences and information about rocks, minerals, fossils, paleontology, archeology, and prehistoric anthropology. List members exchange information on articles of interest, rock and fossil collection sites, current legislation regarding specimen collection, shows and exhibits, publications, and where to find related sources of interest on the internet. To subscribe to this list, send email to majordomo@world.std.com Leave the subject line blank, and place subscribe rocks-and-fossils in the body of the message. List maintainer: sshea@world.std.com (Sharon Shea) Last change: Mar 95 Rocky Horror Contact: mossap@essex.ac.uk (Adam Moss) Purpose: To distribute news and creative material concerning the film: "The Rocky Horror Picture Show", the stage shows, or anything else in any way connected with the Rocky Horror films or their stars. Mailings infrequent but reliable. :) Last change; Mar 95 Rocky Mountain High (The John Denver Internet Fan Club) Contact: emily@sky.net Purpose: A monthly newsletter about John Denver and his music. To subscribe, email a letter to emily@sky.net. Subscriptions are handled manually. WWW site: http://www.sky.net/~emily List manager: emily@sky.net (Emily Parris) Last change: Apr 95 The Rod Stewart Internet Digest Contact: rodfans@kenmoto1.iii.net Purpose: Storyteller is for discussion of the music of Rod Stewart past and present as well as the many musicians he has played with over the years including, but not limited to Jeff Beck and Ron Wood. List owner: bourbeau@kenmoto1.iii.net (Ken Bourbeau) Last change: Jul 95 RokPress Contact: RokPress@KRPAN.ARNES.SI Purpose: RokPress is a moderated mailing list, intended primarily for news from Slovenia. Slovene is the principal language, although the articles in other languages are often included. It also covers news from international press and important announcements, related to Slovenia and Slovenes. The volume is kept as low as possible. Last change: Mar 95 RoleMaster Mailing List Contact: listproc@tower.clark.net Purpose: A discussion for GMs and players of ICE's RoleMaster and SpaceMaster products. List owner: mbutter@tower.clark.net roller-hockey-intl Contact: chuqui@plaidworks.com Purpose: Discussion of the Roller Hockey International summer hockey league. To subscribe, send the message subscribe roller-hockey-intl yourname to listproc@plaidworks.com Last change: Jun 95 romanians Contact: mihai@sep.stanford.edu (Mihai Popovici) Purpose: Mailing list for discussion, news, and information in the Romanian language. People can subscribe by sending mail to listserv@sep.stanford.edu Last change: Mar 95 ROOTS-L Contact: listserv@vm1.nodak.edu Purpose: ROOTS-L is a discussion list where those who have interest in Genealogy may communicate via Email messages in hopes of finding more family history information. This discussion list is gatewayed to the Usenet newsgroup soc.roots, the intention being that all messages sent directly to ROOTS-L also appear in soc.roots, and vice versa. To subscribe to the list, send email to listserv@vm1.nodak.edu with the BODY of the mail containing SUB ROOTS-L your full name For example SUB ROOTS-L Cliff Manis List owner: alf.christophersen@nutri.uio.no (Alf Christophersen) Last change: Apr 95 Rotlist Contact: Rotlist@sdam.demon.co.uk Purpose: A moderated mailing list mainly for Rotary and Rotaract, hosted by the East London Rotaract Club. All subscriptions are welcome, whether you just want to find out more about us, wish to make a contact with a local club or just have access to an international network of friends. Rounders Contact: zogottj@turing.law.nyu.edu Purpose: For discussion of the Holy Modal Rounders, as well as subsequent musical projects by the original Rounders (Peter Stampfel and Steve Weber), and allied bands and artists including the Fugs, Michael Hurley, Jeffrey Frederick & the Clamtones, and the Dysfunctionells. Last change: Jun 95 RoverNet Contact: erussell@cln.etc.bc.ca (Eric Russell) Purpose: For the owners of Rover cars, world wide, who would like to give tips, receive tips, ask advice, and gain contact with other Rover owners. The list has not been operating very long but we have members in Canada, the U.S.A., and in South Africa. To subscribe, send email to majordomo@ganglion.anes.med.umich.edu and in the body of the message put subscribe rovernet Last change: May 95 Roxette Contact: owner-Roxette@eiunix.tuwien.ac.at (Martin Schoenhacker) Purpose: All about the Swedish band Roxette. It is a mail reflector, not a list server. There is an on-line discography available, and a Digest version of the list may be requested. Last change: Mar 95 RSI Network Newsletter Contact: dadadata@world.std.com (Craig O'Donnell) Purpose: information for anyone suffering from a keyboard-related injury such as carpal tunnel, thoracic outlet syndrome, tendinitis, wrist and arm pain, shoulder and neck pain. Products, doctors, lawyers, therapies, first-person stories, support groups and meetings, contact info. Produced by Caroline Rose. Edited for Internet and distributed by Craig O'Donnell. Comes out 6 times a year. List is maintained by a person using macros. Reader contributions are encouraged. To subscribe, a mail message to majordomo@world.std.com The Subject doesn't matter. Put this into the body of your message just as it appears here: subscribe rsi To unsubscribe, send a mail message to majordomo@world.std.com The Subject doesn't matter. Send the message unsubscribe rsi Last change: Mar 95 RTVJ-L Contact: knowles@selway.umt.edu Purpose: To discuss broadcast journalism, both television and radio. Participants include professionals, educators, students and consumers. Sponsor: Radio-Television Division of the Assn. for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication. To subscribe, send a message to listproc@listserv.umt.edu and in the message body put subscribe RTVJ-L <Your real first name> <Your real last name> Last change: Jun 95 rush (The National Midnight Star) Contact: rush-request@syrinx.umd.edu Purpose: Fans of the Canadian rock group Rush discuss things about the group and its music. Last change: Mar 95 russell-l Contact: listproc@mcmaster.ca Purpose: An electronic-mail forum for news and discussion of anything relating to Bertrand Russell (1872-1970), the philosopher, writer, and peace activist. McMaster curates the Bertrand Russell Archives and sponsors the Bertrand Russell Editorial Project. Queries regarding progress on these enterprises are welcomed. Membership in the forum is by self-selection. Send your full email i.d., a brief message and preferably your name, discipline and institutional affiliation, whereupon your i.d. will be inserted in the mailing list. To unsubscribe, do the same. To subscribe, send mail to listproc@mcmaster.ca with the message subscribe russell-l <your name> Last change: Mar 95 RX7Net Email Club Contact: rx7club@cbjjn.att.com Purpose: The RX7Net is a email list of members that own Mazda RX7's or who are interested in gaining technical or general information about RX7's. You do not need to own a RX7 to join the list, just a love for the only rotary powered sports car in the world. The RX7Net contains many knowledgable people who know many technical and historical information on the three generations of RX7's. The RX7Net currently has 190 members. ... continued ... Archive-name: mail/mailing-lists/part11 [This is the eleventh of fourteen articles on mailing lists.] S-news Contact: s-news-request@utstat.toronto.edu Purpose: Information and discussion about the S language for data analysis and graphics. Last change: Mar 95 Saab_Network Contact: rsvp@novell.com (R. Scott V. Paterson) Purpose: Discussion of Saab automobiles. To subscribe, send mail to saab@network.mhs.compuserve.com Last change: Mar 95 sabbath Contact: sabbath-request@fa.disney.com (Michael Sullivan) Purpose: To discuss the rock group Black Sabbath and, to a limited extent, its former members. SAHARA Contact: prm@borderlin.quake.com (Patrick Martin) Purpose: This list is for news, alerts, announcements and newsletter distribution for `Wise Use' groups and members. The focus is land use, access, private property rights, conservative politics (and politics in general), COMMON-SENSE environmentalism (something we don't often see) and the antics of eco-fanatics. The infamous Sahara Club newsletter is distributed here, as well alerts and announcements from various other groups and organizations. To subscribe, email to listserv@borderlin.quake.com with the message SUBSCRIBE SAHARA in the body of the text. Last change: Mar 95 Saints-Best Contact: lds-net-request@andrew.cmu.edu Purpose: A low-volume, heavily filtered magazine featuring a few of the best messages of interest to Latter-day Saints (Mormons) from all over the internet. sam-fans Contact: sam-fans-request@hawkwind.utcs.toronto.edu (Chris Siebenmann) Purpose: Discussion of Rob Pike's sam editor. Sam is an interactive multi-file text editor intended for bitmap displays. A textual command language supplements the mouse-driven, cut-and-paste interface to make complex or repetitive editing tasks easy to specify. The language is characterized by the composition of regular expressions to describe the structure of the text being modified. Sam can be ftp'd from research.att.com, directory /dist/sam; the mailing list itself is archived on ftp.sys.utoronto.ca in /pub/sam. Sam Phillips Contact: p9490086@qub.ac.uk (Tony Bowden) Purpose: Discussion of the music of Sam Phillips (and her husband T Bone Burnett). To join the list, email p9490086@qub.ac.uk with the message Subscribe Sam Samoyed Fans Contact: Majordomo@krypton.hpc.sdsmt.edu Purpose: For anyone who is a Samoyed owner, breeder, exhibitor and for anyone who is interested in the Samoyed bread. This list was created was to provide a forum for the exchange of ideas, advice, and information regarding the Samoyed, including general issues specific to or common in the breed, conformation, obedience, and activity. This list is an excellent place to make contacts and friendships within the breed. To subscribe, send email to Majordomo@krypton.hpc.sdsmt.edu with the command subscribe samfans in the body of the message. Last change: Mar 95 SAMSBEST Contact: majordomo@zilker.net Purpose: To redistribute from many other Internet sources, news and opinion of interest to the patriot and citizen's militia movements. SAMSBEST is read-only, low traffic and low noise. Preference is given to material from verifiable sources, and an attempt is made to filtert gossip, rumor and disinformation. Material is included from all points on the political spectrum with an emphasis from the Constitutionalist right. To subscribe, send email to majordomo@zilker.net and in the body of the message put SUBSCRIBE SAMSBEST Last change: Apr 95 santa-cruz-bikes bikepeople Contact: karplus@cse.ucsc.edu (Kevin Karplus) Purpose: Bikepeople has moved to cycling.org, and split into two lists: santa-cruz-bikes: For Santa Cruz regional discussions. bikepeople: For advocacy issues (region,state,US,world) To subscribe, mail a message containing subscribe santa-cruz-bikes or subscribe bikepeople to majordomo@cycling.org To unsubscribe, mail a message containing unsubscribe santa-cruz-bikes to majordomo@cycling.org For a list of all mailing lists maintained at cyclig.org, mail a message containing lists to majordomo@cycling.org Last change: Mar 95 sapphire-and-steel Contact: sapphire-and-steel@jpd.ch.man.ac.uk Purpose: To discuss the 70's UK science fiction TV series 'Sapphire & Steel' -- assuming anyone still remembers it! To subscribe, send the message subscribe sapphire-and-steel <real name> to listproc@jpd.ch.man.ac.uk Last change: Feb 95 sappho Contact: sappho-request@apocalypse.org (Regis M. Donovan) Purpose: A forum and support group for gay and bisexual women. The list is not moderated, but may become so if the volume and/or content begins to warrant it. A digest version is available; if you want it, be sure to mention it in your addition request. Men who want to "listen in," for whatever reason, are requested to use the feminist and alternates mailing lists instead; sappho membership is limited to women, although all women are invited to join. Last change: Mar 95 sapr3-list Contact: owner-sapr3-list@maillist1.wimsey.com Purpose: Devoted to discussion of client/server product SAP R/3. The R/3 system is a set of integrated business applications designed to meet the needs of large and medium-sized companies. To subscribe, send a message to majordomo@maillist1.wimsey.com and place in the message body subscribe sapr3-list <your address> List owner: bthorp@wimsey.bc.ca (Bryan Thorp) Last change: Jun 95 SAREX Contact: listserv@amsat.org Purpose: News and information about the Space Shuttle Amateur Radio Experiment (SAREX). No discussion. Last change: Mar 95 SASH-L Contact: listserv@asuacad.bitnet Purpose: Sociologists Against Sexual Harassment. To subscribe, send e-mail to listserv@asuacad.bitnet In the body of the message put SUB SASH-L Your Name. List owner: azpxs@asuvm.inre.asu.edu (Phoebe M. Stambaugh) Last change: Feb 95 Savannah's Cryin' Contact: kdaw@yorkcol.edu (Keith Daw) Purpose: Mod/Pop Rock on the east coast. album info, gigs, booking info, and all other important stuff. Last change: Jun 95 sca Contact: sca-request@mc.lcs.mit.edu (Danulf Donaldson, MKA Dana Groff) Purpose: This group discusses anything relating to the Society for Creative Anachronism, a world-wide medievallist organization. Anyone in the Society (or interested in it) is welcome to join. Those with basic questions about the Society should direct them to justin@inmet.com (Justin du Coeur, MKA Mark Waks), who will be happy to answer them. (Please note that the mailing list is not officially related to the SCA in any way; it is simply a group of talkative members). The SCA mailing list is gatewayed into the rec.org.sca newsgroup. sca-caid Contact: sca-caid-owner@ecst.csuchico.edu Purpose: To serve those persons who have a desire to discuss, share, etc., items of interest to the Society of Creative Anachronism members in the Kingdom of Caid and thereby reduce traffic on the Rialto (rec.org.sca) of subjects that might be considered too local; but there is really no restriction on any subject. It is for those members that are in the Kingdom of Caid (or interested parties) which includes Southern California, Southern Nevada, Hawaii, and New Zealand. To subscribe, send a message SUBSCRIBE SCA-CAID Your Name in the body of the message to listproc@anthrax.ecst.csuchico.edu Last change: Mar 95 sca-chroniclers sca-chroniclers-digest Contact sca-chroniclers-request@dnaco.net Purpose: For information and general discussion of topics related to chroniclers in the Society for Creative Anachronism. Topics may include rules, practices, methods, resources, and many others. This list is for chroniclers of the SCA but anyone is welcome to subscribe. It is available in digest form also. In this form, you will receive a digest every 30Kb. (This is subject to change as traffic loads fluxuate). To subscribe, send a message with subscribe as the body of the message, to sca-chroniclers-request@dnaco.net or sca-chroniclers-digest-request@dnaco.net Last change: Apr 95 sca-middle sca-middle-digest Contact: sca-middle-request@dnaco.net Purpose: To share information and informal discussion of interest to those members of the Society for Creative Anachronism in the Middle Kingdom. This is designed to take up some of the burdon of The Realto (rec.org.sca) from topics of a more logal nature and to focus those those parties interested to these topics. There is no real limit to the subject matter. This list is for the Middle Kingdom but anyone is welcome to subscribe. It is available in digest form also. In this form, you will receive a digest every 40Kb. (This is subject to change as traffic loads fluxuate). To subscribe, send a message with subscribe as the body of the message, to sca-middle-request@dnaco.net or sca-middle-digest-request@dnaco.net Last change: Apr 95 sca-west Contact: sca-west-owner@ecst.csuchico.edu Purpose: This list is to serve those persons who have a desire to discuss, share, etc., items of interest to the Society of Creative Anachronism members in the West and thereby reduce traffic on the Rialto (rec.org.sca) of subjects that might be considered too local; but there is really no restriction on any subject. It is for those members that are in the West Kingdom, which includes Northern and Central California, Northern Nevada, Alaska, Australia, and Japan. Anyone is welcome to join, though. This is strictly a mail list; there is no echo to a newsgroup. To subscribe, send a message with subscribe SCA-WEST Your Name in the body of the message, to listproc@anthrax.ecst.csuchico.edu Last change: Mar 95 SCA Heralds Contact: listserv@pucc.princeton.edu Purpose: For the discussion of heraldry within the Society for Creative Anachronism, a medieval living history group. Discussion topics include all facets of medieval heraldic and naming practice as well as SCA-specific topics, such as holding court, organizational proposals, and rules changes. People interested in general heraldic discussion can try the newsgroup rec.heraldry. List admin: vnend@pucc.princeton.edu (David James) SCAN-INDIE Contact: scan-indie-request@lysator.liu.se (Erik Soderstrom) Purpose: SCAN-INDIE is a mailing list designed to provide information and general discussions on independent and alternative music coming from the Scandinavian countries (Sweden, Norway, Finland, Denmark and Iceland) _plus_ the Baltic countries (Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia). Digest version available. URL: http://www.lysator.liu.se/~chief/ Last change: Mar 95 SCANTRON Contact: scantron@infi.net Purpose: SCANTRON is a moderated computer forum open to current users or any persons interested in Scantron optical mark recognition (OMR) equipment, software or scan forms. The purpose of this list is to provide a means for users to network with each other and share experiences, tips and other related information. In addition to those invloved in the traditional uses for optical mark readers (i.e. TEST SCORING in schools), the list might also be of interest to those wishing to automate SURVEYS; or various other types of DATA COLLECTION (such as TIME SHEETS, AMBULANCE CALL REPORTS, POLICE INCIDENT REPORTS, etc.) To subscribe, send email to scantron@infi.net and in the body of the message put subscribe scantron <your name> <e-mail address> Last change: Jul 95 sched-l Contact: listserver@vexpert.dbai.tuwien.ac.at Purpose: Discussion of scheduling, with special consideration of knowledge-based scheduling of manufacturing processes. All messages are screened by a moderator, so the noise level is low. Send SUB SCHED-L Name in the body of an otherwise empty mail to listserver@vexpert.dbai.tuwien.ac.at to subscribe. For "Name", please specify your real name, e.g. Wolfgang Slany. Your email address will be automatically extracted from the header of your mail. Send every control command such as GET SCHED-L INFO to listserver@vexpert.dbai.tuwien.ac.at List owner: sched-owner@vexpert.dbai.tuwien.ac.at Last change: Mar 95 scoann Contact: scoann-request@xenitec.on.ca (Ed Hew) Purpose: Product, service, and business announcements of reasonable interest to the SCO community of developers, distributors, resellers, consultants, administrators and end-users, submitted by: - SCO, - third party software and hardware developers, SCO-specific service providers, and authors of freely available software. This explicitly includes SCO supplement information (SLS, TLS, EFS, etc.) Blatant and/or irrelevant commercial ads will continue to be rejected. The scoann mailing list is gatewayed to the USENET newsgroup comp.unix.sco.announce. List moderator: edhew@xenitec.on.ca (Ed. A. Hew) Last change: May 95 scogen Contact: scogen-request@xenitec.on.ca (Geoff Scully) Purpose: This group will be beneficial to any one interested or currently using Santa Cruz Operation products. This mailing list is a single area where discussions and information can be exchanged regarding ALL SCO products. The "scogen" mlist is bi-directionally gatewayed with the USENET biz.sco.general newsgroup. scomsc Contact: scomsc-request@xenitec.on.ca (Ed Hew) Purpose: Questions, answers, comments and discussion about past, present and future SCO and related third party products and services, not limited to: - SCO UNIX operating system, - networking products (TCP/IP, NFS, LAN Manager, IPX/SPX, DCE, OSI), - graphical products (X server and clients), - DOS Merge, - The Open Desktop and Open Server operating environments which incorporate most of the above components. - SCO's older applications, when running on SCO UNIX. - SCO's support and other policies. - Third party hardware, software and services. - SCO environment specific "help wanted" postings. Commercial advertisements are explicitly forbidden. The scomsc mailing list is gatewayed to the USENET newsgroup comp.unix.sco.misc. List moderator: edhew@xenitec.on.ca (Ed. A. Hew) Last change: May 95 scoprg Contact: scoprg-request@xenitec.on.ca (Ed Hew) Purpose: Questions, answers, comments and discussion about past, present and future SCO development system products and related software and issues, including but not limited to: - UNIX and Open Desktop development systems, - SCO Visual TCL. - DCE developers toolkit, - Device Driver Writer's toolkit/Advanced Hardware Developer Kit - Public domain, shareware, and third party development tools of use in SCO operating environments. - SCO software distribution mastering toolkits - API questions, compiler behavior, header files, libraries, binary formats, manifest defines, etc. - Porting. Commercial advertisements are explicitly forbidden. The scoprg mailing list is gated to the USENET newsgroup comp.unix.sco.programmer. List moderator: edhew@xenitec.on.ca (Ed. A. Hew) Last change: May 95 Scout-Girls-L Contact: Scout-Girls-Info@slic.cts.com Purpose: Discussion of interests and issues specific to Girl Scouting and Girl Guides which may be less appropriate in the mainstream Usenet rec.scouting newsgroup. Archives are available via MBAS and FTP. Last change: Apr 95 scout-report Contact: majordomo@is.internic.net Purpose: The scout-report mailing list at InterNIC Information Services is a "distribution-only" list for the Scout Report* which is released once a week. Subscribing to the scout-report mailing list means that you will automatically receive the electronic mail version of the Scout Report every Friday. The only other mail distributed on this list is an occasional announcement of a new InterNIC service. The Scout Report is also posted on the InfoGuide each Friday and is then available through both Gopher and on the World Wide. These versions of the Report include gopher and Web links to the resources listed in the report, allowing instantaneous viewing of new resources. To view the Scout Report on the InfoGuide use the addresses below. gopher: is.internic.net/Information Services World Wide Web: http://www.internic.net/scout-report/ *The Scout Report is a weekly publication offered by InterNIC Information Services to the Internet community as a fast, convenient way to stay informed on network activities. Its purpose is to combine in one place the highlights of new resource announcements and other news which occurred on the Internet during the previous week. To subscribe, send the message subscribe scout-report or to subscribe to receive the HTML version via electronic mail, send subscribe scout-report-html Last change: Mar 95 Screaming in Digital Contact: qryche@ios.com Purpose: Discussion of the band Queensryche and related topics. Caveats: Available _only_ in weekly digest form, hand-edited. Last change: Mar 95 scribe Contact: scribe-hacks-request@decwrl.dec.com Purpose: This list is designed for persons who perform the role of Scribe Database Administrator at their installation. Discussion will be about Scribe features, bugs, enhancements, performance, support, and other topics of interest to Scribe DBAs. The list will NOT be moderated, but will simply consist of a mail "reflector" - ie. if you send a message to the list, it will be rebroadcast to everyone on the list. Discussion at the level of "How do I get a paragraph to indent 5 spaces instead of 3?" is specifically discouraged. scs-list (Scandinavian Club Scene) Contact: scs-list-request@cling.gu.se Purpose: The discussion on the scs-list (Scandinavian Club Scene) ranges around the club scene and one-off parties in Scandinavia. Discussions on all cathegories of clubs and club-music are welcome. The list serves as an on-line meeting place for club and party people all over Scandinavia. Non-scandinavians are, of course, also welcome to join the list. scslist (Single Card Strategy) Contact: majordomo@infersys.com Purpose: Content is primarily the Single Card Strategy series and followups, some deck ideas, some fiction, and other ideas pertaining to the strategic element of Magic: The Gathering. This list is moderated. To subscribe, send email to majordomo@infersys.com and in the body of the message, put subscribe scslist (your name here) Last change: Jun 95 scte-list Contact: listserver@relay.adp.wisc.edu Purpose: An unmoderated forum to discuss issues of cable television, telecommunications and the SCTE (Society of Cable Television Engineers). To subscribe, mail to listserver@relay.adp.wisc.edu with this message in the body of text subscribe scte-list <your name> List owner: djdevere@facstaff.wisc.edu Last change: Mar 95 SCUG-List (Sound Canvas Users Group Mailing List) Contact: dpeters@damp.apana.org.au (David Peters) Purpose: For discussion about the SoundCanvas range of MIDI synthesizers and equipment. Exhanging ideas, MIDI files etc. To join the list, email majordomo@damp.apana.org.au with the following the message body subscribe SCUG-List Last change: Mar 95 SDOMINGO Contact: listserv@enlace.bitnet Purpose: To discuss and exchange information about the culture and events related to the Dominican Republic. Politics and sports are topics of great interest as long as the participants respect each other's opinions. Subs- cribers of this list are mainly college students, scien- tists, and dominican professionals living overseas. The main languages on the list are Spanish and English. To subscribe to the list, write to listserv@enlace.bitnet with subscribe sdomingo <Your Name> as the first line in the message body, replacing <Your Name> with your real name, not your email address. SearchNet Contact: SEARCHNET.ZEC@CHANNEL1.COM (Glenda Stocks) Purpose: To share selected postings from the SearchNet Network with private individuals, worlwide. To subscribe send an E-mail message to: Snet-request@rochgte.fidonet.org In the body of the message include the command: sub-snet address Where address is your E-mail address. seattle-mariners Contact: seattle-mariners-request@kei.com Purpose: This list is for the discussion of the Seattle Mariners baseball club, criticism included. :) Last change: Mar 95 Selective Classifieds Contact: pangaea@eworld.com Purpose: This mailing list is for anyone who uses the Internet to look for classified ads. It's primary goal is to provide a means for people to read advertisements, without wasting their valuable time and money searching for the relevant ad amongst the thousands of ads in newsgroups and commercial forums. Unlike a traditional mailing list, each subscriber can customize what types of messages are sent to his or her address. Upon subscribing, the subscriber choose specific advertisement categories in which he or she has interest. From then on, only those ads in the categories selected are sent. Here is a list of the categories from which the subscriber may choose: Business Services A01-Other A02-Telecommunications A03-Instruction A04-Legal Services A05-Resumes A06-Translation A07-Consulting Business Opportunities B01-Other B02-Multi-Level Marketing (MLM) B03-Franchises B04-Distributorships Home Services C01-Other C02-Repair/Contractors C03-Cleaning C04-Nanny C05-Gardening/Landscape C06-Moving Employment D01-Other D02-Permanent Jobs D03-Temporary Jobs D04-Seasonal Jobs Personals E01-Other E02-Men Seeking... E03-Women Seeking... Computers F01-Other F02-Hardware F03-Software F04-Printers F05-Monitors & Video F06-Modems F07-BBS & Web Site Announcements Animals G01-Other G02-Pets G03-Livestock Real Estate H01-Other H02-Houses H03-Apartments H04-Commercial Autos & Vehicles I01-Other I02-Automobiles I03-Motorcycles I04-Trucks/Trailers I05-Boats Audio & Video J01-Other J02-Cameras & Camcorders J03-Stereo Equipment J04-TVs J05-VCRs General Merchandise K01-Other K02-Furniture K03-Jewelry K04-Clothing K05-Exercise Equipment K06-Antiques & Collectibles Miscellaneous L01-Other L02-Airline Tickets L03-Event Tickets To subscribe, send a message to pangaea@eworld.com In the message body put #SUBSCRIBE, as well as a list of the categories you have chosen. Make sure you only list the category ID numbers (not the actual category names). You may subscribe to as many categories as you wish. Here is an example of what should go in the message body: #SUBSCRIBE #CATEGORY A02,A05,B03,C02 To unsubscribe from this list, send a message to pangaea@eworld.com In the message body put #UNSUBSCRIBE This list is distributed once a week. Subscription is open and free to everyone. List owner: douggurich@aol.com (Doug Gurich) Last change: May 95 self-esteem-self-help Contact: listserv@netcom.com Purpose: To show people how they can raise their levels of self-esteem by sharing who they are, learning the principles and associated actions that raise self-esteem, and caring for what happens to their fellow listmembers. Mass mailings to all listmembers that are not authorized by Mr. Rael are absolutely forbidden and will result in instantly being unsubscribed from the list. To subscribe, email listserv@netcom.com and in the message body put subscribe self-esteem-self-help List moderator: lakid@netcom.com (Mike Rael) Last change: Jul 95 SERaves (Southeast Raves) Contact: listserv@american.edu Purpose: One of several regional rave-related mailing lists, SE-Raves covers the Southeastern U.S., including Tennessee, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, and Arkansas. Note that Florida also has its own list, FL-Raves. Archives are available through the listserv, FTP, or Gopher at american.edu. Last change: Mar 95 Setian-l Contact: jyouril@astaroth.sacbbx.com (John Youril) Purpose: An unmoderated mailing list is for serious discussion of Setian Philosophy. Subscriptions are restricted to active members of the Temple of Set. sf-lovers Contact: sf-lovers-request@rutgers.edu (Saul Jaffe) Purpose: SF-LOVERS has discussed many topics, all of them related in some way to the theme of science fiction and fantasy. The topics have ranged very widely from rewritten stories, SF and fantasy books, SF movies, and SF conventions to reviews of books, movies and television shows. The range of topics is quite wide and anyone is welcome to submit material on these or other topics of interest in this general area. The digest has a very large number of readers, and trivial messages are strongly discouraged due to the heavy load SF-LOVERS puts on the hosts CPU and disk space. Messages to SF-LOVERS are batched and broadcast periodically. Please be sure to read the file SFLOVERS.POLICY available from the archives. For INTERNET subscribers, all requests to be added to or deleted from this list should be sent to SF-LOVERS-REQUEST@RUTGERS.EDU Last change: Mar 95 sfer Contact: sfer-request@symbiosis.ahp.com Purpose: The South Florida Environmental Reader is a electronic newsletter covering topics concerning the South Florida environment. Last change: Mar 95 SFRaves (San Francisco Raves) Contact: majordomo@hyperreal.com Purpose: One of several regional rave-related mailing lists, SFRaves covers the San Francisco Bay area. SFRaves is the original rave mailing list. Also available in digest and calendar-only versions. The list tends to have high volume. There is also the sfraves-planners list for those who are more intimately involved in planning events. List maintainer: brian@hyperreal.com Last change: Mar 95 shadows-updates Contact: shadows-updates-request@sunee.uwaterloo.ca Purpose: Regular synopses of the episodes of the television series "Dark Shadows", currently being show on the "Sci-Fi" cable channel. (see also "dark-shadows" in the list). Last change: Mar 95 sharks sharks-chat sharks-tickets hockey-chat Contact: listproc@plaidworks.com Purpose: sharks: Information about the San Jose Sharks, its minor league farm system, management, and organization. Schedule information, box scores, team status, and transaction reports. sharks-chat: San Jose Sharks collectibles and merchandise information. Please don't try to buy or sell stuff on the list, though. It's not a classified ad or a swap meet. Road Trips and group get-togethers. A way for out-of-towners to find out what's happening when they visit, and for the locals to meet their like-minded on-line fans. Anything else of interest about the Sharks. sharks-tickets: Tickets for sale (and wanted). Scalping is not allowed, however. hockey-chat: Anything hockey-related, unless the list mom's say to stop. (we're serious about the r.s.h without the flames and idiots bit. You can chat about anything, but abuse, flames, excessive whining and twit-headedness won't be tolerated. If we WANT a cess-pool like r.s.h, we'd go there. This is for people who want something like that, but also want people who can say "shut up" and not be laughed at.). To subscribe, send it a message "subscribe <list> <your name>" To unsubscribe, use "unsubscribe <list>" To switch to a digest format, use "set <list> mail digest>" To switch from a digest format, use "set <list> mail ack" (in all cases, don't include the quotes or brackets in the body of your message) Archives: The sharks mailing list is stored in the listproc server. You can get the index with the listproc command "INDEX <listname>". All messages sent to the list are stored in the archive, plus other useful data. Messages sent prior to our conversion to listproc are in the old.messages sub-archive, while messages since are in the digests sub-archive. Please see the quick-start for information on how to access files. For information on other features, use "help". A quick-start guide to using listproc is appended to this message. Please read it for hints on how to get started. List owner: lsefton@netcom.com (Laurie Sefton) Last change: Jun 95 She Bop Contact: shebop-request@law.emory.edu Purpose: A list dedicated to Cyndi Lauper. Last change: Mar 95 Shot-of-Rhythm Contact: shot-of-rhythm-request@chinacat.unicom.com (Chip Rosenthal) Purpose: To discuss the music of singer/songwriter John Hiatt. To subscribe, send your request to the contact address listed above. Last change: Mar 95 Show-Fire Contact: murr@vnet.net (Murr Rhame) Purpose: Show-Fire is for the discussion of the safe design, construction, and application of pyrotechnics for entertainment. The primary topics are Theatrical Pyrotechnics, Display Fireworks, and related crafts. Offensive weapons, destructive devices, and mischievous uses of pyrotechnics will be off topic. To subscribe send the following one line message subscribe show-fire name@your.address to listserv@vnet.net Last change: Mar 95 siblings Contact: majordomo@underground.irhe.upenn.edu Purpose: Siblings is a mailing list for fans of Canadian singer/songwriter Jane Siberry. Like Jane herself, many listmembers have a wry sense of humor, and love to tease, but the atmosphere is generally relaxed and friendly. The list is small as yet (about 100 members) but Jane's recent contributions to soundtracks -- "Calling All Angels" (a duet with k.d. lang) for _Until the End of the World_, "It Can't Rain All the Time" for _The Crow_ -- have attracted a fair amount of attention. The list is unmoderated. To subscribe, send a message to majordomo@underground.irhe.upenn.edu with just the words subscribe siblings No subject line is needed, and please don't include your name or e-mail address; it's not necessary. Last change: Mar 95 siege Contact: siege-request@bransle.ucs.mun.ca Purpose: The siege mailing list is intended for the dicussion of pre-black powder methods of attack and defence of fortified positions. While the discussion of the downfall of the great siege engines caused by the advent of portable, and powerful cannons is important, I would like this to be somewhat minimized. Topics appropriate for discussion include physics, mechanics, materials, construction, transportation, terminology, historic evidence of use, historical reconstruction, common myths and misconceptions and so on. To subscribe, send mail to siege-request@bransle.ucs.mun.ca and include a single line saying: subscribe siege <your name here>. Sierra Club Contact: 931ROWE@MERLIN.NLU.EDU (Eddie Rowe) Purpose: Discussion of environmental topics with a focus on the Sierra Club's campaigns, news and outings. A mirror of the Fidonet Sierra Club Conference (SIERRAN). SII Contact: Owner@moumee.calstatela.edu (Stanislav Markovic) Purpose: SII [Serbian Information Initiative] is unmoderated network for distribution of news and discussions about the current events in ex-Yu, centered around those involving or affecting Serbs. SII also originates public actions related to these events, both at home and abroad, and regularly maintains private e-mail connection between Internet and nodes in Serbia and Montenegro. Both English and Serbo-Croatian language are used. Civility in discussions is enforced. Last change: Mar 95 SKEPTIC Contact: LISTSERV@JHUVM.HCF.JHU.EDU Purpose: SKEPTIC is a mailing list devoted to critical discussion of extraordinary claims. Among the paranormal topics that are commonly examined are parapsychology and psychic claims, creationism, cult archaeology, UFO's, cryptozoology, reincarnation/survival, quackery, the occult and divination; but the discussion is not limited to any predetermined set of magical beliefs or alleged pseudosciences. In connection with paranormal claims, issues involving science and philosophy in general are often raised. There is no policy of excluding any topic from consideration. While the common point of view expressed is skepticism about claims that go against current scientific pictures, critical approaches to science itself are also encouraged. To subscribe send a mail message to LISTSERV@JHUVM.HCF.JHU.EDU with the one-line message: SUBSCRIBE SKEPTIC your-full-name Last change: Mar 95 SLADE Contact: slade-request@a3.xs4all.nl Contact: slade-request@gnu.ai.mit.edu Purpose: The British glamrock group. Cum on feel the noize! Keep on rockin! Requests preferably in the format: subscribe slade your_e-address (your_name) List manager: a3@a3.xs4all.nl (Adri Verhoef) rnovak@iquest.net (Robert Novak) Last change: Jun 95 sleddog Contact: majordomo@lists.csn.net Purpose: For the promotion of Northern Breeds and Working dogs, including sled dog racing, skijouring, back packing, carting, weightpulling, and recreational mushing. To subscribe: send the command subscribe sleddog (email address here no parens) in the body of text to majordomo@csn.org List owner: mbonham@csn.org. Last change: Mar 95 SLLing-L Contact: listserv@yalevm.ycc.yale.edu Purpose: SLLING-L (formerly ASL-LING) is for discssions of Sign Language Linguistics. The discussion of Deaf culture, education, medical advancements in the studies of deafness, etc., will be discouraged, except as they are pertinent to the discussion of sign linguistics. List owner: cromano@uconnvm.bitnet mosko@matai.vuw.ac.nz Last change: Mar 95 ... continued ... Archive-name: mail/mailing-lists/part12 [This is the twelfth of fourteen articles on mailing lists.] smail3-users Contact: smail3-users-request@cs.athabascau.ca (Lyndon Nerenberg) Purpose: The smail3-users mailing list is targeted towards those who administer smail3.X based mailers. Discussion of operational problems and fixes, specialized configurations, and other topics related to the day-to-day operation of smail3.X are found here. The list does not discuss smail 2.5 issues. (Smail 2.5 is an unrelated piece of software that appeared in the comp.sources.unix archives under the archive name "smail3.") Questions about smail 2.5 should be directed to the newsgroup comp.mail.misc. Smail3-users deals primarily with operational issues. If you're interested in technical discussions on smail3 internals, consider joining smail3-wizards. smail3-wizards Contact: smail3-wizards-request@cs.athabascau.ca (Lyndon Nerenberg) Purpose: Smail3-wizards is a discussion forum for people who are actively porting, debugging, and extending smail3.X. Discussion should be limited to topics concerning smail3 internals. Questions about smail3 installation and operation should be directed to the smail3-users list. Smallmusic Contact: smallmusic-request@xcf.berkeley.edu (Craig Latta) Purpose: A work group has formed to discuss and develop an object- oriented software system for music. The current environment is Smalltalk 80. If you are interested in joining the discussion, email smallmusic-request@xcf.berkeley.edu with the subject line "add me". Smithereens Contact: listmanager@hookup.net Purpose: For discussion of the American rock quartet the Smithereens (Pat DiNizio, Dennis Diken, Mike Mesaros, Jim Babjak). Any aspect of the band's music, videos, performance, graphic design, interests, fandom, hairstyles, wardrobe, etc., is fair game. Anyone may subscribe. Important note: For copyright reasons, the list frowns on wholesale uploads of lyric texts. Snippets are fine; entire songs aren't. The list does not yet come in digest form; I'm working on that. To subscribe, send the words subscribe Smithereens in the BODY of a message to listmanager@hookup.net You'll receive a welcome message and will be signed up automatically. To unsubscribe, send the words unsubscribe Smithereens in the BODY of a message to listmanager@hookup.net Questions? Problems? Send to owner-Smithereens@hookup.net or joeclark@hookup.net (both go straight to me). List owner: owner-Smithereens@hookup.net (Joe Clark) smoke-free Contact: maynor@ra.msstate.edu Purpose: A support list for people recovering from addiction to cigarettes. To subscribe to the list, send the command subscribe smoke-free Your Name to listserv@ra.msstate.edu The list is running on Unix listserv. Last change: Mar 95 snuffit-l Contact: coe@netcom.com (Rev. Chris Korda) Purpose: snuffit-l is a moderated list, and is primarily used to distribute the electronic version of the Church of Euthanasia's quarterly journal (Snuff It) as well as the weekly inspirational "e-sermons." The Church of Euthansia was founded in 1992 to help restore balance between the human species and the other forms of life currently manifested on this plane of existence. Archive sites: ftp: ftp.etext.org /pub/Zines/Snuffit gopher: gopher.etext.org Zines/Snuffit www: http://www.paranoia.com/coe/ (w/ color pictures) To subscribe, mail to listserv@netcom.com with subscribe [address] snuffit-l in the body of the text. Last change: Mar 95 SOC.GENEALOGY.BENELUX Contact: maiser@omega.ufsia.ac.be Purpose: an unmoderated list on genealogical research related to the Benelux (i.e. Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxemburg). To subscribe, send email to maiser@omega.ufsia.ac.be with the message sub soc.genealogy.benelux in the text body. List moderator: ccs.berteloot.j@alpha.ufsia.ac.be (Johan Berteloot) Last change: Apr 95 SoCal-Raves Contact: listserv@ucsd.edu (Joachim Vance) Purpose: One of serveral regional rave-related mailing lists, SoCal-Raves covers Southern California, including Los Angeles and San Diego. Last change: Mar 95 soccer-coach Contact: soccer-coach-request@wang.com Purpose: To provide a forum for discussing coaching youth soccer. Discussion topics will include items such as setting up practices, drills, tactics, related books, and organizational issues related to running or starting a town/city soccer league. List owner: jrogers@wang.com Last change: May 95 Software Agents Contact: listserv@sunlabs.sun.com Purpose: This mailing list is devoted to the issues of Software Agents. The term Agent is ill-defined and because of this the scope of this mailing list will also be somewhat ill-defined. However, it should be restricted to software agents as opposed to hardware (robots) and human agents. (However, the interface from software agents to other agents is fair game.) To join the mailing list send a message to listserv@sunlabs.sun.com with subscribe agents <FirstName> <LastName> in the body of the of the message. Replace <FirstName> & <LastName> with your actual name. To have yourself removed from the mailing list send a message to listserv@sunlabs.sun.com with unsubscribe agents in the body of the message. URL: http://www.smli.com/research/tcl/lists/agents-list.html List administrator: agents-admin@sun.com Last change: Apr 95 Software Entrepreneurs Contact: softpub-request@toolz.atl.ga.us (Todd Merriman) Purpose: The Software Entrepreneurs Mailing List is devoted to the interests of entrepreneural software publishing, including (but not limited to) shareware. The forum is completely open. Last change: Mar 95 SOILS-L Contact: jp@unlinfo.unl.edu (Jerome Pier) Purpose: To provide a forum for the exchange of information and ideas regarding any and all aspects of soil science. The creation of the list has been acknowledged by the Soil Science Society of America. The list is open and unmoderated. To subscribe, send email to listserv@unl.edu and in the body of the message, put SUB SOILS-L <firstname lastname> Last change: May 95 Solaris Kernel Developers' Mailing List Contact: majordomo@evolving.com Purpose: Anything relevant to the kernel on Solaris 2.x, including kernel issues, device drivers, streams, and debugging. The mailing list is open to all and is unmoderated. To subscribe, send email to majordomo@evolving.com with the line subscribe sol_kernel in the body of your message. Last change: May 95 sonic Contact: majordomo@lists.mv.net Purpose: For discussion of the characters and stories in the "Sonic the Hedgehog" cartoons and comic books. Fan-written stories are welcome too. We want to help free Mobius from the evil Dr. Robotnik! Last change: Apr 95 SOREHAND Contact: listserv@ucsfvm.ucsf.edu Purpose: For discussion of Typing injuries, Repetitive Stress Injuries/Disorder, Cumulative Trauma Disorder, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, etc. (not its formal title - just my description). To subscribe, mail to: listserv@ucsfvm.ucsf.edu With the first text line: subscribe sorehand your-name soundtracks Contact: soundtracks-request@ifi.unizh.ch (Michel Hafner) Purpose: 1. Discussions/reviews... of new and older soundtracks (musical and technical aspects). 2. Information about availability of specific soundtracks on different formats in different parts of the world. 3. Publication of trading-lists so members can swap stuff and complete their collections. 4. Compiling of lists on different subjects with entries collected via the list (for example passages in soundtracks "lifted" from other soundtracks or classical compositions with detailed data; discographies etc). 5. Discussions/reviews of books/fanzines etc. about soundtracks/music for films. 6. Discussions/reviews of Hardware for (film)music reproduction. Please don't join if you are just looking for some soundtrack(s) but have no general interest in the field! Last change: Mar 95 Space: 1999 Contact: space-1999-request@quack.kfu.com Purpose: The charter of the list is for discussion on almost any subject of interest to fans of the 1975-1976 TV show 'Space: 1999'. Last change: Mar 95 space-music space-music-digest Contact: majordomo@cs.uwp.edu (Dave Datta) Purpose: The Space Music mailing list is for the discussion of artists and their works who: a) Primarily use electronic instruments. b) create "sound spaces" or sound atmospheres that fall into categories sometimes defined as "floating" or "cosmic" c) are generally considered "non-commercial" and demand an active listener The following artists are the focal point of this list's content: Klaus Schulze, Steve Roach, Robert Rich, Micheal Stearns, Giles Reaves. NOT discussed on this list are Tangerine Dream, unless there is a reference to one of the other artists. The discussions are not moderated but they should have something to to with the above criteria. Archives for space-music are available via gopher or ftp from cs.uwp.edu ( in the pub/music/lists/space-music/archives directory, or by e-mail from the administrator. In your subscription request, specify if you want interactive (separate messages as they come through) or digest format (all messages compressed into one daily piece of e-mail). Last change: Mar 95 specieslist Contact: rstafursky@envirolink.org (Richard Stafursky) Purpose: Specieslist is a mailing list for contacting those interested in information regarding the World Species List (WSL). The WSL URL is: http://envirolink.org/species/ The WSL is free, access to all public domain world species databases. Last change: Mar 95 Spojrzenia Contact: spojrz@k-vector.chem.washington.edu (Spojrzenia) Purpose: A weekly e-journal, devoted to Polish culture, history, politics, etc. In Polish. Last change: Mar 95 spoons Contact: listproc@skatter.usask.ca Purpose: To provide information about the Canadian pop/rock group "Spoons", featuring Gordon Depp and Sandy Horne. The group has several albums including "Stick Figure Neighbourhood" (1981), "Arias and Symphonies" (1982), "Talkback" (1983), "Bridges Over Borders" (1986) and "Vertigo Tango" (1988). There is also the special edition dance cassette "Tell No Lies" released in 1984. To subscribe to spoons, send e-mail to listproc@skatter.usask.ca with only the command subscribe spoons your_name_here in the body of the message. Do not include a Subject: heading. List owner: skeeter@skatter.usask.ca Spouse Support Contact: majordomo@texsys.com Purpose: The Spouse Support Mailing List (SSML) is an Internet mailing list in both standard and digest formats for monogamous straight spouses and their bisexual partners who are trying to make their marriages survive and thrive. Membership is moderated and confidential. To subscribe, send email to majordomo@texsys.com and in the body of the message, put subscribe spouse-support or subscribe spouse-support-digest Last change: Jul 95 SS-L (Sjogren's Syndrome) Contact: tbertram@ux1.cso.uiuc.edu (Teresa Bertram) Purpose: To discuss/share experiences, problems, ideas & solutions for persons suffering from Sjogren's Syndrome (an auto-immune disease). The list includes sufferers, family and friends of sjogren's sufferers, medical professionals, and persons interested in the research of Sjogren's. The members on this list so far are from all over the world. Last change: Apr 95 ssi_mail Contact: listprocessor@link.com Prupose: A moderated list for space development topics related to Space Studies Institute programs past, present and future. Space Studies Institute is a non-profit organization founded in 1977 by Gerard and Tasha O'Neill for the purpose of opening the high frontier of space for the benefit of all humanity. ssi_mail list has been created by members of SSI to increase member communication and is also available to non-members who are interested in the High Frontier. Archive location and availability: Information on accessing the archives and using the listprocessor is available by sending help as the only word in the body to listprocessor@link.com To subscribe send to listprocessor@link.com with the message subscribe ssi_mail <your name> Please use your real name not a handle or your address. Your name must be a name like 'Mitchell James'. A name that has both a first and last part. List Owner: mjames@link.com (Mitchell James) Last change: Mar 95 SSIN (Student Solar Information Network) Contact: m.e.thornton@bham.ac.uk (Mark Thornton) Purpose: Provides information, news, resources and conference details free to anyone studying solar and renewable energy. Last change: Feb 95 St. Louis Blues Contact: blues@medicine.wustl.edu (Joe Ashkar) Purpose: For information, game reports, stats, discussion, etc., about the St. Louis Blues of the National Hockey League. To subscribe, send a message to to mailserv@wums.wustl.edu Include the following in the BODY of your message SUBSCRIBE STLBLUES-L <Your Name> Also, there is now a Blues WWW home page. The URL is: http://atg1.wustl.edu/blues Last change: Mar 95 stagecraft Contact: stagecraft-request@zinc.com (Brad Davis) Purpose: This list is for the discussion of all aspects of stage work, including (but not limited to) special effects, sound effects, sound reinforcement, stage management, set design and building, lighting design, company management, hall management, hall design, and show production. This is not a forum for the discussion of various stage productions (unless the discussion pertains to the stagecraft of a production), acting or directing methods (unless you know of ways to get actors to stand in the right spots), film or video production (unless the techniques can be used on the stage). The list will not be moderated unless problems crop up. Archives will be kept of the discussion (send mail to stagecraft-request for copies). Last change: Mar 95 stagecraft-rat Contact: stagecraft-approval@world.std.com (Elizabeth Lear Newman) Purpose: This is a mailing list gateway of the newsgroup rec.arts.theatre.stagecraft. If you would like to subscribe please e-mail to: majordomo@world.std.com Leave the subject blank and type subscribe stagecraft in the text. Last change: Mar 95 STAR-L (Battlestar Galactica) Contact: majordomo@netcom.com Purpose: Discussion of the 70's Sci-Fi television series. To subscribe, send email to majordomo@netcom.com The Subject: line is ignored. In the body of the message put subscribe star-l List administrator: adama@netcom.com (Stan Tackett) Last change: Apr 95 Star Fleet Battles Contact: hcobb@fly2.berkeley.edu (Henry J. Cobb) Purpose: The SFB Tacticsline exists for discussion of tactics of the SFB game, and as a contact point for SFB PBeM games. Last change: Mar 95 starserver Contact: starserver-request@engr.uky.edu (Wes Morgan) Purpose: The starserver mailing list is intended for owners, operators, and administrators of AT&T StarServer systems. While all interested parties are invited to join, the list is dedicated to matters of system administration/operation; this is NOT a general "Unix questions and answers" list. Several ATT/NCR technical support personnel participate in the discussion in an unofficial capacity. The list is not currently moderated. Last change: Mar 95 Status Quo Contact: status-quo-request@sonitech.com Purpose: Discussion of the British boogie band "Status Quo". List Owner: agitlin@meceng.coe.neu.edu (Alex Gitlin) Last change: Mar 95 Steely Dan (aka Walter Becker & Donald Fagen) Contact: steely-dan-request@uiuc.edu (Jim "Hoops!" McKay) Purpose: In-depth discussion of the work of Walter Becker, Donald Fagen and other musical artists associated with Steely Dan. Special attention is focussed on career history and current developments, academic analysis of their work, and Steely Dan-inspired irreverence. Last change: Mar 95 STEINER Contact: STEINER-Request@netcom.com Purpose: An unmoderated mailing list dedicated to the discussion of the philosophy of Rudolf Steiner and its practical applications. Among the activities on this list is an ongoing study group reading and discussing Steiner's works. Those specifically interested in Waldorf education should also see the entry for WALDORF. To subscribe to STEINER, send an email message to LISTSERV@SJUVM.STJOHNS.EDU with the command SUBSCRIBE STEINER YourFirstName YourLastName in the body (not the subject) of the message. Last change: Mar 95 StickWire-L Contact: listserv@netcom.com Purpose: To provide a forum for discussion of The Chapman Stick, a remarkable musical instrument used in a variety of popular musical groups including Peter Gabriel and King Crimson. The Stick is most noted for its bass sound (it replaces the bass in both of the above groups), but it has a range to the highest note on a guitar. Instead of being plucked, notes are "fretted" with both hands! Most of the members of the list either are accomplished Stick players, students of the Stick, or individuals planning on learning how to play in the future. Emmett Chapman, inventor of the Stick and Stick recording artist, is subscribed to the list participates actively from time to time. To subscribe send mail (with no subject) to listserv@netcom.com The message should consist of subscribe stickwire-L There is also an extensive web page about the Stick. The web page can be found at: ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/va/vance/stick.html http://waynesworld.ucsd.edu/ICR/users/pvallado/stick.html Last change: Apr 95 Stock Market Secrets Contact: smi-request@world.std.com Purpose: For the last several weeks, we have been publishing a Stock Market related daily comment. In addition we answer questions on a wide variety of investment and financial topics. This is a moderated list in order to keep confidential information. stormcock Contact: stormcock-request@bilpin.co.uk (Paul Davison) Purpose: For general discussion and news concerning the music of Roy Harper, a folk-rock musician with a conscience. Recommendations and news concerning similar artists are encouraged. Roy's manager is an active participant. The list is set up as a mail reflector. To subscribe, send email to majordomo@bilpin.co.uk and in the body of the message put subscribe stormcock Last change: Jul 95 STOS Contact: stos-request@man.ac.uk Purpose: All aspects of STOS basic on the Atari ST series of computers. All users are welcome, whether they are just learning to program in STOS, or are at the level of writing extensions. Discussions about TOS in general are also welcome here. List owner: jacquesa@cs.man.ac.uk (Anthony Jacques) Last change: Jun 95 Strange Fruit Contact: fruit-request@gdb.org Purpose: The Catherine Wheel mailing list. Last change: Mar 95 Strathspey Contact: strathspey-request@tm.informatik.uni-frankfurt.de Purpose: A forum for the discussion of all aspects of Scottish Country Dancing, e.g., dance descriptions, dancing technique, the history of dances and dancing, learning or teaching how to dance. We also welcome descriptions of new dances, announcements of events like courses or balls, discussion of Scottish dance music and its practice or anything else the subscribers might find interesting. The mailing list is unmoderated, i.e. everything that is submitted is forwarded directly to the subscribers of the list. Subscription/info requests should be directed to strathspey-request@tm.informatik.uni-frankfurt.de To subscribe, send a message with the word subscribe in the Subject: header. An archive of past postings (as well as other SCD-related material) is available via the World-Wide Web at http://www.tm.informatik.uni-frankfurt.de/strathspey/ Last change: Mar 95 Student Media Contact: kpate@vprua.vprua.uab.edu (Kenny Pate) Purpose: To provide a forum for discussion of issues faced by collegiate media enterprizes, including legal, ethical, editorial and production questions. To subscribe: Send a message to listserv@uabdpo.uab.edu containing SUB STUMEDIA Your Name as the first line. Last change: Mar 95 stutt-l Contact: V5002E@VM.TEMPLE.EDU (Woody Starkweather) Purpose: Stuttering research and support. Subscribers include many Ph.D. researchers, as well as practicing speech-language pathologists, National Stuttering Project officers, and persons who stutter. To subscribe, send mail to LISTSERV@VM.TEMPLE.EDU and in the message put SUB STUTT-L <your name> Last change: Mar 95 Subliminals Contact: subliminals-l-request@netcom.com Purpose: The discussion of various aspects of the history and practice of subliminal messaging. Last change: Mar 95 suicide-prevention Contact: greyham@research.canon.oz.au (Graham Stoney) Purpose: An international forum for people interested or working in the fields of suicide prevention and crisis counselling on or off the Internet. Mental health professionals, volunteers and users of the internet are all welcome to join in and contribute to the discussion. Relevant topics include suicidal thoughts, self injury attempts, completed suicide deaths or survivals and education related to preventing these. The list will provide a forum for those who wish to address these issues in a non judgmental but life affirming environment. Specific personal details regarding people with whom list members have had contact should not be discussed on the list for confidentiality reasons. It is suggested that people seeking emotional support would find one of the support-oriented mailing lists or the alt.support newsgroup hierarchy more helpful. To subscribe, send mail to listserv@research.canon.oz.au containing subscribe suicide-prevention your name in the body of the message. Last change: Mar 95 Sun-386i Contact: sun-386i-request@itc.yorku.ca (Troy Hacker) Purpose: Discussion and information about the 386i-based Sun machines. Last change: Mar 95 sun-managers Contact: sun-managers-request@eecs.nwu.edu Purpose: Information of special interest to managers of sites with Sun workstations or servers. Last change: Mar 95 sunflash Contact: flash@sun.com (John J. McLaughlin) Purpose: To keep Sun users informed about Sun and Sun Partners via Press Releases, Product announcements, Newsletters, FAQs, Table of Contents (e.g. for Trade Publications such as Advanced Systems), Conference Announcements and technical articles. This is a one-way mailing list. 70 to 110 articles are posted each month. Over 140,000 Sun users from more that 100 Countries subscribe. The "Daily SunFlash" subscribers see articles most days. Some of those articles are collections of article summaries. The full text of those articles can be obtained from an e-mail auto-responder. The "Weekly SunFlash" and "Monthly SunFlash" both consist of periodic postings of article abstracts only. Subscribers can request the full text of any article by sending article numbers to an e-mail auto-responder. The "Full SunFlash" subscribers get the full text of all the articles posted. The "Weekly SunFlash" and "Monthly SunFlash" articles are posted to the newsgroup comp.sys.sun.announce Requests to be added to the list should go to sunflash-request@Sun.COM. For more info, send mail to info-sunflash@Sun.COM. Last change: May 95 Sunset Boulevard Contact: majordomo@world.std.com Purpose: The purpose of this list is a forum for fans to engage in "friendly" discussion of all aspects of this musical. To subscribe send email to: majordomo@world.std.com Leave the subject field blank and in the body of the message include the following text only: subscribe sunset-blvd If your mailer adds a signature use the following format for the message body (Instead of above) subscribe sunset-blvd end (The "end" will indicate that no more text is to be read after the above line). Last change: Mar 95 Superguy Contact: listserv@ucf1vm.cc.ucf.edu Purpose: Dissemination of humorous superhero/SF fiction set in the shared Superguy universe. Last change: Mar 95 SUPRAS Contact: supras-request@vicor.com Purpose: This is an informal, unmoderated list for the discussion of Toyota Supras and Celica Supras. Any Supra-related topic is open for discussion, with the caveat that certain topics, such as general repair, are probably better suited to other forums, such a general automotive newsgroup. Last change: Mar 95 SWAT Kats Contact: majordomo@lists.mv.net Purpose: For discussions on and about the _SWAT Kats_ cartoon series (1993-95 syndication on TBS, FOX and independent affiliates). The list is open and currently unmoderated. To subscribe, send email to majordomo@lists.mv.net with the command subscribe kats in the body of the message. List owner: duehara@atmos.ucla.edu (Dana Uehara) Last change: Apr 95 Swiss Watch Contact: swisswatch-request@webcom.com Purpose: Mailing list for Swiss nationals and decendents living in the US. Discussions and information exchanged includes Swiss events, club news, homeland news, and of course travel to "gods country". WWW adddress: http://www.webcom.com/~denysm/swisswch.html List owner: denysm@ix.netcom.com (Denys Mueller) Last change: Jul 95 Sydney IRC Contact: ablanda@st.nepean.uws.edu.au Purpose: A forum for Sydney IRC people to get together for social events or to inform Sydney IRC'ers of upcoming IRC-related activities :> Last change: Mar 95 sylvian Contact: listserv@gu.uwa.edu.au Contact: sylvian-request@gu.uwa.edu.au Purpose: To discuss the music of David Sylvian. The list owner finds himself at a loss when asked to describe the music of Sylvian, and finally comes up with: 'different to most other music' or 'somewhat varied' in addition to 'very good'. To subscribe to the list send email to listserv@gu.uwa.edu.au with a message body of: subscribe sylvian <your name> Last change: Mar 95 Synth-L Contact: listserv@american.edu (Joe McMahon) Purpose: Synth-L is the electronic music "gearhead" list, dedicated to the discussion of the less-esoteric aspects of synthesis. It concentrates on the discussion of the availability and capabilities of music software and hardware, but sometimes diverges to other subjects. Digest format available; send 'help' message to listserv@american.edu for more information. Last change: Mar 95 Szemle Contact: ujsagker@vuhepx.phy.vanderbilt.edu Purpose: Discussion and distribution of news about Hungary, in digest form. Information is mainly in Hungarian. To receive the digest, write to the contact address, with Subject: KELL ... continued ... Archive-name: mail/mailing-lists/part13 [This is the thirteenth of fourteen articles on mailing lists.] T-Zone Discussion Contact: tzone-request@hustle.rahul.net Purpose: Intended to promote the exchange of opinion and information about the original Twilight Zone series by Rod Serling. tadream tadream-digest Contact: majordomo@cs.uwp.edu (Dave Datta) Purpose: Discussion of Tangerine Dream and solo projects by members of the band like Edgar Froese and Christopher Franke. This list may be of interest to fans of ambient music due to the tremendous influence Tangerine Dream has had on ambient house and space music. In their 25 year history the band has gone through many phases, from psychedelic noise to electronic rock to borderline pop. Most fans agree that TaDream's most innovative period was in the mid to late 70s, when they were exploring complex tone colors and rich, textural soundscapes, yet still retaining melodic rock solo elements. Suggested albums for ambient house fans wanting to broaden their horizons: Phaedra (1974), Epsilon in Malaysian Pale (1975, Edgar Froese solo album), Force Majeure (1979), Logos (1982, live), Poland (1984, live). Last change: Mar 95 Tag-Net Contact: tag-net-request@netcom.com Purpose: A forum for discussions about caves and cave exploration in the Southeastern United States. The list is available in a daily digest format, and users are also given access to a the Tag-Net file archives. This list is owned by Jeff Dilcher (dilcher@netcom.com). This list is currently open only to those who live in T.A.G. (Tennessee, Alabama, and Georgia) or those who actively visit caves in the region. To join, send the single line message subscribe tag-net to tag-net-request@netcom.com Last change: Mar 95 Talon-Eclipse-Laser Contact: majordomo@di.com Contact: today@di.com (Todd Day) Purpose: For owners and admirers of Talon, Eclipse or Laser automobiles. The name of the live feed is talon; the name of the digest is talon-digest. To subscribe, send either of the commands subscribe talon your-email-address subscribe talon-digest your-email-address to majordomo@di.com Last change: Mar 95 tandem Contact: tandem-request@hobbes.ucsd.edu Purpose: For tandem bicycle enthusiasts. Suitable topics include questions and answers related to tandem componentry, riding technique, brands and equipment selection, repairs & upgrades, prices, tandem clubs, rides, tours, rallies and other tandem activities, tandem-related anecdotes, cooperating on tandem FAQ material for the list archives and rec.bicycles.* FAQ, etc. Last change: Mar 95 Tango-L Contact: listserv@mitvma.mit.edu (to subscribe) Contact: tango-L-REQUEST@mitvma.mit.edu (Shahrukh Merchant) Purpose: Unmoderated mailing list for discussion of any aspect of the Argentine Tango. For instance: Argentine tango events worldwide, tango music, exchange of information about Argentine tango activities, discussion of steps, technique, style, etc. Anyone may join; send the command subscribe tango-L Your Full Name in the BODY of an e-mail message to listserv@mitvma.mit.edu (replace "Your Full Name" with your real name--spaces and punctuation are fine) Last change: Mar 95 TARDISNet Contact: majordomo@ainet.com (Peter W. Losher) Purpose: Discussion of the WWIV-based network, TARDISNet, a network devoted to science fiction and Transatlantic Chat. Discussion can range from the network operation to the WWIV BBS sotware itself. Last change: Mar 95 tbi-sprt Contact: listserv@sjuvm.stjohns.edu Purpose: The St.Johns University traumatic Brain Injury Support List, tbi-sprt, on listserv@sjuvm.stjohns.edu was created for the exchange of information by survivors, supporters, and professionals concerned with traumatic brain injury and other neurological impairments which currently lack a forum. We know from our own experience that one of the difficulties people dealing with tbi face is that their time is often dominated by the survivor's recovery process. Accessing support groups or networking of any kind can seem like one more thing to add to an already packed schedule. A forum such as this is available at all hours of the day or night and does not need to become one more event that must be scheduled. The postings to the list are archived and made available monthly through the listserv. A file containing introductions submitted by subscribers is also available along with files relevant to topics of the list. Additions to these resources are welcomed. To subscribe to tbi-sprt send mail to listserv@sjuvm.bitnet or listserv@sjuvm.stjohns.edu Leave the subject line blank and in the body of the message put subscribe the line tbi-sprt followed by your name as you want it to appear in the list. List owners: lburns@cats.ucsc.edu (Len Burns) labyris@gorn.echo.com (Tapati Amber Sarasvati) Last change: Mar 95 tcp-group Contact: listserv@ucsd.edu Purpose: Discussion about promoting TCP/IP use on Ham packet radio. Last change: Mar 95 tears4-fears Contact: tears4-fears-request@ms.uky.edu (Joel Abbott) Purpose: Discussion of the music group Tears For Fears. Last change: Mar 95 Technology Review Magazine Contact: listserv@mitvma.mit.edu Purpose: MIT's National Magazine of Technology and Policy. Recieve press releases on our upcoming issues 8 times a year. To subscribe, send email to listserv@mitvma.mit.edu and in the body of the message type subscribe techrev List administrator: mconnors@mit.edu (Martha Connors) Last change: Jun 95 teddy-bears Contact: majordomo@rhein.de Purpose: Discussion of all aspects of the teddy-bear collecting, making and restoring hobby. Every enthusiast is welcome to join. The list is currently bi-lingual english and german, postings in either languages are welcome. Not moderated and public. To subscribe, send an Email to majordomo@rhein.de with the line subscribe in the mail body. List owner: owner-teddy-bears@rhein.de Last change: Mar 95 Telecom-Tech Contact: TeleTech-Request@zygot.ati.com Purpose: An unmoderated forum for the discusson of the various technical aspects of modern and historical telecommunications. Major topics include switching, physical means of transmission of analog and digital data, wireless communications, and methods of control and distribution of services. Discussions of legislation and regulation as they directly affect technology are also welcome. The list is mirrored with the comp.dcom.telecom.tech neswgroup. telecomdocs Contact: listserver@relay.adp.wisc.edu Purpose: A moderated forum for the distribution of telecommunications rules, regulations and other official communications. To subscribe, mail to listserver@relay.adp.wisc.edu with this message in the body of text: subscribe telecomdocs <your name> List owner: owner-telecomdocs@relay.adp.wisc.edu Last change: Mar 95 telecomreg Contact: listserver@relay.adp.wisc.edu Purpose: An unmoderated forum for the discussion of the regulation of telecommunications (including cable television and telephony). To subscribe, mail to listserver@relay.adp.wisc.edu with this message in the body of text: subscribe telecomreg <your name> List owner: borton@macc.wisc.edu Last change: Mar 95 TeleUSErs Contact: listserv@alsys.com (Walter Krauchick) Purpose: To promote the interchange of technical information, examples, tips, etc., among the users of TeleUSE. The TeleUSErs mailing list is unmoderated. (Mail for TeleSoft TeleUSE Technical Support shoud NOT be sent to the list, technical support email should be sent to guisupport@thomsoft.com). Last change: Mar 95 Tennis Contact: racquet-notices-request@tenagra.com Purpose: Mailings cover announcements from the World Wide Web Tennis Server (http://arganet.tenagra.com/Racquet_Workshop/Tennis.html), including tennis news, tennis related polls and surveys, and commercial tennis related messages from WWW Tennis Server sponsors. Last change: Mar 95 terrorism Contact: ecarp@netcom.com Purpose: To discuss non-political aspects of terrorism and terrorist attacks worldwide, oriented towards law enforcement and counter- terrorist professionals. Political discussions and flamage is strongly discouraged. To subscribe, send email to terrorism-request@khijol.intele.net and place in the message body add <your email address> You will get a message confirming your subscription. Last change: May 95 TESL-L Contact: LISTSERV@CUNYVM.CUNY.EDU Purpose: For those of you who have many students interested in teaching English abroad, there is an internet group for teachers called TESL-L. To subscribe, send e-mail to LISTSERV@CUNYVM.CUNY.EDU In the message area write Subscribe TESL-L <Your first name and last name> Last change: Mar 95 Testing-Research Contact: Testing-Research-Request@cs.uiuc.edu (Brian Marick) Purpose: Testing-Research is a forum for testing researchers to discuss current and future research. Since testing is one of the most down-to-earth kinds of software engineering research, testing practitioners are welcomed. Messages about practice should be the kind that can guide or improve research; messages that can improve practice should go in comp.software-eng. This list is unmoderated. the_dojang Contact: majordomo@hpwsrt.cup.hp.com Purpose: Discussion of Korean martial arts, e.g. Tang Soo Do, Hapkido, HwaRang Do, Taekwondo, Kuk Sool, etc. the_dojang-digest is the disgestified version of the_dojang list. Last change: Mar 95 theatre-misc Contact: theatre-misc-approval@world.std.com (Elizabeth Lear Newman) Purpose: This is a mailing list gateway of the newsgroup rec.arts.theatre.misc. If you would like to subscribe please e-mail to: majordomo@world.std.com Leave the subject blank and type subscribe theatre-misc in the text. Last change: Mar 95 theatre-sports theatre-sports-announce Contact: root@lsupoz.apana.org.au (Anthony Rumble) Purpose: For discussion of Theatre Sports games, politics, styles, techniques, workshops, ideas, etc, etc. For the announcements of Theatre Sports shows and activities (Mainly in the Sydney/Australia region, but not limited to this). Last change: Mar 95 TheCure Contact: owner-babble@anthrax.ecst.csuchico.edu Purpose: Discussion about the musical group "The Cure", and side projects such as "The Glove" or "Fools Dance" etc. There are actually two lists you can subscribe to. One being moderated, the other being unmoderated and instantaneous. To subscribe/unsubscribe to the moderated list, send mail to: babble-m-request@anthrax.ecst.csuchico.edu To subscribe/unsubscribe to the unmoderated list, send mail to: babble-request@anthrax.ecst.csuchico.edu Last change: Apr 95 TheistWatch Contact: postmaster@atheist.org (R. Murray-O'Hair) Purpose: TheistWatch is a regular news survey on religion and religious belief, and the foibles and follies of religion, as reported from an Atheist standpoint. TheistWatch originates from the headquarters of American Atheists, Inc., in Austin, Texas, as a service to members and potential members and all Atheists concerned about the problems created by organized and unorganized superstitions. TheistWatch is available on the Fidonet backbone and as a listserv mailing. This is a moderated list. Membership is open to all interested individuals. Last change: May 95 Theos-L Contact: listserv@vnet.net Purpose: This lists serves the Universal Village of Theosophists. It is to be used as a meeting ground for all Theosophists, world wide. No topic is too profound, too insignificant, too old, too new, or too used. Here we find our community of ideas and friends. All "Theosophists" are welcome regardless of any formal membership within any "Society". Please respect other's viewpoints, and try to remember that "There is no Religion higher than Truth". Tolerance is mandatory, and disagreement is expected. To subscribe, send e-mail to Listserv@vnet.net including the line subscribe Theos-L your-name List owner: jem@vnet.net (John E. Mead) Last change: Mar 95 TheWho Contact: majordomo@cisco.com Purpose: An unmoderated mailing list for discussion of the band The Who, its individual members, lyrics, etc. To subscribe, e-mail to majordomo@cisco.com with the following line in the body of the message subscribe thewho Last change: Mar 95 they-might-be Contact: they-might-be-request@super.org Purpose: Discussion of the musical group They Might Be Giants. Last change: Mar 95 think-c Contact: think-c-request@ics.uci.edu (Mark Nagel) Purpose: This list exists to discuss the Think C compiler for the Macintosh. Acceptable topics include discussion of compiler problems and solutions/workarounds, discussion of object-oriented programming and Macintosh programming, and the sharing of source code. Associated with this list is an archive stored on ics.uci.edu accessible via ftp and a mail archive server (archive-server@ics.uci.edu). Submissions to the archive should go to think-c-request. Last change: Mar 95 ThisIsCrazy-L Contact: majordomo@netcom.com Purpose: ThisIsCrazy is an electronic action and information letter for people who experience moods swings, fright, voices, and visions (People Who). ThisIsCrazy creates an electronic forum and distribution device for exchanging ways to change political systems that touch People Who, and for distributing any information and resources that might be useful. A basic premise of science and research is also a value of ThisIsCrazy: to share your findings with others. Last change: Mar 95 thrower Contact: thrower-owner@dfw.net Purpose: Thrower is devoted to a sub-set of martial arts disciplines involving throwing weapons. Knives are the most commonly discussed, but other thrown weapons, bolos, boomerangs, laryiats, spears, axes, etc., whether for sport, hunting, or self defense are all included. Last change: Mar 95 Tiamat-L Contact: listserv@netcom.com Purpose: TIAMAT stands for Testing the Internet As Magickal/Aethyric Tool. The list is specifically for those interested in exploring the use of the Internet as a magick/occult tool and resource. Users on the list discuss magickal techniques useable in cyberspace, and also organize and perform on-line, virtual group workings. The list owner is me (pali151@netcom.com). To subscribe send the text Subscribe Tiamat-L to listserv@netcom.com Inquiries to AShtoN@netcom.com or owner-tiamat-l@netcom.com. Last change: Mar 95 tinymuck-sloggers Contact: tinymuck-sloggers-request@dover.cerf.net (Robert Earl) Purpose: Forum for programmers, wizards, and users of the extensible, programmable TinyMUD derivative known as TinyMUCK (current version: 2.2). Last change: Mar 95 titanic Contact: jbdavis@nando.net (John Davis) Purpose: The purpose of the Titanic mailing list is to provide a forum for the discussion of the HMS Titanic as well as other historic ocean liners. To subscribe, send email to titanic-request@webcom.com and in the body of the message put subscribe Last change: Jul 95 TMG-L Contact: owner-tmg-l@netcom.com Contact: tdoyle@netcom.com Contact: listserv@netcom.com Purpose: TMG-L is a mailing list for researchers interested in The Master Genealogist (TMG) software program by Wholly Genes, Inc. While this list is not owned or sponsored by Wholly Genes, Inc., company representatives are frequent and enthusiastic participants. TMG-L is not currently archived and is not available in digest format. To subscribe, send a message to listserv@netcom.com with the one line command Subscribe TMG-L Last change: Mar 95 tmj Contact: majordomo@emu.con.wesleyan.edu Purpose: tmj is a list devoted to discussing the band <I>Too Much Joy</I>. To subscribe, send a message to majordomo@emu.con.wesleyan.edu with the text subscribe tmj TMNT Contact: listserv@netcom.com Purpose: To discuss anything about the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. For example: comics, TV series, movies, fan-related fiction, character analyses. to subscribe, send email to listserv@netcom.com with the line subscribe tmnt-l in the body (not subject line) of the letter. Last change: May 95 Toffeenet Contact: toffeenet-owner@hifm.no (Bjoernar Steinbakken) Purpose: For any discussion concerning Everton Football Club and anything vaguely related. In particular it is for fixtures, results, news and gossip, especially the kind of information that doesn't get mentioned by the international media. To subscribe send email to toffeenet-request@hifm.no with SUBSCRIBE in the subject. There's also an everton World Wide Web server, http://phoenix.oulu.fi/~mep/everton/index.html Last change: Mar 95 Tolkien-Czech Contact: TOLKIEN-request@pub.vse.cz Purpose: The discussion, held in Czech and Slovak languages only, concerns works of J. R. R. Tolkien, especially their Czech (and Slovak) translations. Subscription: send SUBSCRIBE TOLKIEN Your-first-name Your-last-name mail to listserver@pub.vse.cz Last change: Mar 95 TolkLang Contact: tolklang-request@lfcs.ed.ac.uk (Julian Bradfield) Purpose: Discussions of the linguistic aspects of J.R.R. Tolkien's works. This covers everything from Elvish vocabulary and grammar to his use of Old English. The list is (lightly) moderated. top Contact: top-request@cv.ruu.nl (Ger Timmens) Purpose: Discussion of the musical group Tower of Power and associated side projects. Last change: Mar 95 TopSoft Contact: ts-request@atlas.chem.utah.edu (Tony Jacobs) Purpose: TopSoft is a world wide network Macintosh Programming User Group developing high quality free software. FilterTop is a batch processing program with a iconic/graphical programming interface. It lets you pass the files selected through an assembly line process of objects called "Filters". Each filter performs a separate operation on the file or data. Toronto Blue Jays Contact: stlouis@unixg.ubc.ca (Phill St-Louis) Purpose: Discussion of the Toronto Blue Jays Baseball Club including player transactions, predictions, game commentary, etc. Everyone welcome! towers Contact: bill@wlk.com (Bill Kennedy) Purpose: General discussion on the subject of NCR Tower computers. Gatewayed with comp.sys.ncr Last change: Mar 95 ToxList Contact: listproc@cornell.edu Purpose: For the purpose of generating discussions and disseminating information in the discipline of toxicology. Discussions related to the fields of drug, pesticide or hazardous waste toxicology, risk assessment and management, analytical toxicology, immunotoxicology and others areas related to the study of the effects of toxins on man or the enivironment are welcome. To subscribe to ToxList, send the command SUB ToxList firstname lastname in electronic mail to: listserv@cornell.edu List owner: gsr1@cornell.edu (Geoff Rule) Listserv manager: listmgr@cornell.edu Last change: Feb 95 toyota-l Contact: listserv@bgu.edu Purpose: The charter of the list is for the discussion on almost any subject to owners and prospective owners of all models of Toyota consumer passenger vehicles and light trucks. Last change: Feb 95 Toyota Corolla Contact: corolla-request@mcs.com (David W. Tamkin) Purpose: Discussion of Toyota Corollas, including model years from 1970 on, all engines, and the Chevy Nova and Geo Prizm twins. Last change: Mar 95 tp750 Contact: tp750-REQUEST@cs.utk.edu For dicsussion of IBM ThinkPad (tm) laptop computers, models 750, 755, and 360. (Some other models with the ThinkPad name are very different internally from these machines, so questions on these might be better addressed elsewhere.) In general, advertising of commercial products or services is prohibited on this list. However, list members may post brief, one-time announcements of new products, as long as those products are specifically related to the thinkpad models named above and the announcement is free of hype. To {un}subscribe, send mail to tp750-REQUEST@cs.utk.edu Last change: Mar 95 TRADITION-L Contact: mmorrisn@netcom.com Purpose: TRADITION-L is a moderated discussion group on any topic pertaining to Traditional Roman Catholicism, including theology, the Bible, Church history, the Latin language, liturgy (especially the Traditional Latin Mass), and music (especially Gregorian chant), as well as on current events in the Catholic Church from the traditional perspective. Questions about Traditional Catholicism are also invited. All are welcome to participate. To subscribe, unsubscribe, or make other administrative requests, address a message to the contact address. The moderator will handle your request. New subscribers are invited to introduce themselves to the moderator. This list has associated with it several public files. To access these files: ftp ftp.netcom.com login as "anonymous" cd /pub/mm/mmorrisn Last change: Mar 95 The Tragically Hip Contact: listmanager@hookup.net Purpose: To distribute information and updates about the Canadian rock band, The Tragically Hip. To subscribe, send mail to listmanager@hookup.net In the body of the message (first line), type: subscribe tragically-hip your_name_here List manager: thehip@hookup.net Tranmere Rovers Contact: tran-req@beartown.demon.co.uk Purpose: This list is for Mighty Whites to get together and discuss anything remotely related to progress of Tranmere Rovers towards the Premiership. News, views, reviews etc. - anything goes. Last change: Mar 95 Transgen Contact: LISTSERV@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU Purpose: Transgen is a list specifically for and about people who are transsexual, transgendered and/or transvestites. The list is open to the public. To subscribe, send either of the commands SET TRANSGEN MAIL or SET TRANSGEN DIGEST to LISTSERV@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU Last change: Mar 95 Traveller Mailing List Contact: traveller-request@mpgn.com (TML Administrator) Purpose: This mailing list exists to discuss the TRAVELLER Science Fiction Role Playing Game, published by Game Designers' Workshop. All variants of Traveller ("Classic", Traveller 2300, MegaTraveller, TNE), and Traveller games (Snapshot, Trillion Credit Squadron, etc.) are included, too. Discussion is unmoderated and open to all facets and levels of Traveller discussion. Listeners as well as contributors are welcome. See also: Xboat Traveller Mailing List Listees can choose to recieve articles bundled into nightly or instant delivery (the ultimate content is the same). Send a mail message to: listproc@mpgn.com and in the body of the message, put the line: subscribe traveller Your Real Name and you are in. Last change: Mar 95 TREK-REVIEW-L Contact: LISTSERV@cornell.edu (Michael Scott Shappe) Purpose: TREK-REVIEW-L exists as a noise-free forum for reviews of Star Trek material. This category includes but is not limited to television programs, feature films, novels and novelizations, comic books, games and parodies of Star Trek. The list is not rooted in any specific generation of Trek. Original Series, Animated Series, Movie Era, Next Generation and Deep Space Nine materials are all valid. TO subscribe to the list, send the following command SUBSCRIBE TREK-REVIEW-L Firstname Lastname IN MAIL to LISTSERV@cornell.edu Last change: Mar 95 Trepan-D Contact: listserv@brownvm.brown.edu Purpose: Unmoderated discussion of weird news items. To subscribe, send the message SUB TREPAN-D Your Name to listserv@brownvm.brown.edu Last change: Mar 95 Trepan-L Contact: listserv@brownvm.brown.edu Purpose: Publication of weird news items. The list is moderated and submissions may be edited. To subscribe, send the message SUB TREPAN-L Your Name to listserv@brownvm.brown.edu Last change: Mar 95 Trumpet Contact: listserv@acad1.dana.edu Purpose: This unmoderated list is devoted to the subject of the trumpet. Messages on the topic of the trumpet or anything related to it are allowed on this list. The individuals posting messages here are solely responsible for the content of their own messages. To subscribe, send the e-mail message subscribe trumpet to: listserv@acad1.dana.edu Include no subject heading or any other text or punctuation. tuite Contact: owner-tuite@virginia.edu Purpose: To discuss the theories of traditional chinese medicine as it relates to the martial arts. Pressure points, KO's, revivals, massage techniques will all be discussed. To subscribe, mail to owner-tuite@virginia.edu with subscribe [address] in the body of the text. Last change: Mar 95 Turbo Contact: turbo-list-request@cpac.washington.edu Purpose: To help spread information and assistance for users of the Turbo Duo or Turbografx-16 home video game systems. A small file library is also available. For more information, send a message to the above address the word HELP in the Subject: line. TurboVision Contact: listserv@vtvm1.cc.vt.edu Purpose: For TurboVision programmers (a library that comes with Borland C++ and Pascal compilers). Both languages are discussed. To subscribe, send the message subscribe turbvis My Name to listserv@vtvm1.cc.vt.edu Last change: Mar 95 turkc-l Contact: listserv@netcom.com Purpose: News about Turks from the Turkish Radio Hour. To subscribe, send e-mail to listserv@netcom.com with this command in the body of the message: susbcribe turkc-l e-mail (name lastname) Last change: Mar 95 twins Contact: owner-twins@mit.edu (Robyn Kozierok) Purpose: Even though the term 'twins' is used, it is meant to represent twins, triplets, etc. The purpose of this mailing list is to provide an open forum for the discussion of issues related twins. This might include research on twin related issues, parenting issues as well as issues concerning adult twins. To join, send mail to owner-twins@mit.edu On the Subject: line put Twins Subscription Add a brief note asking to be added <or deleted> to the list. Two-Strokes Contact: 2strokes-request@microunity.com Purpose: For the discussion of two-stroke motorcycle technology, maintenance, and riding. It is primarily oriented towards street and road-racing two-strokes, but discussion about two-stroke dirt bikes is fine. Two Solitudes (an e-mail romance) Contact: two_solitudes@cdtl.umn.edu (Carl Steadman) Purpose: Two Solitudes is a short work of fiction delivered through e-mail. Upon subscription to the service, readers receive, over the course of several weeks, carbon copies of messages exchanged between two persons familiar with each other, as they send them. Last change: Mar 95 TX-16w Contact: majordomo@lists.eunet.fi (Steven Selick) Purpose: To discuss the Yamaha TX-16w Sampling Tone Module. Topics include Yamaha's elusive OS, Typhoon - a third party OS, hardware and software mods, and other general info about this 12 bit MIDI sample module. Contact selick@acs.bu.edu if you have trouble with majordomo. To sign up, send mail to majordomo@lists.eunet.fi with subscribe tx16w yourname@youraddress as the first BODY line. Last change: Mar 95 tx-firearms Contact: tx-firearms-request@frontier.lonestar.org Purpose: The tx-firearms mailing list has been created to keep interested parties aware of Texas firearms laws, hunting seasons and regulations, pending legislation, group meetings, competition schedules, basically anything related to firearms in the State of Texas. The list is not moderated and is available to anyone. To subscribe, send a message to tx-firearms-request@frontier.lonestar.org containing the following line subscribe tx-firearms your_email_address Last change: Mar 95 Typetalk Contact: listmanager@hookup.net Purpose: For all manner of discussions related to typography and graphic design. Note that this list is interested primarily in the ARTISTIC aspects of graphic design. The list is unmoderated, and no one will censor what you say, but questions of the "Why won't my TrueType font print on my HP LaserJet?" and "Why won't SuperATM work with <a certain font>?" sort are best directed to the newsgroup comp.fonts. To subscribe, send a message containing the words subscribe typetalk and no other words or characters in the body of a message to listmanager@hookup.net The subject line is ignored. To unsubscribe, send a message containing the words unsubscribe typetalk and no other words or characters in the body of a message to listmanager@hookup.net List owner: owner-typetalk@hookup.net joeclark@hookup.net Last change: Mar 95 UCONN-BBALL Contact: uconn-bball-request@toto.com Purpose: UCONN-BBALL is an unmoderated discussion of Univerisity of Connecticut basketball. Both Men's and Women's programs are discussed here. To subscribe, send email to uconn-bball@request@toto.com with the following message as the body subscribe List owner: misha@toto.com (Brett Rabideau) Last change: May 95 UK-CABLE Contact: listserv@tqmcomms.co.uk Purpose: For discussion about cable services in the United Kingdom. Although primarily concerned with cable television and interactive services, it is also expected that there will be some coverage of telephone services. To subscribe, send email to listserv@tqmcomms.co.uk and in the body of the message put subscribe uk-cable <Your Name> A digest version is also available - details upon subscription. Last change: May 95 UK-DANCE Contact: listserv@tqmcomms.co.uk Purpose: UK-DANCE is a mailing list for discussion about all aspects of dance music culture in the UK: clubs, raves, clubs, record shops, radio, records and anything else to do with the underground dance music scene. To subscribe to the list, write to listserv@tqmcomms.co.uk with subscribe uk-dance <Your Name> as the first line in the message body, replacing <Your Name> with your real name, not your e-mail address. A digest version is also available - details upon subscription. URL: http://www.tecc.co.uk/public/tqm/uk-dance/ Last change: Mar 95 uk-hockey Contact: majordomo@cee.hw.ac.uk (Steve Salvini) Purpose: To discuss ice hockey as played in and by Great Britain. We mail out news, gossip, league tables, match reports and results. The list is open to anyone interested in British hockey. To subscribe, send a mail message to majordomo@cee.hw.ac.uk with a message body of subscribe uk-hockey Last change: Mar 95 UK-Indie Contact: stasia@mit.edu Purpose: For the discussion of independent and alternative music which originates in the UK, or as seen from a UK perspective. Most of the bands covered are British, ranging from The Wonder Stuff and Ride to Stereolab and Oasis. Note that subscribers from all countries are welcome, not just people from the UK. Requests to subscribe or unsubscribe should be sent to stasia@mit.edu stating which list you wish to leave or join, and whether you wish to subscribe or unsubscribe. Last change: May 95 uk-motss uk-motss-women Contact: uk-motss-request@dircon.co.uk Purpose: For gay people in the UK, or those who are interested in the UK gay scene/politics. It is a supportive environment for those unwilling or unable to read the soc.motss newsgroup, and confidentiality is assured. Anonymous posting is available. uk-motss-women is a women-only counterpart to the mixed uk-motss list. Potential subscribers should indicate whether or not they wish to receive the list as a digest, and if they wish to join uk-motss or uk-motss-women. Additional information can be retrieved by sending a message to uk-motss-server@dircon.co.uk with the subject send misc/info Last change: Mar 95 UK-RADIO Contact: listserv@tqmcomms.co.uk Purpose: For discussion about broadcast radio in the UK: BBC National and Local Radio, Independent National Radio, ILR, satellite and the pirates. To subscribe to the list, write to listserv@tqmcomms.co.uk with subscribe uk-radio <Your Name> as the first line in the message body, replacing <Your Name> with your real name, not your e-mail address. A digest version is also available - details upon subscription. Last change: Mar 95 ultralight-flight Contact: ultralight-flight-request@ms.uky.edu Purpose: This forum has been created with the intent of promoting conversation about ultralight aircraft, the joy of flying them, and the responsibility of maintaining them. Requests for advice or information are encouraged, and stories of your experiences and knowledge are eagerly consumed. Any other topics relating to the sport are also of interest to all of us. For administrative requests, mail to ultralight-flight-request@ms.uky.edu with one of the following commands in the SUBJECT line: subscribe unsubscribe info Requests a copy of this file. faq Requests a copy of frequently asked questions. list Requests a copy of the latest subscription list. An archive of all postings, the FAQ and other interesting files are available via anonymous FTP from ftp.mscf.uky.edu ( The files are located in the directory: ftp://ftp.mscf.uky.edu/pub/mailing.lists/ultralight-flight/ I would like to emphasize that promoting safety and a positive public image are paramount to our sport, particularly in the current state of the FAA NPRM (Notice of Proposed Rule Making) concerning expansion of ultralight rights. List administrator: hempy@ms.uky.edu (David Hempy) Last change: Mar 95 ultralite-list Contact: brian@grot.com (Brian Smithson) Purpose: Discussion forum for users or potential users of the original NEC UltraLite PC1701 and PC1702 computers (the V30-based notebook computer with a 1MB or 2MB silicon hard disk, not the newer 80X86--based models). Topics include general information, tips, techniques, applications, experiences, and sources for hardware, software, accessories, and information. To subscribe, send email to majordomo@best.com and in the body of the message put subscribe ultralite-list you@your.domain Replace "you@your.domain" with the e-mail address at which you'd like to receive ultralite-list mail. If you'd prefer to receive digests of ultralite-list mail, use subscribe ultralite-list-digest you@your.domain List administrator: owner-ultralite-list@best.com Last change: Jun 95 uma Contact: uma-request@arastar.com Purpose: The Uma Thurman Appreciation Society. To subscribe send a message containing subscribe uma My Real Name Undercover Contact: undercover-request@tempest.cis.uoguelph.ca (Steve Portigal) Purpose: An unmoderated digest for the discussion of the Rolling Stones, rumours, reviews, gossip, facts, bootlegs, books, videos, solo material and so on. Recent highlights have included tape trees, a t-shirt project, a tribute tape and an online interview with Don Was. To be added to (or removed from) the list: send mail to undercover-request@tempest.cis.uoguelph.ca. Note that this is a human (me) so requests like SUB LIST JOHN@TOADY are kind of annoying. Please include your email address in the message. If you don't get any messages, please get back in touch because I will drop bouncing addresses from the list. Undertow Contact: undertow-request@law.emory.edu Purpose: A list dedicated to Suzanne Vega. Last change: Mar 95 Unicycling Contact: unicycling-request@mcs.kent.edu Purpose: To talk about all aspects of unicycling: learning to ride, learning new skills, where to buy a unicycle, where you can ride with others. To subscribe send mail to unicycling-request@mcs.kent.edu. Last change: Mar 95 Unisys Contact: unisys-request@bcm.tmc.edu (Richard H. Miller) Purpose: Discussion of all Unisys products and equipment. Last change: Mar 95 Univel Contact: univel-request@telly.on.ca Purpose: To provide a forum for users, developers and others interested in the products of Univel, the Novell subsidiary which produces Unix system software for PC-architecture systems. This list is gatewayed to/from the newsgroup 'biz.univel.misc'. To subscribe, send mail to univel-request@telly.on.ca with a message body of this form: subscribe univel <full name> UNIVPD-L Contact: listserv@ubvm.cc.buffalo.edu Purpose: A forum for sworn officers of university and college law enforcement officers to discuss issues of campus safety, crime prevention, legislation and other law enforcement issues. Membership is restricted to sworn campus law enforcement officers. To subscribe, send the command SUBSCRIBE UNIVPD-L your-first-name your-last-name in the BODY of an email message to LISTSERV@UBVM.CC.BUFFALO.EDU List owner: jjordan@acsu.buffalo.edu (John H. Jordan) Last change: Apr 95 UPS-alumni Contact: ups_alumni-request@stephsf.com (Bill England) Purpose: The mailing list has been put together ostensibly for the purpose of linking graduates of The University of Puget Sound. This list will also help those interested keep abreast of current events and changes at the University. Commercial postings are prohibited. uruguay Contact: uruguay-request@db.toronto.edu (Mariano Consens) (Alfredo Viola) Purpose: A mailing list for general discussions and information on topics related to Uruguay. Spanish is the dominent language in this list. To subscribe, please send name and e-mail to uruguay-request@db.toronto.edu Last change: Mar 95 USA-FOREVER! Contact: pc-man@pobox.com (Howard L. Bloom) Purpose: To discuss the loss of our national sovereignty. People attacted to these lists tend to believe that we are sliding into a "one world government" that will be adminstrated by the United Nations. That we are losing our national sovereignty by treaty and law, is not disputed. Members of groups such as the John Birch Society will tell you that the UN is taking over. Patriots, will tell you that our legislators are giving away the goods through legislation, and are committing abuses of power that are repugnant to what was envisioned by our founding fathers. If you believe that we have lost our sovereignty, then join this list! To subscribe, send email to usa-forever-request@webcom.com and in the body of the message put subscribe Last change: Jun 95 USAGREENCARD Contact: uslawyer@inforamp.com (Mark Carmel) Purpose: To discuss the full range of U.S.A. Immigration Laws. Subscribers receive up-to-date news and information regarding U.S.A. Immigration Laws. To subscribe send your E-Mail request to: uslawyer@inforamp.com, with subscribe: USAGREENCARD in the body of the text. http://www.xmission.com/~seer/uslawyer/index.html Last change: Apr 95 USCF-Officials Contact: USCF-Officials-request@netcom.com (Kurt F. Sauer) Purpose: The Forum provides an electronic medium of exchange for race officials licensed by the US Cycling Federation. We discuss racing rules, the philosophy of sports officiating, and the role of an official at a bicycle races. In addition, we often include information about the results of major races. This list is open only to persons who are currently licensed as bicycle racing officials by the US Cycling Federation. To sub- scribe, please include your full name, district of license, your road and track officials category, and whether you are also li- censed by either the UCI or (while it sill exists) USPRO. The Forum is distributed as a digest (sent about once a week), but is available on a remailing basis as well. usenet-oracle Contact: oracle-request@cs.indiana.edu (Steve Kinzler) Purpose: An active, cooperative effort for creative humor. The Usenet Oracle answers any questions posed to it. Send mail to oracle@cs.indiana.edu with the word help in the subject line for complete details on how to participate. A distribution list is available for receiving compilations of the best Usenet Oracle answers (the Usenet Oracularities, also posted to rec.humor.oracle). NOTE: This is wholly unrelated to the Oracle (tm) database software or company. Last change: Mar 95 User Group Officers Contact: ash@melbpc.org.au (Ash Nallawalla) Purpose: Discussion about the running of PC user groups (any platform). Audience is anyone connected with running a user group or computer vendor reps who interact with user groups. Unmoderated. Also available as a digest. To subscribe, send a message to majordomo@melbpc.org.au and in the body of the message put subscribe ug-list or subscribe ug-list-digest end Last change: May 95 Utah Liberty Contact: majordomo@xmission.com Purpose: For liberty-minded individuals in Utah. The mailing list traffic consists primarily of event announcments and other traffic of interest to Utahns. It is low in volume and highly provincial in nature. Last change: Mar 95 UUG-dist Contact: uug-dist-request@myxa.com (Syd Weinstein) Purpose: Discussion of Unify Corporations Database products including Unify, Accell/IDS, Accell/SQL, Accell/"generic database engine" and Unify Vision. Last change: Mar 95 UUPC/extended Announce Contact: help@kew.com (UUPC/extended Software Support) Purpose: This moderated list is for major announcements about UUPC/extended, primarily the availability of new releases. It is meant as a low-volume alternative to the UUPC-Info list. To subscribe, send the command subscribe uupc-announce to listserv@kew.com List owner: uupc-info-request@kew.com Last change: Mar 95 UUPC/extended Information UUPC/extended Information Digest Contact: help@kew.com (UUPC/extended Software Support) Purpose: This is an unmoderated support list for the DOS/OS2/Windows NT/Windows 3.1 UUCP clone UUPC/extended. The majority of posts come directly from the authors of UUPC/extended discussing changes to the programs as they are added. The digest provides the postings of UUPC-Info batched together weekly (or as required by volume). The digest is also posted to the Usenet newsgroups comp.mail.msdos.mail-news and comp.mail.misc. To subscribe, send the command subscribe uupc-info to listserv@kew.com To subscribe to the digest, send the command subscribe uupc-info-digest to listserv@kew.com List owner: uupc-info-request@kew.com Last change: Mar 95 UUs-L Contact: uus-l@info.terraluna.org (Automated Info Server) Contact: uus-lman@terraluna.org (Steve Traugott) Purpose: UUs-L is a global meeting place for Unitarian Universalists and anyone going our way. The list's intent is to provide a forum for sharing of UU-related information across district and regional boundaries; to bring into contact people and ideas who normally would never have met; and to foster discussion of functional and structural innovations we can make in our organizations and world. To subscribe to UUs-L, send the command SUBSCRIBE UUs-L Your Name in the body of a message to LISTSERV@ubvm.cc.buffalo.edu Last change: Mar 95 UW-PHOTO Contact: majordomo@world.std.com Purpose: UW-PHOTO is a mailing list devoted to discussing all aspects of underwater photography. Topics in UW-PHOTO can include equipment, video, schools, techniques, and even showing off. UW-PHOTO will become an archive for items related to underwater photography (images, information sheets, technique discussions, etc) which will be accessible through UW-PHOTO, anonymous FTP, and the World-Wide-Web. To subscribe send an email message to majordomo@world.std.com with this message in the body of the text: subscribe uw-photo Last change: Mar 95 UXU-INFO Contact: uxu-info-request@lysator.liu.se (Erik Soderstrom) Purpose: UXU-INFO is a mailing list designed to provide the readers of the underground rag uXu (underground eXperts united) with the latest files. It is therefor a one-way list for distribution of the uXu files to the subscribers, and that's it. URL: http://www.lysator.liu.se/~chief/ List owner: chief@lysator.liu.se Last change: Mar 95 ... continued ... Archive-name: mail/mailing-lists/part14 [This is the fourteenth of fourteen articles on mailing lists.] Valiant Visions Contact: VALVIS@INTERACTIVE.NET Purpose: A forum that focuses on discussion and reviews of the Valiant Universe of comics books. It is a moderated newsletter, that often receives support from Valiant Comics, including interviews, preview information, interactive questions and answers, and gold logo comics as prizes for contests. URL: http://www.interactive.net/~valvis/valiant.html List owner: CVITEK@drew.edu (Christopher Vitek) Last change: Mar 95 Vampire Contact: listserv@wizards.com Purpose: There is now a mailing list dedicated to the White Wolf Role-Playing game, "Vampire". Those who may be interested in the subject, but are not familiar with the game itself are also invited to join. You may yet be Embraced :) The contact is listserv@wizards.com and the message that you send if you want to subscribe is sub vampire-l Name VANAGON Contact: LISTSERV@lenti.med.umn.edu Purpose: Informal discussion pertaining to all varieties of Volkswagen vans. From the earliest years, to the newest Eurovan. Subject matter ranges from repair and maintenance to fun and humor. To subscribe, send an e-mail message to LISTSERV@lenti.med.umn.edu Leave the subject area blank and in the message area write: SUBSCRIBE VANAGON Yourfirstname Yourlastname (e.g. SUB VANAGON Leo Charette) To unsubcribe, send an e-mail message to LISTSERV@lenti.med.umn.edu Leave the subject area blank and in the message area write: UNSUBSCRIBE VANAGON Last change: Mar 95 Vancouver Canucks Contact: barry@advantage.com Purpose: Discussion of anything related to the Canucks. Also, trips and activities are occasionally arranged for subscribers. There are also hockey pools. URL: http://www2.advantage.com/Lists/Hockey.html">Vancouver Canucks List owner: barry@advantage.com (Barry Cotter) Last change: Mar 95 VEGGIE Contact: veggie-request@maths.bath.ac.uk Purpose: Any aspects of vegetarianism, vegetarian lifestyles, or indeed anything relevant to vegetarians. Last change: Mar 95 VERSTER-LIST Contact: versterl@altern.com Purpose: Open to anyone reading the works of the contemporary European philosopher Ulrich VERSTER. Questions can be mailed asking for assistance with understanding the texts. All contributions re the texts are welcome and could be (included in) published in bookform. VetteNet Contact: khaav@asuvm.inre.asu.edu (Bob Kaneshige) Purpose: This list is for Corvette owners and enthusiasts to share their ideas and experiences about their car. To subscribe, send email to LISTSERV@ASUVM.INRE.ASU.EDU and in the body of the messages put SUBSCRIBE VETTES your_actual_name Last change: Mar 95 VIDEO-WIRE Contact: Listserv@AIS.NET Purpose: A moderated mailing list that addresses issues involving the video software industry, both retail and wholesale. The list will include information concerning the video industry, new and old video releases, sales, and all commercial aspects, including press releases from the video industry. All submissions will be reviewed and considered for inclusion on this list for distribution. The intent of this list is to encourage commercial discussion of video related issues. Subscribe to: Listserv@AIS.NET Message body should read: SUBSCRIBE BIZ-WIRE (Your real name) vintage Contact: listserv@brownvm.brown.edu Purpose: The purpose of this list is to discuss existing vintage clothing and vintage costume jewelry, of all eras. "Existing" is the key word here, and conversations concentrate on how to find such clothing and jewelry, where to buy it, how to judge its quality, how much to pay for it, how to wear it, etc. Some restoration topics, such as how to use parts of damaged goods in other garments or jewelry settings are suitable topics, too. Announcements for estate sales, advertisements for sale or wanted, and pointers to shops are all welcome on this list. Last change: May 95 visionary-l Contact: mjg@io.com (Mitchell J. Gross) Purpose: The visionary-l list was formed for several purposes: 1) to serve as a source of up to the minute information from Visionary Publishing, a new publisher of games, fiction and other material, 2) for open discussion of storytelling, roleplaying, myths and legends, and how all of these forms are related to each other, and 3) to be the the initial organizational forum for our Visionaries organization, which will later break off into its own list. To subscribe, mail to listproc@li.net with subscribe visionary-l yourfirstname yourlastname in the body of the text. Last change: Apr 95 Visions Contact: visions-request@ubvm.cc.buffalo.edu Purpose: To discuss in a charitable and Christian context visions, prophecies, and spiritual gifts; to discuss any visions, dreams and other manifestations that people may have received, to seek their significance in the Spirit of Truth. Nonchristians are invited, though it should be noted that the Moderator may well not post any postings which are offensive. Postings may be done anonymously upon request. Simply indicate in the post that anonymity is requested if you want it. To subscribe to the list, send mail to LISTSERV@UBVM.BITNET or LISTSERV@ubvm.cc.buffalo.edu with the BODY of the mail (NOT subject) containing the command SUB VISIONS Your Name Last change: Mar 95 VISTA-L Contact: LISTSERV@AMERICAN.EDU Purpose: VISTA-L is a electronic bulletin that is e-mailed monthly featuring immediate assignment openings, program updates, and items of interests to career centers, libraries, professional groups and potential volunteers. VISTA (Volunteers in Service to America) is a national service program aimed at alleviating poverty in America's cities and towns. VISTA is one part of AmeriCorps, President Clinton's new national service initiative. To subscribe, send e-mail to LISTSERV@AMERICAN.EDU In the message area write Subscribe VISTA-L <Your first name and last name> Last change: Mar 95 VOCALIST (Classical Singing Mailing List) Contact: majordomo@phoenix.oulu.fi Description: Discussion for students, teachers and others interested in classical singing on the following topics: Teaching and studying classical singing, repertoire, technique, interpretation, accompanists, auditioning technique and actual audition announcements, working with a teacher or a director and many more. To subscribe, send email to majordomo@phoenix.oulu.fi in the first line of the message body write subscribe vocalist Last change: Mar 95 VOCNET Contact: listserv@cmsa.berkeley.edu Purpose: VOCNET is an open, unmoderated discussion list for all who are interested in any aspect of vocational education. It is managed by the Dissemination Program of the National Center for Research in Vocational Education, a center funded by the US Department of Education and located at the University of California at Berkeley Graduate School of Education. Archives of VOCNET mail items are kept in monthly files. You may obtain a list of files in the archives by sending the command INDEX VOCNET in the BODY of e-mail to listserv@cmsa.berkeley.edu To subscribe, send the command SUB VOCNET yourfirstname yourlastname in the BODY of the mail to listserv@cmsa.berkeley.edu For example: SUB VOCNET Carl Perkins VOCNET is available as the netnews newsgroup bit.listserv.vocnet via a gateway at the American University (american.edu). List owner: dcarlson@uclink.berkeley.edu (David Carlson) Last change: Mar 95 Volvo Contact: swedishbricks-request@me.rochester.edu (Tim Takahashi) Purpose: Volvo-net is a meeting place for Volvo automotive enthusiasts around the world. It is an open forum for discussion of Volvo related topics, such as, but not limited to, ownership, maintenance, repairs, mechanics, fix-it yourself, competition driving and preparation. Primary emphasis is on 200 and 700 series models. Note: Volvo-net is NOT AN AUTOMATIC LISTSERV. Last change: Mar 95 Vreme Contact: p00981@psilink.com Purpose: VREME carries "Vreme News Digest" (selected articles from "Vreme" translated to English). To subscribe, send personal check, money order, or international money order drawn in US currency to: SII.COM P.O. Box 2592 Pasadena, California 91102 Checks should be written to SII.COM. After you mail out your payment please send request to this e-mail address to enter your name to the list of subscribers. The rates for INDIVIDUALS ONLY, are as follows: for plain text version: $50 for one year, $25 for 6 months. for latex version: $60 for one year, $30 for 6 months. If you are interested in group subscription, please write to us. Last change: Mar 95 Vreme News Digest Contact: p00981@psilink.com Purpose: Vreme News Digest (VND) is an English-language newsletter published by the Vreme News Digest Agency (VNDA) from Belgrade. Last change: Mar 95 VTFREENT Contact: listserv@wsyd.com Purpose: A Discussion conference about FreeNets, internet access in Vermont. How some towns are now setting up BBS' or more involved systems depending apon budgets, etc. List manager: james@wsyd.com Last change: Mar 95 vulcan-l Contact: listserv@netcom.com Purpose: Discussions and speculations of things regarding the Star Trek planet and culture of Vulcan. To subscribe to the list, send the one line message of subscribe vulcan-l to listserv@netcom.com You will get back a new subscriber information mailing. The list is gatewayed into the newsgroup alt.fan.surak at many sites. Last change: Mar 95 w1aw-list Contact: listserv@netcom.com Purpose: ARRL bulletins, news, and information. This list is automatically maintained by Majordomo. To sign up or inquire about these lists, send mail to listserv@netcom.com with the following in the body (subject is ignored) of the message. To subscribe: subscribe w1aw-list To unsubscribe: unsubscribe w1aw-list For more information: help Please keep your mailing address up to date. If your account is being changed or shut down, please update majordomo. This list is sponsored by the Boston Amateur Radio Club. If you have any questions, I can be reached at n1ist@netcom.com For more information on the Boston ARC, subscribe to barc-list. Last change: Mar 95 wa-newt Contact: listserv@gu.uwa.edu.au Purpose: Discussion of the Apple Newton, specifically hardware and software availability in Western Australia. To subscribe to the list send email to listserv@gu.uwa.edu.au with a message body of: subscribe wa-newt <your name> Last change: Mar 95 wais-discussion Contact: listproc@wais.com Purpose: WAIS stands for Wide Area Information Servers, an electronic publishing project lead by Thinking Machines. The WAIS-discussion is a digested, moderated list on Electronic publishing issues in general and Wide Area Information Servers in particular. There are postings every week or two. Last change: Mar 95 wais-talk Contact: listproc@wais.com Purpose: WAIS stands for Wide Area Information Servers, an electronic publishing project lead by Thinking Machines. The WAIS-talk is an open list (interactive, not moderated) for implementors and developers. This is a techie list that is not meant as a support list. Please use the alt.wais newsgroup for support, and send bug fixes etc to bug-wais@think.com. Last change: Mar 95 WALDORF Contact: WALDORF-Request@SJUVM.STJOHNS.EDU Purpose: A discussion list intended for those involved with, or interested in, Waldorf education. While most of the participants are parents with children attending Waldorf schools, anyone who has an interest in the subject is encouraged to participate. This mailing list is unmoderated. For those specifically interested in anthroposophy, see the entry for STEINER. To subscribe to WALDORF, send an email message to LISTSERV@SJUVM.STJOHNS.EDU with the command SUBSCRIBE WALDORF YourFirstName YourLastName in the body (not the subject) of the message. Last change: Mar 95 walkers-in-darkness Contact: dmh@world.std.com (David Harmon) Contact: majordomo@world.std.com Purpose: Walkers-in-Darkness is intended for sufferers from depression and/or bipolar disorder, and affected friends. This includes both "novices" and those who have learned to cope. It is not a place to get data for research, or for journalism. Members should respect the privacy, and the copyrights, of the other members. Walkers is now running under a MajorDomo server! For list information, send a letter to majordomo@world.std.com with the command info walkers in the body of the letter (not the subject). We also now have a digested version available. Last change: Mar 95 WALL-STREET-NEWS Contact: wall-street-news@netcom.com Purpose: WSTN goes beyond reporting the news. We forecast the news. WSTN covers the major financial markets; stocks. bonds, currencies, commodities, precious metals, and the economy. WSTN's news team: our forecasts come directly from financial newsletters published by the top market forecasters. Our Wall-Street-News Hotline broadcasts include: Hotspots; trends, prices and turning points. Bull vs. Bear sentiment, a consensus summary. Quotes from our expert market forecasters. Editorial analysis and commentary. Wall-Street-News broadcasts weekly with frequent updates. List owner: pfarrell@wall-street-news.com Last change: Jul 95 Walt Disney World Contact: toddm@twain.ucs.umass.edu (Todd D. McCartney) Purpose: A comprehensive guide to Walt Disney World for the amature or veteran traveler. Some sections of the book include: Admissions, Transportation, Resorts, The Magic Kingdom, EPCOT Center, Disney/MGM Studios, Water parks, other attractions, night life, fun facts and much more! The book is in its 3rd year of updating and continues to grow with each new revison. Subscribers will receive the book through e-mail about 4-5 times per year. Please note: Be sure to have disk space on your account. The book is approximately 235,000 bytes and growing with each version. To subscribe to the list, send mail to: toddm@twain.ucs.umass.edu just state in the message that you wish to subscribe to the WDW Guide book mailing list. Last change: Mar 95 WarhammerFB Contact: comedy@primenet.com (Bobby Warren) Purpose: A discussion list about Games Workshop's Warhammer Fantasy Battles tabletop miniatures game. To subscribe to WarhammerFB, send mail to majordomo@primenet.com with the message: subscribe warhammerfb <your e-mail address> Last change: Apr 95 waterski Contact: waterski-request@nda.com Purpose: Discussion topics are open to anything of interest to water-skiers, from absolute beginners to competitors. This includes any activity that involves being pulled behind a boat, such as barefooting, kneeboarding, wakeboarding, and even tubing. Discussion of boats, equipment, techniques, safety, courtesy, rules of competition, tournament results, site negotiation, and club organization are encouraged. Last change: Mar 95 wearable (Wearable Art Clothing) Contact: majordomo@lunch.engr.sgi.com Purpose: The wearable art clothing mailing list concentrates on the design, motivation and execution of wearable art and designer-type original clothing. Create your own, unique look or use existing patterns. Your imagination is your only limitation! Learn and share the "how to" on finding and using suitable patterns, combining them for unique looks, or creating and drafting your own. Discuss color theory, color and pattern blocking, and coloring and painting fabrics through dyeing, marbling, air brushing, the application of fabric paints and silkscreening. Talk about creating textured pieces from flat fabric: share techniques for manipulating fabrics with pleating, scrunching, tucking, slashing and piecing, etc., and for adding texture with embellishments like beads, sequins, couched threads and yarns, etc. Learn to use unusual materials or various fabrics to achieve special effects. Share methods for applique, machine embroidery, beading, quilting and trapunto, as they are applied to clothing. Help discover those finishing touches like finding or creating unique buttons. Last change: Mar 95 weather-users Contact: weather-users-request@zorch.sf-bay.org Purpose: Updates from the maintainer of the Weather Underground at Univ. Michigan, exchange of programming hints and tips among weather client developers, and related discussion. Last change: Mar 95 webserver-nt Contact: webserver-nt-request@mailserve.process.com Purpose: For discussion of issues related to developing and maintaining a World Wide Web server, sharing information about CGI and related script software, and webserver software. To subscribe, send email to webserver-nt-request@mailserve.process.com and in the message body put subscribe webserver-nt To unsubscribe, send email to webserver-nt-request@mailserve.process.com and in the message body put unsubscribe webserver-nt Last change: Jun 95 weddoes Contact: majordomo@nemesis.berkeley.edu Purpose: Discussion and information on the rock band The Wedding Present. To subscribe, send mail to majordomo@nemesis.berkeley.edu with the message subscribe weddoes <address> in the body of the text. List administrator: ullsperg@mendel.berkeley.edu (Chris Ullsperger) Last change: Mar 95 weights Contact: weights-request@fa.disney.com (Michael Sullivan) Purpose: The discussion of all aspects of using weights in exercise. Includes bodybuilding (competitive and non-competitive), sport-related weight training, "stay in shape" weight training; basically anything to do with lifting weights. WEIRD-L Contact: listserv@brownvm.brown.edu Purpose: Disturbing and potentially offensive prose or poetry. The list is moderated and submissions may be edited. To subscribe, send the message SUB WEIRD-L Your Name to listserv@brownvm.brown.edu Last change: Mar 95 The Wellness List Contact: majordomo@wellnessmart.com Purpose: For discussing issues concerning Health/Nutrition/Wellness/ Life Expectancy/Physical Fitness, and the books, experiences, and solutions recommended by the participants. This can and should include announcement of and reviews of books that include solutions, nutrition related position papers, requests for information, recommendations of participants, healthy recipes, nutrition and fitness related product announcements, and general discussion of related issues. Health professionals, authors, and nutritionists are encouraged to subscribe and share their knowledge with the participants. The list begins operation without a moderator and is open to all, subject to subscription approval by the Listowner. To subscribe, send the message subscribe wellnesslist to majordomo@wellnessmart.com List owner: george@wellnessmart.com (George Rust) Last change: Mar 95 West_Coast_Live Contact: INFO@wcl.org Purpose: West Coast Live, hosted by Sedge Thomson and carried on many public radio stations, is San Francisco's Live Radio Show to the World (at least to public radio). Subscribers to the majordomo list receive weekly show schedules and are eligible for the weekly drawing for free tickets to the live show. Last change: May 95 Westcanalter Contact: listserv@age.cuc.ab.ca Purpose: Discussion of the Western Canadian Alternative music scene, including Winnipeg and all parts west (Calgary, Edmonton, Vancouver, etc.) and the bands involved in that scene. To subscribe, send the message Subscribe <youraddress@your.site> westcanalter to listserv@age.cuc.ab.ca For more info, send Help westcanalter to listserv@age.cuc.ab.ca Western Hockey League Contact: listproc@u.washington.edu Purpose: To discuss matters relevant to the Western Hockey League, game results, standings and occasionally player statistics. To subscribe, email listproc@u.washington.edu with the words whl-list <Your Full Name> in the body of your message. List owner: klootzak@u.washington.edu (Michael A. Stuyt) Last change: Mar 95 wetleather Contact: wetleather-request@mom.isc-br.com (automated instructions) Contact: wetleather-owner@mom.isc-br.com (Carl Paukstis) Purpose: The WetLeather mailing list is for discussion, general chatter, chaos, ride reports and announcements of upcoming motorcycle events in the Greater Pacific Northwest. Anyone is welcome to subscribe. The list is not moderated, and is intended for socializing among the area riders. Featured topics have included: riding partners, places to sleep, restaurant recommendations, sleeping partners, places to ride, beer recommendations, T-shirt preferences, parties, panties, pantries, pastries, pasties, waffles, wheat, rain. Automated subscription information: send any message to wetleather-request@mom.isc-br.com You will receive subscription information and instructions. Last change: Mar 95 What's On Tonite! Contact: editor@paperboy.com Purpose: What's On Tonite! (TM) is a free, daily electronic publication of TV listings delivered via Internet e-mail. There are four regional editions to What's On Tonite!, eastern, central, mountain, and pacific. To subscribe to a specific edition, send e-mail to circulation@paperboy.com Leave the subject line blank and put subscribe edition firstname lastname to create the first line of the message. For example, if Alice Johnson, a Colorado resident in the mountain time zone wanted to subscribe, she would enter the following text as the first (and only) line in her e-mail message: subscribe mountain Alice Johnson Last change: Mar 95 wheel-to-wheel Contact: wheeltowheel-request@abingdon.Eng.Sun.COM (Andy Banta) Purpose: For people interested in participation in auto racing as driver, worker or crew. People interested in all types of wheel-to-wheel racing are welcome, but the majority of the discussion centers on road courses. Last change: Mar 95 whitewater Contact: whitewater-request@gynko.circ.upenn.edu Purpose: To discuss whitewater sports, experiences, and information. Includes kayak, canoe and raft enthusiasts, and covers topics such as river-running, boats, gear, clothing, racing, and rescue. At present, this is an unmoderated list. Archives and a Web home page are under construction. Originally set up by the late Charles Daffinger, now maintained by Rich Kulawiec. Last change: Mar 95 wholesys-l (Whole Systems) Contact: listserv@netcom.com Purpose: To create and discuss a positive vision for the future of planet Earth as a whole system. This is an unmoderated public list. No flaming will be allowed, but frank discussions are welcome. It is pre-supposed that the participants support the general idea of creating a better future. You subscribe to wholesys-l by sending a message to listserv@netcom.com with the message text subscribe wholesys-l All messages about subscribing, unsubscribing or any other requests must go to the listserv address. You can send a message with 'help' in the message body if you don't know what you can do. List maintainer: ffunch@netcom.com (Flemming Funch) Last change: Mar 95 wildcat-l Contact: pete@terminal-one.com (Pete Nelson) Purpose: For the discussion of the Wildcat BBS software, Mustang Software and other 3rd party add-ons for Wildcat. To subscribe to the list, e-mail listserv@terminal-one.com Put the words subscribe wildcat-l in the message body. Wildnet Contact: wildnet-request@tribune.usask.ca (Eric Woodsworth) Purpose: This list is concerned with computing and statistical issues in fisheries and wildlife biological research & management. Relevant topics include G.I.S., ecological modelling, conferences, etc. Last change: Mar 95 WILDWEST Contact: listproc@moose.uvm.edu Purpose: WILDWEST is an e-mail group created for fans of that TV tour-de-force of fisticuffs and gadgetry in the old west: _THE WILD WILD WEST_. Topics vary 'wild'ly; going from "Jim vs. Artie" to physics implausibilities, to why the television western died, to 'bios' for our heroes, to the dissection of episodes at any given time. Writing is also a topic of interest, and we have 'writer's forum's, and creative writing challenges at regular intervals. Other activities include quote quizes. So, if you love 'W-Cubed' and want to discuss it, send e-mail to the address given above- and see you all 'out West'! To subscribe, send the command subscribe wildwest in the body of an email message to listproc@moose.uvm.edu List owner: glambert@moose.uvm.edu List moderator: sabo@rouge.phys.lsu.edu Last change: Apr 95 Wind Energy Weekly Contact: tgray@igc.apc.org (Tom Gray) Purpose: Weekly newsletter covering wind energy development worldwide, global climate change, energy policy, energy and the environment. Excerpted from hard-copy edition. With your subscription request, please include your name, organization (if any), and reason for subscribing. Last change: Apr 95 WinDev-L Contact: listserv@netcom.com Purpose: To provide a forum for discussion of technical issues related to the development of software for Microsoft Windows. We do not discuss development using VisualBasic (since there are other lists dedicated to that), but all other development tools are fair game. The discussion has in the past centered around writing programs in C and C++ using Visual C++ and Borland C++, but other tools have been becoming more popular. To subscribe send mail (with no subject) to listserv@netcom.com The message should consist of subscribe windev-L Last change: Apr 95 windsurfing Contact: windsurfers-request@fly.com (list) windsurfers-d-request@fly.com (digest) Purpose: The windsurfer's mail list provides a discussion forum for boardsailing enthusiasts all over the world. The primary purpose of the WML is to enhance the enjoyment of our sport by discussing windsurfing related topics such as equipment, technique, sailing spots, weather, competition, Etc. We welcome you to join and share your windsurfing experiences and thoughts. The list is unmoderated. To subscribe, simply send a message to windsurfers-request@fly.com or windsurfers-d-request@fly.com with the single word subscribe in the subject. Last change: Mar 95 Wine Contact: Majordomo@ee.pdx.edu Purpose: For those people interested in fine wines, making wine, tasting wine, etc. Subscribers are encouraged to post questions, answers, wine tasting notes, newsletters, calendars of events etc. To subscribe send mail to: Majordomo@ee.pdx.edu where the body of the message is: subscribe wine Last change: Mar 95 WITSENDO Contact: LISTSERV@dartcms1.dartmouth.edu Purpose: WITSENDO is a moderated mailing list which discusses all aspects of ENDOMETRIOSIS with particular emphasis on coping with the disease and its treatment. Anyone with an interest in this disease is welcome to participate whether or not they actually suffer from the disease. The list will act as a clearinghouse for information exchange and to promote discussion of current treatments, research and educational literature. Professional (medical) comments are of course, most welcome. However, the list is primarily dedicated to the women who suffer from this painful and often demoralizing disease, therefore any information should be expressed in lay terms and attempt to exclude professional jargon (or at the very least provide adequate references and/or definitions of terms). To Subscribe to the list, send mail to LISTSERV@DARTCMS1.BITNET or LISTSERV@dartcms1.dartmouth.edu with the BODY of the mail (NOT subject) containing the command SUB WITSENDO yourfullname List owner: David.Avery@dartmouth.edu (David Avery) Last change: Mar 95 WLREHAB (Wildlife Rehabilitation Mailing List) Contact: devold@badlands.nodak.edu (Ronda DeVold) Purpose: To serve the needs of wildlife rehabilitators and those interested in wildlife. It will be open to discussion of all areas of wildlife rehabilitation (the care of injured and orphaned wildlife with the ultimate goal of releasing healthy animals back into the wild. Through this list, discussion, support, and information gathering can be accomplished by wildlife rehabilitators as well as by other interested individuals. To subscribe, send a message to LISTSERV@VM1.NODAK.EDU or LISTSERV@NDSUVM1.BITNET with a blank subject line and text that reads SUBSCRIBE WLREHAB Your Name (ex: SUBSCRIBE WLREHAB John Doe) Last change: Mar 95 WMN-HLTH Contact: listproc@u.washington.edu Purpose: Women's health electronic newsline started by the Center for Women's Realth Research. To subscribe, send e-mail to listproc@u.washington.edu and in the body of the message put SUB wmn-hlth Your Name Last change: Feb 95 WNN Contact: kieran@phantom.com (Aaron L Dickey) Purpose: Dedicated to discussion of ABC's warped overnight news show, "World News Now". Anything tangentially related to the program is open for discussion, from the latest Aaron Brown sighting to Barry Mitchell transcripts. To subscribe, send a message to majordomo@world.std.com with subscribe wnn in the body of the message. The subject line is irrelevent. And remember, more insomniacs get their news from World News Now than from any other source! Last change: Mar 95 wolfstone Contact: wolfstone-owner@mystery.com Purpose: This mailing list provides a place for discussion of the Scottish band Wolfstone, a group that blends rock and roll with traditional Celtic music. Additionally, this mailing list is co-ordinated with the band's paper mailing list in order to get tour dates and other information out to fans as quickly as possible. To subscribe to wolfstone, send mail to Majordomo@mystery.com with the message subscribe wolfstone Last change: Mar 95 women-in-hockey Contact: listproc@plaidworks.com Purpose: This list is for women who play Ice and Roller hockey, or who are involved in Ice and Roller hockey in some way, or are interested in playing in these sports. To subscribe, please send mail to listproc@plaidworks.com Please put the following command subscribe women-in-hockey your name in the body of the message. (the subject line should NOT be a command. It can be blank or nonsense) To unsubscribe, use "unsubscribe" instead of "subscribe". There are also other related lists on plaidworks.com: roller-hockey-intl, bay-area-hockey, and the San Jose Sharks lists. Each has their own FAQ that you can get if you're interested. To get them, send info bay-area-hockey or info roller-hockey-intl or info sharks to the address listproc@plaidworks.com with a blank Subject. List owners: lsefton@netcom.com (Laurie Sefton) chuqui@plaidworks.com (Chuq Von Rospach) Last change: Jun 95 The Women's Bodybuilding Forum Contact: majordomo@lightning.com Purpose: An information exchange related to, and a supportive environment for, female athletes who have built a high degree of muscularity, such as bodybuilders, rugby and football players, throwers, swimmers etc. The group's emphasis is on discussion and encouragement for those fighting against gender role prejudices intended to repress the expression of the heroic potential of the female form. Last change: Mar 95 Word-Mac Contact: listproc@alsvid.une.edu.au Purpose: Word-Mac is a mailing list dedicated to serving users of the Microsoft Word package in its various versions on the Apple Macintosh platform. The list is available in digest form and archives of all digests are available by anonymous FTP from the /pub/archives/word-mac/digests on alsvid.une.edu.au. Gopher access is also available by pointing your gopher to alsvid.une.edu.au (port 70). Requests for subscription should be e-mailed to: listproc@alsvid.une.edu.au with the text: subscribe word-mac your_firstname your_surname WVA-L Contact: kieran@phantom.com (Aaron L Dickey) Contact: adickey@muvms6.mu.wvnet.edu Purpose: WVA-L is a discussion list for issues related to the state of West Virginia. Local news, politics, travel, expat homesickness, all are welcome here. To subscribe, send email to majordomo@world.std.com with subscribe wva-l in the body of the message. The subject line will be ignored. Last change: Mar 95 WWIV-TALK Contact: mailserv@ttps.lakes.trenton.sc.us Purpose: Discussion of the WWIV BBS software, and all aspects of it. Questions, comments, ideas, suggestions - all will be entertained here. To subscribe send email to mailserv@ttps.lakes.trenton.sc.us and use the words: join wwiv-talk If you have any questions and/or comments regarding this mailing list, please address all replies to morgul@ttps.lakes.trenton.sc.us. www-sites Contact: majordomo@qiclab.scn.rain.com Purpose: Commercial sites have their own issues with using World Wide Web technology. Companies' concerns range from liability when using free software and finding solid or simply commercial solutions through deciding how to deploy an infrastructure. This list is for discussion of these issues, and for sharing solutions that have worked. To subscribe, send the one-line message subscribe www-sites Name <email-address> to: majordomo@qiclab.scn.rain.com For example: subscribe www-sites Darci Chapman <dlc@gasco.com> List owner: www-sites-approval@qiclab.scn.rain.comm Last change: Mar 95 www_marketing Contact: majordomo@xmission.com Purpose: Discussion on how to use the web for sales and marketing. To subscribe, send email to majordomo@xmission.com and in the body of the message put Subscribe www_marketing youremailhere end Last change: Jun 95 wxsat Contact: wxsat-request@ssg.com (Richard B. Emerson) Purpose: This list serves two functions. The primary function is the distribution of status and prediction bulletins for the geostationary and polar weather satellites, primarily NOAA GOES and POES. The mail list also acts as a reflector for subscribers' comments and discussion of matters related to weather satellites, ground stations, and associated topics. The list does not distribute satellite imagery. Last change: Mar 95 X Contact: listserv@age.cuc.ab.ca Purpose: Discussion of Generation X (Generally defined as 18-35 year old people with no defined purpose in life) values and ideals. To subscribe, send the message Subscribe <youraddress@your.site> X to listserv@age.cuc.ab.ca For more info, send "HELP X" to the listserv at the same address. x-ada Contact: requests@x.org Purpose: To discuss the interfaces and bindings for an Ada interface to the X window system. Last change: Mar 95 X-Files Contact: listproc@chaos.taylored.com Purpose: The X-Files mailing list is a forum for intelligent discussion about the FOX television series _The X-Files_, its characters, plots, stars, etc. To subscribe, send mail to: listproc@chaos.taylored.com The body of the message should contain the single line SUBSCRIBE X-FILES Firstname Lastname List owner: owner-x-files@chaos.taylored.com (Chael Hall) Last change: Jun 95 Xboat Traveller Contact: xboat-request@mpgn.com (XTML Administrator) Purpose: This mailing list exists to discuss the TRAVELLER Science Fiction Role Playing Game, published by Game Designers' Workshop. All variants of Traveller ("Classic", Traveller 2300, MegaTraveller) and Traveller games (Snapshot, Trillion Credit Squadron, etc.) are included, too. Discussion is unmoderated and open to all facets and levels of Traveller discussion that relates to the older Traveller products. Disucssions regarding Traveller: The New Era and life in the New Era should be directed to the Traveller Mailing List. Listeners as well as contributors are welcome. Listees can choose to recieve articles bundled into nightly or instant delivery (the ultimate content is the same). To subscribe, send a mail message to: listproc@mpgn.com and in the body of the message, put the line: subscribe xboat Your Real Name and you are in. Last change: Mar 95 Xepera-l Contact: jyouril@astaroth.sacbbx.com (John Youril) Purpose: A moderated mailing list for serious discussion of Setian Philosophy. The list is available to both members and non-members of the Temple of Set. To subscribe, email listserv@astaroth.sacbbx.com and send the following one-line message [the subject header is ignored]: Subscribe Xepera XGKS Contact: majordomo@unidata.ucar.edu (Steve Emmerson) Purpose: A mailing-list for the maintenance, enhancement, and evolution of the XGKS package, created by the University of Illinois under contract with IBM and distributed as part of X11R4. The XGKS package is a full 2C GKS implementation and allows GKS applications to operate in an X Window System environment. Last change: Mar 95 xmas-l Contact: listserv@netcom.com Purpose: Discussion Group for Christmas decorating, indoor and outdoor. Plywood cutouts to how to start candy cane lanes... All things Christmas.. List owner: bertino@netcom.com Last change: Mar 95 xopen-testing Contact: xopen-testing-request@uel.co.uk (Andrew Josey) Purpose: This list provides a forum for discussion of issues related to testing operating systems for conformance to the X/OPEN Portability Guide (XPG), including Issue 3 (XPG3) and later. The scope of this newsletter is the discussion of items associated with the testing of the X/Open Portability Guide - including but not limited to test suite technology (X/Open's VSX and other third party test suites for the XPG), latest news on X/Open Branding and other related issues. These issues can include problems related to test suites in general, testability of various features of the XPG, and portability of the test suites. xpress-list Contact: brian@grot.com (Brian Smithson) Purpose: Discussion of the X*Press X*Change data service, which is available on some cable television system in the USA and Canada and on some satellite television channels. To subscribe, send email to majordomo@best.com and in the body of the message put subscribe xpress-list you@your.domain Replace "you@your.domain" with the e-mail address at which you'd like to receive xpress-list mail. If you'd prefer to receive digests of xpress-list mail, use subscribe xpress-list-digest you@your.domain List administrator: owner-xpress-list@best.com Last change: Jun 95 XVTDEV Contact: xvtdev-request@presto.ig.com (John Relph) Purpose: The XVT Developers Mailing List is a list for the exchange of XVT problems and solutions with other XVT developers, though non- developers who are interested in XVT may subscribe to this list also. Last change: Mar 95 Y-RIGHTS Contact: LISTSERV@SJUVM.BITNET Contact: LISTSERV@STJOHNS.EDU Purpose: Discussion Group on the Rights of Kids and Teens. Broad Spectra of discussion topics, with individual liberty being one of the main focuses. Open to kids, teens, youth, young adults, adults, senior citizens, teachers, students, grade schools, middle schools, high schools, colleges and university networks, gatewaying to other networks. Digest/Notebook version available, as well as past discussions. E-Mail to LISTSERV@SJUVM.BITNET the following: SUB Y-RIGHTS firstname lastname To subscribe to the list SET Y-RIGHTS DIGEST Receive Daily Digest of the list GET Y-RIGHTS FILELIST List of previous discussion logs List owner: kudut@ritz.mordor.com (Ken Udut) Last change: Mar 95 yale-alums Contact: yale-alums-request@ai.mit.edu (Rich Lethin) Purpose: A *very* low traffic mailing list for Yale Alumni. Current membership is about 155 names. When the list was formed about 2 years ago, the traffic consisted primarily of discussion of the Academic department reogranization at Yale, but traffic now is very dormant, limited to occasional press releases or a football schedule. Last change: Mar 95 Yearbooks Contact: owner-yearbook@acca.nmsu.edu (Andrew Vernon) Purpose: To discuss issues and trends in yearbook publishing, particularly at the collegiate level. To subscribe, send a message to yearbook-request@acca.nmsu.edu with the subject subscribe to be added automatically. YCG (Young Guys Club) Contact: YGC@LAVA.NET Purpose: The Young Guys Club or YGC produces and distributes a catalog of Young Male (over 18!) photos and Computer Images (GIFs). The catalog is updated and mailed monthly to a private list of subscribers. This is NOT a discussion group - it is an E-Mail Newsletter. Each issue contains the latest list of our College Age Male Model discoveries and descibes the model and what photos/Gifs he has made available. This list is intended for adults of any sexual orientation who enjoy the artistic and erotic type photos/drawings/gifs/stories of young (over 18) men. Gay/BiSexual/Straight and all others who appreciate the sexual power and beauty of young men in photos and images find this newsletter to be of great interest. To subscribe, send email to YGC@LAVA.NET on the subject line put SUBSCRIBE YGC and in the body of the message put I AM OVER AGE 18 SUBSCRIBE YGC Last change: Jun 95 YSN Contact: ysnadm@crow-t-robot.stanford.edu (John Sahr) Purpose: Activism on employment issues for scientists just beginning their careers. The Young Scientists' Network attempts to inform the press, the public, and government officials that there is no shortage of scientists; we hope to find traditional and non-traditional employment for scientists. Stories about the Young Scientists' Network have appeared in Science, Physics Today, and on National Public Radio; we've met with officials from the National Science Foundation and other agencies. ytsejam Contact: listproc@arastar.com Purpose: A list which talks about Dream Theater and related rock groups. To subscribe send a message to listproc@arastar.com containing: subscribe ytsejam My Real Name Last change: Mar 95 Z-car Contact: majordomo@cs.princeton.edu Purpose: The Z-car mailing list operates for the benefit of those interested in Datsun/Nissan Z cars. The interest base is primarily for the original Z, though all discussion regarding the Z line of cars is welcome. To subscribe, send mail to majordomo@cs.princeton.edu and include in the body subscribe z-car your.name@your.address Last change: Mar 95 Zang Tuum Tumb Contact: majordomo@xmission.com Purpose: Discussing Trevor Horn's UK record label Zang Tuum Tumb and associated artists, past and present -- including Art of Noise, Frankie Goes To Hollywood, Propaganda, Seal, 808 State, et al., plus Horn's off-label projects (Buggles, production work, etc.), detailed discographic information, and so forth. FTP archives available at the list site, including a complete discography. To subscribe, email majordomo@xmission.com with the commands subscribe ztt or subscribe ztt-digest in the body of your message. Last change: Mar 95 zeppelin Contact: listserv@cornell.edu Purpose: For fans of the rock group Led Zeppelin. For further information about this list, send email to listserv@cornell.edu with info zeppelin-l as the body of the message. Last change: Mar 95 ZForum Contact: zforum-request@comlab.ox.ac.uk (Jonathan Bowen) Purpose: ZForum is intended to handle messages concerned with the formal specification notation Z. Z, based on set theory and first order predicate logic, has been developed at the Oxford University Computing Laboratory. It is used by industry as part of the software (and hardware) development process in both the UK and the US. It is currently undergoing international ISO standardization. ZForum provides a convenient forum for messages and queries concerned with recent developments and the use of Z. ZForum is gatewayed to the USENET newsgroup comp.specification.z. Further on-line information may be found under the following World-Wide Web URL: http://www.comlab.ox.ac.uk/archive/z.html Last change: Mar 95 ZION Contact: majordomo@zilker.net Purpose: To discuss topics of interest to faithful, believing Latter-day Saints (Mormon) among those who love and find joy in following Jesus Christ and his servants, the prophets. To promote harmony and a spirit of refuge or sanctuary on the list, members agree to abide by a list charter that restricts some topics. Flamming and false doctrine are prohibited. To subscribe send email to majordomo@zilker.net and in the body of the message place the command SUBSCRIBE ZION Last change: Apr 95 zoomer-list Contact: brian@grot.com (Brian Smithson) Purpose: Discussion forum for users or potential users of the Zoomer personal digital assistant products from Casio, Tandy, et al. Topics include general information, tips, techniques, applications, experiences, and sources for hardware, software, accessories, and information. To subscribe, send email to majordomo@best.com and in the body of the message put subscribe zoomer-list you@your.domain Replace "you@your.domain" with the e-mail address at which you'd like to receive zoomer-list mail. If you'd prefer to receive digests of zoomer-list mail, use: subscribe zoomer-list-digest you@your.domain List administrator: owner-zoomer-list@best.com Last change: Jun 95 ZZTop Contact: zztop-request@cabana.ncsa.uiuc.edu Purpose: For fans of the blues rock band ZZ Top. Last change: Jul 95